Re: Shell commands with output to string

2022-02-22 Thread Neil Jerram
On Tue, 22 Feb 2022 at 10:23, Alex Sassmannshausen
> Hi Zelphir,
> I think you want to be using the popen / pipe procedures for this. See
> for the chapter in the manual.

Another example, for reading transactions out of a Ledger file:

(use-modules (ice-9 popen))

(define (ledger-transactions filename account payee commodity year)
  (let* ((cmd (string-append "ledger -f " filename))
 (cmd-add! (lambda strings (set! cmd (apply string-append cmd
" " strings)
(if payee
(cmd-add! "-l 'payee=~/" payee "/'"))
(if year
(cmd-add! "--begin " (number->string year) " --end "
(number->string (1+ year
(cmd-add! "reg")
(if account
(cmd-add! account))
(cmd-add! "-F '(\"%(format_date(date, \"%Y-%m-%d\"))\" \"%P\" \"%(t)\")\n'")
(let ((p (open-input-pipe cmd)))
  (let loop ((txs '()))
(let ((tx (read p)))
  (if (eof-object? tx)
  (reverse! txs)
(if commodity
(set-car! (cddr tx) (string-replace-substring
(caddr tx) commodity "")))
(loop (cons tx txs)

Re: Proposal: Deep Dive into the Guile Docs & Makeover Proposal

2022-02-19 Thread Neil Jerram
On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 at 16:59, Blake Shaw  wrote:

Wow, what a great reminder of things past!  I mean "past" in the sense
that I used to be very strongly focused on this, but have not been for
some years.  The material is, happily, still very relevant in the
present, so well worth addressing how it can be improved.

I'm only about half way through the video so far, but already wanted
to mention a couple of points.

Firstly, about the Guile Recipes...  I had entirely forgotten about
that, but yes, it indicates that we were having the same kind of
conversation about a cookbook several years ago as we are now.
Undeniably the guidelines / contribution structure then did not work!
Let's hope someone can devise a better structure this time around.

Secondly, what I think is the overall reason the docs are such a
mess...  Guile has always has a central tension between Scheme-centric
and C-centric usage.

- Scheme-centric usage is:  Write your main program and most of its
code in Scheme.  When you need to use something from a C library, use
the FFI to do that, or dynamically load a shared object that exposes
function as Scheme objects and procedures.

- C-centric usage is:  You already have a big main program written in
C, and you only want to allow Scheme to get involved, at certain
points, as part of a config/customization-language-on-steroids model.
You expose some of your function as Scheme objects and procedures, and
call out to a user-configured Scheme file (which can use those objects
and procedures) at the relevant points in the C processing.

Personally, I am now a big fan of Scheme-centric + FFI, as it means
always writing Scheme and never having to hack C code.  If everyone
agreed on that, we could discard all the C-centric parts of the
manual, and focus the rest on a clearer use case.  But I very much
doubt that there is clear agreement on that.  In particular, the
C-centric usage is really Guile's original reason for existing: to act
as a universal extension language for lots of GNU programs that
already exist.

I think expressing that dichotomy, and arranging the docs as clearly
as possible while still allowing for both sides, is still our number 1

Best wishes,

Re: Proposal: Deep Dive into the Guile Docs & Makeover Proposal

2022-02-08 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Blake,

On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 at 08:55, Blake Shaw  wrote:
> [...]
> Serving at once as a referrence manual & API specification, the large size 
> may in part be attributed to what simultaneously makes Guile an appealing 
> project to contribute to, while also rendering the documentation process 
> somewhat delicate: Guile is a massive collective project featuring the 
> contributions of many authors over the course of three decades, contributions 
> which Guilers would hate to trivialize or treat as insignificant or edit away 
> on a whim. Additionally, Guile comes from a long set of traditions within 
> Scheme hacking which itself is deep with sage wisdom spanning many 
> pedagogical philosophies and one of the greatest literature traditions of 
> hacker culture. Is it possible to perform a makeover of the Guile 
> Documentation while respecting these historical threads, at once rendering it 
> more approachable for new users while not forsaking the deep nuggets of 
> wisdom that lie therein?
> Since mid-December I have been mulling over these questions as newcomer, both 
> studying & analyzing the docs, and trying to come to grips with it's 
> strengths and shortcomings. For this talk, I will present my research to the 
> Guix community, culminating with a plan for a full makeover of the existing 
> docs which would respect the above concerns. I will use the 5 minute 
> presentation to focus on the plan of action, with hopes that during the Q 
> we can come to consensus on what is to be done. The decisions made by the 
> group will form the basis of a proposal to be made to the Guile community, 
> and once everyone is in agreement with plans for how to move forward I will 
> undertake the effort to implement the makeover proposal.

Speaking as one of the past authors of the manual, I look forward to
hearing your thoughts.  It is genuinely challenging to present this
amount of material and explain its complexity, and there is no reason
at all to consider any current arrangement as cast in stone.  Thanks
for thinking about this.

Best wishes,

Re: Question about data structures

2020-11-23 Thread Neil Jerram
On Sun, 22 Nov 2020 at 18:49, Zelphir Kaltstahl 

> Hello Guile Users!
> I have a question about data structures.
> Recently I read a file and the lines in the file would become a list in
> my Guile program. The file was not super big or anything. However, I
> usually try to avoid having to use `append` or `reverse`, whenever
> possible, considering, that they are O(n) operations and in principle I
> do not want to write code, that uses lists in inefficient ways, when
> there is a more efficient way. That said, I hit a little snag:
> When I am reading a file and do not know how many lines there are in the
> file, I can use a normal list and construct it using recursive calls
> like `(cons line (iter ...))` where `iter` is the recursive call and.
> Could also be called `process-next-line` or simply `next`. Since I am
> building a recursive data structure, it is OK to have a non-tail
> position recursive call. Then I would return that list and work with it.
> However, what if I ever need to add a list entry and the order of list
> entry matters? I would either have to use `append`, to add it to the
> end, which would be O(n), or I would have to initially construct the
> list of lines in reversed order from initially, so that I can add by
> simply using `(cons new-entry lines)`. However, when I use the list in
> reverse and ever need to output the lines in the list in their original
> order, I would first need to `reverse` the list again.
> OK the whole reversing would not be a problem, if I used a vector to
> store the lines. However, then I would need to know the number of lines
> in the file ahead of time or look at the file once for counting the
> lines, then create the vector of that length and then store the lines in
> it. This seems inelegant again, because I look at the lines of the file
> twice. I could read it in as a list and then use `list->vector`, but
> that will also be an additional O(n) for converting every entry to
> vector element.
> If I now think about Python, then I have Python lists (actually arrays?)
> and those can be easily appended to in O(1) and random access is also
> O(1) according to This
> means I do not need to think much about how I will use the lines of a
> file, when reading in the file. A Python list will be appropriate.
> So in Guile I sometimes feel some mental overhead of thinking about the
> choice of data structure, which I do not feel in Python. Generally I
> like Guile a lot more, so I would like to know how others deal with
> this. Here are some ideas for it:
> 1. I could create some abstraction layer for the "sequence of read
> lines", which I use inside the procedure, which reads in the lines and
> all other code, that works with the lines, so that I can rather easily
> later exchange the data structure. A data abstraction. However, that
> might only hide the complexities of some operations behind the
> abstraction and not reduce them.
> 2. Perhaps I want Guile's arrays? (Can they be expanded in O(1)? I do
> seem to remember reading, that Guile vectors are only a special case of
> Guile arrays, so that would mean they are not expandable in O(1).)
> 3. Just convert list to vector after reading in the file until I hit a
> problem, where that additional O(n) really becomes a problem. (In my
> current project it is not realistically a problem.) But this does not
> satisfy me. I should learn how to solve the problem in general and use
> the best way to do things.
> 4. Perhaps I need to write another data structure, that creates a new
> vector, when the previous one is full, managing the expansion myself.
> How do you approach this problem? Is it a problem at all?

My standard pattern:

 (let loop ((input input) (output '()))
  (if (null? input)
  (reverse output)
  (loop (cdr input) (cons (process (car input)) output

Re: Questions about (open-input-output-pipe

2020-11-10 Thread Neil Jerram
I guess it's because "wg pubkey" has not yet seen EOF on its input, i.e. it
doesn't know that the input is complete.

If that's right, I'm afraid I don't know how to fix it.  Presumably you
need a call that closes half of the port, but still allows reading the "wg
pubkey" output from it.

Alternatively, it might be buffering, i.e. the private key hasn't yet
reached "wg pubkey".  In that case (force-output port) might help.

Best wishes,

On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 08:51, luhux  wrote:

> Hello everyone
> I am a newbie to guile and I am learning to use guile to write scripts
> I want to implement this shell command:
> wg pubkey < private > public
> This is a command to generate a key,
> It inputs private key and EOF from stdin, then it outputs the public key
> and exits.
> I implemented it using the following code in guile:
> (use-modules (ice-9 popen)
>  (ice-9 rdelim))
> (define (wg-gen-private-key)
>   (let* ((port (open-input-pipe "wg genkey"))
> (result (read-line port)))
> (close-pipe port)
> result))
> (define (wg-gen-public-key private-key)
>   (let ((port (open-input-output-pipe "wg pubkey")))
> (display private-key port)
> (let ((result (read-line port)))
>   (close-port port)
>   result)))
> Then I executed the code to get the public key
> scheme@(guile-user)> (wg-gen-public-key (wg-gen-private-key))
> but the code got stuck in this place:
> (let ((result (read-line port)))
> How should I do?
> There are too few Guile information on the Internet. Sorry for asking such
> a basic question.
> luhux

Re: Need help starting a project in Guile - distributed DE / GUI toolkit using Wayland

2020-03-23 Thread Neil Jerram
On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 at 01:36, Jan 

> Hello,
> I would like to make my project in Guile, but I'm not really an
> advanced programmer yet - I made some hello worlds in C++, simple 2D
> and 3D games in JS using WebGL and I've read basics of Guile from the
> manual and Scheme generally from SICP (few chapters) and other sources,
> made some really simple programs in Guile and packages for Guix.
> The problem is I don't know where to start and which parts of the
> language and features of GNU/Linux I have to understand well in order
> to at least make a prototype.
> The project idea is a distributed and extensible DE and GUI toolkit
> treating its elements as objects (something like the UNIX philosophy).
> I would like to use Wayland, or if possible wlroots, but there are no
> Guile bindings available.
> So for the project I need:
> - a wayland client written in Guile, wlroots (foreign function
>   interface?) I need to talk to the wayland server somehow
> - a good interprocess communication - I want different components of my
>   DE / GUI toolkit to be separated processes talking to each other
>   (POSIX socets?)
> Sorry for my vague understanding of the subject, I'm not studying CS.
> I would like to know what should I read/know to make this real.
> Where can I read about programming for an UNIX-like OS?
> Can I avoid learning C/C++ deeply? I know basics of C syntax, but
> I would like to do everything in Scheme, you know, it's much cooler :)
> Thanks for reading this
> Jan Wielkiewicz

Hi Jan,

You don't need specially coded Wayland bindings for Guile.  You can use
Guile's generic Foreign Function Interface [1].  For an example, see [2],
although that particular code might be outdated as I haven't run it for a


Best wishes,

Re: Weird Guile Scheme Behaviour

2019-09-13 Thread Neil Jerram
Correct usage of append! usually requires (set! x (append! x )),
despite what you might think from the !.  I haven't read the rest of your
email carefully, but I wonder if that will make a difference?

Best wishes,

On Fri, 13 Sep 2019 at 13:39, Philip K.  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was reading a thread on an imageboard[0] the other day, then I came
> across a most peculiar "bug", if it even is one. Since the original
> example was a bit dense (it tried to solve a problem someone else had
> posted, that's not relevant here), I tried to construct a minimal
> working example to discuss here.
> Compare
> (define (reverse-iota-1 max)
>   (let ((numbers '(start)))
> (let loop ((val 0))
>   (append! numbers
>(if (< max val)
>  (loop (1+ val))
>  (list val)
> numbers))
> and
> (define (reverse-iota-2 max)
>   (let ((numbers '(start)))
> (let loop ((val 0))
>   (append! numbers
>(if (< max val)
>  (loop (1+ val))
>  (list val)
> (cdr numbers)))
> (I know, the style is horrible, but that's not the point. Also, both
> have an internal state, so you have to re-eval the function every time
> before starting the function itself.)
> The only difference is in the last line. The first function returns the
> entire list (with the start symbol), and the second tries to chop it
> off.
> But what happens is that (reverse-iota-1 4) evals to '(start 3 2 1 0)
> while (reverse-iota-2 4) just returns '()!
> This seems weird, since my intuition, and that of the poster above, was
> that all that should change in reverse-iota-2 is that the "start" symbol
> should fall away.
> It's obvious that this has something to do with the destructive
> "append!", but I'm not quite sure what leads to this unexpected result.
> Is it maybe a optimisation error? Any opinions?
> [0]: (SFW)
> --
> With kind regards,
> Philip K.

Re: shell script to start guile w/ repl

2019-03-06 Thread Neil Jerram
On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 01:22, Matt Wette  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to generate a shell script that sets up environment for guile and
> then executes a guile repl.  I can do that.  It is here:
>exec guile -ds $0 $@
>;; ... stuff ...
>(use-modules (ice-9 top-repl))
> Now I would like to have the top-repl use an alternate language.
> How do I do that?  I tried
>(*current-language* (lookup-language 'nx-tcl))
> But this fails.  Any hints?

Just guessing, but perhaps:

(fluid-set! *current-language* 'nx-tcl)


(fluid-set! *current-language* (lookup-language 'nx-tcl))



Re: [ANN] Guile Hall Release (v0.2)

2019-02-16 Thread Neil Jerram
On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 at 16:33, Alex Sassmannshausen
> [...]
> Otherwise you can get the code from
>, and build (hopefully)

Hi Alex,

It's a bit of a side point, but I noticed that your org-mode README is
not properly formatted on the Gitlab site, and it looks like it would
be if you named it  Is that something you're already aware


Re: how to use gsl with the guile ffi

2018-12-28 Thread Neil Jerram
tantalum  writes:

> so far i couldnt find the cause with strace.

