Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Off-topic] Loss of humour

2008-07-25 Thread dermiste
The sixth quote :

--- Michael Schuerig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wednesday 25 September 2002 05:27, Edward Wilson
   The real question is: if you were a Jedi Knight,
   you could only master *one* language as your
  weapon of
   choice, what would it be--Common Lisp?
  Probably. In particular, considering that the Jedi
  seem to be somewhat
  conservative and CL beautifully captures the
  anachronistic elegance and
  power of a programming lightsaber. Future Jedi
  generations might choose
  more modern weapons; Haskell, OCaml and Oz being
  among the contenders.


I love this guy

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Jeremy Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At Wed, 23 Jul 2008 19:45:56 +0100,
 Andrew Coppin wrote:

 A while back I found a page somewhere containing some rather amusing IRC
 quotes. Unfortunately it seems to have vanished. I can't remember where
 on earth I found it, but I've scoured the Internet trying to track it
 down. (In particular, it contained a quote of somebody impersonating a
 typical Haskell newbie - lots of enthusiasm and no attention span! Well
 it amused *me* anyway...) Anybody have any ideas where this has gone?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell on ARM (was Re: ANN: Topkata)

2008-07-25 Thread Simon Marlow

Joe Buehler wrote:

Simon Marlow wrote:

For the registerised port, you really need a native code generator 
(the mangler is on death row, yay).  At a rough guess, I'd say porting 
the NCG would take a couple of weeks or so for someone unfamiliar with 
the code. Hopefully we'll improve that when we refactor the NCG as 
part of the backend overhaul.

Is there any documentation on the NCG?  I ported 6.6 to HPUX 11 some 
time ago
and looked at the NCG but didn't do it for PA-RISC because it was going 
to take too
much time to understand.  I was leaning towards the approach of trying 
to translate

the code generator for another processor into PA-RISC.

There's some old documentation, some of it is still relevant but probably 
much of it is out of date now:

the best doc is the code, I'm afraid (but it has lot of illuminating 
comments and you can get a long way with cut-and-paste).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Italian Haskellers Summer Meeting?

2008-07-25 Thread Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini
As a prerequisite for atttending is proficiency in la bella lingua del si 
(also known as Italian) I think I will just write the rest of this message in 

Ottimi, ma non particolarmente abbondanti, haskeller italiani,

abbiamo avuto una piccola discussione su circa la possibilita' di 
organizzare un incontro estivo.

Non credo che ne sia stato mai organizzato uno e quindi vorrei intanto che mi 
faceste sapere:
- se vi interessa
- dove siete/sarete d'agosto
- che formato debba avere l'incontro

Riguardo quest'ultimo punto, direi che ci sono almeno tre possibilita' :

a) Ritiro spirituale.
Luogo: rifugio di montagna, monastero benedettino.

Gli adepti giungono al luogo designato dopo un lungo percorso a piedi 
attraverso regioni desertiche. 

Hanno barbe lunghe ed occhi severi ma in cui brilla la luce di una pura fede 

Riunitisi davanti ad un semplice pasto gli adepti spezzano il pane e bevono il 
vino e si scambiano parabole illuminanti circa la vera natura del Monoide, 
della Monade e del Funtore Applicativo.

Un neofita, che non sa spiegare la differenza fra left e right fold, viene 
giudicato impuro e ritualmente lapidato. 

b) Scampagnata fuori porta 
Luogo: ridente localita' marina od agreste.

Gli haskeller arrivano alla spicciolata su una spiaggia animata. Hanno costumi 
colorati e capelli rasta.

Qualcuno ha portato i bambini, tutti hanno portato la paletta ed il 

Si fanno castelli di sabbia, qualcuno passa una canna, si divide una pizza e 
si chiacchiera' in liberta di haskell, zen e viaggi in motocicletta.

L'atmosfera si rabbuia pero' improvvisamente quando viene scoperto un 
infiltrato provocatore che non sa spiegare la differenza fra left e right 

Sommariamente giudicato da un tribunale del popolo, l'infelice viene affogato 
ed abbandonato sulla spiaggia, nell'indifferenza dei bagnanti che continuano 
a giocare a solitario sui telefonini.

c) Seminario accademico
Luogo: tetra aula universitaria.

