Re: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law

2003-08-02 Thread Joshua Koenig
So either the media-network intelligence goes in the nodes of the
network, or it goes straight to the center of the Dean Media Team
A few times now you've talked about "having to get permission from DMT"
or being "controlled by DMT", and now the "DMT mother-ship".  It's 
that you don't like the idea of someone else telling us what to do.
But it's unfair to describe DMT so adversarially, as though they were
some sort of independent controlling entity.
If the DMT were the only place to go to get media, they would by 
necessity be a controlling entity. Slashdot -- which invites some user 
moderation -- works ok, but you'll also find many people who are 
disgruntled with the way it is run.

Luckily for people who don't like slashdot, there are 100s of places 
you can go for "News For Nerds, Stuff that Matters." What we're talking 
about here would be a system where DMT would be the only source for 
Dean Media. As such, any top-down control by anyone will create 

There is no "us" and "them".  We are all on the same team.
Not really accurate. We have the same ultimate goal, but for various 
reasons (legal, technical, political, social) we are not on the same 

Look, as Zack pointed out, a user-driven moderation system doesn't 
depend on a centralized media server. Being able to link media doesn't 
depend on a centralized media server. Being able to widely promote 
media doesn't depend on a centralized media server.

The only thing a centralized media server does is (potentially) shorten 
the development time. As a tradeoff to that you have legal liability 
due to cost, a high admin load, and the potential of stifling 

No one is arguing against a search hub for media. This is clearly 
necessary. The question is which entities have control over how media 
is produced and what it contains, how media is promoted and released to 
the public, and where in cyberspace media is hosted.

All of these questions push me in the direction of a distributed media 
system, and the cost/liability issue seals the deal. We obviously need 
search hubs for the many types and shapes of Dean media, but we cannot 
have one host for it all.


RE: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law

2003-08-02 Thread Jon Lebkowsky
> Subject: Re: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law
> Zack & Jon -- i'm not sure it's a good idea to copy David Reed and
> Larry Lessig on these huge e-mail messages.  It might be impolite to
> ask their opinion Without giving them the context of the discussion.

Actually I think there was sufficient info in the specific msg for David
(who's a member of the Greater Democracy group) to respond, and he certainly
has an interest in this kind of tech/political endeavor, so I see no problem
going to the source for validation of the application of his thinking. I
don't think I'm the one who copied Lessig, but it's less clear to me that
he's apt to respond because he's covered up.

> A few times now you've talked about "having to get permission from
> DMT" or being "controlled by DMT", and now the "DMT mother-ship".
> It's clear that you don't like the idea of someone else telling us
> what to do. But it's unfair to describe DMT so adversarially, as
> though they were some sort of independent controlling entity.
> There is no "us" and "them".  We are all on the same team.

Actually this is not exactly correct, at least at this point. We're
volunteers creating something external to the Dean Campaign, and though I
came late to the project, I hope I have understood correctly that the
project was specifically designed to be decentralized. The problem is that,
partly for legal reasons, we can't have DMT as a fuzzy conceptual center -
if we have a specific connection to the Dean campaign, then that inherently
changes the character of the project, because they do have to take more
control of something that is specifically theirs.

> Slashdot has a reasonably open moderation system, where they hand out
> moderator access to lots of people.  The end result of the moderation
> is a pretty good consensus on which comments are informative and which
> ones are pointless flames.  And i don't have a sense that the
> discussion there is being stifled or censored by single-minded
> moderation.  (The discussions may be biased because of the user
> population, but that's a different thing).
> Would you be so unhappy with a system that worked as well as Slashdot?
> It would probably be better, since (a) we wouldn't be relying on a
> couple of dictators to select all the articles, and (b) our user
> population would probably be better-behaved.

I vote thumbs up for that idea, if it fits what's been developed so far...

Jon L.

Jon Lebkowsky
CEO/Catalyst, Polycot

Re: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law

2003-08-02 Thread zrosen
You can build just-as-effective slashdot moderation stuff into the aggregator 
as you could in the central site.  The way in which the system collects 
metadata has no effect on this.

> There is no "us" and "them".  We are all on the same team.

I am not accusing DFA of having bad intentions.  I am sure they would do the 
best job they could.  I am pointing out that there are very unfortunate and 
inflammatory problems with having DMT control the vetting of nodes media 

The vetting of a nodes media should be controlled by the node, not DFA nor any 
third party.


Date: 8/2/2003 00:39:34 -0700
From: Ka-Ping Yee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-to: Ka-Ping Yee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Zack Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law  All headers  
Zack & Jon -- i'm not sure it's a good idea to copy David Reed and
Larry Lessig on these huge e-mail messages.  It might be impolite to
ask their opinion Without giving them the context of the discussion.

(And for God's sake i finally had to fix the spelling in the subject.
I couldn't take it any more...)

Anyway, i just wanted to address one thing for now --

On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Zack Rosen wrote:
> So either the media-network intelligence goes in the nodes of the
> network, or it goes straight to the center of the Dean Media Team
> mother-ship.

A few times now you've talked about "having to get permission from DMT"
or being "controlled by DMT", and now the "DMT mother-ship".  It's clear
that you don't like the idea of someone else telling us what to do.
But it's unfair to describe DMT so adversarially, as though they were
some sort of independent controlling entity.

There is no "us" and "them".  We are all on the same team.

We're in this together.  Would you feel different if we were talking
about as the search hub instead?  Why does it matter?

Slashdot has a reasonably open moderation system, where they hand out
moderator access to lots of people.  The end result of the moderation
is a pretty good consensus on which comments are informative and which
ones are pointless flames.  And i don't have a sense that the discussion
there is being stifled or censored by single-minded moderation.  (The
discussions may be biased because of the user population, but that's a
different thing).

Would you be so unhappy with a system that worked as well as Slashdot?
It would probably be better, since (a) we wouldn't be relying on a
couple of dictators to select all the articles, and (b) our user
population would probably be better-behaved.

-- ?!ng

Re: [hackers] Edge-to-Edge Principle / Reed's Law

2003-08-02 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
Zack & Jon -- i'm not sure it's a good idea to copy David Reed and
Larry Lessig on these huge e-mail messages.  It might be impolite to
ask their opinion Without giving them the context of the discussion.

(And for God's sake i finally had to fix the spelling in the subject.
I couldn't take it any more...)

Anyway, i just wanted to address one thing for now --

On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Zack Rosen wrote:
> So either the media-network intelligence goes in the nodes of the
> network, or it goes straight to the center of the Dean Media Team
> mother-ship.

A few times now you've talked about "having to get permission from DMT"
or being "controlled by DMT", and now the "DMT mother-ship".  It's clear
that you don't like the idea of someone else telling us what to do.
But it's unfair to describe DMT so adversarially, as though they were
some sort of independent controlling entity.

There is no "us" and "them".  We are all on the same team.

We're in this together.  Would you feel different if we were talking
about as the search hub instead?  Why does it matter?

Slashdot has a reasonably open moderation system, where they hand out
moderator access to lots of people.  The end result of the moderation
is a pretty good consensus on which comments are informative and which
ones are pointless flames.  And i don't have a sense that the discussion
there is being stifled or censored by single-minded moderation.  (The
discussions may be biased because of the user population, but that's a
different thing).

Would you be so unhappy with a system that worked as well as Slashdot?
It would probably be better, since (a) we wouldn't be relying on a
couple of dictators to select all the articles, and (b) our user
population would probably be better-behaved.

-- ?!ng