Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-26 Thread Alexander Solla
On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel wrote:
 Dear Alexander,

 On 07/26/2012 01:09 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:
 On 7/25/12, Christian Sternagel wrote:
 On 07/26/2012 11:53 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:
 The classically valid inference:

 (x == y) = _|_ = (y == x) = _|_
 Btw: whether this inference is valid or not depends on the semantics of
 (==) and that's exactly what I was asking about. In Haskell we just have
 type classes, thus (==) is more or less arbitrary (apart from its type).

 Indeed.  This is true for the interpretation of any function.  But you
 apparently want to treat (==) as equality.  This may or may not be
 possible, depending on the interpretation you choose.  Does _|_ ==
 _|_, or _|_ =/= _|_, or do these questions not even make semantic
 sense in the object language?  That's what you need to answer, and the
 solution to your problem will become clear.  Note that picking any of
 these commits you to a philosophical position, insofar as the
 commitment will induce a metalanguage which excludes expressions from
 other metalanguages.

 for my specific case (HOLCF) there is already a fixed metalanguage which
 has logical equality (=) and differentiates between type 'bool' (True,
 False) for logical truth and type 'tr' (TT, FF, _|_) for truth-valued
 computable functions (including nontermination/error). Logical equality
 satisfies '_|_ = _|_'. Now in principle (==) is just an arbitrary
 function (for each instance) but I gather that there is some intended
 use for the type class Eq (and I strongly suspect that it is to model
 equality ;), I merely want to find out to what extend it does so).

Yes, in my opinion, its purpose is to model mathematical/logical
equality.  That said, you brought up a very important point which you
need to address.  I'll discuss it more below.

I will be using scare-quotes quite a bit.  I'm not being sarcastic --
please ask if you don't understand what I mean.

 Currently the axioms of the formal eq class include

 (_|_ == y) = _|_
 (x == _|_) = _|_

 (and this decision was just based on how ghci evaluates corresponding

 The equations you use above would be (roughly) written '(_|_ == _|_) =
 TT' and '(_|_ /= _|_) = TT' in HOLCF and neither of them is satisfied,
 since both expressions are logically equivalent to _|_ (in HOLCF). (But
 still both expressions make sense.)

Okay, you have a metalanguage.  And it places limits on what you can
express.  But you can also put limits on what you can express, to
induce a sublanguage of the metalanguage.  I don't know how natural
this idea is given your circumstances and goals, but you may want to
consider it.

I promise I'll get to the meat of my email soon.

 During the discussion I revisited the other two axioms I was using for
 eq... and now I am wondering whether those make sense. The other two
 axioms where

 (x == y) = TT == x = y
 (x == y) = FF == not (x = y)

 The second one should be okay, but the first one is not true in general,
 since it assumes that we would only ever use Eq instances implementing
 syntactic equality (which should be true for deriving?). E.g., for the
 data type

data Frac = Frac Int Int

 we would have 'not (Frac 1 2 = Frac 2 4)' in HOLCF (since we have
 injectivity of all constructors). But nobody prevents a programmer from
 writing an Eq instance of Frac that compares 'normal forms' of fractions.

Now, /this/ is an example of what I've been trying to get at.  (To be
fair, it's a generalization of what I've been trying to get at)  You
put it in behavioral terms -- nothing stops a programmer, whereas
I've been trying to put it in interpretive terms (... is ..., but
... means many things -- you have to pick an interpretation)

A hypothetical programmer can write:

 data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
 data Rational = Rational Int Int

and have different semantics for each.  In particular, we should treat
Fraction 1 2 to be distinct from Fraction 2 4, /as fractions/.  And
Rational 1 2 should be the same as Rational 2 4, /as rational
numbers/.  These implied semantics are just as important as the
minimum Haskell demands (in my opinion).  The minimum Haskell demands
is not (and cannot) be rich enough to distinguish between

Obviously, Fraction and Rational are intimately related (the
rationals should be a ring of fractions in normal form).  And
functions between Fraction and Rational should preserve the
correct relationships.  But, what are these?  We can come up with
theorems, but some things are nothing but the
programmer/mathematician's choice.

In other words, by choosing a semantic where (Rational 1 2) ==
(Rational 2 4), a programmer/mathematician has *generated* a
sublanguage of Haskell by imposing his *intended* semantics.  This is
an example of intensions versus extensions in logic.

