Re: [Goanet] Lessons from Noojpapers and Allied media

2016-10-19 Thread Jose
Mervyn Lobo wrote: "The people I DESPISE are those who knew at the start of the 
year who they would vote for and who never will change their mind. These are the
believers. The true believers. Their candidate will provide salvation."

Dear Mervyn,

I do NOT despise anyone.not even our Comrade Red. Too much energy is 
consumed in hating others. Is it not much more facile to "make Moos" of the 
pathetic and tunnel visioned positions they put forth ?

Besides, each one amongst us has the absolute right to make up our own mind, 
never mind what any Noojpaper or  hyper-Enquiring Tabloid has to say.


Re: [Goanet] Lessons from Noojpapers and Allied media

2016-10-18 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 11:19 PM, Jose wrote:

> So, NOW, I read every story (even the ones the Bhakts on Goanet circulate
> privately and publicly) with a few questions at hand: (1) Who owns this
> nooj paper / media (2) Is this nooj paper and writer 'in the tank' with any
> vested interest or is he / she independent ? (3) Is the journalist
> reporting the news or editorialising ? (4) Are multiple outlets doing
> similar stories ? (5) Is this the most important story that is being given
> prominence and are other more important stories being kept closeted ? (6)
> Am I an intelligent person or Am I a mindless Bhakt ?
> jc

45% of US voters will vote for the Republican candidate regardless of what
they see published or broadcasted. A similar percentage will vote for the
Democrat candidate regardless if the candidate is a woman or black or both.

US elections are decided by the 10% of voters who are swingers. I really
marvel at how the US media can parade tons of people who - three weeks
before the election - are still not sure which is the better candidate. I
admire these undecided voters. Despite being bombarded with info, they
remain unsure.

The people I despise are those who knew at the start of the year who they
would vote for and who never will change their mind. These are the
believers. The true believers. Their candidate will provide salvation.

The best way to win a US election is to make the issues so confusing that
people will make up their mind on election day. This year, thankfully,
there is a joker in the US pack. It really does not matter how clear one is
about the cards and the rules.

What matters - is when the joker is used :-)


Re: [Goanet] Lessons from Noojpapers and Allied media

2016-10-17 Thread Roland
If there were any doubts about the internal compulsions of the Goa press, they 
should have been dispelled when O Heraldo, their prima donna showed an ugly 
face following Mayabhushan's recorded expose of the casino bribery episode.

There are only a few independent unbiased publications, mostly magazines, but 
none of them are based in Goa. So to uncover the day to day scandals in the 
state, one must depend on Aries Rodrigues, Mayabhushan and their tribe who are 
fearless of the cost to themselves.

Roland Francis

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 12:19 AM, Jose  wrote:
> Ah Tehelka ! IF only you had played Presstitute ! IF only you were owned by 
> Xri or Xrimati  Money Bags. 