Glasgow Haskell "hacker's release" available (v 0.18)

1993-11-05 Thread Will Partain

I have dropped a snapshot of our current Glasgow Haskell sources on, in pub/haskell/glasgow/working/, in
ghc-0.18-src.tar.gz (3MB, gzipped, probably unpacks to about 10MB).

This version, 0.18, is strictly a "hacker's release".  The attached
ghc/README file provides a few details.

I will try to drop a ghc-0.18-bin-sun4.tar.gz in the same location in
the near future.  We haven't done any porting work to speak of since
the 0.16/0.17 files, but I will drop intermediate C (.hc) files, etc.,
if people ask.

HACKERS: We *hope* to do our next public release in early December.
If you have code to be merged, could we please have it by the week of
Nov 22-26?  I would prefer complete copies of changed or new files, so
I can do the diffs myself against some known base release.

Thanks for many fine reports and comments, folks.  As usual, our
addresses are glasgow-haskell-{bugs,request}

Will Partain
assistant typist of the AQUA project

=== ghc-0.18/ghc/README ===
This is version 0.18 of the Glasgow Haskell compiler.

0.18 is an "internal" release intended *ONLY* for those actually
hacking on the compiler source -- that is, those who *REALLY* know
what they are doing.  Anyone else is crazy to use it; anyone who uses
it without keeping a "real" GHC release (0.16 or 0.17) around is
obviously demented.

The chances of a "clean" build are near zero, no matter what Haskell
compiler you build with.  Be prepared to utter magic incantations.
(For example, `make reader/ReadPragmas.o
EXTRA_HC_OPTS="-fno-strictness -fno-specialise -fno-case-of-case"'.)

An incomplete "what's new" list:

* Unfoldings across module boundaries.  Still v limited.

* Specialisation of overloaded functions.  Instances -- not yet.

* Strictness analyser that handles "nested" strictness and does
  "absence analysis" as well.  Makes Prelude.hi fun to read.  Hints:
  _N_ = nothing, _A_ = arity, _U_ = update analysis info, _S_ =
  strictness (U = unpack, A = absent, L = lazy, S = strict, E = strict
  & enumeration type, P = primitive).

* Prelude info no longer horribly built into the compiler (as much).
  Manipulating the prelude is not nearly so delicate as it once was.

* Some names have changed: MkChar => C#, MkInt => I#, MkFloat => F#,
  MkDouble => D#, MkInteger => J#.  (They won't change again...)

* Includes Patrick Sansom's array-based substitution code (much faster
  typechecking).  (You probably won't see the speedup, though, because
  we've spent all the savings on fancier intermodule stuff.)

* We've added a Core "lint" pass, which can be used to check
  types/out-of-scope-errors/etc after every Core-to-Core pass.  It's
  great!  -dcore-lint.

* Initial "Native" class support; use "-syslib hbc".

* Lots of compiler code hacked on, for better or worse.

* Lots of gratuitous "trace" messages when running the compiler :-)

Documentation is unchanged since 0.1[67].  There is not one word about
any new features.

We *hope* for a new public release before Christmas (1993).

Will Partain
Keeper of the Bits, AQUA Project

Dated: 93/11/04

E-mail contacts:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (bug reports)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (general queries)

Anonymous FTP site:  Mostly
mirrored by and (same
directory).  Also:, in

Re: Liftedness again

1993-11-05 Thread John Launchbury

>By "incompatible" I mean that you need parallel specualative evaluation
>to implement it.  So a truly polymorphic seq is out.  That takes us back
>to an overloaded version, except that seq couldn't have an instance for
>(unlifted) tuples!

At the risk of repeating myself: this is exactly right. A polymorphic
function should need to know nothing about the type in which it is polymorphic.
Many implementations behave quite differently when evaluating an integer, say,
to evaluating a list. So operationally, seq does not reflect the usual intuition
about polymorphism.

Even worse (from the point of view of semantics), a "polymorphic" seq
cripples parametricity (theorems for free). Already, because fix is
polymorphic, the relations in the parametricity theorem are forced to be
strict which throws away some interesting theorems. If seq were
polymorphic, then the relations would have to be bottom-reflecting also
(only bottom related to bottom) which throws away a vast number of theorems.
(Even so it's not as bad as having equality polymorphic which forces the
relations to be one-to-one making parametricity almost entirely useless).