Well I think I'm just stating the obvious here, but clearly is OK -

> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)  
> = 7

- and also -

> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)   
> = 7

- but apparently the system also needs, and that isn't found
at the expected place:

> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/guile/2.2/extensions/", O_RDONLY)
> = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

I'm afraid I don't know any more, e.g. about whether _should_
be needed here.


Re: how to use gsl with the guile ffi

2018-12-28 Thread Neil Jerram
tantalum  writes:

> im getting the error "In procedure dynamic-link: file: "libgsl", 
> message: "file not found"" with the following code:
>  (import (system foreign))
>  (define gsl (dynamic-link "libgsl"))
> * gsl (optionally?) depends on libgslcblas, which itself links without 
> error, but loading it with (dynamic-link) beforehand did not help
> * some libraries work, for example libmagic. libm for example gives the 
> same error message
> * the file /usr/lib/ exists and is a symlink to the regular 
> file whose content begins with ELF>
> * similar problem on the mailing list 
> * ive tried to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH with export to /usr/lib with no 
> apparent effect
> * i was going from this manual entry 
> * guile (GNU Guile) 2.2.4
> the issue can actually be reproduced with a c program:
>  #include 
>  #include 
>  int main () {
>void* a = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
>printf("got %p\n", a);
>if (a) printf("ok\n"); else printf("error: %s\n", dlerror());
>  }
> gcc t.c -ldl && ./a.out
> the program only works without error when compiled with -lgslcblas.
> so, it could be a more basic issue, but i dont know how to proceed.

You could run under strace to confirm which files are being looked for,
and which of those are not found.


Re: Guile equivalent to JS promises?

2018-12-10 Thread Neil Jerram writes:

> Hi
> I'm trying to understand JS promises.
> Are promises relevant in Guile? 
> According to they seem to be a tool to
> read/write JSON in a nonblocking way.
> Is this related to threading where the JS dev want multiple threads to
> read stuff asynchroniusly at the same time?
> -- 
> Cheers 
> Swedebugia

I don't know JS promises, but have you seen


Re: Beginner questions

2018-11-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Catonano  writes:

> Neil,
> Il giorno lun 19 nov 2018 alle ore 10:02 Neil Jerram <
>> ha scritto:
>> On 18 November 2018 19:33:31 GMT, Catonano  wrote:
>> >Il giorno lun 29 ott 2018 alle ore 22:58 swedebugia
>> >
>> >ha scritto:
>> >
>> >> Hi
>> >>
>> >> I would like to learn more scheme and I would like to make a small
>> >CLI
>> >> program that runs in the terminal and prompts the user for input and
>> >> evaluates it.
>> >>
>> >> Is that possible with guile? In the REPL?
>> >>
>> >> Can someone point me in the right direction for succeding with that?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > Hi
>> >
>> >I am curious: did you manage to put together a prototype of this thing
>> >prompting a user in the terminal ?
>> In case it's of interest, I wrote this kind of thing a few years ago: a
>> command loop for Guile where you can register possible commands, and each
>> command has a spec like the Emacs 'interactive' form that says what the
>> args are and how to prompt for them.
>> The command loop entry point is at
>> and the dependency modules are all included in that git repo.
>> Best wishes,
>>  Neil
> thank you
> But I'm a bit overwhelmed by so much code

Thanks for taking a look.  It is a _lot_ of code, so I can understand it
being overwhelming.

> a tiny example of reading a short string that a user could type at a prompt
> would be more useful to a beginner, I think
> I came up with this short example
> (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
> (let ((str (read-line (current-input-port
> (display (string-append str "\n")))
> it's extremely essential but it demonstrates the usage of the current input
> port in association with delimited text reading
> This is a very basic use case, intended as an example, a step 0 for further
> developments

I started with that (or something very like it), but then gradually
added more structure for the specific applications that I had in
mind... and surprisingly quickly we can end up with the amount of code
that I have in ossaulib.

Best wishes,

Re: How to pass the address of an pointer object to c?

2018-04-01 Thread Neil Jerram
Fis Trivial  writes:

> Hi, all.
> I'am trying a wrap a math library written in c with guile scheme. Here
> is an example declaration of c type and function in that math library:
> typedef void* array;
> typedef int err;
> err randu(array* result, int ndims, long long *dims, dtype type);
> The problem is I want to create a void* (aka array), and pass its
> address (aka array*) to the underlying c function for modification. Here
> the /array/ type acts as a handle.
> I tried the following scheme code:
> (let* ([val (make-pointer 0)]   ; void* val = 0
>[ (make-pointer (object-address val))] ; a pointer points to val?
>[randu (pointer->procedure int
>; a function generating random matrix.
> (dynamic-func "randu" backend)
>; result, ndims, dims, type
> (list '* uint32 '* int))]
>; dims is an byte-vector representing c array, 0 represents an
>; enum value in c.
>(randu  4 dims 0)))
> But when I use gdb to watch the values in c code of randu with:
> print *result
> and gdb displayed:  0x1f,
> while it should be 0 as defined in scheme code.
> Is there anything I did wrong? Or there are other ways around? I want to
> do it in scheme, otherwise I have to wrap every c functions.
> Thanks. :)

Would it work for you to use `%null-pointer' ?

>From `(guile) Foreign Variables':

 -- Scheme Variable: %null-pointer
 A foreign pointer whose value is 0.

Best wishes,

Re: Signals / Messages / Events / ...?

2018-01-03 Thread Neil Jerram

On 03/01/18 15:11, Christopher Howard wrote:

On Wed, 2018-01-03 at 11:53 +, Neil Jerram wrote:

Well, one Lispy mechanism in that area is hooks.  For example, from
of my old code:

;; Changes to modem registration state are indicated by calling this
;; hook with args STATE and PROPERTIES.  STATE can be 'none, meaning
;; that there is currently no modem; 'unregistered, meaning that
;; is a modem but it isn't registered with the network; or
;; 'registered, meaning that the modem is registered with the
;; If STATE is 'registered, PROPERTIES is an alist of registration
;; properties; otherwise PROPERTIES is #f.
(define registration-hook (make-hook 2))

(define (add-registration-hook proc)
    (add-hook! registration-hook proc))

(define (notify-registration state properties)
    (run-hook registration-hook state properties))

Does that serve your purpose at all?

Best wishes - Neil

I think that should work. Only part I'm not sure about is if you can
have a "one-off" procedure added to a hook... but you could just have
the procedure call remove-hook! to remove itself...?

Yes, I think so, and you could encapsulate that with something like this:

(define (add-hook-once-only! hook proc)
  (letrec ((proc-once-only
    (lambda args
  (remove-hook! hook proc-once-only)
  (apply proc args
    (add-hook! hook proc-once-only)))

Best wishes - Neil

Re: Signals / Messages / Events / ...?

2018-01-03 Thread Neil Jerram

On 03/01/18 05:09, Christopher Howard wrote:

Hi list, forgive me if this is a somewhat vague question... but is
there some kind of framework/system/approach for Guile where you could
have different parts of your code register callback functions to react
to a certain signal or message raised by any other part of the code?
I'm thinking like dbus where I guess you can sort of send off a message
but not really care who receives it. In chickadee you can register
callbacks for the various input events, and i think that basic idea
could be extended so long as (1) you could have any kind of
event/signal you wanted; (2) call backs added could be specified as
either persistent or one-time call-backs.

It seems like it wouldn't be too hard to code something like that with
just lists of callback functions tied to names/data in a tree. But
maybe somebody has already thought of that or would suggest a better

Just running into this challenge in development where a function like
"new-game" has to do 8 different things to 6 different data structures,
but why not instead just have the code dealing with the 6 different
objects register callbacks to receive the 'new-game signal? I think
message passing is the wrong term because in message passing you
specify the message connections between the different objects, right?
Signal bus maybe?

Well, one Lispy mechanism in that area is hooks.  For example, from some 
of my old code:

;; Changes to modem registration state are indicated by calling this
;; hook with args STATE and PROPERTIES.  STATE can be 'none, meaning
;; that there is currently no modem; 'unregistered, meaning that there
;; is a modem but it isn't registered with the network; or
;; 'registered, meaning that the modem is registered with the network.
;; If STATE is 'registered, PROPERTIES is an alist of registration
;; properties; otherwise PROPERTIES is #f.
(define registration-hook (make-hook 2))

(define (add-registration-hook proc)
  (add-hook! registration-hook proc))

(define (notify-registration state properties)
  (run-hook registration-hook state properties))

Does that serve your purpose at all?

Best wishes - Neil

Re: Mes 0.8 released

2017-06-26 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Jan,

Thanks for your answer. I'm afraid I have no better ideas than the ones that 
you have listed - and in fact I wouldn’t have known about those ones either. I 
was just curious about what the next step would be.

It certainly seems to me like an interesting and worthwhile project. 

Best wishes - Neil 

  Original Message  
From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Sent: Monday, 26 June 2017 11:22
To: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: Mes 0.8 released

Neil Jerram writes:

Hi Neil!

> In your bootstrap path, what is the step after Mes?‎ I guess it would
> be using mescc to compile some C program - but if that is right, which
> program? 

Indeed. Short answer: I don't know. Do you have something in mind?

We haven't decided yet and are still exploring possibilities. We are
looking for the target that requires the least amount of work to get us
close the bootstrap path to gcc.

The most obvious candidate to compile with mescc is tinycc. rain1 has
worked with the tinycc and succeeded in compiling GCC 4.7.0 using

However, tinycc uses C constructs that mescc does not support [yet] and
libc functions that mescc's libc does not have.

So we are also considering other candidates such as 8cc, pcc, the ack,
cc500, gcc-2.95 (what about earlier gcc's?).

Another possible first target for Mescc could be libguile/eval.c ;-) and
develop a fork/sister of mescc as guilecc.



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
Freelance IT | Avatar®

Re: Mes 0.8 released

2017-06-26 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Jan,

In your bootstrap path, what is the step after Mes?‎ I guess it would be using 
mescc to compile some C program - but if that is right, which program? 

Regards - Neil 

  Original Message  
From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Sent: Sunday, 25 June 2017 17:40
Subject: Mes 0.8 released

I am pleased to announce the release of Mes 0.8, representing 34
commits over 3 weeks. Mescc now produces object files in the hex2
ascii output format compatible with the stage0 linker.

Special thanks to Jeremiah Orians for support with MESCC_Tools and
hex2, more goodness to follow soon!

* About

Mes aims to create full source bootstrapping for GuixSD: an
entirely source-based bootstrap path. The target is to [have
GuixSD] boostrap from a minimal, easily inspectable binary --that
should be readable as source-- into something close to R6RS

It currently consists of a mutual self-hosting [close to Guile-]
Scheme interpreter prototype in C and a Nyacc-based C compiler in
[Guile] Scheme.

The Scheme interpreter prototype (mes.c) has a Garbage Collector,
a library of loadable Scheme modules-- notably Dominique Boucher's
LALR[1], Pre-R6RS portable syntax-case[2] with R7RS ellipsis, Matt
Wette's Nyacc[3] Guile's PEG[4] --and test suite just barely
enough to support a simple REPL (repl.mes) and simple C-compiler
(mescc.mes) that can produce the second initial ELF binary from
binary from mes.c, in only about 2h30'.

Mes was inspired by The Maxwell Equations of Software: LISP-1.5[5]
-- John McCarthy page 13, GNU Guix's[6] source/binary packaging
transparency and Jeremiah Orians's stage0[7] bootstrap project.

* Download

git clone

wget -O 

Mes runs from the source tree and can also be built, packaged and
installed in Guix[SD] by the usual

guix package -f guix.scm

* Changes in 0.8 since 0.7
** Mescc
*** Mescc now depends on the hex2 linker from MESCC_Tools[9].
Direct ELF output support has been removed.
ELF symbol and string table creation has been removed.
*** Mescc now has experimental annotation support for hex2.
*** Mescc has experimental annotation support for hex2.
*** Mescc has been simplified by leveraging use labels in hex2 output.
*** Mescc now supports continue in loops.
*** Mescc now compiles to hex2 object files.
** Language
*** 1 new function



Jan Nieuwenhuizen  | GNU LilyPond
Freelance IT | Avatar®

Re: Multiple values passed as single argument to procedure

2017-06-12 Thread Neil Jerram

On 12/06/17 09:55, Neil Jerram wrote:

On 12/06/17 09:19, Chris Marusich wrote:

I think I'm missing something here. In (list (f)), the call to f
certainly looks like it's happening at a position that one might
intuitively call a "tail" position.  So, in this case, what disqualifies
f from being in tail position?  Can you give me an example of a call to
f that would be in tail position, so I can understand the difference?
Sorry if you've already provided such an example; I appreciate your
explanations, and I'm just trying to make sure I fully understand.

Mark will probably have a more precise answer for you, but let me 
offer my understanding too.  In general, in

   ( ... arbitrary code around ...
 ... )

the (f) call is in a tail position if _nothing_ else needs to be done, 
to the return value(s) of (f), before returning from that block as a 

So, common examples of tail position are




The case you mentioned, (list (f)), is probably the simplest example 
of a non-tail position, because something very clearly does need to be 
done to the return value of (f): it needs to be inserted into a newly 
allocated list.

Regards - Neil

Oh, following David's reply, I see that my reply here may have missed 
your point - sorry if so!

(Yes, it is undeniable that '(f)' is in tail position in the expression 
'(f)' :-). )


Re: Multiple values passed as single argument to procedure

2017-06-12 Thread Neil Jerram

On 12/06/17 09:19, Chris Marusich wrote:

I think I'm missing something here. In (list (f)), the call to f
certainly looks like it's happening at a position that one might
intuitively call a "tail" position.  So, in this case, what disqualifies
f from being in tail position?  Can you give me an example of a call to
f that would be in tail position, so I can understand the difference?
Sorry if you've already provided such an example; I appreciate your
explanations, and I'm just trying to make sure I fully understand.

