[Haskell] How to find out who is leaking memory?

2006-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My program is leaking memory. It is fairly complex and long running on 
the test that leaks. On that particular test it exits abnormally telling 
me that heap is overflown.

Is there a way to find out what part is leaking memory without refactoring?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Injecting stateful computations into pure Haskell code.

2006-09-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is widely spread convention to simulate electronic circuits using 
infinite lazy lists.

This works well for high level modeling, but when engineers ask to 
cosimulate it with Verilog or VHDL modules it goes somewhat off of pure 
functional programming.

The main obstacle is that those modules have their own internal state.

Is it possible to represent a result of several impure calculation as a 
pure list?

The only way I can think of is the use of unsafePerformIO.

Maybe State monad will help? And how?
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Template Haskell Question: Spliced expr. of type TypeQ

2005-06-06 Thread Eike M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

maybe someone can help me with this:

I was wandering if I could do something similar to Depended Types
using Template-Haskell. The documentation of GHC (6.2.2 and 
6.4) says that a splice may occur in place of a type, but I 
get a parse error when I try that.

So here is what I did:

made a Module Templates:

module Templates where 

expr  = [| 1337*7331 |]
decl  = [d| hello = putStr "Hello\n"|]
ty= [t| Int |]

and made test file:

import Templates

$(decl)  -- works well (tested with ghci)

e = $(expr) -- works also well

i :: ($tyr) -- gives a parse error
i = 1

I would be really happy if someone knows how to make the last example 
must be written, or if that works at all. (If not, maybe the
Documentation should get updated)

and thanks you for reading this posting, anyway.

-- Eike

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] CLIMA VI :: new deadline April 15

2005-04-01 Thread clima VI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and 




Sixth International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems


  the First CLIMA Tutorial Programme and
   the First CLIMA Competition

  City University, London, UK, June 27-29, 2005


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] CLIMA VI :: First Call for Papers

2004-12-04 Thread clima VI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* José Júlio Alfers, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
* Rafael H. Bordini, University of Durham, UK
* Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
* Jürgen Dix, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
* Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Klaus Fischer, DFKI, Germany
* Michael Fisher, University of Manchester, UK
* James Harland, RMIT, Australia
* Katsumi Inoue, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
* Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus
* Evelina Lamma, University of Ferrara, Italy
* João Leite, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
* Paolo Mancarella, University of Pisa, Italy
* Paola Mello, University of Bologna, Italy
* John Jules Ch. Meyer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
* Leora Morgenstern, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
* Wojciech Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
* Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
* Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, USA
* Fariba Sadri, Imperial College London, UK
* Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
* Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
* Trao Can Son, New Mexico State University, USA
* Kostas Stathis, City University London, UK
* Wiebe van der Hoek, University of Manchester, UK
* Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Haskell mailing list

Problems with Happy and GHC

2002-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I am trying to make a parse to Haskell and I am using Happy. I used this parser and 
it generated a haskell file parser.hs. When I try to compile it, it requests a module 
called preladdr . How can I obtain this module??



SV: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let me reiterate:

Unicode is ***NOT*** a glyph encoding!

Unicode is ***NOT*** a glyph encoding!

and never will be.  The same character can be displayed as
a variety of glyphs, depending not only of the font/style,
but also, and this is the important point, on the characters
surrounding a particular instance of the character.  Also,
a sequence of characters can be displayed as a single glyph,
and a character can be displayed as a sequence of glyphs.
Which will be the case, is often font dependent.

This is not something unique to Unicode.  It is
just that most people are used to ASCII, Latin-1 and similar,
where the distinction between characters and glyphs is

I would be interested in knowing why you think
"the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly
breaks down in a mathematical context".  Deciding
what gets encoded as a character is more an
international social process than a mathematical

/kent k

PS This may be getting too much into Unicode
to fit for the Haskell list...  In particular any argumentation
regarding the last paragraph above should *not* be sent to
the Haskell list, but could be sent to me personally.

PPS I don't know what you mean by "semantics of glyphs".

Hans Aberg wrote:
>   I leave it to the experts to figure out what exactly Unicode is. I
> can
> only note that the idea of it as a character encoding thoroughly
> breaks
> down in a mathematical context. I think the safest thing is to only
> regard
> it as a set of glyphs, which are better, because ampler, than other
> encodings. I think figuring out the exact involved semantics of those
> glyphs is a highly complex issue which cannot fully be resolved.

SV: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode

1997-11-10 Thread Kent Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1.  I don't seem to get my messages to this list
echoed back to me...  (Which I consider a bug.)

2.  As I tried to explain in detail in my previous message, 
(later) options 1 and 2 **do not make any sense**.  
Option 3 makes at least some sense, even though it
has some problems.  You could generalize option 4
to make sense too.
The layout rule does not generalise well.  I still
think that one should not give up entirely on it.  One
   way may be to require that "where", and other layout
   starters, are to have only spaces (U+0020),
   no-break spaces (U+00A0) and tabs (U+0009) in
   front of them on the same line, keeping the width
   rule for the tabs relative to the spaces.  (I know,
   present Haskell programs are not written that way.)