Serie presentazioni accademiche si susseguono senza posa.

Per ragioni di principio nessuno dei relatori usa power point e riempiono le 
lavagne nere con suggestivi ma incomprensibili sgorbi.

Si suda copiosamente nel caldo estivo e l'olezzo di accademici poco lavati 
riempie la stanza.

Un dottorando dell'universita' di Pisa emoziona l'auditorio, dimostrando in 
maniera inconfutabile la mirabile corrispondenza fra monoidi destrorsi e 
logica lineare. Un addottorato del politecnico di Torino, geloso, cerca di 
staccargli un occhio con un gessetto.

Un neofita, che non sa spiegare la differenza fra left e right fold, russa in 
un angolo.

Personalmente, vista la stagione, suggerirei di:

- Se c'e' disponibilita' a passare un paio di giorni insieme optare per 
l'opzione a.  
Paolino ha proposto a questo proposito di riunirci in un rifugio delle Apuane. 

- Se invece vogliamo fare una cosa in giornata allora andrei per l'opzione b e 
suggerirei di vederci sulla spiaggia di Monterosso (5 Terre).

Come data, suggerirei l'11 agosto (o 11-12 in caso di opzione a).

Per registrarsi, proporre date/luoghi etc, proporrei di utilizzare la pagina 
wiki dedicata:

A presto,


P.S. Io saro' offline per una settimana a partire da domenica.

Pasqualino Titto Assini PhD
25 Heath Road - Wivenhoe 
CO79PT - Colchester - U.K.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Italian Haskellers Summer Meeting?

2008-07-25 Thread Hakim Cassimally
2008/7/25 Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 As a prerequisite for atttending is proficiency in la bella lingua del si
 (also known as Italian) I think I will just write the rest of this message in

 Ottimi, ma non particolarmente abbondanti, haskeller italiani,
 Come data, suggerirei l'11 agosto (o 11-12 in caso di opzione a).

Che peccato, mi sarebbe piaciuto tornare in Italia (ed il mare a Monterosso
e' un bel posto effettivamente) per partecipare al summer meeting,
ma in quel periodo sono in vacanza (Copenhagen, prima della conferenza
YAPC dei perlisti :-)

Purtroppo perdo anche Anglohaskell per la stessa ragione... comunque, sarei
interessato a partecipare a futuri meeting di questo genere.

Hakim (osfameron)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off-topic] Loss of humour

2008-07-25 Thread Benjamin L . Russell
On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 10:21:32 +0200, dermiste [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The sixth quote :

--- Michael Schuerig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wednesday 25 September 2002 05:27, Edward Wilson
   The real question is: if you were a Jedi Knight,
   you could only master *one* language as your
  weapon of
   choice, what would it be--Common Lisp?
  Probably. In particular, considering that the Jedi
  seem to be somewhat
  conservative and CL beautifully captures the
  anachronistic elegance and
  power of a programming lightsaber. Future Jedi
  generations might choose
  more modern weapons; Haskell, OCaml and Oz being
  among the contenders.

But you missed the punchline:

 seen on The Pragmatic Programmer's yahoo mailing list:
  From: Ronald Legere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Jedi Programming (was: [pragprog] Common List or Dylan?)
  Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 03:29:01 -0700 (PDT)
  No no no, a jedi master must fashion his
  OWN language.
 --- Michael Schuerig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wednesday 25 September 2002 05:27, Edward Wilson
   The real question is: if you were a Jedi Knight,
   you could only master *one* language as your
  weapon of
   choice, what would it be--Common Lisp?
  Probably. In particular, considering that the Jedi
  seem to be somewhat
  conservative and CL beautifully captures the
  anachronistic elegance and
  power of a programming lightsaber. Future Jedi
  generations might choose
  more modern weapons; Haskell, OCaml and Oz being
  among the contenders.

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FPers in Northwest Arkansas?

2008-07-25 Thread Nathan Bloomfield
Greetings, Haskell-cafe. I am interested in joining or starting a functional
programming interest group in my area. Are there any haskellers in the
Northwest Arkansas region?