Mark will probably have a more precise answer for you, but let me offer 
my understanding too.  In general, in

   ( ... arbitrary code around ...
 ... )

the (f) call is in a tail position if _nothing_ else needs to be done, 
to the return value(s) of (f), before returning from that block as a whole.

So, common examples of tail position are




The case you mentioned, (list (f)), is probably the simplest example of 
a non-tail position, because something very clearly does need to be done 
to the return value of (f): it needs to be inserted into a newly 
allocated list.

Regards - Neil

Re: Two variables that are linked together by an heuristic (constraint programming?)

2017-04-26 Thread Neil Jerram
Perhaps by making 'cursor' relative to 'view'?

Then you could always declare / assert that 

(>= cursor-x 0)
(< cursor-x (screen-width))
; and similarly for cursor-y

‎    Neil 

  Original Message  
From: Amirouche Boubekki
Sent: Tuesday, 25 April 2017 10:40
To: Guile User
Subject: Two variables that are linked together by an heuristic (constraint 


In the editor I am working on, two variables are linked together.
That is the value of one depends on the value of the other.

There is a `view` position a cons of integers x and y which denotes
the top left position of the editor window in the buffer. Basically,
it defines the top left position of the rectangle of the visible part
of the buffer. The visible part of the buffer is called the viewport.

There is the `cursor` position which is also a cons of integers x
and y. The cursor defines the position of the cursor inside the
text buffer.

cursor and view are linked by the property that cursor must always
be inside the viewport, that is the visible part of the buffer.

Otherwise said, if the cursor is at the bottom of the view port,
and I hit 'down arrow' the viewport must scroll hence view's y must
be incremented. Similarly if I am at the top of the viewport and
I hit 'up arrow' the viewport must scroll.

I see that the cursor position is constrainted by the view (and the 
buffer). How can I express that in a nice and clean way?

Amirouche ~ amz3 ~

Re: ?-suffix for booleans... good-idea? or bad-idea?

2017-04-25 Thread Neil Jerram
I'm also not sure.  In the past I've written code with an 'xxx?' 
variable, and then added a procedure to set it, giving 'set-xxx?!' - 
which is not exactly elegant.

Also I'm not sure it's best practice to have many 
variables/attributes/parameters with boolean values, as this can lead to 
code that has too many opaque uses of #t and #f.  (I.e. it's often 
unclear, at the point of use, what each #t or #f means.)  It might be 
better to refactor to something with non-boolean values, e.g. from

   (set! red? #t)
   (set! narrow?#t)


   (set! properties '(red narrow))

And in that case the question about '?' would disappear.


On 25/04/17 04:43, Alex Vong wrote:

Good question! I can't decide as well. I want to know how people think
about it.

In a lazy language, a variable is a 0-ary thunk, while a predicate is a
1-ary thunk. Since they are really just special case of a general thing,
it make sense to use foo? for both cases. But we all know guile is not
lazy, so I really don't know what to do.

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

Hello everyone!  Here's a little bikeshed for us to paint.

I've noticed that it's common in Guile modules to use "foo?" for
variable names involving booleans.  It's tempting, because this looks
an awful lot like you're asking a question... and it's also common
for this even to be keyword arguments to procedures, etc.

But is it a good idea?  I thought "foo?" was supposed to be for
predicates, as a nicer version of the "foo-p" predicate convention in
other non-scheme lisps.  I can't imagine other lisps doing "foo-p" for
just variables with boolean values.

On the other hand, once you start adding ? to the end of boolean'y
things, it *does* become tempting to put them at the end of boolean
variables and arguments.  It looks pretty nice.

What do people think?  I'm struggling with deciding what's the right
thing for my own code, but leaning towards "we shouldn't use the ?
suffix for just boolean values".

  - Chris

Re: Getting started with tekuti

2017-04-06 Thread Neil Jerram
The attached seems to help.  With that, the stdout no longer shows 
errors, and I see a sensible-looking web UI at http://localhost:8080 and 

On 06/04/17 22:52, Neil Jerram wrote:

Hey Andy,

I'm just trying to get started with tekuti, but am hitting problems 
which look like they're associated with having no content yet.  I've 
appended a transcript below - can you see what's wrong?

Thanks - Neil

neil@neil-laptop:~/SW/tekuti$ ./env src/tekuti
;;; note: source file /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/git.scm
;;;   newer than compiled /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/git.go
;;; found fresh local cache at 

;;; note: source file /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/util.scm
;;;   newer than compiled /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/util.go
;;; found fresh local cache at 

;;; note: source file /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/web.scm
;;;   newer than compiled /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/web.go
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;   or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/web.scm
;;; note: source file /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/post.scm
;;;   newer than compiled /home/neil/SW/tekuti/tekuti/post.go
;;; found fresh local cache at 
;;; compiled 

;;; (reading-index)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "rev-parse" "refs/heads/index"))
fatal: ambiguous argument 'refs/heads/index': unknown revision or path 
not in the working tree.

Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git  [...] -- [...]'

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (posts)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "ls-tree" 
"7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd" "."))

;;; (stop-clock 0.005752)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (posts-by-date)

;;; (stop-clock 4.4996e-5)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (tags)

;;; (latest-posts ((posts-by-date) (posts . #0/31>) (master . "7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd")))

;;; (filter-mapn ())

;;; (stop-clock 1.75e-4)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (legit-comments)

;;; (computing-legit)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "ls-tree" 
"7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd" "."))

;;; (done #)

;;; (stop-clock 0.0056544)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (bogus-comments)

;;; (computing-bogus)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "cat-file" "commit" 

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "rev-parse" #f))
In tekuti/index.scm:
   113:28 10 (_)
In tekuti/util.scm:
187:5  9 (with-time-debugging* #tekuti/index.s…>)

In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
   466:18  8 (fold #(spec i…> …)

In tekuti/index.scm:
58:25  7 (_ _ ((legit-comments . #) 
(. #) …))

In tekuti/util.scm:
187:5  6 (with-time-debugging* #tekuti/index.s…>)

In tekuti/comment.scm:
206:2  5 (compute-bogus-comments _ _)
In tekuti/git.scm:
   339:16  4 (fold-commits #tekuti/comment.scm:20…> …)

   174:24  3 (git-rev-parse #f)
92:15  2 (run _ _ _)
In ice-9/popen.scm:
64:22  1 (open-pipe* "r" _ . _)
In unknown file:
   0 (open-process "r" "git" "--bare" "rev-parse" #f)
ERROR: Wrong type (expecting string): #f

;;; (stop-clock 0.057827999)

;;; (stop-clock 0.069815999)

;;; (handler ())

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (posts)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "ls-tree" 
"7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd" "."))

;;; (stop-clock 0.026757)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (posts-by-date)

;;; (stop-clock 3.6e-5)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (tags)

;;; (latest-posts ((posts-by-date) (posts . #0/31>) (master . "7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd")))

;;; (filter-mapn ())

;;; (stop-clock 3.59e-4)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (legit-comments)

;;; (computing-legit)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" "ls-tree" 
"7e5d0ddb26c73c0602e8fdf24c1fd90eb9e35efd" "."))

;;; (done #)

;;; (stop-clock 0.006625)

;;; (start-clock)

;;; (bogus-comments)

;;; (computing-bogus)

;;; (pwd "/home/neil/blog.git")

;;; (run (() #f "git" "--bare" 

Re: [ANN] guile-sdl2 0.2.0 released

2017-01-21 Thread Neil Jerram
> Home page:

I get 404 for that URL, and also if I add 'www.'.

Re: Missing (ice-9 debugging) files in guile 2.1.4?

2016-10-11 Thread Neil Jerram

On 11/10/16 17:41, Cecil McGregor wrote:

I am running guile 2.1.4 and have noticed
the missing ice-9/debugging dirs.

I will copy the files from 1.8 and hope
they work well enough.

Is this intentional, or just delayed?

Hi Cecil,

It's intentional; in the transition from 1.8 to 2.x, the innards of 
Guile changed so much as to invalidate the (ice-9 debugging) stuff.

I'm out of the loop now, so not sure how best to do the things that 
(ice-9 debugging) used to do; but at least one of the ingredients is the 
excellent geiser.el mode for Emacs.


Re: Presentation of traversi framework via graph recommendations

2016-09-09 Thread Neil Jerram
I got lost at the point of looking up the genres for Toy Story; why does that 
involve graph traversal? 

Probably it would help to add a bit into the blog to explain how the movie 
information is mapped into a graph. 

  Original Message  
From: Amirouche Boubekki
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 07:32
To: Guile User
Subject: Presentation of traversi framework via graph recommendations


I published an article on my blog about how to use `grf3`
the graph database library built on top of wiredtiger [0].


This introduce traversi framework to do graph traversal.
traversi is inspired from Tinkerpop's Gremlin. Traversi
is a custom stream library which is faster than srfi-41
and support backtracking.

I think that building traversi on top of streams make
graph traversal much more approachable.

This article is inspired from a *graph-based recommender engine* [1]


Have fun!

Re: Presentation of traversi framework via graph recommendations

2016-09-09 Thread Neil Jerram
Your blog includes:

‎Mind the fact that -ref procedures have no ! at the end which means they 
return a new record.

I think that should be -set instead of -ref


  Original Message  
From: Amirouche Boubekki
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 07:32
To: Guile User
Subject: Presentation of traversi framework via graph recommendations


I published an article on my blog about how to use `grf3`
the graph database library built on top of wiredtiger [0].


This introduce traversi framework to do graph traversal.
traversi is inspired from Tinkerpop's Gremlin. Traversi
is a custom stream library which is faster than srfi-41
and support backtracking.

I think that building traversi on top of streams make
graph traversal much more approachable.

This article is inspired from a *graph-based recommender engine* [1]


Have fun!

Re: Using . in module names

2016-06-03 Thread Neil Jerram

On 03/06/16 08:57, Christopher Baines wrote:

 From reading the documentation, I would expect this to work, as . is
valid in symbols? But from trying this out, it does not seem to (the
module cannot be loaded).

Does anyone have information about this?

I think you should provide the complete example of what isn't working.  
It's not clear to me if you mean

(define-module (.) ...)


(define-module (.something) ...)


(define-module (something . else) ...)



Re: Using libnotify from Guile

2016-01-05 Thread Neil Jerram

On 05/01/16 09:40, Ludovic Courtès wrote:

Neil Jerram <> skribis:

I noticed you asked about libnotify on IRC

Also note that glibc built for the Linux kernel provides wrappers for a
bunch of inotify syscalls in :

--8<---cut here---start->8---
$ objdump -T .guix-profile/lib/ | grep inotify
000e9cc0 gDF .text  0021  GLIBC_2.9   inotify_init1
000e9cf0 gDF .text  0021  GLIBC_2.4   inotify_rm_watch
000e9c90 gDF .text  0021  GLIBC_2.4   inotify_init
000e9c60 gDF .text  0021  GLIBC_2.4   inotify_add_watch
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

So you could avoid libnotify altogether with things like:

   (dynamic-func "inotify_init" (dynamic-link))


But isn't inotify (a Linux kernel subsystem for noticing changes to the 
filesystem) unrelated to libnotify (a thing for popping up a 
notification message on the desktop)?

Using libnotify from Guile

2016-01-04 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Luis,

I noticed you asked about libnotify on IRC; unfortunately I wasn't quick
enough before you left the channel, but I had a quick play and found
that it was quite easy to generate a notification using the FFI:

(use-modules (system foreign))

(define libnotify (dynamic-link "libnotify"))

(define notify-init
  (pointer->procedure int
  (dynamic-func "notify_init" libnotify)
  (list '*)))

(notify-init (string->pointer "notify.scm"))

(define notify-notification-new
  (pointer->procedure '*
  (dynamic-func "notify_notification_new" libnotify)
  (list '* ; summary
'* ; body
'* ; icon

(define notify-notification-show
  (pointer->procedure int
  (dynamic-func "notify_notification_show" libnotify)
  (list '* ; notification
'* ; 

(notify-notification-show (notify-notification-new (string->pointer
   (string->pointer "Pleased to meet you")

I thought you might like that; note that you'll also need "aptitude
install libnotify-dev", or your system's equivalent.


Re: FOSDEM call for Guile related talks

2015-11-23 Thread Neil Jerram

Hi Ludo,

On 19/11/15 14:25, Ludovic Courtès wrote:

"Neil Jerram" <> skribis:

Pjotr, I've made my submission now - please could you check if it
looks correctly done?  (I've never done a FOSDEM submission before...)

I can confirm it’s in, but I think you need to fill out
the “Abstract” and “Description” boxes to placate it.  Could you look
into it?

Thanks for checking.  For now I've just done a straight copy of what 
I've already written, into the "Abstract" and "Full Description" boxes.

Will that do for now?  I will improve this as we get closer to the 
event, but would rather not spend more cycles on it right at the moment.


RE: FOSDEM call for Guile related talks

2015-11-12 Thread Neil Jerram
Thanks, Alex and Ludo!

Pjotr, I've made my submission now - please could you check if it looks 
correctly done?  (I've never done a FOSDEM submission before...)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of 
Ludovic "Courtès"
Sent: 06 November 2015 18:11
Subject: Re: FOSDEM call for Guile related talks

Alex Sassmannshausen  skribis:

> From my perspective I think that sounds super interesting — I would 
> say if you can confirm that you're going to be there, then you should 
> definitely submit a proposal; the worst that would happen is that we 
> have too many proposals — and that would really be more of a luxury 
> problem :-)

Seconded.  And it would be great to meet there, Neil!  :-)


Re: How to create hygienic environments?

2015-06-20 Thread Neil Jerram
Michael Tiedtke writes:

 Just to quote myself:

 The (null-environment 5) gives me an empty environment but how
 should I insert the editor commands? 

 Just think of these editor commands as regular Scheme definitions.

I think you're looking for 'module-define!':

scheme@(guile-user) (define n (null-environment 5))
scheme@(guile-user) (eval 'car n)
ERROR: In procedure memoize-variable-access!:
ERROR: Unbound variable: car

Entering a new prompt.  Type `,bt' for a backtrace or `,q' to continue.
scheme@(#{ g3900}#) [1] ,q
scheme@(guile-user) (eval 'car (current-module))
$2 = #procedure car (_)
scheme@(guile-user) (module-define! n 'car car)
scheme@(guile-user) (eval 'car n)
$3 = #procedure car (_)

Hope that helps!


