Re: [Haskell-cafe] Does GHC 7.8 make targeting bare metal ARM any easier?

2013-03-20 Thread Karel Gardas

Hello Jeremy,

I'd also like to see GHC compiling for ARM bare metal. Honestly speaking 
I've avoided Raspberry Pi, but rather settled on ARMv7. Side note: 
BeagleBone is excellent for this as you get all the TI supported tools 
together with JTAG debugging just for free from TI (including ARM 
compilers if you care about this) and also you get full documentation 
for its Sitara 335x SoC.

Anyway, back to the GHC topic. I find it too invasive to go straight 
from POSIX/libc dependency to nothing on bare-metal. Instead of this 
while analyzing the situation for myself I've rather settled on POSIX 
RTOS which is much less weight that general purpose Linux distro and yet 
it provides a lot of API which makes GHC RTS porting work much easier.

So as my hobby time permits I'm working on GHC port to RTEMS[1] which is 
a single-process, multi-threaded RTOS with POSIX API supported. On its 
devel mailing list you may find that Raspberry Pi BSP was already 
submitted for inclusion. Generally speaking, I also hope that since this 
work is much less invasive on GHC, it has higher chance of a merge into 
GHC HEAD once ready...


On 03/20/13 02:07 AM, Jeremy Shaw wrote:

There have been at least a couple projects, such as hOp and HaLVM
which attempt to run GHC on the bare metal or something similar.

Both these projects required a substantial set of patches against GHC
to remove dependencies things like POSIX/libc. Due to the highly
invasive nature, they are also highly prone to bitrot.

With GHC 7.8, I believe we will be able to cross-compile to the
Raspberry Pi platform. But, what really appeals to me is going that
extra step and avoiding the OS entirely and running on the bare metal.
Obviously, you give up a lot -- such as drivers, network stacks, etc.
But, there is also a lot of potential to do neat things, and not have
to worry about properly shutting down an embedded linux box.

Also, since the raspberry pi is a very limited, uniform platform,
(compared to general purpose PCs) it is feasible to create network
drivers, etc, because only one chipset needs to be supported.
(Ignoring issues regarding binary blobs, undocumented chipsets, usb
WIFI, etc).

I'm wondering if things are any easier with cross-compilation support
improving. My thought is that less of GHC needs to be tweaked?

- jeremy

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell-beginners] ghc and android

2013-01-02 Thread Karel Gardas


rather than native GHC run on top of Android, I would recommend to have 
a look at GHC HEAD and attempt to cross-compile to Android. On ghc-cvs@ 
mailing list I've seen some work done for cross-compiling to 
QNX/BlackBerry OS 10 so I think Androind should be also doable with some 


On 01/ 2/13 05:29 PM, Bernhard Urban wrote:

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Bernhard Urban  wrote:

The main issue: The GHC runtime relies on glibc

I have to assume this is not meant literally, because ghc works on OS X and

Right. I was talking about the situation on Linux, hopefully I'm
totally wrong with that statement :)
How can I build GHC without glibc on Linux? What should I use instead?
That would certainly help.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell (GHC 7) on ARM

2012-06-10 Thread Karel Gardas

On 06/10/12 03:06 PM, Ben Gamari wrote:

Let the list know if you encounter any issues. I'll try to dust off my
own development environment once I get back to the states next week to
ensure that everything still works. I've been meaning to setup the
PandaBoard as a build slave as Karel's has been failing for some time
now (perhaps you could look into this, Karel?).

Hi Ben,

my builder machine is i.MX53 Quick Start Board and it's not failing due 
to software or hardware issue, but simply GHC HEAD is broken on ARM 
since February this year. Over the weekend I've tried to git bisect to 
get the culprit patch, but so far no results. I'll continue or better 
both ARM machines I do have available here will continue working on this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building ghc on arch linux ARM?

2012-04-10 Thread Karel Gardas

On 04/10/12 07:03 PM, Joey Hess wrote:

BTW, the other problem with Haskell on arm is that AFAIK there is no
ghci, and so also no Template Haskell, and so if you're writing Real
World utilities that you want to be maximally portable, this means you
have to avoid using an increasing number of libraries. This rules Yesod
right out; I've avoided using lenses as I'd have to write much manual
boilerplate, etc.

Ben Gamari already submitted his ARM/Linker support so GHCi is already 
kind of working, i.e. is built but at least on my setup still fails on 
majority of tests so there are still some outstanding issues probably. 
Anyway, things are moving forward...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building ghc on arch linux ARM?

2012-04-09 Thread Karel Gardas

On 04/ 9/12 10:35 AM, Graham Klyne wrote:

It ships with Debian, along with the full Haskell Platform built for ARM
and lots of other libraries. Other than speed, it's fine.

Hmmm... I wonder if it will squeeze onto a Raspberry Pi :)

It should, if not report a bug since I regularly test on ARMv7 (even GHC 
buildbot is using ARMv7) (side note: GHC HEAD currently broken), but 
Raspberry Pi provides just Broadcom BCM2835 which should be ARM1176JZFS, 
i.e. ARMv5. But rest assured, ARMv5 should be supported by GHC...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building ghc on arch linux ARM?