Nathan Bloomfield
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FPers in Northwest Arkansas?

2008-07-25 Thread Jefferson Heard
Dunno about that, but I'm a NW arkansas expat.

2008/7/25 Nathan Bloomfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Greetings, Haskell-cafe. I am interested in joining or starting a functional
 programming interest group in my area. Are there any haskellers in the
 Northwest Arkansas region?

 Nathan Bloomfield

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I try to take things like a crow; war and chaos don't always ruin a
picnic, they just mean you have to be careful what you swallow.

-- Jessica Edwards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Reinke

FYI: Haskell's OpenGL binding has just been dropped from GHC's
extralibs, which means that it will no longer be kept in sync with GHC
development, at least not by GHC HQ.

GHC HQ has its hands full and -generally speaking - extralibs are to
be replaced by H(L)P, the Haskell (Library) Platform:

so this part is understandable. But OpenGL has been dropped before
H(L)P is ready to take over from extralibs, and at the recent GHC Irc
meeting on the topic

the mood seemed to favour not including OpenGLco in the initial
versions of H(L)P. Sven put a lot of good work into these libraries,
but he is often not around for a long time, and it would be a shame
if these gems were orphaned and went out of sync in the meantime.

While I haven't used OpenGL in a while, I've always hoped to come
back to that, not to mention Sven's spatial audio binding additions.
And if I'm not mistaken, there are other community members who
are using these libs right now for research, possibly even prototyping
in connection with a startup?

So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.

Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,

- Original Message - 
From: Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 12:11 AM
Subject: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries 

Thu Jul 24 03:27:36 PDT 2008  Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Remove the OpenGL family of libraries from extralibs

   M ./libraries/Makefile -4
   M ./libraries/extra-packages -4

View patch online:

Cvs-ghc mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [HOpenGL] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Jefferson Heard
I don't know how much I can do to keep them in sync, as I don't know
anything about the HLP, however, I'm actively using OpenGL 2.1 in
Haskell for research and prototyping and the inclusion of OpenGL in
Haskell has been central to my case for using it in my workplace.  I
don't know what I can do to help, but if anyone will point me in the
right direction, I'll try to throw some inertia at it...

-- Jeff

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Claus Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FYI: Haskell's OpenGL binding has just been dropped from GHC's
 extralibs, which means that it will no longer be kept in sync with GHC
 development, at least not by GHC HQ.

 GHC HQ has its hands full and -generally speaking - extralibs are to
 be replaced by H(L)P, the Haskell (Library) Platform:

 so this part is understandable. But OpenGL has been dropped before
 H(L)P is ready to take over from extralibs, and at the recent GHC Irc
 meeting on the topic

 the mood seemed to favour not including OpenGLco in the initial
 versions of H(L)P. Sven put a lot of good work into these libraries,
 but he is often not around for a long time, and it would be a shame
 if these gems were orphaned and went out of sync in the meantime.

 While I haven't used OpenGL in a while, I've always hoped to come
 back to that, not to mention Sven's spatial audio binding additions.
 And if I'm not mistaken, there are other community members who
 are using these libs right now for research, possibly even prototyping
 in connection with a startup?

 So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
 Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
 into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.

 Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,

 - Original Message - From: Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 12:11 AM
 Subject: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries

 Thu Jul 24 03:27:36 PDT 2008  Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Remove the OpenGL family of libraries from extralibs

   M ./libraries/Makefile -4
   M ./libraries/extra-packages -4

 View patch online:

 Cvs-ghc mailing list

 HOpenGL mailing list

I try to take things like a crow; war and chaos don't always ruin a
picnic, they just mean you have to be careful what you swallow.

-- Jessica Edwards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Duncan Coutts

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 17:57 +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:

 So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
 Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
 into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.

I fully expect the GL and AL binding libs to join the Haskell platform
set on a subsequent iteration (along with many other popular high
quality libs). The intention is to not give ourselves too large a
workload on the first iteration.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Adam Langley
2008/7/23 Levi Greenspan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I would be grateful for any advices, hints or comments. And I really
 look forward to the FFI section in the Real World Haskell book.