Re: Imagemagick and Guile

2015-01-11 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2015-01-11 09:09, A0 wrote:

I need to generate an image from raw byte data in my code and
ImageMagick seems like an obvious choice to do this. But, looking
at ,
I see no Guile API listed.

Before I get my hands dirty, I'd like to check if someone already
built a functional API for Guile, or, at least, the chunk of it
containing the PixelIterator functionality.

I am also interested in hearing about other Guile-enabled libs
that can do the same thing, namely, creating an image in some
of the popular formats.

In addition to the other suggestions that people have made, note that 
you could also use the Guile FFI to access ImageMagick's C API from 

Personally, I find using the FFI much more fun than writing a 'proper' 
Guile binding.


Re: guile-2.0.11 installation on system with 2.0.5

2014-09-15 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-09-15 02:16, wrote:

Federico Beffa writes:

Neil Jerram writes:

This is just a guess, but what happens if you do this:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin/guile


With this it works!

I notice that there is an /etc/ file. Do I somehow need to 


Yes, you update it by running ldconfig as root.  This needs to be 

when installing libraries outside of your package manager, not only for
Guile, but for essentially all packages containing libraries.

I agree that this will allow /usr/local/bin/guile to load 

However, won't it also cause /usr/bin/guile (2.0.5) to load 
/usr/local/lib/libguile* (2.0.11) ?  If not, what is the mechanism that 
tells /usr/bin/guile (2.0.5) to load /usr/lib/libguile* (2.0.5) instead 
of /usr/local/lib/libguile* (2.0.11) ?


Re: A couple of questions about goops method parameters

2014-09-07 Thread Neil Jerram
Taylan Ulrich Bayirli/Kammer writes:

 Panicz Maciej Godek writes:

 [...] it's hard for me to see the advantage of FRP over OOP in
 practical systems (e.g. windowed applications with buttons and so
 on). [...]

 An off-topic remark:

 I don't know about *functional* reactive programming but from my
 experience so far as an iOS developer, I've been *longing* for a
 reactive programming system that automates state changes even if not
 fully hiding them.  It would be invaluable being able to say
 button2.leftEdge = button1.rightEdge + 20px and have this equation be
 held automatically on changes to the layout of button1 (which might
 happen because it itself reacts to other layout changes), or to be able
 to say button.disabled = condition1 or condition2 and have the
 disabled status of button update automatically as the truthiness of the
 conditions changes.  (The former use-case is actually covered by layout
 constraints, but that's strictly limited to layouting.)

IIRC, Metafont does that; but obviously it isn't intended as a general
language.  Are there more general languages that solve equations like


Re: cannot compile: srfi-10 define-reader-ctor 'hash '#,(

2014-08-14 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-08-14 11:27, Taylan Ulrich Bayirli/Kammer wrote:

Neil Jerram writes:

I wonder about possibly having some magic that would automatically
match certain top-level forms and evaluate them at compile time.  The
case for this for 'define-reader-ctor' feels quite strong.  For the
load path case, it feels too hacky to try to recognize patterns like
(set! %load-path (append %load-path ...))', but perhaps OK if we
defined an 'add-to-load-path' procedure and applied the magic to that.

We already have an 'add-to-load-path' syntax.  That way it doesn't need
any special magic since it can just expand to an `eval-when' usage

Ah, good, thanks for pointing that out.

apparently for some reason it doesn't do that at the moment (2.0.11):

scheme@(guile-user) ,expand (add-to-load-path foo)
(set! (@@ (guile) %load-path)
  ((@@ (guile) cons) foo (@@ (guile) %load-path)))


I'm not sure what that demonstrates.  add-to-load-path _does_ appear to 
work for me as hoped (and documented) when used in a situation like that 
of the recent ossaulib thread - i.e. where a top level script wants to 
extend the load path and then load modules from there:

(define-module (ctest)
  #:export (square))

(define (square x) (* x x))

(add-to-load-path /home/neil)
(use-modules (ctest))
(display (square 5))

neil@nj-debian-7:~$ guile -s ctst.scm
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;   or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/neil/ctst.scm
;;; compiling /home/neil/ctest.scm
;;; compiled 
;;; compiled 



Re: cannot compile: srfi-10 define-reader-ctor 'hash '#,(

2014-07-31 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-07-30 23:27, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Ludovic Courtès writes:


In this example, you want the reader extension to be available at
compile time, and not necessarily at run time.  However, by writing 

code as is, the reader extension is available only at run time, hence
the error.

Alright, that makes sense when you think about it...

To require evaluation of the ‘define-reader-ctor’ form at compile 

change the code to (info (guile) Eval When):

Wow, many thanks!  This works for me; would it be nice to have some of
this more explicitly in the srfi-10 manual?

This same problem just came up in another thread, too (look for 
ossaulib).  In that case the thing that needed to be enclosed in an 
'eval-when' form was adding a directory to the load path.

I wonder about possibly having some magic that would automatically match 
certain top-level forms and evaluate them at compile time.  The case for 
this for 'define-reader-ctor' feels quite strong.  For the load path 
case, it feels too hacky to try to recognize patterns like '(set! 
%load-path (append %load-path ...))', but perhaps OK if we defined an 
'add-to-load-path' procedure and applied the magic to that.

What do you think?  Would that be too magical?


Re: ossaulib dbus error

2014-07-29 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-07-24 15:33, Max wrote:

When I set GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED to detailed I got warning that
Eval closures are
Is this related to eval-when workaround? If so - what would be
relevant solution?

No, I don't think this is related to eval-when.  I believe an eval 
closure is what guile-gnome uses to lazily bind Scheme procedure names 
to the relevant underlying C code.  Perhaps David Pirotte might comment 
more on that, as he is working a lot with guile-gnome now.


Re: ossaulib dbus error

2014-07-23 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-07-22 19:46, Max wrote:

22.07.2014 19:05, Neil Jerram пишет:

On 2014-07-22 17:39, Max wrote:

OK, sorry to take your time on that attempt.

What if you do guile --debug test.scm where test.scm has just the 
appending and (use-modules (glib dbus)) ?  If that still doesn't work, 
then clearly

this is nothing to do with guile-gnome.

Sure thing - this is my test file:

(set! %load-path (append %load-path 

(use-modules (neil dbus))

Here is the compilation results:

guile-gnome-2 --debug

;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;   or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/lol/source/lisp/dbus-test.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /home/lol/source/lisp/dbus-test.scm failed:
;;; ERROR: no code for module (neil dbus)

Changing neil to glib only changes the name in the error message 
above. I'd

appreciate any hints with debugging. Do you have some small test
application I can use?

Just remembered / worked this out.  The problem is that %load-path isn't 
extended when dbus-test.scm is being compiled, and the solution for that 
is to use 'eval-when'.  Here's my test script, showing the use of 

(eval-when (expand load eval)
  (set! %load-path (append %load-path '(/home/neil/ossaulib
(use-modules (glib dbus))


Re: ossaulib dbus error

2014-07-22 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-07-22 17:00, Max wrote:


I'm trying to use dbus from ossaulib (as far as I recall it's the only
dbus library
for guile which is still alive) but got errors from the very beginning:
(set! %load-path (append %load-path '(/home/lol/source/ossaulib/)))

(use-modules (oop goops) (gnome gobject) (gnome glib) (gnome gtk)
(glib dbus) (os
process) (gnome gobject utils))

guile-gnome-2 dbus-test.scm

;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;   or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/god/source/lisp/dbus-test.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /home/god/source/lisp/dbus-test.scm failed:
;;; ERROR: no code for module (glib dbus)

Any ideas why guile does not see it?

I've checked ossaulib/ and glib/dbus.scm is right there.

You're clearly also using guile-gnome.  I wonder if there's also a (glib 
...) hierarchy provided by guile-gnome, and if that might be conflicting 
with the (glib ...) modules in ossaulib?

You could try renaming the glib directory in ossaulib to something 
else, and correspondingly replacing (glib ...) throughout the ossaulib 
source.  If there is a conflict with guile-gnome, that should avoid it.


Re: ossaulib dbus error

2014-07-22 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-07-22 17:39, Max wrote:

I've copied glib/ to neil/, replaced all the instances of glib with
neil (except for
libglib of course :) and tried to use (neil dbus) but the result is
exactly the same
- ERROR: no code for module (neil dbus)

OK, sorry to take your time on that attempt.

What if you do guile --debug test.scm where test.scm has just the 
load-path appending and (use-modules (glib dbus)) ?  If that still 
doesn't work, then clearly this is nothing to do with guile-gnome.

Could it be that one or more of the calls like (dynamic-link 
libgio-2.0) are failing?  These are executed during module loading, 
and I think could cause the no code error if they throw an exception.  
To allow these calls to succeed, you need to have installed the -dev or 
-devel package that provides; e.g. the libglib2.0-dev package 
(on Debian) for

Can you try it on your machine alongside with guile-gnome?

I can try that later this evening.  Right now I'm afraid I'm not at the 
right computer for that.


Re: Learning Guile web. Stuck on returning an image.

2014-05-26 Thread Neil Jerram
Martyn Smith writes:

 Getting to the point of the email -- I am a bit confused how I would return a
 jpg image. For example: -
 img src=/load-image?id=1234 /

 The 1234 tells me which file to load and return.

 Being primarily a .NET developer, I am struggling to understand how to achieve
 such goal in guile. I have tried things like (read-file /location/to/
 image.jpg r) but no luck. Also tried to understand converting to bytes in
 the documentation but again... no luck. Always getting a 500 error. Yes, I 
 included (content-type . (image/jpg)) etc.

 Can anyone give me a heads up on how to do such thing? How would I open the 
 file? How would it be returned?

I recently had the same problem, and eventually decided that it would be
better to use Guile only for my dynamic content, with a standard web
server for the static content.  For the latter I chose lighttpd, and I
can provide more details of my setup if that would be helpful.

But what specifically was the problem?  My handler for an image file
(and other static content) looked like this:

  (lambda (request request-body uri)
(let* ((fn (apply string-append
  (map (lambda (name)
 (string-append / name))
   (content (with-input-from-file fn read-string))
   (content-type (cond ((string-match \\.svg fn)
   ((string-match \\.html? fn)
   ((string-match \\.jpe?g fn)
   ((string-match \\.png fn)
   ((string-match \\.css fn)
   ((string-match \\.js fn)
  (trc 'content-type content-type 'length (string-length content))
  (values `((content-type . ,content-type))

The problem here that 'content' contains binary data that can't be
returned as is in an HTTP response.  It needs to be encoded in one of
the HTTP-supported encodings, and a corresponding Content-Encoding
header added to the response.

I think I investigated a little whether Guile's (web ...) modules could
do this, or could easily be enhanced, but decided instead on the
solution described above.


Re: dbus introspection

2014-04-27 Thread Neil Jerram
Max writes:

 Hi all.

 Are there some dbus bindings available for guile?

I have some FFI-based client-side bindings in my library at  The (glib dbus) module
exports procedures for
 - making a synchronous or asynchronous dbus call
 - registering a Scheme procedure to be called when a dbus signal

(ofono modem) is a library module that uses those dbus- procedures, and
I hope is simple enough to make the usage clear.

 Tried to search but found some ancient code only :(

What was that?

I know that guile-gnome used to have a dbus module, and possibly still

 Also is there some tool similar to vala-dbus-binding-tool which could connect 
 to a
 given dbus service and using introspection generate guile stub code for
 functions/signals available for interaction with this service?

Not that I know of.  Should be quite easy to build on top of my
client-side bindings, though.  (Or on top of any set of client-side


Re: #:getter procedure returns unexpected value in GOOPS

2014-04-26 Thread Neil Jerram
Diogo F. S. Ramos writes:

 When using GOOPS, if a class has a second slot, the #:getter procedure
 of the first slot returns the value of the second slot when applied to
 an instance of a subclass.

 (use-modules (oop goops))

 (define-class foo ()
   (a #:init-form 'foo #:getter foo-a)
   (b #:init-form 42))

 (define-class bar (foo)
   (a #:init-form 'bar))

   (foo-a (make foo)) = foo
   (foo-a (make bar)) = 42

 I expected:

   (foo-a (make bar)) = bar

 I'm not too familiar with GOOPS, so I'm not sure this is the right

Do you see this if you use #:init-value instead of #:init-form ?  It
sounds to me like #:init-value is what you really want, and I suspect
you're seeing undefined behaviour that arises from giving an
unparenthesized form ('42') to #:init-form.



2014-04-02 Thread Neil Jerram

Hi there,

I'm interested in adding support for WebSockets 
( to Guile's web modules.  Is anyone 
else interested in - or possibly already working on - that?


Re: WebSockets

2014-04-02 Thread Neil Jerram

[Now guile-user only, since that seems appropriate]

On 2014-04-02 11:08, Nala Ginrut wrote:

On Wed, 2014-04-02 at 10:29 +0100, Neil Jerram wrote:

Hi there,

I'm interested in adding support for WebSockets
( to Guile's web modules.  Is 

else interested in - or possibly already working on - that?

I was planing to implement websocket in Artanis web-framework and
there's half-baked code. Then I realized it's better to integrate with
the server, but Artanis hasn't written its own server. So it's
appreciated if anyone can do the job. ;-)

Wow, Artanis looks quite sophisticated and I'm wondering now if I should 
use it for my work instead of (web ...) directly.  I need to take a 
closer look.

One immediate thing that I noticed: some of its API is different from 
(web ...) but not obviously better or at a different conceptual level.  
For example, your route context seems conceptually equivalent to (web 
request).  Is this just because you first wrote Artanis before (web ...) 
was available?


'or' and multiple values

2014-03-25 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi there!

In the following, is the last result a bug?

  GNU Guile 2.0.9-deb+1-1
  Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

  Guile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `,show w'.
  This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions; type `,show c' for details.