So, your task is... difficult.  From my point of view, you will have
to axiomatize at least one set of best practices for Haskell

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 09:22:23PM +0100, Евгений Пермяков wrote:
 So, it seems for me, that Applicative API should be extended with 
 typeclass for making choice what actions to execute depending on result 
 of some test (pattern matching). Is there any reasonable definition of 
 such typeclass or clear explanation, why such typeclass is unneeded?
 The possible extension may look somehow like this:
 class Applicative a = Branching a where
   branch :: a (Either b c) - (a b - a d) - (a c - a d) - a d

Do you have any instances in mind?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Евгений Пермяков
well...  This code is both demonstration for use case and more sane 
class + instance
typeclass name is selected quite randomly, may be native speaker will 
select a better one

module Actuative where
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error

-- | minimal complete definition : select
class Applicative f = Actuative f where
 -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two 
alternative take place

 select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
 - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
 - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
 - f c
 -- | correct possible error
 correct :: f (Either a b) - f (a - b) - f b
 correct i l  = select i l (pure (\x - x))
 -- | similiar for select, but mimics ArrowChoice
 branch  :: f (Either a b) - f (a - c) - f (b - d) - f (Either 
c d)
 branch i l r = select i (pure (\f x - Left (f x)) * l) (pure (\f x 
- Right (f x)) * r)

 -- | execute only if Left
 onLeft  :: f (Either a b) - f (a - c) - f (Either c b)
 onLeft i l   = branch i l (pure (\x - x))
 -- | execute only if Right
 onRight :: f (Either a b) - f (b - c) - f (Either a c)
 onRight i r  = branch i (pure (\x - x)) r

-- | This is streaming parser combinators for writing LR (k) grammars
newtype Parse a = Parse { runParse :: Handle - IO a }

-- | this function is one of reasons. If EOF occurs, we should produce 
result. If not, we should continue parsing. Monadic interface, however, 
gives too much freedom.

next :: Parse (Maybe Char)
next = Parse $ \h - catchIOError (fmap Just $ hGetChar h) (const $ 
return Nothing)

instance Functor Parse where
 fmap f s = pure f * s

instance Applicative Parse where
 pure a  = Parse $ \_ - return a
 (Parse l) * (Parse r) = Parse $ \h - do
   lr - l h
   rr - r h
   return $ lr rr

--  instance for Actuative.
instance Actuative Parse where
 select (Parse i) (Parse l) (Parse r) = Parse $ \h - do
  ir - i h
  case ir of
   Left  lv - do
lr - l h
return $ lr lv
   Right rv - do
rr - r h
return $ rr rv

On 07/26/2012 12:48 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 09:22:23PM +0100, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

So, it seems for me, that Applicative API should be extended with
typeclass for making choice what actions to execute depending on result
of some test (pattern matching). Is there any reasonable definition of
such typeclass or clear explanation, why such typeclass is unneeded?

The possible extension may look somehow like this:

class Applicative a = Branching a where
   branch :: a (Either b c) - (a b - a d) - (a c - a d) - a d

Do you have any instances in mind?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 26/07/12 12:40, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

class Applicative f = Actuative f where
  -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two
alternative take place
  select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
  - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
  - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
  - f c

Can't you already define this function in terms of Applicative itself? I.e.

select xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

I assume that your intent is that `select` behaves differently from the one I 
defined here. But you need to specify in what way.

Suppose it should work like if-then-else. Then you would perhaps have these 

select (Left $ x) f g = f $ x
select (fmap swapEither x) f g = select x g f

I think this is a useful class to have, and I would support adding something 
like it to the standard library. Perhaps the arguments should be swapped to the 
same order as either, to give

class Functor f = Selective f where
eitherF :: f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c

The laws would then be:

eitherF f g . fmap swapEither = eitherF g f
eitherF f g . fmap Left = f
eitherF f g . fmap Right = g  -- follows from the other two laws

every Monad is an instance via

defaultEitherF ls rs xs = either ls rs = xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Евгений Пермяков

May be difference will be more clear with this example ?

import Control.Monad.State

instance (Functor m, Monad m) = Actuative (StateT s m) where
 select i l r = do
   iv - i
   case iv of
Left lv  -  l = \lf - return (lf lv)
Right rv -  r = \rf - return (rf rv)

select' xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
  where sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

increment :: Monad m = StateT Int m (() - ())
increment = get = (put . (+1))  return (const ())

the difference may be seen clearly, when you run in ghci

*Actuative runState (select' (return $ Left ()) increment (increment * 
increment * increment)) 0

*Actuative runState (select (return $ Left ()) increment (increment * 
increment * increment)) 0


Not sure, what categorical concept is model for this type class

On 07/26/2012 03:14 PM, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

On 26/07/12 12:40, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

class Applicative f = Actuative f where
  -- | select computation conditionally . Side effects of only one two
alternative take place
  select  :: f (Either a b)  -- ^ selector
  - f (a - c) -- ^ first alternative
  - f (b - c) -- ^ second alternative
  - f c

Can't you already define this function in terms of Applicative itself? 

select xs fs gs = sel $ xs * fs * gs
sel (Left  a) f _ = f a
sel (Right b) _ g = g b

No. Well, a function with same type signature may be defined in terms of 
Applicative, as you demonstrated. However, look how select will work 
with instance for IO, defined like this

instance Actuative IO where
 select i l r = do
  ir - i
  case ir of
   Left lv - do
  lf - l
  return $ lf lv
   Right rv - do
  rf - r
  return $ rf rv

As you can see, if I use select definition with Control.Applicative.*, 
I'll execute both l and r and the only choice will be, what result to 
drop. Both l and r, however, will be executed, and their side effects 
will take place. With select from my code only one action will be 
executed, depending on result of i, and only effects of one of actions 
(either l or r) will take place.

