Prelude and Library Issues in Haskell 1.3

1995-02-09 Thread Alastair Reid

Currently, the Haskell language does not mention any libraries or
facilities for using them.  The standard prelude is meant to serve as
a library but it lacks many important features.  All Haskell
implementations have begun to haphazardly include various libraries.
However, these libraries have not yet been standardized across the
different implementations and cannot always be used in a portable

We have produced a document which discusses some of the issues
involved in designing a standard Haskell library and describes what we
think the library should look like.  We welcome any comments or
suggestions teh Haskell community care to make.

The document is available in postscript format by anonymous ftp:


and over the web:

Alastair Reid and John Peterson
Yale Haskell Project

Re: Process for Change

1995-02-09 Thread hudak-paul

Regarding "A Process for Change":

Simon said:

> I'm not sure we're ready yet to embark on a formal "let's
> design Haskell 2.0" exercise. I favour something a bit more
> informal, perhaps focussed round an annual workshop, in
> which we explore design options.  Then, when it's become
> clear who are the active contributors, we lock them all up
> in a room together for a year and hey-presto: Haskell 2. 

I think this is a good idea!

As Simon mentioned, a few of us discussed this at POPL, and
I've alredy cleared with Dennis Volpano the idea of having a
Haskell Workshop in conjunction with FPCA in June -- I'll be
sending an announcement about this soon.


Re: Happy New Year!

1995-02-09 Thread hudak-paul

Regarding standardization:

My suggestion to standardize Haskell was not a near-term thing,
but rather long-term; in particular there's no sense putting a
lot of effort into standardizing 1.X if we know that 2.0 is less
than a few years away.

In any case, the process is tedious and is guaranteed to burn out
anyone involved (:-).  Will Partain suggested to me an interesting

  An alternative might be to have a "Haskell Consortium", analogous to
  the "X Consortium".  A non-profit, vendor-neutral, etc., etc.,
  organization that companies, etc., etc., can be "members" of (pay
  money to).  The Consortium shepherds proposals through various
  well-defined stages, produces "reference implementations", and so on.

  My impression is that it has worked for the X world (and the
  consortium continues to push the "X envelope").


Food for thought...