Using overloading solves the problem neatly.

  class Str a where
seq : a -> a

  instance Str [a] where
seq   []   = []
seq (x:xs) = x:xs

for example. Str can be added to the collection of things which are derivable,
and everybody can sleep well at night.



1993-11-05 Thread John Launchbury

More on liftings:

In our FPCA 91 paper, Simon and I came to the conclusion that the "proper"
way to give semantics to data declarations was, as follows. If

  data T = A U V | B W

then the model for T (written here T*) is

  T* = ((U* x V*) + W*)_\bot

where the x is pure domain product, the + is disjoint union (i.e. not smash
sum, not separated sum, but a union which results in a domain without a least
element), and _\bot is lifting.

The form of bottomless types is now obvious:

  bottomless S = A U V | B W

is modelled by

  S* = (U* x V*) + W*

What this means is that constructors really are playing three roles in standard
Haskell: they are formed as a composition of lifting and injection into a sum,
and introduce a (true) product. I believe we ought to be very cautious
about introducing special cases for single constructors, for example, which
do not generalise neatly.


Obfuscated Haskell Code Contest

1993-11-05 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Obfuscated Haskell Code Contest


Haskell has now come of age and it is time to prove that we can do as
good as C programmers can.  Thus, the time has come for an obfuscated
Haskell code contest.  The contest is modelled after the corresponding
C contest.  But with Haskell we should be able to reach levels of
obfuscation that C programmers can only dream of in their wildest
nightmares.  Just consider the exception filled lexical rules (e.g.
comments), strange syntax (try mixing layout with no-layout), and
a semantics that is still debated.

The goal: a program of at most 1024 characters that is as 
incomprehensible as possible.

Deadline: 1 Jan 1994.


Full rules (stolen from the C contest) below.

Have fun
-- Lennart Augustsson

1st International Obfuscated Haskell Code Contest Rules
Obfuscate:  tr.v.  -cated, -cating, -cates.  1. a.  To render obscure.
b.  To darken.  2. To confuse:  his emotions obfuscated his
judgment.  [LLat. obfuscare, to darken : ob(intensive) +
Lat. fuscare, to darken < fuscus, dark.] -obfuscation n.
obfuscatory adj.


* To write the most Obscure/Obfuscated Haskell program
  under the rules below.
* To show what should NOT be done in Haskell programs.


To help us handle the entries, we ask that you follow the rules below.

1) Your source MUST be 1024 bytes or less, and it must be a complete
   program, not just a subroutine.

2) To help us process your entries, we ask that you submit entries
   in the following format.  Please be sure to include ALL --- lines,
   otherwise our extraction program may skip your entry!

---header items---
name:   Your name, of course!
email address:  Email address from a well known site, or in a registered domain
postal address: Postal address
include your country as well
environment:Indicate the compiler
under which your program was tested
entry:  5   
remarks:Remarks may be continued with leading whitespace until the
line ---how to compile-- is encountered.  (see #3 below)
---how to compile---
 Give the command(s) needed to compile your program using a Haskellcompiler.
 If you program should not be compiled under a K&R style C, 
 leave this section blank.
 Place obfuscated source of 1024 characters or less in this section.
 Add a leading X to each line to avoid problems with mailers.
 Some mailers don't like files with very long lines.  If your entry contains
 lines longer 80 chars we ask you to send a uuencoded version of the
 file instead.


3) Regarding the header items:

* Any text outside of the above format will be kept confidential.

* All header lines are required, but you may use 'anonymous'
  for any header line other than 'remarks' or 'entry'.

* In the 'remarks' please include:
- what this program does
- why you think the program is obfuscated
- any other remarks (humorous or otherwise)

4) Your entry should be written in standard Haskell 1.2.
   It should not use any preprocessor (e.g. cpp or an
   unliterator) nor any of the extended I/O requests from
   the appendix.

5) The program must be of original work.  All programs must be
   in the public domain.  All copyrighted programs will be rejected.

6) Entries must be received between before 1-Jan-94 0:00 UTC
   Email your entries to:

   We will attempt to Email a confirmation of receipt of contest

7) Each person may submit up to 8 entries.  Multiple entries must
   be sent in separate Email letters.


* First announcement will likely be in mid January 1994.

* Winning entries will be posted in comp.lang.functional.