I'm not sure, what categorical concept will correspond to this typeclass.

I assume that your intent is that `select` behaves differently from 
the one I defined here. But you need to specify in what way.

Suppose it should work like if-then-else. Then you would perhaps have 
these laws:

select (Left $ x) f g = f $ x
select (fmap swapEither x) f g = select x g f

I think this is a useful class to have, and I would support adding 
something like it to the standard library. Perhaps the arguments 
should be swapped to the same order as either, to give

class Functor f = Selective f where
eitherF :: f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c

The laws would then be:

eitherF f g . fmap swapEither = eitherF g f
eitherF f g . fmap Left = f
eitherF f g . fmap Right = g  -- follows from the other two laws

every Monad is an instance via

defaultEitherF ls rs xs = either ls rs = xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applicative functors with branch/choice ?

2012-07-26 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

On 26/07/12 13:58, Евгений Пермяков wrote:

As you can see, if I use select definition with Control.Applicative.*, I'll
execute both l and r and the only choice will be, what result to drop. Both l
and r, however, will be executed, and their side effects will take place. With
select from my code only one action will be executed, depending on result of i,
and only effects of one of actions (either l or r) will take place.

I realize that, and that is why I insisted on laws to formalize this.

Your instance for IO is a special case of a function that works for any Monad:

defaultEitherF :: (Functor f, Monad f)
   = f (a - c) - f (b - c) - f (Either a b) - f c
defaultEitherF ml mr mx = either (ml $$) (mr $$) = mx
($$) :: Functor f = f (a - b) - a - f b
f $$ x = ($ x) $ f

(the version of this function in my previous post was not correct)

I'm not sure, what categorical concept will correspond to this typeclass.

Well, this type class kind of corresponds to the functionality of ArrowChoice. I 
believe that class corresponds to a (symmetric) monoidal structure on the dual 
category. Plus a whole bunch of junk you get from its super classes.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

2012-07-26 Thread mrbuchmann
Hi all,

does the Haskell Platform (2012.2.0.0 I suppose) work on 10.8. only says something about 10.7.

I don't want to break my development system due to upgrading to 10.8,
so if anybody has any experience regarding this topic,
please let me know.

Best wishes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Making extra GMP bindings

2012-07-26 Thread Robin Morisset


We haven't found mpz_nextprime in the list of gmp functions that have 
bindings in integer-gmp, and we would like to call it from a Haskell 

We have first looked at a few simple examples of using the FFI but found 
several difficulties:
- The mapping between Integer and the C data types isn't explicited 
- The gmp function gives its result by writing it in its second 
argument, instead of returning it.
  Building a wrapper for it that allocates the resulting Integer 
wouldn't be trivial because of how it could interact with the GC

Then we looked at how integer-gmp itself does it, it seems to be writing 
lots of cmm wrappers that call inside of the GHC runtime.

Is there an easier way to build a binding for a gmp function than to 
hack integer-gmp and recompile ghc ?

Robin Morisset  Florian Bourse

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GHC type error pretty printing

2012-07-26 Thread Christopher Done
Is it me or is this output not right? The \ syntax doesn't indicate a newline.

chris@midnight:~$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.4.2:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude abc\n123 :: ()

Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `[Char]'
In the expression:
\123 ::
In an equation for `it':
  = abc\
\123 ::

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FP Developers Conference

2012-07-26 Thread Bartosz Milewski
Alex Miller is the organizer of a very successful Strange Loop developers
conference in St Luis. He also happens to be a Closure programmer. He wants
to organize a Functional Programming Developers Conference in the US
(stress on _developers_). He will probably succeed, so it's very important
that Haskell be well represented there. I would like to encourage everybody
to take a minute and fill out a short preliminary poll at .
This is to give Alex the idea how many people are interested, what language
they prefer, and what area of development they're interested in.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

2012-07-26 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 9:19 AM, wrote:

 does the Haskell Platform (2012.2.0.0 I suppose) work on 10.8.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is (==) commutative?

2012-07-26 Thread Joachim Breitner
[Re-sent as my first post did not make it through.]

Hi Christian,

Am Mittwoch, den 25.07.2012, 10:19 +0900 schrieb Christian Sternagel:
 Btw: Isabelle/HOLCF unifies all error values and nontermination in a 
 single bottom element _|_. Currently we are using the following axioms 
 for our formal Eq class (where I'm using Haskell syntax although the 
 real sources [2] use Isabelle/HOLCF syntax which is slightly different; 
 (=) is meta-equality).
(x == y) = True == x = y
(x == y) = False == not (x = y)
(x == _|_) = _|_
(_|_ == y) = _|_

I am slightly worried about the latter two; after all one might find it
reasonable to specify

instance Eq () where _ == _ = True

or, maybe slightly more sensible

instance Eq Void where _ == _ = True

But I checked and both the instances of (), the instance of Data.Void
(in the void package) and the derived instance for empty data types are

Prelude data V
Prelude :set -XStandaloneDeriving
Prelude deriving instance Eq V
Prelude (error 1 :: V) == (error 2 :: V)
*** Exception: Void ==


Joachim Breitner

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