[appengine-java] OVER_QUERY_LIMIT

2011-02-24 Thread Tal
I need to construct a distance matrix among  some 100 locations (this
is about 10K requested).
In order to avoid the request quota issue
I wrote a program that submit an http query every 40 seconds. That is
less than 2500 queries a day

My query look like this
(where str(lat) and str(lon) represent are strings contain the
latitude and longitude,

However after 100-200 queries I start getting the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
Moreover, even after waiting for several hours I can not submit more
queries from the same IP.
That is it seems that I was blacklisted

I know that this is not a Java API issue, but I saw that the issue is
discussed here

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[appengine-java] Enforcing unique constraint

2010-01-18 Thread tal
How do I enforce a unique constraint in GAE?
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[appengine-java] Using a Key in a query filter

2010-01-16 Thread tal
I'm trying to use a Key inside a query filter. I am using this to
enforce uniqueness on a field (GAE does not support unique
constraint) .
In my query I try to fetch from ser a user with same name as the
entered one, but with different key (if I get no result - user name is
not taken).
This approach works like wonders in the development environment, but
crashes and burns in the deployed environment.

I get an exception:
Nested in org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request
processing failed; nested exception is
javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: Illegal argument
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: __key__ filter value must be a
javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: Illegal argument
at org.datanucleus.jdo.JDOQuery.execute(JDOQuery.java:275)...

again - this works in development environment.
any suggestions?
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[appengine-java] Html to image in java

2010-01-06 Thread tal
In my app I need to capture Html into image.
All solutions, code, third party etc. require either windows platform,
or Java AWT library, which is not supported by GAE.
The ImagesService by Google, is designed to manipulate images once you
have the source image.
Any suggestions?
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[appengine-java] Re: Spring Security with GAE - Adding object into HttpServletRequest does not appear to be working

2009-12-29 Thread tal
I'm also trying to get Spring security to work on GAE.
regarding your problem:
1. there is an issue with Spring Security 2.0.5 on GAE, you can find a
fix here:

2. I couldn't entirely substantiate it, but I read of a lot of
problems deployed GAE has with AOP (as opposed to Google development
environment on eclipse). maybe this has something to do with it as

hope this helps a bit.

On Dec 24, 10:46 pm, sulaimanmra...@googlemail.com
sulaimanmra...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I've created a GAE web application using Spring 3.0 and Spring
 Security 2.0.5.

 After a little heartache and help from reading the posts on the forum,
 I managed to get it all working locally, with users able to register,
 validate their accounts via email and login in securely.

 When a user logs in, I wanted to make their details available across
 the site. I did this by creating an Interceptor, responsible for
 pulling the prinicipal from the Spring Security Authentication class
 (retrieved from the SecurityContextHolder) and then placing the object
 in the HttpServletRequest object. Below is a snippet of code from the

  public void postHandle(
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response,
 Object handler,
 ModelAndView modelAndView) {

 try {
 Member member = securityContext.getMember();
 request.setAttribute(user, member);

 log.info(injecting user into request);

 } catch(SecurityRuntimeException e) {
 // do nothing - will be thrown if no user is logged in

 The user's information is wrapped in a 'Member' object, with the
 securityContext responsible for retrieving it from the

 Locally, on the GAE development environment, everything works fine!
 The interceptor correctly places the principal in the request and my
 JSP's can readily access it. However, when I deploy the application to
 the app engine, it does not appear to work. The logs have not provided
 any clue as to why the request does not appear to have the principal
 in it.

 Is there any reason why the interceptor would not work on the app
 engine? Or, is it ill-advised to add objects into the

 I'm tearing my hair out with why it's not working, and it's the only
 thing within my application that isn't! So any help or advice offered
 is much appreciated. I'm hoping to have my code up in the Google Code
 repository so if anyone wants to have a look, they're more than



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[appengine-java] Re: updating object doesn't work anymore

2009-12-09 Thread tal
Thanks for the quick response!
I tried switching to getPersistenceManagerProxy() but didn't get any
After experimenting some more I finally found my problem...
my object of User had a list of Category, and I carelessly used
@Transient (javax.persistence) instead of @NonPersistent
when persisting my User, JDO damaged my Category table...

On Dec 8, 8:28 pm, a.maza andr.m...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using Spring and OpenPersistenceManagerInView as well.

 I experienced various problems. I am now using

 pmf.getPersistenceManagerProxy() (instead of pmf.getPersistenceManager
 ()) and it works quite fine.


 On 8 Dez., 17:30, tal tal.j@gmail.com wrote:

  I might be having the same problem.
  took me a while to find the consistency: i have 2 unrelated model
  classes (User and Category). creating or updating Category objects
  initially works, but when i read users from the datastore, creating
  and updating of Category stops working until I restart my server.
  I am using a differentpersistenceManagerfor each class, retrieved
  from a joint persistenceManagerFactory.

  was your problem resolved?

  On Nov 20, 1:47 am, randal rdgo...@gmail.com wrote:

   No not yet.- Zitierten Text ausblenden -

  - Zitierten Text anzeigen -


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[appengine-java] Re: updating object doesn't work anymore

2009-12-08 Thread tal
I might be having the same problem.
took me a while to find the consistency: i have 2 unrelated model
classes (User and Category). creating or updating Category objects
initially works, but when i read users from the datastore, creating
and updating of Category stops working until I restart my server.
I am using a different persistenceManager for each class, retrieved
from a joint persistenceManagerFactory.

was your problem resolved?

On Nov 20, 1:47 am, randal rdgo...@gmail.com wrote:
 No not yet.


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