Generally it looks pretty good. I think I'm missing some C code
(function wrapper). However, libevent is an odd choice to wrap. The
RTS already multiplexes IO for Haskell programs. In order not to block
the RTS, the libevent using code would have to be in its own kernel

Really, the RTS needs to be ported to libevent rather than an FFI wrapping.

For your specific problem, I see you're allocating xptr, but I don't
see that you're ever poking a value into it. Indeed, I can't see that
createEvent ever uses 'x'.

Hope that helps.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Don Stewart
 FYI: Haskell's OpenGL binding has just been dropped from GHC's
 extralibs, which means that it will no longer be kept in sync with GHC
 development, at least not by GHC HQ.
 GHC HQ has its hands full and -generally speaking - extralibs are to
 be replaced by H(L)P, the Haskell (Library) Platform:
 so this part is understandable. But OpenGL has been dropped before
 H(L)P is ready to take over from extralibs, and at the recent GHC Irc
 meeting on the topic
 the mood seemed to favour not including OpenGLco in the initial
 versions of H(L)P. Sven put a lot of good work into these libraries,
 but he is often not around for a long time, and it would be a shame
 if these gems were orphaned and went out of sync in the meantime.
 While I haven't used OpenGL in a while, I've always hoped to come
 back to that, not to mention Sven's spatial audio binding additions.
 And if I'm not mistaken, there are other community members who
 are using these libs right now for research, possibly even prototyping
 in connection with a startup?
 So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
 Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
 into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.
 Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,

Note the OpenGL are still just as maintained as they used to be -- that
is, it hasn't had a maintainer for several years.

The only change is that the GHC developers don't put them in a tarball
on prior to releasing GHC itself.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Jefferson Heard
Well, since HOpenGL seems to support practically all of OpenGL 2.1, I
don't see that there's much to maintain, except compatibility with
upcoming releases of GHC and possibly some optimization.  Maybe I'm
missing something, though.  Is there a list of outstanding bugs
somewhere?  I personally know of one bug that I found some time ago,
which I simply worked around, but a comprehensive list, I'm not aware

-- Jeff

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FYI: Haskell's OpenGL binding has just been dropped from GHC's
 extralibs, which means that it will no longer be kept in sync with GHC
 development, at least not by GHC HQ.

 GHC HQ has its hands full and -generally speaking - extralibs are to
 be replaced by H(L)P, the Haskell (Library) Platform:

 so this part is understandable. But OpenGL has been dropped before
 H(L)P is ready to take over from extralibs, and at the recent GHC Irc
 meeting on the topic

 the mood seemed to favour not including OpenGLco in the initial
 versions of H(L)P. Sven put a lot of good work into these libraries,
 but he is often not around for a long time, and it would be a shame
 if these gems were orphaned and went out of sync in the meantime.

 While I haven't used OpenGL in a while, I've always hoped to come
 back to that, not to mention Sven's spatial audio binding additions.
 And if I'm not mistaken, there are other community members who
 are using these libs right now for research, possibly even prototyping
 in connection with a startup?

 So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
 Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
 into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.

 Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,

 Note the OpenGL are still just as maintained as they used to be -- that
 is, it hasn't had a maintainer for several years.

 The only change is that the GHC developers don't put them in a tarball
 on prior to releasing GHC itself.

 -- Don
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I try to take things like a crow; war and chaos don't always ruin a
picnic, they just mean you have to be careful what you swallow.

-- Jessica Edwards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Levi Greenspan
Thanks Adam. It took me some time to realize what you recognized
immediately - xptr is useless. Instead I now bind the additional value
which might be provided on event creation in a closure since the C
code never has to deal with it.

And yes, there are many functions missing. For now I just need the
event notification to detect file descritor (or socket) changes.

Regarding your remark, that the RTS multiplexes IO already I am usure
how this works out in practice. The reason I write this wrapper is
that I want a network server which can handle thousands of
connections. And to not require a permanent thread for each I would
like to use something like select in C or Selector in Java. I haven't
found something like this in Haskell, hence the libevent wrapper. If
you have any information how to write something like this without this
wrapper I would be more than happy.