* Winners receive international fame and flames!  :-)


Awards will be given to the best entry in a number of categories.
The actual category list will vary depending on the types of entries
we receive.  As a guide, consider using the following:

* The strangest source layout
* The most useful obfuscated program
* The most creatively obfuscated program
* Best obfuscated entry smaller than 256 bytes
* Best abuse of overloading
* Worst abuse of the rules (no abuse of entry format please!)

Extra points will be awarded to (correct) programs that break
any of the existing Haskell systems.

Liftedness again

1993-11-05 Thread Simon L Peyton Jones

Warren makes an excellent point, though he doesn't highlight it:

unlifted tuples are INCOMPATIBLE with seq

By "incompatible" I mean that you need parallel specualative evaluation
to implement it.  So a truly polymorphic seq is out.  That takes us back
to an overloaded version, except that seq couldn't have an instance for
(unlifted) tuples!

The reason for this is that we can't implement unlifted tuples directly at
all.  Instead, we simulate them by making pattern matching lazy, so that
_|_ behaves identically to (_|_,_|_), even though the two may have different
runtime representations.  The seq function exposes the trick!  That's why
Miranda fails in Warren's example.  

Is this what we want?


Lifted Stuff

1993-11-05 Thread John Launchbury

Some people have referred to semantic issues and Abramsky and Ong's work
when contributing to the lifted/unlifted debate. I think it would be fair
to summarise them as follows.

Pro lifting

The simplest possible lambda calculus has lifting in its canonical model as
soon as "laziness" is introduced. Otherwise, non-strict constructors could
not be modelled in the calculus.

When actual non-strict constructors are provided, therefore, essentially
nothing new has been added. The same models work beautifully. Thus in my
POPL 93 paper about lazy semantics, I used lifted function spaces to obtain
a direct correspondence between operational and denotational semantics that
held *everywhere*. Contrast this with Purushothaman and Seaman's ESOP 92
paper where they used unlifted function spaces, and there the
correspondence was only true at base types.

Summary: operational and denotational models "fit" with one another if
function spaces are lifted (and products too by implication).

Con Lifting

If our goal is to improve equational reasoning then, as many people have
pointed out, more (interesting) equations hold when function and product
spaces are not lifted.

Furthermore, the natural semantics of unboxed types is that of domains
without bottoms (FPCA 91), so if Haskell is ever likely to move (in the
future) in the direction of accepting unboxed types into its definition,
then it would make sense not to introduce possibly unnecessary liftings


Re: Liftedness again

1993-11-05 Thread Joe Fasel

Simon writes
| Warren makes an excellent point, though he doesn't highlight it:
|   unlifted tuples are INCOMPATIBLE with seq
| By "incompatible" I mean that you need parallel specualative evaluation
| to implement it.  So a truly polymorphic seq is out.  That takes us back
| to an overloaded version, except that seq couldn't have an instance for
| (unlifted) tuples!

I mentioned the other day that in fact it could.  The question is whether
this would be desirable.  Consider the following:

class Strict a  where
seq :: a -> b -> b
strict  :: (a -> b) -> a -> b

seq x y  =  y
strict f x = seq x (f x)

instance Strict (a,b)

instance Strict [a]  where
seq []y  =  y
seq (_:_) y  =  y

The question is what we want seq to mean.  One possibility is

seq x y = _|_ if x = _|_
  y otherwise

Another is more operational:

seq x y = y if x has a whnf
  _|_ otherwise

Since seq definitely has an operational flavor to it anyway, maybe this
isn't so bad.  The above declarations conform to this second approach.
It's like saying that a pair is necessarily in whnf, as it has a (the only
possible) constructor wrapped around it.  Is this a good idea?  On the one
hand a programmer might be surprised that writing  seq (x,y) z  doesn't
accomplish much of anything.  (As far as that goes, he might also be
surprised that  seq (map f xs) y  only resolves the first argument to
nil or cons before proceeding with y.)  On the other hand, if we have

g = strict f

where f is polymorphic in its argument type, an operational intent is
that applications of g need not build a suspension for their arguments,
which is the case for an (unlifted) pair, since it's already suspended.
Thus, in a sense, seq and strict can have something resembling polymorphic
implementations after all.

| The reason for this is that we can't implement unlifted tuples directly at
| all.  Instead, we simulate them by making pattern matching lazy, so that
| _|_ behaves identically to (_|_,_|_), even though the two may have different
| runtime representations.  The seq function exposes the trick!  That's why
| Miranda fails in Warren's example.