3. (In reply to Hans Aberg (Aberg?))
>  The easiest way of thinking of Unicode is perhaps as a font
encoding; a
> font using this encoding would add such things as typeface
family, style,
> size, kerning (but Unicode probably does not have ligatures),
etc., which

   As everyone (getting) familiar with Unicode should
   know, Unicode is **NOT** a font encoding.
   It is a CHARACTER encoding.  The difference
   shows up mostly for 'complex scripts', such as Arabic
   and Devanagari (used for Hindi), but also in the processing
   of combining characters for 'latin'.  Glyph (at a "font
   selection is based also on *neighbouring* characters.

   Unicode does have a number of compatability characters,
   but the explicit intent is that they should only be used
   for backwards compatability reasons.

/kent k

B.t.w. Did you know...  that CR and LF should not be used
in "newly produced" Unicode texts.  One should use Line
Separator (U+2028) and Paragraph Separator (U+2029)
instead.  Line Separator is the one expected to be used
in program source files.

> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Fran: John C. Peterson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat:  den 8 november 1997 03:25
> Amne: Re: Haskell 1.4 and Unicode
> I had option 1 in mind when that part of the report was written.  We
> should clarify this in the next revision.
> And thanks for your analysis of the problem!

CFP for PASCO'97

1996-12-05 Thread by way of [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Hammond)

[Forwarded since this might be of interest to Haskellites.  Papers
on f.p. are definitely welcome!  KH]

Dear colleague,

we think that you might be interested in either contributing a paper to or
in attending the second international ACM symposium on

 Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'97)

 July 20 to July 22, 1997

 Aston Wailea Resort, Maui, Hawaii

 (near Maui Super Computer Center)

The conference is sponsored by ACM and the proceedings will be published by
the ACM press.

Many execellent papers chosen from the proceedings of the first symposium
have been also published as

a special issue of Journal of Symbolic Computation


This year, the conference will take place in federation with ISSAC'97 and

Please, take a look at our CFP and visit our site on the WWW for more
information. If you know of other interested researchers in the area of
parallel symbolic computation, please pass on the news.

Best regards from the
PASCO'97 program committee.




   Second International Symposium

   Parallel Symbolic Computation

July 20 - 22, 1997

  Aston Wailea Resort, Maui, Hawaii, USA


  The Second International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation
  (PASCO'97) seeks papers presenting original research on all aspects
  of high performance symbolic computation. High performance is meant
  as pertaining to the solution of large problems by means of parallel,
  distributed, multi-processor, or networked computers. Typical,
  but not exclusive topics of interest include:

- high performance parallel algebraic computation,

- high performance combined symbolic/numeric methods

- high performance combinatorial and discrete methods,

- high preformance automatic theorem proving,

- design of high performance symbolic, functional, and
  constraint/logic languages and systems,

- symbolic solution of applications problems in mathematics,
  science, and engineering by high performance means.


  SIGSAM  ACM SIG Symbolic Manipulation
  SIGNUM  ACM SIG Numerical Mathematics

Meeting Format
  PASCO'97 will be held in federation with ISSAC'97
  (the International Symposium on Symbolic and
  Algebraic Computation, July 20-23 at the same
  location). There will be plenary speakers addressing
  the joint audience, and the exhibitions and systems
  demonstration area will be shared among the
  conferences. Papers to ISSAC'97 and PASCO'97 are
  submitted normally to the respective PC Chairs. For
  electronic submission to PASCO'97, see below. The
  final version of accepted papers will be published in
  Proceedings by ACM Press and will be available at
  the meeting. Several high quality papers from the
  first conference (PASCO'94) were published in a
  JSC special issue.
  Authors of accepted papers are expected to present
  their work at the meeting. Persons registering for
  PASCO'97 can attend ISSAC'97 talks.

Program Committee
  Gene Copperman   Northeastern University
  Wayne Eberly University of Calgary
  Tetsuro Fujise   Mitsubishi Research Inc.
  Kevin HammondUniversity of St. Andrews
  Jieh Hsiang  National Taiwan University
  Jean-Marie Jacquet   FUNDP Namur
  Sverker Janson   Swedish Institute of Computer Science
  Herbert Kuchen   RWTH Aachen
  Wolgang Kuechlin Universitaet Tuebingen
  Mohamed O. Rayes Texas Instruments
  Jean-Louis Roch  LMC/IMAG Grenoble
  Stan Steinberg   University of New Mexico

Program Committee Chair
  Erich Kaltofen
  Mathematics Department
  North Carolina State University
  Raleigh, N.C. 27695-8205

  Phone: +1 (919) 515 8785
  Fax:   +1 (919) 515 3798

Symposium Chair
  Hoon Hong
  RISC-Linz, Research Institute
  for Symbolic Computation
  Johannes Kepler University
  A-4040 Linz, Austria/Europe

  Phone: +43 (7236) 3231-48
  Fax:   +43 (7236) 3231-30

Local Organization
  Stan Steinberg
  Department of Math. and Statistics
  University of New Mexico