Finally the code still leaks FunPtrs as so far I never free them and
honestly I don't know when to do this. Any ideas?

For reference I have attached a newer version of the wrapper code
(removed the TimeVal stuff since I don't need it).

Thanks again,

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Adam Langley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/7/23 Levi Greenspan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I would be grateful for any advices, hints or comments. And I really
 look forward to the FFI section in the Real World Haskell book.

 Generally it looks pretty good. I think I'm missing some C code
 (function wrapper). However, libevent is an odd choice to wrap. The
 RTS already multiplexes IO for Haskell programs. In order not to block
 the RTS, the libevent using code would have to be in its own kernel

 Really, the RTS needs to be ported to libevent rather than an FFI wrapping.

 For your specific problem, I see you're allocating xptr, but I don't
 see that you're ever poking a value into it. Indeed, I can't see that
 createEvent ever uses 'x'.

 Hope that helps.



Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
2008/7/25 Levi Greenspan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 And to not require a permanent thread for each I would
 like to use something like select in C or Selector in Java. I haven't
 found something like this in Haskell, hence the libevent wrapper.
As far as I know GHC's scheduler uses select() internally.
At least it was using at the time of writing this paper:

Developing a high-performance web server in Concurrent Haskell (see page 15)

Perhaps you might be interested in this paper also because of its topic.

Christopher Skrzętnicki
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Adam Langley
2008/7/25 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Developing a high-performance web server in Concurrent Haskell (see page 15)

 Perhaps you might be interested in this paper also because of its topic.

That's a good reference. Also note that the paper is 6 years old and
GHC has come a long way since then. I'd suspect that the graph on page
15 would look much more favourable to Haskell these days.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Don Stewart
 2008/7/25 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Developing a high-performance web server in Concurrent Haskell (see page 15)
  Perhaps you might be interested in this paper also because of its topic.
 That's a good reference. Also note that the paper is 6 years old and
 GHC has come a long way since then. I'd suspect that the graph on page
 15 would look much more favourable to Haskell these days.

Ask Johan about the minimum 5k/sec web server using heavy concurrency he's 
hacking on.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Levi Greenspan
Thank you (and Christopher) for the link. I have one question though -
I read this ticket in the GHC trac: which plans to use
epoll instead of select. The reason I thought of libevent is exactly
the support for epoll and other better-than-select mechanisms. Is
there progress in GHC with regard to this? This is very important for
me since I awill not write a web-server, but rather want to play with
Comet (i.e. having thousands of open connections as it is common for
long-polling in addition to many relatively short request/response
based connections).

However it seems no quite attractive to go with what is offered by GHC
currently instead of writing the libevent wrapper. Just for the sake
of completeness - any insights into the freeFunPtr issue I wrote
about? ;-)

Many thanks to all of you.

- Levi

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Adam Langley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/7/25 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Developing a high-performance web server in Concurrent Haskell (see page 15)

 Perhaps you might be interested in this paper also because of its topic.

 That's a good reference. Also note that the paper is 6 years old and
 GHC has come a long way since then. I'd suspect that the graph on page
 15 would look much more favourable to Haskell these days.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
2008/7/25 Levi Greenspan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Regarding your remark, that the RTS multiplexes IO already I am usure
 how this works out in practice. The reason I write this wrapper is
 that I want a network server which can handle thousands of
 connections. And to not require a permanent thread for each I would
 like to use something like select in C or Selector in Java. I haven't
 found something like this in Haskell, hence the libevent wrapper. If
 you have any information how to write something like this without this
 wrapper I would be more than happy.

The current model for concurrency in Haskell is m lightweight
user-threads working on n kernel threads, thus the threads are very
cheap in Haskell and take advantage of a multicore. I think with the
current model, the right choice for a web server in Haskell is a
multi-threaded model. As a point of comparison, I remember that blog
post which noted that its FastCGI was able to withstand more than 3000
hits by second (on a quite normal setting).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libevent FFI problems

2008-07-25 Thread Adam Langley
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Levi Greenspan
 Thank you (and Christopher) for the link. I have one question though -
 I read this ticket in the GHC trac: which plans to use
 epoll instead of select. The reason I thought of libevent is exactly
 the support for epoll and other better-than-select mechanisms. Is
 there progress in GHC with regard to this? This is very important for
 me since I awill not write a web-server, but rather want to play with
 Comet (i.e. having thousands of open connections as it is common for
 long-polling in addition to many relatively short request/response
 based connections).

