Re: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Hans Aberg

  I think that we are perhaps getting a little off-topic now, but Unicde
will clearly help forward computing, so perhaps it can continue a few more
postings. :-)

At 17:45 +0100 97/11/10, Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Let me reiterate:
>   Unicode is ***NOT*** a glyph encoding!
>and never will be.  The same character can be displayed as
>a variety of glyphs, depending not only of the font/style,
>but also, and this is the important point, on the characters
>surrounding a particular instance of the character.  Also,
>a sequence of characters can be displayed as a single glyph,
>and a character can be displayed as a sequence of glyphs.
>Which will be the case, is often font dependent.

  According to my Merriam Webster's dictionary a glyph is "a symbol that
conveys nonverbal information". So I am not sure, what is wrong with
viewing Unicode as a collection of glyphs? :-)

>I would be interested in knowing why you think
>"the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly
>breaks down in a mathematical context".  Deciding
>what gets encoded as a character is more an
>international social process than a mathematical

>PPS I don't know what you mean by "semantics of glyphs"

  A symbol (or character) is roughly a graphical entity used to convey
semantic information; this is different from an illustration, which is a
graphical entity which uses certain semantic information as input, but from
which that semantic information may not be (fully) extractable.

  For example, in Unicode, the Latin letters which diacritical marks are
classified; this is reasonable, because European languages languages have
fixed sets of letter symbols. But in mathematics, this is usually
semantically wrong; a diacritical mark usually an alteration of the symbol
to which it applies. Another example, Unicode has exponential digits
"^1",...,"^0", but using that is mathematically wrong because 10^1^2 (as
you have to write in Unicode) is not the same thing as 10^{12}. In
languages, changing the style of a glyph usually does not alter its
semantic information, but in math, it usually does. Sometimes the Unicode
mathematical glyphs are classified as graphical entities, sometimes as
mathematical quantities.

  So Unicode is not sufficently coherent and comprehensive, in order to
suffice as a math symbol encoding. (I do not claim the problem is easy to

  In fact, there are some other protocols underway studying this problem,
and which may interact with Unicode in the future: One is MathML, another
is the LaTeX3 math-encoding project. It is quite difficult findong good
classifications of math glyphs; I have great respect for those working with

  Hans Aberg
  * Email: Hans Aberg 
  * AMS member listing: 

SV: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let me reiterate:

Unicode is ***NOT*** a glyph encoding!

Unicode is ***NOT*** a glyph encoding!

and never will be.  The same character can be displayed as
a variety of glyphs, depending not only of the font/style,
but also, and this is the important point, on the characters
surrounding a particular instance of the character.  Also,
a sequence of characters can be displayed as a single glyph,
and a character can be displayed as a sequence of glyphs.
Which will be the case, is often font dependent.

This is not something unique to Unicode.  It is
just that most people are used to ASCII, Latin-1 and similar,
where the distinction between characters and glyphs is

I would be interested in knowing why you think
"the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly
breaks down in a mathematical context".  Deciding
what gets encoded as a character is more an
international social process than a mathematical

/kent k

PS This may be getting too much into Unicode
to fit for the Haskell list...  In particular any argumentation
regarding the last paragraph above should *not* be sent to
the Haskell list, but could be sent to me personally.

PPS I don't know what you mean by "semantics of glyphs".

Hans Aberg wrote:
>   I leave it to the experts to figure out what exactly Unicode is. I
> can
> only note that the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly
> breaks
> down in a mathematical context. I think the safest thing is to only
> regard
> it as a set of glyphs, which are better, because ampler, than other
> encodings. I think figuring out the exact involved semantics of those
> glyphs is a highly complex issue which cannot fully be resolved.

Re: SV: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Hans Aberg

At 12:45 +0100 97/11/10, Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As everyone (getting) familiar with Unicode should
> know, Unicode is **NOT** a font encoding.
> It is a CHARACTER encoding.  The difference
> shows up mostly for 'complex scripts', such as Arabic
> and Devanagari (used for Hindi), but also in the processing
> of combining characters for 'latin'.  Glyph (at a "font point")
> selection is based also on *neighbouring* characters.
> Unicode does have a number of compatability characters,
> but the explicit intent is that they should only be used
> for backwards compatability reasons.