  Enter `,help' for help.
  scheme@(guile-user) (values 'a 'b)
  $1 = a
  $2 = b
  scheme@(guile-user) (or (values 'a 'b))
  $3 = a
  $4 = b
  scheme@(guile-user) (or #f (values 'a 'b))
  $5 = a
  $6 = b
  scheme@(guile-user) (or (values 'a 'b) (values 'c 'd))
  $7 = a

In other words it seems 'or' doesn't propagate multiple values in a
non-tail position.  Is that expected?

The manual section 'Returning and Accepting Multiple Values' does
mention tail position, but only in passing, and it isn't obvious to me
why that restriction should exist.


Re: ‘with-exception-handler’ rationale

2014-03-07 Thread Neil Jerram

On 2014-03-07 13:34, Nikita Karetnikov wrote:

I’ve expected ‘with-exception-handler’ to behave like ‘catch’, but it

scheme@(guile-user) ,use (srfi srfi-34)
scheme@(guile-user) (with-exception-handler (const got it) (lambda
() (raise boom!)))
ice-9/boot-9.scm:106:20: In procedure #procedure 94b0e40 at
ice-9/boot-9.scm:97:6 (thrown-k . args):
ice-9/boot-9.scm:106:20: Throw to key `srfi-34' with args `(boom!)'.

Entering a new prompt.  Type `,bt' for a backtrace or `,q' to continue.
scheme@(guile-user) [1]
scheme@(guile-user) (catch 'misc-error (lambda () (error boom!))
(const got it))
$1 = got it

Is there an explanation that doesn’t involve diving into the land of
continuations and dynamic wind?

Yes: the HANDLER that you specify in '(catch TAG THUNK HANDLER)' is 
implicitly extended, by Guile, by a non-local jump to the continuation 
of the '(catch ...)'.  The HANDLER that you specify in 
'(with-exception-handler HANDLER THUNK)' isn't.

So, to get catch-like behaviour you'd need to write something like this:

(call/cc (lambda (k)
   (with-exception-handler (lambda (e)
 (k got it))
 (lambda () (raise boom!)

i.e. explicitly call the escape continuation in your handler code.

Why?  I think, simply because:
- the catch behaviour is traditional for catch/throw in Lisp and Scheme
- the with-exception-handler is what SRFI-34 specifies.

Alternatively you can use SRFI-34's 'guard' form, which encapsulates a 
pattern like that.

Hope that helps,


Re: Guile, Emacs, and smartphones

2011-06-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Mike Gran writes:


 So, it is time for me to buy a new phone.
 Has anyone run Emacs or Guile on their phone?

I've run Emacs and Guile 1.8 on my Freerunner.  No success with Guile
2.0 yet.  (Although I've hardly devoted much time yet to that; I hope to
do so soonish.)

 (Somehow I doubt there is a phone keyboard that'll let me type

The Freerunner SHR terminal (on-screen) keyboard does; also
matchbox-keyboard.  It isn't exactly easy, though, given how small the
keys are, and close to the bevel that surrounds the screen.


Re: Serving files with guile web server

2011-03-19 Thread Neil Jerram writes:

 So far I have been able to serve text files and images, it should work
 with any mime-type now, but I have not test it yet.

 Here is the piece of code that handles files for the curious:

   (let ((file-path (public-file-path path)))
 (if (file-exists? file-path)
 (let* ((mime-type (mime-type-ref file-path))
(mime-type-symbol (mime-type-symbol mime-type)))
   (if (text-mime-type? mime-type)
`((content-type . (,mime-type-symbol)))
(lambda (out-port)
  (call-with-input-file file-path
(lambda (in-port)
  (display (read-delimited  in-port)
`((content-type . (,mime-type-symbol)))
(call-with-input-file file-path
(lambda (in-port)
  (get-bytevector-all in-port))
 (not-found request)))

 I hope it's readable :-)

Certainly, it looks good.  Where does mime-type-ref come from, though?

Perhaps that could be wrapped up as `static-file-response' (or a better
name if you can think of one) and added to (web server).


Re: Serving files with guile web server

2011-03-18 Thread Neil Jerram writes:

 I gave a second read to the manual and found:

 The handler should return two values: the response, as a response
 record from (web response), and the response body as a string, bytevector,
 or #f if not present.

 If this is correct then I guess I should check the file type first and
 then read the file to either create a string or a bytevector from it.

 Any recommendation will be highly appreciated.

Well, I suppose I'd recommend considering not using the Guile server to
serve static files.  Using Guile makes more sense when you want to
generate dynamic content, because then you're really using the
capabilities of the language.

In my web server experiments so far I've used Apache, modlisp and Guile
together, and this combination seems to work well.  Then Apache can
handle all the static content (I guess using the efficient sendfile)
without bothering modlisp or Guile, but dynamic stuff can be routed via
modlisp to Guile.


Re: regex-split for Guile

2011-03-11 Thread Neil Jerram
William James writes:

 (define (regex-split regexp str . options)

Thanks for posting that!  For fun/interest, here's an alternative
implementation that occurred to me.


(use-modules (ice-9 regex)
 (ice-9 string-fun))

(define (regex-split regex str . opts)
  (let* ((unique-char #\@)
 (unique-char-string (string unique-char)))
(let ((splits (separate-fields-discarding-char
   (regexp-substitute/global #f
  (cond ((memq 'keep opts)
 (let ((non-matches (map (lambda (i)
   (list-ref splits (* i 2)))
 (iota (floor (/ (1+ (length splits)) 
   (if (memq 'trim opts)
   (filter (lambda (s)
 (not (zero? (string-length s

Re: Is there any approach to define private vars in GOOPS?

2011-03-09 Thread Neil Jerram
nalaginrut writes:

 hi all!
 I got a question. Is there any approach to define a private
 vars/methods in the GOOPS? Or it's impossible? I didn't find any
 private info in the GOOPS manual.

Hi there!

In Guile, the visibility of identifiers - including any functions you've
defined to get and set GOOPS slots - is controlled by the module system,
and is completely orthogonal to anything specific to GOOPS.

However, the module system can't prevent any code from doing

 (slot-ref obj 'some-slot-that-should-be-private)

once it has OBJ, and knows that OBJ has a slot named

(In effect because slot names live in a different namespace from that of
identifiers, and which isn't connected to the module system.)

If you can determine at runtime whether or not any given slot access is
allowed - perhaps based on (current-module) - it should be possible to
enforce this by defining a new kind of slot #:allocation and putting
that runtime check in the #:slot-ref function.


Re: GNU Guile 1.9.15 released — last call before 2.0!

2011-02-02 Thread Neil Jerram (Ludovic Courtès) writes:

 We are pleased to announce GNU Guile release 1.9.15.  This is the last
 pre-release before the 2.0 release, due on Feb. 16th!

Wow, excellent job, and exciting times.  Well done to everyone involved!


Re: Modules

2011-02-01 Thread Neil Jerram
Andy Wingo writes:

 I would also mention the approach from the skeleton package, which you
 can fetch from  `autoreconf -vif',
 `./configure', and `make'.  It has a toplevel `env' script, similar to
 other environment scripts needed for other languages that tweak

Thanks.  It seems a shame, and less portable, for us to rely on shell
script wrappers.  But given that we're talking about uninstalled stuff,
and that it seems extremely unlikely for a development machine not to
have a decent shell, I guess that's actually OK.


Re: Modules

2011-01-29 Thread Neil Jerram
Marek Kubica writes:

 What about the same directory that the file is in? The point is, when
 writing scripts that become larger than one file, splitting them into
 modules becomes immensely painful because the modules cannot find each

I agree that this is a bit awkward.  My current solution is

(load setup-load-path.scm)

at the start of each top-level script - which relies on the fact that
`load' will look in the same directory as the script file - with
setup-load-path.scm containing:

(cond-expand (guile-2
  (eval-when (load compile)
 (let* ((bindir (dirname (car (command-line
(absdir (cond ((string=? bindir .)
  ((string-match ^/ bindir)
   (in-vicinity (getcwd) bindir)
   (set! %load-path (cons (in-vicinity absdir ..)
  (let* ((bindir (dirname (car (command-line
 (absdir (cond ((string=? bindir .)
   ((string-match ^/ bindir)
(in-vicinity (getcwd) bindir)
(set! %load-path (cons (in-vicinity absdir ..)

This has the effect of adding the parent of the script-containing
directory to the load path.

Part of the complexity is supporting both 1.8 and 1.9/2.0.  For 1.9/2.0
support only, I believe it could be simplified by changing `load' to
`include', and retaining only the body of the `eval-when'.


Re: Modules

2011-01-29 Thread Neil Jerram
Neil Jerram writes:

 Marek Kubica writes:

 What about the same directory that the file is in? The point is, when
 writing scripts that become larger than one file, splitting them into
 modules becomes immensely painful because the modules cannot find each

 I agree that this is a bit awkward.  My current solution is

 (load setup-load-path.scm)

 at the start of each top-level script - which relies on the fact that
 `load' will look in the same directory as the script file - with
 setup-load-path.scm containing:

 (cond-expand (guile-2
 (eval-when (load compile)

It's amazing how writing an email sets you thinking about whether
something is really correct...

In fact I think the top level probably needs to be

(cond-expand (guile-2 (include setup-load-path.scm))
 (else (load setup-load-path.scm)))

so that the path is set up for 1.9/2.0 compilation time.  I wonder if it
works to write that as

((cond-expand (guile-2 include) (else load)) setup-load-path.scm)

And then setup-load-path.scm can be just

  (let* ((bindir (dirname (car (command-line
 (absdir (cond ((string=? bindir .)
   ((string-match ^/ bindir)
(in-vicinity (getcwd) bindir)
(set! %load-path (cons (in-vicinity absdir ..)

Which isn't so bad.

Re: Modules

2011-01-29 Thread Neil Jerram
Andy Wingo writes:

 Hi Marek,

 On Sat 29 Jan 2011 13:13, Marek Kubica writes:

 What about the same directory that the file is in? The point is, when
 writing scripts that become larger than one file, splitting them into
 modules becomes immensely painful because the modules cannot find each

 For what purpose?  If you are using modules, they are already in one
 global namespace, the various roots of which are in the %load-path
 and/or %load-compiled-path.  (resolve-module '(foo bar)) should work
 regardless of what file calls it.

If the modules are installed, that's true.  What if they are not?

Even if all of the non-installed modules are in a single tree, things
are a bit fiddly.  For work from a REPL or from Geiser, you can put

(set! %load-path (cons whatever %load-path))

in ~/.guile, and 

(load (in-vicinity (getenv HOME) .guile))

in ~/.guile-geiser, but this doesn't do the job for scripts that want to
use those modules.  (Because scripts do not load ~/.guile.)

For scripts that use uninstalled modules, then, some kind of solution is
needed; ideally one that works for both 1.8 and 1.9/2.0, allows the code
needed to live in a single common file, rather than duplicated at the
top of each script; and continues to work if the script+module tree as a
whole is moved to a different place in the filesystem.  Also I think
it's preferable if the solution is a Guile one, as opposed to based on
the #! line, or needing a shell script wrapper.

 Perhaps you are interested in `load', which is problematic regarding
 compiled files; for example when loading from a compiled file, how will
 `load' know what is the current directory?  Note that .go files are
 installed to e.g. /usr/lib64/guile, while source is in /usr/share/guile.

Good point, thanks for the reminder about that.  But (for 1.9/2.0)
`include' will always be well-defined and reliably relative to the
containing file's name, won't it?


Re: Macro expansion

2011-01-15 Thread Neil Jerram
Hans Aberg writes:

 In the code below the 'loop' and 'begin' examples will execute the
 while' loop, but if put into the body of a function, 'while' will not
 run. So why, and how to fix it?

 Just copy and paste the examples below into guile. For the two first,
 I get
 but for the third, the thunk, only

With my current Guile,

scheme@(guile-user) (version)
$4 =

the third case behaves as you would expect:

scheme@(guile-user) ((lambda
(loop ((define i 0))
 ( i 10)
 ((set! i (+ i 1)))
 ((display i)))
(display done!)
(+ 1 2)
0123456789done!$5 = 3


Re: inconsistency between let and lambda

2011-01-15 Thread Neil Jerram
Joo ChurlSoo writes:

 The following behavior of `let' seems to be wrong.

 guile (version)
 (let ((go #f)
   (alist '()))
   (let ((a 1) (b (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (x) (set! go x) 2
 (set! alist (cons (cons a b) alist))
 (set! a 100)
 (set! alist (cons (cons a b) alist))
 (if ( (length alist) 3)
   (go 2)
   (reverse alist
 ((1 . 2) (100 . 2) (100 . 2) (100 . 2))
 guile;; inconsistency between let and lambda
 (let ((go #f)
   (alist '()))
   ((lambda (a b)
  (set! alist (cons (cons a b) alist))
  (set! a 100)
  (set! alist (cons (cons a b) alist))
  (if ( (length alist) 3)
(go 2)
(reverse alist)))
1 (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (x) (set! go x) 2
 ((1 . 2) (100 . 2) (1 . 2) (100 . 2))

For what it's worth, my current Guile, from Git post 1.9.14, gives ((1
. 2) (100 . 2) (1 . 2) (100 . 2)) for both cases.


Re: How to change prompt and value-history in guile 1.9.14 init file ~/.guile

2010-12-23 Thread Neil Jerram
Fu gangqiang writes:

 Hi, all
 guile 1.9.14 default prompt is 'scheme @(guile-user)' and value-history is 
 I can change them using commands ' ,o prompt guile'  and ',o value-history 
 but how to change them in ~/.guile file

According to the `Value History' section in the manual:

 -- Scheme Procedure: disable-value-history!
 Turn off value history, if it was on.

And, not documented (and not tested by me), but found by a bit of code
grepping: from (system repl common):

(define (repl-default-prompt-set! prompt)
  (repl-default-option-set! 'prompt prompt))


Re: FW: ERROR: file: libguilereadline-v-17, message: The specified module could not be found

2010-12-21 Thread Neil Jerram
Whitlock, Bradley D writes:

 I built readline-6.1 and gmp-4.3.2 under MinGW on XP and I have guile up and
 running but I cannot get readline module to load:

 ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:

 ERROR: file: libguilereadline-v-17, message: The specified module could not
 be found.