Bryan O'Sullivan make an off-the-cuff remark about doing this work at
a talk a few months back, however I haven't heard anything about him
starting. I think it's safe to assume that no one has taken it up yet.
Personally, some of my other projects are higher priorities at the

I'd suggest that you write your server on the select() based system
as-is for now. Then, when you need epoll you'll be sufficiently
motivated to hack up the RTS to include it ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [HOpenGL] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Christopher Lane Hinson

HOpenGL is in remarkably good shape for being unmaintained for several 
years.  I think the quiet on the HOpenGL mailing list speaks positively 
to the quality of the library.

Perhaps those of us who have an interest in HOpenGL can arrange to work as 

I think I could be bothered to do weekly builds against GHC to make sure 
we stay up to date.  I'll set that up in the next month or so.

Jeff, please point me to your bug.  I'd like to take a look.


On Fri, 25 Jul 2008, Jefferson Heard wrote:

I don't know how much I can do to keep them in sync, as I don't know
anything about the HLP, however, I'm actively using OpenGL 2.1 in
Haskell for research and prototyping and the inclusion of OpenGL in
Haskell has been central to my case for using it in my workplace.  I
don't know what I can do to help, but if anyone will point me in the
right direction, I'll try to throw some inertia at it...

-- Jeff

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL familyof libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Reinke

So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
Haskell bindings for OpenGLco maintained, perhaps steward them
into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.

Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,

Note the OpenGL are still just as maintained as they used to be -- that
is, it hasn't had a maintainer for several years.

Some people post the funniest rumours as if they were facts.

   $ ghc-pkg field OpenGL maintainer
   maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At the end of this message, I also append the output of darcs changes 
since OpenGL 2.1 was supported, for those interested in what might

be involved in maintainance:

   Fri Nov 10 10:14:54 GMT Standard Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Updated Haddock module headers (now OpenGL 2.1 support, API is stable)

It just so happens that the library is very stable (unlike other libraries
I could think of;-) - Sven's last bug-fix patch was in March 2007, the 
patches since then have been build system evolution/maintainance. 

So the problem is not with the library, but with the environment - since 
its creation, the library has seen FFI tools appear and disappear, FFI 
spec and library hierarchy take shape, darcs appear and be taken on, 
Cabal appear and be taken on, packages and tools move on, split up, 
change their API, etc. - thanks to Sven and others, the binding has

weathered all that, without making a lot of noise.

And now, there is another enviroment change, with extralibs going and
the Haskell Platform aiming to improve the Haskell installation experience.

And new quality criteria will be prescribed that this old library will have 
to meet to be allowed in with the new kids on the block.

The only change is that the GHC developers don't put them in a tarball
on prior to releasing GHC itself.

It isn't the tarballing, it is

(a) whether the library is run in the HEAD buildbots to flush out
   breaking changes to the environment early

(b) whether enviroment changes are reflected in the library to
   unbreak its build before user installations are affected

(c) whether the library can be relied on as being available on
   default Haskell installations (this would seem to be less of
   a problem with Cabal/hackage and user installs, but not all 
   clients have install privileges/tools - OpenGL building uses
   configure, which in itself might not be installed on Windows; 
   and in some University contexts, installation for public PCs 
   is on a centralised, yearly basis, not per student; etc.; adding 
   the GLUT dll has been a popular request ever since GHC 
   had Windows installers, meaning that every single time someone 
   forgets to put that dll in the installer, someone has reported it 
   as a bug/feature request)

I'm not aware of any urgent breakage in the OpenGL binding,
nor is the current source going away, and as Duncan says, he
expects OpenGL to reappear in the Haskell Platform later on.

But neither do I believe the rumour that OpenGL isn't much
used, and forwarding the removal notice gives those users the
opportunity to speak up now if they prefer no gaps in OpenGL 
presence, or forever to hold their peace, as they say.