  I leave it to the experts to figure out what exactly Unicode is. I can
only note that the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly breaks
down in a mathematical context. I think the safest thing is to only regard
it as a set of glyphs, which are better, because ampler, than other
encodings. I think figuring out the exact involved semantics of those
glyphs is a highly complex issue which cannot fully be resolved.

  There is also a Unicode version of TeX called Omega, which can perhaps
shed light on the font encoding issue for those interested. :-)

>B.t.w. Did you know...  that CR and LF should not be used
>in "newly produced" Unicode texts.  One should use Line
>Separator (U+2028) and Paragraph Separator (U+2029)
>instead.  Line Separator is the one expected to be used
>in program source files.

  Yes. By using the Unicode Line Separator and Paragraph Separator
characters, the file becomes platform independent. So oldstyle newlines
should also probably only be used for compatibility reasons.

  Hans Aberg
  * Email: Hans Aberg 
  * AMS member listing: 

SV: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1.  I don't seem to get my messages to this list
echoed back to me...  (Which I consider a bug.)

2.  As I tried to explain in detail in my previous message, 
(later) options 1 and 2 **do not make any sense**.  
Option 3 makes at least some sense, even though it
has some problems.  You could generalize option 4
to make sense too.
The layout rule does not generalise well.  I still
think that one should not give up entirely on it.  One
   way may be to require that "where", and other layout
   starters, are to have only spaces (U+0020),
   no-break spaces (U+00A0) and tabs (U+0009) in
   front of them on the same line, keeping the width
   rule for the tabs relative to the spaces.  (I know,
   present Haskell programs are not written that way.)

3. (In reply to Hans Aberg (Aberg?))
>  The easiest way of thinking of Unicode is perhaps as a font
encoding; a
> font using this encoding would add such things as typeface
family, style,
> size, kerning (but Unicode probably does not have ligatures),
etc., which

   As everyone (getting) familiar with Unicode should
   know, Unicode is **NOT** a font encoding.
   It is a CHARACTER encoding.  The difference
   shows up mostly for 'complex scripts', such as Arabic
   and Devanagari (used for Hindi), but also in the processing
   of combining characters for 'latin'.  Glyph (at a "font
   selection is based also on *neighbouring* characters.

   Unicode does have a number of compatability characters,
   but the explicit intent is that they should only be used
   for backwards compatability reasons.

/kent k

B.t.w. Did you know...  that CR and LF should not be used
in "newly produced" Unicode texts.  One should use Line
Separator (U+2028) and Paragraph Separator (U+2029)
instead.  Line Separator is the one expected to be used
in program source files.

> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Fran: John C. Peterson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat:  den 8 november 1997 03:25
> Amne: Re: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode
> I had option 1 in mind when that part of the report was written.  We
> should clarify this in the next revision.
> And thanks for your analysis of the problem!

Re: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Ron Wichers Schreur

Carl R. Witty wrote (to the Haskell mailing list):
> [..]
> The Report could give up and say that column numbers in the
> presence of \u escapes are explicitly implementation-defined.
> [..]
> [This] sounds pretty bad (effectively prohibiting layout in portable
> programs using Unicode characters);

I do agree that an implementation defined rule is undesirable, but
it is possible to write portable programs with the layout rule. Just
make sure you only use tabs at the beginning of a line.

This has a few advantages. The tab size of the editor and the
implementation don't have to correspond and you can use proportional
fonts (or a Unicode aware editor). Disadvantage is that the program
will get longer. I don't mind this, I like white space.


Ronny Wichers Schreur

Arrays and definedness

1997-11-10 Thread David Elworthy

Apologies if this is an issue which has been debated before - I'm a
relative newcomer to Haskell.

The specification of arrays allows for indices for which the
corresponding element in the array is undefined. There are also
functions which get all of the indices, elements or associations in the
array. They appear (in hugs, at least) to deliver all the members of the
array whether defined or not. So for example if I create an array with
foo = array (1,3) [(1,"one"),(3,"three")]
then indices foo is [1,2,3], and both elems foo and assocs foo blow up
if I try to (say) use trace to look at the results.

Perhaps it would be useful to have versions of indices, elems and assocs
which deliver just the defined members, or (for elems and assocs) use
Maybe's to indicate definedness. Is this sensible/desireable?

-- David Elworthy

David Elworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd., Guildford, Surrey, UK
Phone: +44 1483 448844; Fax: +44 1483 448845