As I said before, I think the issue is one of abstraction.  Our
implementations tend to have lifted tuples (and functions) but that shouldn't
limit what the abstract values are.  Naively adding a new operation to
an ADT may reveal that the abstraction function was not an isomorphism.


Legal problems

1993-11-05 Thread ian

Here are two more legal problems, ie problems concerning (broken) laws.  The
first is a problem with lifted functions spaces (even though I voted for them
before), similar to Simon's recent "Effect 1".  Consider:

   f [] = \y -> e1 g [] y = e1
   f (x:xs) = \y -> e2 g (x:xs) y = e2

Is f _|_ = _|_ ?  I guess so (the functions on the right needn't be so blatant)
Is g _|_ = _|_ ?  I guess so, because g = f
Is seq (g _|_) 42 = _|_ ?  It has to be, but this suggests that when a
   partial application is evaluated, other than because it is being applied to
   something, the `relevant amount' of pattern matching needs to be done to
   determine termination. This would be difficult to generalise, given current
   pattern matching practice.

I think what's wrong here is the statement g = f, which relies on a relative
of the eta rule, namely extensionality: "if for all x: g x = f x then g = f"
which is only true for non-_|_ functions.  Thus g /= f,  g _|_ = \y -> g _|_ y
and functions generally have have a `detectable' natural arity.  (I have
personally never liked partial application; it can lead to very bad error
reporting for beginners for one thing.  I still like higher order functions, of

The second problem concerns a law which I would like to see enforced: symmetry
of arguments.  That is, if I swap the arguments of a function (f x y goes to f
y x) in its definition and in every call, there should be no overall effect on
the program.  I believe this is compatible with partial application if you are
careful (although partial application does tend to promote asymmetrical
thinking; another reason why I don't like it).  However, is this compatible
with current pattern matching practice?  I am not sure (certainly with uniform
patterns there are definitions which are not uniform when you exchange
arguments, as Simon points out in his 1987 implementation book).

Incidentally, we are experimenting with a compilation method which eliminates
partial applications early on (and otherwise follows the STG route).  It is
easy to explain and implement, it supports a lifted function space, and it
allows the standard C calling conventions to be used.  At first sight, it
appears costly; a call-and-return to evaluate every (dynamic) function value
before appying it, but then you don't have to do a check for the right number
of arguments on entry to every function.

Ian[EMAIL PROTECTED],   Tel: 0272 303334

re. Liftedness again

1993-11-05 Thread nikhil

>  Simon says:
>  Warren makes an excellent point, though he doesn't highlight it:
>   unlifted tuples are INCOMPATIBLE with seq
>  The reason for this is that we can't implement unlifted tuples directly at
>  all.  Instead, we simulate them by making pattern matching lazy, so that
>  _|_ behaves identically to (_|_,_|_), even though the two may have different
>  runtime representations.  The seq function exposes the trick!

In a private conversation with Arvind some days ago I pointed out
that, contrary to his earlier message, there is a situation where Id,
too, distinguishes lifted from unlifted tuples. It turns out to
correspond exactly to the situation that Warren and Simon cite.  In Id
we have a sequencing construct (called a ``barrier'') which behaves in
the same way:

{ x = (e1,e2);
  ( y = x
---  % this sequences the statements in parens
z = y )
  z }

This will return a tuple even if e1 and e2 diverge, whereas:

{ ( y = (e1,e2)
---  % this sequences the statements in parens
z = y )
  z }

this will return a tuple only if e1 and e2 terminate.


Laws of unlifted tuples

1993-11-05 Thread wadler

Simon notes that lifted functions prevent certain optimisations, and
then Joe wonders if lifting tuples prevents optimisations.  Arvind has
already answered this question.  Unlifted tuples satisfy the type

(a,(b,c))  =  (a,b,c)

which is heavily used for optimising Id, but is invalid if tuples are
lifted as in Haskell.  Furthermore, only unlifted tuples satisfy the
type isomorphism

a -> b -> c  =  (a,b) -> c

Just for sentimental reasons, I would like this last to hold in a
language named for Haskell Curry.  -- P