 Is there a configuration knob that needs to be tweaked to tell guile where to
 find this file?

On Linux I think you'd need either export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib, or to run sudo ldconfig after
installing Guile.  I'm afraid I don't know what that equates to on


Re: Backquote simplification

2010-12-11 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Hans,

To reply quickly to one point in your email...  (I'll ponder the rest

Hans Aberg writes:

 On 11 Dec 2010, at 01:25, Neil Jerram wrote:

 In the hope that these questions might be useful to at least one of

 I do not know what that means.

I meant that I'm sure I don't understand yet what you're doing, and
hence that the answers might help me; and that there was a possibility
that you might not be understanding some things, and that in that case
the discussion might help you too.


Re: Backquote simplification

2010-12-10 Thread Neil Jerram
Hans Aberg writes:

 [Your reply does not seem to be on the list, so I cc it.]

 Thanks. I might try an iterated cons, that is a function f such such
   (f x1 ... xk y) -- (cons x1 ... (cons xk y) ...))

Isn't that just `list'?

More generally: I've been reading your emails, but I'm afraid I have no
idea what you are trying to do.  Perhaps you could step back and explain
that overall, before continuing with details.


Re: Backquote simplification

2010-12-10 Thread Neil Jerram
Hans Aberg writes:

 The reply I got was helpful, but I decided to settle for a macro

 (use-syntax (ice-9 syncase))

 (define-syntax tuple
   (syntax-rules ()
 ((tuple xs ...)
  `(tuple ,xs ...))
 ((tuple x1 x2 . y)
  (append `(tuple ,x1 ,x2) y))
 ((tuple x1 . y)
  (append `(tuple ,x1) y))

OK, I roughly see that this solves your problem of wanting to unquote an
arbitrary number of list elements.  (Although I don't understand why you
need to do that.)

 It behaves as I want in my context, a functional language on top of

Scheme is already a functional language, isn't it?

 I decided to implement the construct (lambda (x_1 ... x_k . y)

What syntax is that expression in?  In Scheme syntax, it's a lambda that
returns a value that is apparently unrelated to any of the arguments,
and so could equally well be written as (lambda ignored-args f).

 using an improper list (x_1 ... x_k . y); when it is a proper list,
 one just gets the fixed number of arguments construct.

 Then the object (x_1 ... x_k . y) also become available, so it is
 possible to form
   (define f (lambda (x_1 ... x_k . y) (x_1 ... x_k . y)))

How is this different from 

  (define f (lambda args args))


 Then one would expect f(a_1, ..., a_n), for n = k, to be (a_1, ...,
 a_n) - this a form of the identity.

 So to get this effect, I need a function g that can call improper
 lists (g x_1, ..., x_k . y), where y is a list.

As Dan pointed out, that is not an improper list.  It's a proper list.

In the hope that these questions might be useful to at least one of us...


Re: new sqlite binding

2010-12-07 Thread Neil Jerram
On 7 December 2010 04:46, Linas Vepstas wrote:

 Would g-wrap work?  I remember g-wrap was written about 10 years ago,
 back when swig didn't work so well, and certainly didn't work well with
 guile.  But I had the impression that g-wrap went defunct. Not sure.

 (what do I know? for all I know, maybe g-wrap morphed into ffi).

As far as I know, g-wrap is still active, and part of the dev chain for


Re: Trouble building Guile 1.9.13

2010-12-05 Thread Neil Jerram
Peter TB Brett writes:

 ERROR: In procedure skip_block_comment:
 ERROR: /home/peter/src/guile/guile-tools:1:2: unterminated `#! ... !#' comment
 guile: uncaught throw to wrong-type-arg: (#f Wrong type (expecting ~A): ~S 
 (exact integer (#t #catch-closure a8f5200 #catch-closure a8f51f0 
 #catch-closure a8f51e0)) ((#t #catch-closure a8f5200 #catch-closure 
 a8f51f0 #catch-closure a8f51e0)))
 make[3]: *** [guile-procedures.texi] Error 1

 Am I missing something?

In my tree, guile-tools is in the meta subdirectory, and I don't see
where a path of .../guile/guile-tools could come from.  Did you git
clone into a new directory?


Re: GOOPS:Can I just overload slot-set! under #:virtual and let alone slot-ref ?

2010-12-03 Thread Neil Jerram
Nala Ginrut writes:

 yeah~you hit it precisely!
 But I'm not sure if I modified the slot-seting call

I'm not clear what you mean by that.

 ,the result is all
 slot-set! procedure would be effected?

No, that's not the case for either of my suggestions.

If you invented something like `#:allocation #:custom-setter', it would
only apply to slots that had `#:allocation #:custom-setter' in their
slot definition.


Re: new sqlite binding

2010-12-03 Thread Neil Jerram
Andy Wingo writes:

 But I would like to mention the downside of the dynamic FFI
 approach: with the static FFI you get typechecking by the C
 compiler, but with the dynamic FFI you're on your own.

Interesting point, thanks.

 I suppose you could also use the C compiler to at least check that the
 function type you declared is correct; if you want to do, at runtime,

(pointer-procedure int (dynamic-func foo (dynamic-link)) (list int32))

 you could at least make a compile-time check that

 typedef int (*foo_type) (int32 bar);
 int main (...)
 { foo_type bar = foo; return 0; }
 doesn't produce any warnings with -Wall, or something.

Hmm, that's almost as annoying as just writing the C code anyway.

I guess what we want is to validate Scheme FFI code against the relevant
C header file(s).  Hopefully something like SWIG or GCC modularisation
might give us that in the future.


Re: GOOPS:Can I just overload slot-set! under #:virtual and let alone slot-ref ?

2010-12-02 Thread Neil Jerram
On 2 December 2010 07:06, Nala Ginrut wrote:

 Hi, everybody!
 I got a question while I'm trying GOOPS, here is some example code pieces:
 ;;guile code
 (define-class test ()
   (cache #:init-form 0)
   (tt #:init-form 1
   #:allocation #:virtual
   #:slot-set! (lambda (o v)
(slot-set! o 'cache
  (cons v (slot-ref o 'cache)))
 );;end lambda
   #:slot-ref (lambda (o) #f)  ;; ***FIXME: can I use generic slot-ref
 without re-define here??
 ;;guile code end

 Please notice the line with ***FIXME .I know that the slot-set! and
 slot-ref must be re-defined under #:allocation #:virtual, but can I find
 some approach that just re-define one of them? Maybe I'll need a
 modified(with overload) slot-set!, but I need a generic slot-ref in some
 circumstance. I don't know how to do. If I called slot-ref in the
 re-defination of slot-ref, that would be recursively infinite.
 How can I deal with this? Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

I'm not sure this is what you mean... but yes, your #:slot-ref lambda can do
a slot-ref on normal slots, such as cache, e.g.:

   #:slot-ref (lambda (o) (car (slot-ref o 'cache)))


Re: GOOPS:Can I just overload slot-set! under #:virtual and let alone slot-ref ?

2010-12-02 Thread Neil Jerram
On 3 December 2010 00:52, Nala Ginrut wrote:

 thanks, but my question is something like this:
 (cache ... #:slot-ref (lambda (o) (slot-ref o 'cache)) ...) ;; ERROR
 (sunday ... #:slot-ref (lambda (o) (slot-ref o 'cache)) ...) ;; That's OK

 I could call (slot-ref o 'cache) in other slot except cache, but what
 should I do if I need to use (slot-ref o 'cache) in the cache
 I used it directly and got stack overflow. I think it may cause infinite
 Actually my question can be described more explicitly: Can I just
 re-define slot-ref or slot-set! any one of them but NOT both?
 Sometimes I may need a re-defined slot-set! but I expect to let alone
 Anybody catch my mind?

Yes, I think so.

The thing about #:allocation #:virtual is that there then isn't any storage
for that slot name, at all, in instances of the relevant class.  So clearly
a normal slot-ref can't work.

But I think I understand what you want: you don't actually want #:allocation
#:virtual, but you do want some kind of customised processing when setting a
slot's value; and you don't need to do anything special when reading the
value.  Is that right?

If so, the simplest solution is to define your slot-setting call as
something other than plain slot-set!, but which uses slot-set! internally
after it has done the custom processing.

You could also define a new kind of #:allocation to implement the behaviour
you're looking for, and a metaclass for classes that can contain that kind
of slots, and write a compute-get-n-set method for that metaclass ... but
that's quite a bit more complex.


Re: Help needed debugging segfault with Guile 1.8.7

2010-11-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Peter,

Thanks for providing such a clear explanation of the problem.  Here are
a few comments.

Peter Brett writes:

 Sure.  libgeda uses direct management of memory, and the structures used
 in its document object model need to be explicitly deleted when finished
 with.  I decided to use a Guile smob to represent these structures for
 access from Scheme code, with the pointer to the actual structure in
 SCM_SMOB_DATA and with the low nibble of SCM_SMOB_FLAGS indicating which
 type of DOM structure the smob references.

 This would have been sufficient if Scheme code had only been working
 with libgeda DOMs created and managed entirely via Scheme code. [...]

I think your design is similar to what is outlined in the `Extending
Dia' node of the Guile manual.  Were you aware of that doc before
working out your design?  If not, I guess we need to make it more
prominent.  If yes, I'd appreciate any suggestions you have for how it
may be improved.

 So, where was the bug?  When a smob is GC'd, and if the pointer it
 contains hasn't already been cleared, [...]

Now that you've successfully debugged this, is there any general advice
that you would offer for how to investigate a free list corruption?  I
would guess not, as corruption is fundamentally a general thing and
has infinite possible causes - but perhaps I'm missing something.

 I hope that explained things reasonably precisely!

Thank you, it certainly did.  To conclude, I'll just note that in the
Guile 2.0 future we won't have such difficult problems, because of using
libgc - which will automatically find active references anywhere in the
whole application.  (And of course I understand that your code still
needs to work with Guile 1.8.x now.)


Re: libexif binding

2010-11-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Andy Wingo writes:

 Hey all,

 I wrote a quick binding to libexif, and threw it up on the tubes. It's

 I'm rewriting my web photo gallery from being in python to guile, hence
 the sqlite and exif hacking.

Really cool to see these quick new bindings using the 1.9/2.0 FFI!


Re: new sqlite binding

2010-11-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Linas Vepstas writes:


 On 25 November 2010 08:12, Andy Wingo wrote:

 I just hacked up a new binding to sqlite. It works with sqlite3 and
 Guile 1.9/2.0. Check it out at:

 I'd like to horn in on Andy's glory by advertising guile-dbi

 which provides a consistent set of bindings to three different
 systems: Postgres, MySQL and SQLite3

 Like Andy, I solicit patches/fixes/extensions.

At the moment, I assume guile-dbi involves building C glue code?

I like the backend-independence of the DBI interface, and I also like
Scheme code that I can just drop in and use without needing to compile
any C.

So, personally, I'd generally favour merging these two bindings, and
evolving the other DBD implementations to use the new FFI.  Although
probably also keeping the existing glue code implementation, as an
alternative to support older Guiles.


A few patches for guile-www

2010-11-25 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi thi,

I've got back to some modlisp hacking, and as part of that have rebased
to guile-www-2.28.  To get things working, in particular the modlisp
support, I had to make a few small changes, so I attach those for your
consideration.  I think they're all self-evident, but of course please
ask if not.

(For an example modlisp server and web page script that work with this, see


From 35906ccf32c502eb34190960542679ca96c6104a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Jerram
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 20:11:29 +
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Allow big-dishing-loop to set modlisp-ish reply style

 source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm |5 +++--
 source/server-utils/modlisp.scm  |9 +
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm b/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
index ee5d4ab..ade4078 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
 (define http-hgrok (vector read-first-line
-   skip-headers))
+   skip-headers
+			   #f))
 ;; Return a proc @var{dish} that loops serving http requests from a socket.
 ;; @var{dish} takes one arg @var{ear}, which may be a pre-configured socket,
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@
  ;; status box
  (b (and (number? status-box-size)
  (make-list status-box-size #f)))
- (M (mouthpiece p b))
+ (M (mouthpiece p b (vector-ref style 3)))
  (res (cond ((assq-ref method-handlers method)
  = (lambda (mh)
diff --git a/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
index 5bd60fe..9f0ffb0 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
@@ -52,14 +52,15 @@
 (set-car! rv (string-symbol (car rv)))
-(define modlisp-hgrok (vector read-first-line
-  read-headers
-  read-headers))
 (define LF \n)
 (define modlisp-ish (vector Status\n~A ~A\n
+(define modlisp-hgrok (vector read-first-line
+  read-headers
+  read-headers
+			  modlisp-ish))
 ;;; modlisp.scm ends here

From c4ceb9c7ea8d272c2c6e280bca4c07553ee50d5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Jerram
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 00:14:00 +
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] When running under Guile 1.9/2.0, use (ice-9 curried-definitions)

 source/server-utils/answer.scm |2 ++
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/server-utils/answer.scm b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
index 75af9e7..4f1f152 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/answer.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
   #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
   #:use-module ((ice-9 rw) #:select (write-string/partial)))
+(cond-expand (guile-2 (use-modules (ice-9 curried-definitions
 (define-macro (+! v n)
   `(set! ,v (+ ,v ,n)))

From b5d5e809ad7b245da90920f0186e98f2fdbf1e0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Jerram
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 00:14:32 +
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Fix tree-flat-length! so that it returns a value

 source/server-utils/answer.scm |3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/server-utils/answer.scm b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
index 4f1f152..60861fd 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/answer.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
 ((flat-length tree))
 (else (set! (flat-length tree)
 (+ (tree-flat-length! (car tree))
-   (tree-flat-length! (cdr tree)))
+   (tree-flat-length! (cdr tree
+	  (flat-length tree
 ;; Return a new string made from flattening @var{tree}.
 ;; Set the @code{flat-length} (using @code{tree-flat-length!})

From b2de97dbe50c89cc78b8a74a8b2c886e71c94c16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Jerram
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 00:15:18 +
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Fix read-headers so that it returns the read headers

 source/server-utils/modlisp.scm |7 ---
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
index 9f0ffb0..af30316 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
   (let loop ((acc '()))
 (let ((k (read-line port)))
   (if (string=? end k

Re: ERROR: Bad define placement

2010-11-22 Thread Neil Jerram
barry stevensson writes:

 Can anyone  help me please ...  i need your help badly.