Unless Sven wants to do the job himself, a maintainer would
mainly have to adapt the library to the Haskell Platform criteria,
keep up with the forever changing build environments, and counter 
rumours about the OpenGL binding being unmaintained or unused.


$ darcs changes --from-patch=stable
Thu Jun 19 13:43:50 GMT Daylight Time 2008  Ian Lynagh
 tagged GHC 6.8.3 release

Fri Jun  6 00:56:57 GMT Daylight Time 2008  Ian Lynagh
 tagged 2008-06-06

Sat Nov 10 01:11:04 GMT Standard Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged GHC 6.8.1 release

Sat Nov 10 01:09:54 GMT Standard Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged release

Sat Oct 27 13:48:05 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 * Bump version number

Thu Oct 18 18:31:37 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Duncan Coutts
 * Specify build-type: Configure

Mon Jun  4 12:59:36 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ross Paterson
 * --configure-option and --ghc-option are now provided by Cabal

Thu May 24 15:56:14 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 * Remove Makefile and (used in the old GHC build system)

Thu May 17 10:49:12 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Simon Marlow
 * add includes: field

Mon Apr 30 12:17:32 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 * Make configure fail if the package cannot be built

Sat Apr 28 20:58:51 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged GHC 6.6.1 release

Sat Apr 28 20:56:55 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged 2.2.1 release

Tue Apr 24 12:39:29 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged GHC 6.6.1 release

Tue Apr 24 12:38:31 GMT Daylight Time 2007  Ian Lynagh
 tagged Version 2.2.1


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL familyof libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-25 Thread Don Stewart
 But neither do I believe the rumour that OpenGL isn't much
 used, and forwarding the removal notice gives those users the
 opportunity to speak up now if they prefer no gaps in OpenGL 
 presence, or forever to hold their peace, as they say.

I for one have noticed this library *is* actively used. Many of the fun
new games that have appeared are using it, in particular.

Such as:

The tutorial was also translated to the wiki last week,

It's a good, reliable package, in active use, widely ported.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Sun Microsystems and joint project on OpenSPARC

2008-07-25 Thread Mitar

 If we spend so long blocked on memory reads that we're only utilising
 50% of a core's time then there's lots of room for improvements if we
 can fill in that wasted time by running another thread.

How can you see how much does your program wait because of L2 misses?
I have been playing lately with dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pros
with 12 MB L2 cache per CPU and 1.6 GHz bus speed and it would be
interesting to check this things there.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Sun Microsystems and joint project on OpenSPARC

2008-07-25 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 26/07/2008, at 11:02 AM, Mitar wrote:


If we spend so long blocked on memory reads that we're only utilising
50% of a core's time then there's lots of room for improvements if we
can fill in that wasted time by running another thread.

How can you see how much does your program wait because of L2 misses?
I have been playing lately with dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pros
with 12 MB L2 cache per CPU and 1.6 GHz bus speed and it would be
interesting to check this things there.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Sun Microsystems and joint project on OpenSPARC

2008-07-25 Thread Don Stewart
A tool originally developed to measure cache misses in GHC :)

 On 26/07/2008, at 11:02 AM, Mitar wrote:
 If we spend so long blocked on memory reads that we're only utilising
 50% of a core's time then there's lots of room for improvements if we
 can fill in that wasted time by running another thread.
 How can you see how much does your program wait because of L2 misses?
 I have been playing lately with dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pros
 with 12 MB L2 cache per CPU and 1.6 GHz bus speed and it would be
 interesting to check this things there.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Sun Microsystems and joint project on OpenSPARC

2008-07-25 Thread Duncan Coutts

On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 03:02 +0200, Mitar wrote:
  If we spend so long blocked on memory reads that we're only utilising
  50% of a core's time then there's lots of room for improvements if we
  can fill in that wasted time by running another thread.
 How can you see how much does your program wait because of L2 misses?
 I have been playing lately with dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pros
 with 12 MB L2 cache per CPU and 1.6 GHz bus speed and it would be
 interesting to check this things there.

Take a look at the paper that Ben referred to

They use hardware performance counters.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list