Re: [h-cost] Finding information

2008-02-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Some things depend on where you are.  In Ohio, for example, anybody can walk into a 
public university & use the collection, no questions asked.  (Your Tax Dollars 
at Work) Private schools can restrict access, but in practice, they usually don't 
notice another busy searcher in the stacks.  (I really hope the spate of muckers   
shooting up college campuses doesn't get this kind of casual access shut down.)  
Checking books out at colleges is a different matter, but guest cards are 
frequently available.  If you don't want to get a guest card, you could browse the 
shelves, make lists and then ask your local public library to get an interlibrary 
loan on the things you want.  I've heard that other states are more restrictive, 
but some are even looser than we are.

Worldcat is a delightful tool.  Go to  Put the name of your book or 
author into the search box.  Give it your zip code when it asks for it.  Hit search.  
Your results will be given in order of increasing distance from your location.  You 
then plan your road trip, or decide to swamp the local ILL librarians.  

All libraries are not on Worldcat, as it is a paid service that small libraries 
don't always have in the budget, but libraries big enough to have really deep 
costume collections are generally in it, at least in my neck of the woods.

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Finding information

2008-02-20 Thread michaela de bruce
>  The notes in secondary sources should send you to the primary sources, many
>  of which you may have access to--see below.

This is probably the first best way to start out:)

I also recommend finding out what Inter-library Loan (ILL) scheme your
local library has. Some books you request will not be allowed out of
another collection but you may just get lucky.

Also google books is a marvelous place for finding transcriptions of
historic texts, I just recently (re)found a few myself:
Basically I did a search for a fabric term that I knew was in use in
the time I was most interested in (sadly my German specific terms
don't turn up much of anything). And using other spelling variants
turns up even more books:)

Project Guttenburg also turns up some interesting works and there are
all manner of catalogues online for similar types of searches which
you can then take to your library's ILL librarian:)

Michaela de Bruce
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Finding information

2008-02-20 Thread AnnBWass
In a message dated 2/20/2008 4:50:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

The only  thing I have 
>thought of is to go to a library but than I wonder, where  to begin 
>digging deep into the collection to find original sources of  info.

The notes in secondary sources should send you to the primary sources, many  
of which you may have access to--see below.
Your local university libary probably has its catalogue on-line. I, for  
example, live near the University of Maryland.  If I find a primary source  
in a book, the first place I look is the Maryland card catalogue.   It is 
absolutely amazing what is available there on microfilm.  (Godey's  Lady's Book 
and Peterson's magazine, for example, both great sources for the  second half 
of the nineteenth century, should be available on microfilm--the  only drawback 
is that they are in black and white, not color.)  As was  pointed out, you 
can usually walk in and use a university library, no questions  asked.  If you 
live near the institution from which you graduated, check on  alumni 
privileges.  Some allow members of the alumni association borrowing  
privileges.  I 
splurge for the $150 Friends of the Library membership at  Maryland because 
also gets me inter-library loan privileges.
I don't know how other state work, but, here in Maryland, if one has a  
public library card, one can access almost all the other libraries in the state 
and have books from those other libraries sent to your local one--again, you 
 do the hunting and the requesting on-line.  This is probably not so useful  
for primary source material, but may help you find that sought-after  
out-of-print 20th century costume book. 
It's all about the hunt, you know--you just keep going and going.
Ann Wass

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Finding information

2008-02-20 Thread Chris Laning
Justine wrote:
>...That is my 
>second problem as a costumer, scholarly research. Aside from going onto 
>websites and reading in timeline books where all the information is 
>already researched and digested for others to read, which is my main 
>source of learning, where do you find this stuff? The only thing I have 
>thought of is to go to a library but than I wonder, where to begin 
>digging deep into the collection to find original sources of info. 

First, you can always ask on this and other mailing lists. If you explain what 
types of things, centuries and geographic areas you're looking for, there will 
probably be lots of people who can give you book and article titles as a place 
to start. The more specific you can be, the better. You can also ask whether a 
particular book is considered to be a good one -- Iris Peacock's costume books, 
for instance, are not.

With regards to libraries, you're on the right track. There is *much* more 
information available in book form than online (and it's often easier to tell 
whether the information is any good). People who teach research classes now 
have to hammer it into their students' heads that the Internet is *not* your 
best or only source for serious research.

The bigger the library, the better the chances of it having useful material; 
university and college libraries are often the best place to start, especially 
if you don't live in a big city (big-city libraries are often good, too). Most 
university libraries are open to anyone who wants to walk in and look at 
things, and you can generally photocopy things even if you can't take them out. 
My local public university has a "Friends of the Library" program and I've had 
a card through them for years that lets me take out up to 10 books.

The way I always start when researching a new area is to look up the call 
numbers (whatever system your library uses) for a few books in the right 
general subject area (in your case, historical clothing). A reference librarian 
can almost always help you with such a search, and many libraries now have 
their catalogs online. It doesn't much matter exactly which titles you start 

Step 2 is to go to the section of the shelves where those books are, and start 
looking at everything on the shelf that looks interesting or relevant. Pick out 
the ones where it looks as though the authors are basing what they say on 
actual research (i.e. probably _not_ "So-and-so's Book of Quick'n'Easy Stage 
Costumes" ;).

Step 3 (and this is the key!) is to turn to the back of the book and read the 
BIBLIOGRAPHY. This will list the books and papers the authors used for 
reference. *This* is the important section to photocopy, because now you can go 
looking for any of _those_ books and articles that look relevant. Find those 
and repeat the process ;)

One of the best sources of information on the nitty-gritty details of clothing 
is articles published in professional journals in history. The most practical 
way to discover which articles to look for is to get the references from 
someone else's bibliography. Again a reference librarian can help you sort out 
the cryptic note in the bibliography that says something like "J. Hist. Text. 
48:3-39" (I made that one up). Bound copies of the journal may be available in 
the library or on microfilm, even if they're not near the main bookshelf you 
started with.

Of course, you will very soon begin to find books and articles that sound 
absolutely fascinating but that the library doesn't have. Inter-library loan is 
your friend here. You can generally ILL a specific book through your public 
library, although some library systems do this much better and more quickly 
than others (and some have to charge for the service, though most don't). 

Hope this helps -- ask more questions anytime.

0  Chris Laning
+  Davis, California  -

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Finding information:

2008-02-20 Thread ladybeanofbunny1
Hello everyone, I have just been observing your posts to one another, 
fascinated by the topics. Earlier periods aren't quite my interest but 
I find the bits of knowledge you contain very interesting. That is my 
second problem as a costumer, scholarly research. Aside from going onto 
websites and reading in timeline books where all the information is 
already researched and digested for others to read, which is my main 
source of learning, where do you find this stuff? The only thing I have 
thought of is to go to a library but than I wonder, where to beging 
digging deep into the collection to find original sources of info. The 
Victorian fashion era seems to be vwidely available on an informal 
research scale but where may I look for resources of the hardcore 
information that serious historians and researchers study before 
relaying all they've learned to the rest of us? One of these I will hit 
the FIT book store up in the fashion district, since they have not only 
a large collection but a course focusing on preservation and curatorial 
studies. Take care:)


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