It's always a good idea to CC the list, so that more people can
potentially help you.  I've added guile-user on CC here.

 Or at least guide where
 should i have a look to figure out the mistake...

I've attached what I think your code should be, with the defines in the
correct place.  Can you review (for safety) and then try out my version,
to see if it works any better than yours?  If it does, you can then look
at where our versions are different.

FYI, I did a couple of things to get your code into a more conventional

1. I replaced several strange characters (ASCII code 160) with spaces.
It's possible that these characters were the cause of the problem.  If
you aren't already, please try using a proper programming editor (such
as emacs or vi) to write your code - that should help to avoid
introducing such characters.

2. I used emacs's indent-region function to indent the code
conventionally.  This has no effect on the operation of the code, but
makes it easier for me and others to read.

Fingers crossed...


Description: Binary data

Re: ERROR: Bad define placement

2010-11-17 Thread Neil Jerram
barry stevensson writes:

 ERROR: In procedure memoization:
 ERROR: Bad define placement (define (kxmax zvalue2) (- 1 zvalue2)).

Just move the `(define (kxmax zvalue2) (- 1 zvalue2))' line so that it
comes directly after `(define (kyluw xx zz) (- 1.5 (+ xx zz)))'.  Scheme
doesn't allow that define where you currently have it - see R5RS section

(At least, it's 5.2 in the copy of R5RS that comes with Guile; I haven't
checked other versions.)


Re: pipe buffering

2010-09-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Aidan Gauland writes:

 Then I have a sexp for debugging, which shows that `expect' is getting
 one character at a time from the telnet subprocess, since it only
 prints out Tmatch, instead of Trying [IP address]...

Well, as the manual says:

 -- Macro: expect clause ...
 [...]   The procedures
 are called in turn after each character is read from the port,

 The test is successful if the procedure returns a non-false value.

Your lambda returns *unspecified*, which counts as a non-false value.
So the whole (expect ...) invocation completes after reading just one


Re: Plotting in Guile

2010-07-29 Thread Neil Jerram
Joel James Adamson writes:

 So would I write a C program to handle the IPC between guile and
 GNUPLOT, and then control it with Scheme?

There's no need to use C here.  You can generate the data, and pass it
to Gnuplot, all in Scheme.  For example, see:

(which is the code that generates the performance tracking graphs at


Re: mod_lisp support for guile-www

2010-07-06 Thread Neil Jerram
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:

 () Neil Jerram
 () Sun, 07 Mar 2010 23:00:13 +

I'm working on a project that needs a web data server, and I'd like to
use Apache + mod_lisp + Guile for that.

[extending Guile-WWW: background, rationale, etc]


 I'd like to add this support to Guile-WWW.  Has there been any further
 development on this patch, or should i run with what you posted?

Hi Thien-Thi,

Sorry that this reply is so late ...  but no, there hasn't been anything
since what I posted.  And I see that you've since released a new
Guile-WWW with this included - thanks for doing that.  When I'm working
in this area again, I'll of course rebase to the new release and offer
any further changes that emerge.


Re: Thread and guile environment

2010-07-05 Thread Neil Jerram writes:

 Suppose I have a multithreaded C program. Isn't the guile environment supposed
 to be shared amongst all threads ? That's what I understood from reading the
 docs anyway.

 Yet this simple exemple shows the opposite (see the 3 attached files).
 So am I supposed to source my global scheme definitions in all threads ?

Hm.  I think I recall a bug to do with different threads starting in
different modules.  Does it work if you add

(define-module (guile-user))

at the start of your bug.scm ?


Re: Best way to call a user defined hook (written in guile) from C when the hook need plenty parameters

2010-07-05 Thread Neil Jerram writes:

 (define (hook-helper %s) (lambda () #\t))

 where %s is the long list of parameters (foo bar baz...) that's inserted by 
 the C program.
 And :

 (define (hook . args) (local-eval (cons print-user-fields user-fields) 
 (procedure-environment (apply hook-helper args

Using local-eval and procedure-environment like this won't work in Guile
1.9/2.0, I believe.

But you could get a similar effect - which I think will still work in
1.9/2.0 - by creating a module, defining values in it, and then
evaluating in that module.  (In Guile, module == top level environment.)

(Note that the bindings in a module are conceptually similar to an alist,
so this is actually not so different from what Thien-Thi suggested.)

To create a module, in Scheme:

(define-module (xxx))

Then your C code would access that using

SCM module = scm_c_resolve_module (xxx);

and define each value in it using

scm_c_module_define (module, name, value);

and finally evaluate in that module using

scm_c_eval_string_in_module (expression, module);

It would also seem (at least to me) a bit less magical to define the
user-fields as a procedure, e.g.:

(define (calc-user-fields)
  (list foo
(+ baz foo)
(if ( foo bar) 1 2)))

and then the expression above would be (calc-user-fields).

All completely untested, of course! :-)


Re: Jumping back to REPL prompt on ^C

2010-07-04 Thread Neil Jerram
Taylor Venable writes:

 Hi there, I'm writing a piece of code with a web server component, and
 part of that being that I want to jump back to the REPL when one hits
 ^C.  So it would go something like this:

 scheme@(guile-user) (start-server)
 ;;; handling requests

 What I tried doing was essentially this:

 (call/cc (lambda (k) (sigaction SIGINT (lambda (_) (k))) (start-server)))

Just a couple of notes here.

First, continuations usually take an argument: the value which will be
the return value of the (call/cc ...) expression.  So '(k)' may be

Second, I wonder if you meant (lambda _ ...) instead of (lambda (_)
...).  I often use the former when I want a lambda that accepts any
number of arguments.

 Except *sometimes* when I hit ^C I ended up with an error that stops
 the guile program completely, seemingly due to the readline library
 that I've enabled in the REPL.  When I simplify my test I'm able to
 get the same fatal error all the time.
 In unknown file:
?: 0 [catch-closure misc-error %readline readline is not reentrant () 

This suggests to me that the code was already inside readline when you
hit ^C.

Does (start-server) ever return naturally?  If it does, there's a window
where it's just returned and the REPL is calling readline to read the
next line of input, but the terminal may not have shown the prompt yet.
So if you type ^C in that window, the error above would be expected.

Alternatively, does the code inside (start-server) ever use readline?
Perhaps by mistake it is using '(readline)' instead of '(read-line)'
from (ice-9 rdelim)?  In this case there'd obviously be loads more
chances of seeing the above error.


Re: Resigning from Guile maintainership

2010-04-15 Thread Neil Jerram
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:

 Are there any pointers you'd like to leave us so that
 we can understand and continue the Neil Jerram, Guile-Hacker style?

Unfortunately it's been a while since I had a really good protracted
hack - I think that's another reflection of changing life...

The three that occur to me now were all fantastic and absorbing uses of

- The first development of debugging infrastructure and GDS, which I did
  on a lovely week off in Brighton, pre-child.

- The 1.8 elisp translator.  Can't remember exactly when that was, but
  it was fun.

- Integrating Guile with my work's software - which is unfortunately not
  free, and so I can't provide much detail about it...  But (in my view
  at least) the Guile layer added so much capability, and allowed me to
  play with lots of things quickly like web interfaces and a GOOPS
  representation of the concepts in that software.  That was post-child,
  after I noticed that babies sometimes do lots of sleeping :-)

In summary, I think the main thing, at least for me, is having a nice
big wodge of spare time to devote!

Best wishes,

Resigning from Guile maintainership

2010-04-05 Thread Neil Jerram
Hi Everyone!

I feel the time has come for me to step down from the Guile
maintainership.  Andy and Ludo are doing an amazing job as the other
maintainers, and I have no doubt that Guile's future is bright:
technically fascinating, and showing new signs of become ubiquitous
within the GNU project, as was its original intention.

For me personally, the reality is that I've always been more a steady
pair of hands for Guile than a creative powerhouse, and I'd now like to
spend more of my time on many other things that are calling for it - and
without a slight feeling of guilt that I should be keeping that time for

I still plan to hang around, as one of Guile's many users and occasional
contributors.  In particular I hope to continue making contributions
towards getting the manual ready for publication sometime this year.
But generally I look forward to sitting back and enjoying the ride!

If there are specific things that people believe to be on my list as a
maintainer, and so were/are expecting me to get to at some point, please
email me (either privately or publicly, as appropriate) so we can decide
what to do about those.

Best wishes to all, and here's looking forward to Guile 2.0!


Re: Reconsideration of MinGW work

2010-03-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Ken Raeburn writes:

 Yes... you then also need to decide if Guile is exposing GNU/POSIX
 functionality, whatever the native OS functionality is, or some

Ideally, yes, I think.  In other words, I think it's preferable if Guile
provides the same function to applications on all platforms.  (Emacs
shows how fantastically useful this is.)

 Having just bought a Lemote Yeelong notebook at LibrePlanet [...]

Aside: I was wondering about buying one of those too, but haven't yet
because of performance concerns.  Can it compile Guile successfully, and
if so how long does it take?

 You *are* reporting these bugs, aren't you? :-)

Err... not yet.  So thanks for the reminder.  But I just checked, and
their (i.e. Wine's) bugzilla requires creating an account, so I'm not
sure I'll bother.  (Is that really irresponsible of me?)

 I think cross-compilation and cross-testing is a good thing to be able
 to do.  Obviously cross-testing requires some additional setup -- as a
 trivial example, the test suite code isn't going to know the name or
 IP address of your Windows or Yeelong machine.  I know it's hard to
 set up, though, and especially hard to maintain if few people actually
 use it.  Perhaps having build farms available with multiple platform
 types can help there.

I agree that this is useful, but it is, as you say, difficult to set up.
Personally, to the extent that I continue working on this, I think I'm
happy to limit myself to what can be achieved with emulation (i.e. with
Wine) on a single Linux box.  At least so far as regular builds are
concerned; of course I'd also expect occasionally to copy the built DLLs
over to Windows and try them there.

 One nagging concern I've got about my Guile-Emacs project is the
 seemingly narrow focus of active Guile developers as far as platforms
 are concerned.  I'm one of, what, two or three people testing the
 development versions on Mac OS X now and then, and most of the rest of
 the work is on x86 or x86-64 GNU/Linux systems, it seems?

Yes, but this isn't intentional, just a matter of limited resources.

On the other hand, in the Windows case, it seems there is independent
effort being put in to the problem downstream.  I wonder why that's
downstream - perhaps because we're not good enough at accepting patches
when they're offered?

On the MacOS side I haven't been closely involved recently, but I think
- for all platforms other than the really mainstream ones that you've
mentioned above - we need people who are authoritative about what the
solution for a given problem is.  If I see a patch for MacOS that seems
to be done at the right place in the build, and obviously doesn't
inappropriately impact other platforms, and the submitter is
authoritative about it being the right solution for MacOS, it's easy to
say OK, I believe you, and there's no risk, so let's commit it.  But
in the conversations that I remember there hasn't been that
authoritative tone; it's more like I've needed to work out half of the
solution myself, which I'm not in a position to do.  So then things get
left sitting, etc.  And similarly for other less mainstream platforms.

 For a random Scheme implementation, it's okay to pick the set of
 platforms you want to support, and drop whatever's inconvenient.

Which is absolutely not my intention...

  But if you want to be the official extension language for the GNU
 project, used by (theoretically) lots of GNU packages, you've got to
 support all the platforms the developers of those platforms want to
 support, if you possibly can.

I agree.

  I think that includes both Cygwin and MinGW,

This is a key point.  My previous email hinted that Cygwin support might
be enough, and several people have commented that it isn't.  So I'm
happy now that that hint was wrong.  For me, then, the questions are
whether we need any more Cygwin/MinGW support for 1.8.x than what
already exists, and how, structurally speaking, we do Cygwin/MinGW
support for 1.9/2.0 and future releases.

Having said that, I don't feel I understand technically why a MinGW
version of Guile, including all necessary emulation code, would run
faster or be less bloated than a Cygwin Guile.  Can someone explain

 and probably not just supporting whatever subset can be mapped into
 POSIX functions via Gnulib.

I don't think I understand your point here.  Gnulib isn't a fixed point.
If we can add emulation code into Guile, can't we just as easily add it
into Gnulib?


Re: Reconsideration of MinGW work

2010-03-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Peter Brett writes:

 Neil Jerram writes:

 I've been making gradual progress on MinGW cross building, but I've
 reached a point where I'm no longer sure that this is worthwhile.  This
 email explains why, and invites comments from anyone interested in this
 - especially from anyone who is really trying to use Guile on Windows.

 We get people coming to the gEDA user mailing list on a regular basis
 saying, Where can I find a version of gEDA for Windows? and the
 Windows builds we've put out have been generally well-received.  Since
 Guile is one of our core dependencies, lack of Windows support in Guile
 would mean that we wouldn't be able to provide a Windows build at all
 (we already had massive problems at the start of the Guile 1.8.x series
 with GMP portability, or lack thereof, and this meant that it took
 almost three years after 1.8 became the supported stable release for us
 to be able to stop supporting 1.6).

Hi Peter,

I'm sorry, I didn't mean my email to suggest dropping Windows support.
It was more about what more (if anything) is needed for 1.8 releases,
and how to handle Windows support in future, and how those points relate
to a line of work that I've been spending time on recently.

Where are you getting your MinGW guile from at the moment?  Is it that
MinGW SF page that I mentioned, or somewhere else?

 Cygwin isn't an option, unfortunately; we think it's totally
 reasonable for users to want to use the native windowing system, not to
 mention the fact that Cygwin is *dog slow*.

OK, understood.  I'd like to understand more about what makes Cygwin
slow, though, in order to see why a MinGW Guile wouldn't end up being
equally slow.  But in the interim I'm happy to accept that MinGW is


Re: Reconsideration of MinGW work

2010-03-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Linas Vepstas writes:

 My pet peeve with mingw is the lack of ready-to-go regex. This is completely
 unrelated to guile; I have another project that made the mistake of assuming
 that regex just worked on windows, and I've been bitched at ever

Gnulib has a regex library.

 Getting regex into mingw and having it just work would be excellent.

But that won't happen, because that's not part of MinGW's mission.  All
MinGW is trying to do is provide a free software toolset for building
native Windows programs - which at runtime will link to the standard set
of DLLs that M$ provides.  Those DLLs don't provide regex, so the MinGW
header files don't provide regex either.


Re: Need help to understand a macro

2010-03-22 Thread Neil Jerram
Josef Wolf writes:

 BTW: While we're at the docs, what I find confusing about guile documentation
 is that it talks extensively about the C bindings, but has not much to say
 about the language itself and how guile differs from the standard (extensions,
 limitations). But maybe I've just not got the big picture yet...

I have some changes pending that may help a bit with that.

For the standards that Guile follows, I think it's pretty faithful, so
there isn't much to say about limitations.  So that just leaves saying
what those standards are, and extensions.

For the former, one of my pending changes for the 2.0 manual has this:

Guile implements Scheme as described in the
Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (usually known as
@acronym{R5RS}), providing clean and general data and control
structures.  Guile goes beyond the rather austere language presented
in @acronym{R5RS}, extending it with a module system, full access to
@acronym{POSIX} system calls, networking support, multiple threads,
dynamic linking, a foreign function call interface, powerful string
processing, and many other features needed for programming in the real

The Scheme community has recently agreed and published R6RS, the
latest installment in the RnRS series.  R6RS significantly expands the
core Scheme language, and standardises many non-core functions that
implementations -- including Guile -- have previously done in
different ways.  Guile has been updated to incorporate some of the
features of R6RS, and to adjust some existing features to conform to
the R6RS specification, but it is by no means a complete R6RS

Between R5RS and R6RS, the SRFI process
(@url{}) standardised interfaces for many
practical needs, such as multithreading programming and
multidimensional arrays.  Guile supports many SRFIs, as documented in
detail in @ref{SRFI Support}.

In summary, so far as relationship to the Scheme standards is
concerned, Guile is an R5RS implementation with many extensions, some
of which conform to SRFIs or to the relevant parts of R6RS.

As far as extensions are concerned, I think it is very likely that the
manual isn't always clear about what things are standardized and what
are extensions.  But I'm not sure what to do about it - do you have a
suggestion?  Also, how much does it matter in practice?


Re: Is Guile Useful to a Scheme Noob

2010-03-21 Thread Neil Jerram
Gour writes:

 After starting with it and trying examples in guile, I've quickly
 found out that e.g. guile-1.8.x does not support some stuff from the
 book (e.g. using square brackets to delimit bindings of let expr.).

True.  But you should be able to work around that just by changing [
and ] back to ( and ).

(Personally I dislike those square brackets, and it seems to me an
unhelpful editorial choice to use them in TSPL.  I don't recall my copy
having them; perhaps yours is a newer edition.)

 I'm aware that guile-1.9.x has brought support for it, but gnucash
 support only guile-1.8 and upcoming gnucash-2.4 won't support
 guile-2.0 either (no idea how hard it would be to support it), but
 considering my primary objective is to learn guile for gnucash I
 wonder if sticking to guile-1.8.x is better option for my learning?

For learning the language, and tweaking gnucash, yes, I'd say guile-1.8
is the better option.

 Another thing, since I use Emacs, I'd appreciate some hing which mode
 to use for guile code?

 I see there is Quack and I've just found out about Geiser...

For all the options apart from Geiser, see `Using Guile in Emacs' in the
manual.  For Geiser I guess you don't need help, as you say you've
already found out about it.


Reconsideration of MinGW work

2010-03-21 Thread Neil Jerram
I've been making gradual progress on MinGW cross building, but I've
reached a point where I'm no longer sure that this is worthwhile.  This
email explains why, and invites comments from anyone interested in this
- especially from anyone who is really trying to use Guile on Windows.

First, I've found that completing a successful build (i.e.,
configure and make) is not at all the end of the story; it's only the
first part of what is really needed - because at runtime some key pieces
of function can still be missing, or can behave differently on
MinGW/Windows than on Linux/POSIX.  Two examples of this are operations
on file descriptors - where on MinGW/Windows different functions must be
called for sockets than for real files - and regular expressions, which
are not supported by the MinGW/Windows C library.

Therefore the definition of success also needs to include a successful
make check, or some equivalent of that.  Using MSYS and MinGW on
Windows, I assume that make check can be run just as easily as
make.  When cross-building with i586-mingw32msvc-* tools on Linux,
make check can be run (in principle) if you also have Wine installed,
and that's the setup that I've been using recently.

Second, though, it turns out that using i586-mingw32msvc-* and Wine on
Linux unfortunately does not give the same results as MSYS and MinGW on
Windows.  For example I've found that system(NULL) throws a SIGSEGV
under Wine, but for Carlo Bramix, working on Windows, that wasn't a
problem; and instead, for Carlo, there were other problems that I don't
see with a Linux cross build.

This is hardly surprising.  Although Wine aims to emulate the Windows
runtime DLLs precisely, of course it is only software and so can have
bugs.  But it is an extra hassle in practice.

Third, I reviewed my own need for Guile on Windows - and in fact I've
been perfectly happily using the Cygwin version for some time now.  So
actually I don't currently need a MinGW version - and maybe that would
be true for other Guile on Windows users too.

Looking forwards, supporting a Cygwin build of Guile will always be much
easier than supporting a MinGW build, because the whole point of Cygwin
is to provide an emulation on Windows of the POSIX API, and that's what
most of the Guile code assumes.

Fourth, I've realized that I significantly misunderstood MinGW's
objective.  Its true objective is to provide free software tools for
building native Windows programs to run with the Win32 runtime DLLs, and
the MinGW website is actually very clear about this.  That means that it
is 100% targeting the API provided by the Win32 DLLs.  But somehow or
other I had got the idea that it was also a bit Cygwin-ish, in trying to
provide pieces of the Linux/POSIX API that aren't provided by those

That last idea is completely wrong, which means that trying to build a
POSIX-assuming project for MinGW is always going to be hard.

Fifth, and now thinking more of the future with 1.9/2.0, I wondered if
it would be better to address MinGW porting problems within Gnulib,
instead of putting lots of #ifdef __MINGW32__ into Guile's own code.
And in fact yes, based on a small and completely unscientific sample of
Google results, it seems the Gnulib guys do regard MinGW compatibility
as part of their remit.

So putting #ifdef __MINGW32__ stuff into Guile is probably unhelpful
anyway, because it would be better to contribute to Gnulib instead.  And
it's possible that Gnulib might already have what we need.

And finally, I noticed that there already claims to be a MinGW port of
Guile 1.8, here:

Therefore I'm inclined to conclude the following.

- Overall, it isn't as important as I had been thinking to get a
  complete MinGW build of Guile.  I personally plan to concentrate more
  now on 1.8 - 1.9/2.0 compatibility, and on the manual.

- As far as future development is concerned, including the current
  master branch, MinGW portability fixes should be directed at Gnulib
  if possible, instead of done directly in the Guile code.

- As far as 1.8.x is concerned, I'm not sure if there's any need out
  there that isn't already met either by Cygwin or by the MinGW port
  linked above.

Anyone still reading?  Congratulations if so - and please let me know
what you think!


Re: Is Guile Useful to a Scheme Noob

2010-03-21 Thread Neil Jerram
Gour writes:

 It seems that it won't be so easy to add support in gnucash
 considering that 2.0 is big jump in guile's evolution?

Ideally we (meaning the core developers) will have time to do more work
on 1.8 - 1.9/2.0 compatibility before the 2.0 release, including by
working with gnucash, so that we can understand and hopefully fix the


Re: Is Guile Useful to a Scheme Noob

2010-03-21 Thread Neil Jerram
Mike Gran writes:

 From: Neil Jerram

 True.  But you should be able to work around that just by 
 changing [ and ] back to ( and ).

 (Personally I dislike those square brackets, and it seems 
 to me an unhelpful editorial choice to use them in TSPL. 
 I don't recall my copy having them; perhaps yours is a newer edition.)

 Square brackets would be fairly easy to backport to 1.8.  Is there
 an argument against doing so? 


n...@laruns:~$ guile
guile (version)
guile (define [a 2)
guile [a

But that's hardly a big deal; recognizing [ and ] as ( and ) could be
subject to a reader option.

(Also at one point we had support for Elisp vector syntax.  I'm not sure
how that ended up in 1.8.x, but in any case any possible problem is
still covered by a reader option.)

So if you feel like backporting this, please go ahead!


Re: mod_lisp support for guile-www

2010-03-12 Thread Neil Jerram (Ludovic Courtès) writes:

 I note that Guile-WWW's license is GPLv3+, whereas the Guile
 distribution as a whole is LGPLv3+.  I'm not sure if that's a problem or

 It’s not a problem.  It’s fine to have parts of the standard library
 under the LGPLv3+ and other parts under GPLv3+ (e.g., Readline support
 is under GPLv3+), as long as libguile and supporting code remain

Great; thanks for the quick answer on that.


Re: loading a module

2010-03-01 Thread Neil Jerram
Tomas By writes:

 On Sun, February 28, 2010 23:59, Neil Jerram wrote:
 This is really a stab in the dark - but could you try using a name for
 the Scheme-level procedure that is different from the module name?
 Currently they are both mytest.

 I think there could be some residual nonsense meaning for a binding that
 has the same name as the module...

 Thanks for the suggestion. I tried changing the name in the define_gsubr
 and export statements and it made no difference.

 But it's ok. Compiling my own binary is fine for what I am doing. I'm not
 sure why I bother so much about this in the first place. Maybe I should
 have my head looked at.

OK, fine.  But please do come and ask us again if you need to, and we'll
have another go.


Re: request: libguile to wrap getsid(2)

2009-12-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:

 As years go by, i have come to venerate old code per se less and
 less.  I think it would be cool to write tools to distill the
 essence of old code, recasting into new code.  That is what
 compilers do, after all...

If the new compiler/translator framework in Guile 1.9.x is capable of
handling ECMAScript and elisp, it should certainly (in principle) be
able to handle slightly different variants of Guile Scheme.  So that
might be a good way of handling any recasting at runtime.  I believe it
also supports writing out recast code - although perhaps at the cost of
losing some formatting and comments.

  Dreaming, i'd like to see compilers
 that go beyond:

   source - executable representation


   grok-db -+---+
 compilation |
   source ---+ executable representation

 where grok-db contains the analysis results of (this and other)
 source, both present and past.

Can you give an example of what grok-db might say?

Also note that grok-db is in a sense already present, in the source code
of the compiler.


Re: why guile is so slow?

2009-12-28 Thread Neil Jerram
Chengqi Song writes:

 thanks but this package does not compile now. scm_tc7_svect undeclared.

Yes, I'm sorry, it hasn't been updated for a while.

Unfortunately I don't have time to look at this now.  I'll try to do
that in the next week or two.  If you decide to work on it, please let
me know.


 On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, Neil Jerram wrote:

 Chengqi Song writes:
  Thanks to Neil, 
  Is there any binding to xlib? or easier way to generate a xlib binding? 
 Yes, guile-xlib.  (Written by me, and maintained for a while by
 Thien-Thi Nguyen.)  It is not a complete Xlib binding, it only has some
 core functions.  But I think it would be a good starting point if you
 are interested in adding support for more Xlib operations.
 These links should work for guile-xlib-0.4, although I'm not sure
 because my ISP is ridiculously slow right now.

Re: request: libguile to wrap getsid(2)

2009-12-27 Thread Neil Jerram
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:

 I've just about finished porting ratpoison (a CVS snapshot prior to its
 author's abandoning it in favor of stumpwm) to Guile (1.4.x) scheme.
 This means no more Xlib (et al)!

Cool.  (I like ratpoison, and I wasn't aware it had been abandoned.  A
Guile-enabled ratpoison would be great.)

 However, the last bit of C glue (outside of ttn-do) it needs is getsid(2).
 Here is the Guile 1.4.x-flavored wrapping:

   (rpx_getsid, getsid, 1, 0, 0,
(SCM pid),
doc: /***
   Return the session id associated with @var{pid}.  */)
 return gh_int2scm (getsid (gh_scm2int (pid)));

 I'm sure it would be no trouble to adapt this to other Guile versions.
 This function will go into Guile, so i'm hereby requesting
 that a future Guile 1.9.x include it, as well.  This way, i can release
 rpx (working name of the port -- kind of like ratpoison exhumed) with
 only ttn-do as its dependency, and no C bits whatsoever.

No problem, I'll add this.  Can you point to a specific 1.4.x commit, to
help with any extra bits that are needed, e.g. anything in

 But ttn, why do you care about any Guile other than 1.4.x?

 Well, why not?

Well, indeed.  Let's make 2010 the year of repairing our divisions...

With Guile 1.9.x/2.0, we have a fantastic new base system that I think
will serve us well for some years.  With that in place, it would be
great to pull together all the Guile apps and extensions that are out
there, and showcase them working together and doing interesting things.
Plus, as far as possible, I hope we can find ways of making everything
work with older versions of Guile too.



Re: typo in guile doc?

2009-12-27 Thread Neil Jerram
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:

 () Chengqi Song
 () Sun, 27 Dec 2009 07:22:50 +0800

By calling this function, the garbage collector learns
about all references that your SMOB has to other SCM values.

what is has to other SCM values? is it a typo?

 Perhaps that object contains (points to, references) other
 sub-objects.  The SMOB's mark function must call (back to) Guile's
 mark function for those sub-objects.  In this way the collector learns.
 If the mark function fails to do that, the collector remains ignorant.

We could rewrite this as:

By calling this function, the garbage collector learns
about the other SCM values (if any) that your SMOB refers to.

Would that be clearer?

Also please note that this is different in Guile 1.9.x.  (In summary,
the mark function isn't needed any more.)  If you're writing something
new, you may want to consider targeting Guile 1.9.x instead of 1.8.x.


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