2012-04-09 Thread Karel Gardas

On 04/ 9/12 01:03 AM, Francesco Mazzoli wrote:

No, it is not possible to build GHC without GHC. Building GHC on ARM is
going to be extremely tricky (I'm not sure anyone has ever done it).

It's not that tricky at the end. Just install LLVM 3.0 and some OS 
supplied unregisterised GHC. Grab 7.4.1. sources and attempt to compile. 
This should produce even registerised build for you as a result of 
project initiated last summer by Stephen Blackheath. If you are curious 
about its history read some posts on


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The best way to call Java from Haskell?

2011-10-10 Thread Karel Gardas

On 10/11/11 08:23 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:

So for my use case, I don't care at all about interacting with Java
code, I simply want to be able to turn my existing Haskell code into a
JAR file. This seems like a much simpler undertaking, but I'm still
not aware of any way to get this to happen right now either.

LambdaVM do exactly what you like, but is experimental and unfortunately 
out-dated. It's based on pre ghc 6.8:

$ ./compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.7.20081028

anyway, for hello world like examples it's working well, although 
benchmarking shows that it's slower on the same code then frege for 
example (testing just naive fib to compare recursion speed)

I've contacted author several times and asked for updating or help with 
updating it to latest GHC HEAD but received no reply so far and 
unfortunately my Haskell knowledge is kind of enough to write just this 
hello world...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DSL for data definition (e.g. compiling Haskell type defs into Google's protocol buffers type defs)

2011-10-04 Thread Karel Gardas

Forgotten note: GHC's Generics as described here: 
-- is not yet clear to me, I'm searching for more information about this 
in the meantime...


On 10/ 4/11 08:33 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:


thanks a lot to Edward, Jose, Ryan and Stephen for fast reply in this
thread. I see I've not been that precise in specification of what I need
exactly so I need to add this: I've changed a little bit definition of
person to:

data PersonType = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

so I have `PersonType' as type constructor and Person as value
constructor (or data constructor) -- speaking using terms from Real
World Haskell, Chapter 3[1]. And now I see that none of
typeOf/dataTypeOf/toContr is applicable to *type constructor* but all
are applicable to *value/data constructor*. Ditto happen when testing
Color versus RED, GREEN, BLUE. At least GHCi complains this way:

*Main> typeOf Color

:0:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'
*Main> typeOf PersonType

:0:8: Not in scope: data constructor `PersonType'

But, I'd like to start processing of data definition from the *type
constructor*. So:

emit_proto PersonType 1
emit_proto Color 1

Is that possible at all? I mean in the scope/context of GHC's
Data/Data.Data/Data.Typeable etc. modules. (w/o considering TH now).



On 10/ 4/11 06:02 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:


I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use Haskell data type
definition capability to define types and compile defined types into
other languages, for example into Google's protocol buffers data
definition language. So basically speaking I'm thinking about using
Haskell sub-set as a data-definition DSL together with some functions
which will generate some code based on supplied defined data types. My
idea is:

data Person = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

emit_proto Person 1

where emit_proto is function which will translate Person data type
definition into Google's proto language (the 1 is index from which start
to index type's fields) by traversing data type definition and
translating all its children plus do some header/footer generation etc:

message Person {
required int32 id = 1;
required string name = 2;
optional string email = 3;

I've looked for something like that and found SYB papers which works on
top of data instance (i.e. actual data, not data type). I also found
JSON lib which again works on top of data and not data type. I've tried
to look into Data.Typetable etc, but have not found function which will
print data type's field name and field type name (although JSON lib
seems to use field name for JSON generation so I'll need to investigate
this more). I've tested `typeOf' function and it's quite useful, but its
limitation is that it's not working on ADT name:

data Color = RED|GREEN|BLUE

*Main> typeOf Color

:1:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'

*Main> typeOf RED

and I would need that in order to translate Color defined above into
enum like:

enum Color {
RED = 0;
GREEN = 1;
BLUE = 2;

My question is: do you think I'm looking into good direction (i.e.
Data/Typeable) or do you think I'll need to use something different for
data definition DSL (Template Haskell?, or impossible in Haskell so
write my own language with full parser? etc?)

Thanks for any idea or opinion on this!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DSL for data definition (e.g. compiling Haskell type defs into Google's protocol buffers type defs)

2011-10-04 Thread Karel Gardas


thanks a lot to Edward, Jose, Ryan and Stephen for fast reply in this 
thread. I see I've not been that precise in specification of what I need 
exactly so I need to add this: I've changed a little bit definition of 
person to:

data PersonType = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

so I have `PersonType' as type constructor and Person as value 
constructor (or data constructor) -- speaking using terms from Real 
World Haskell, Chapter 3[1]. And now I see that none of 
typeOf/dataTypeOf/toContr is applicable to *type constructor* but all 
are applicable to *value/data constructor*. Ditto happen when testing 
Color versus RED, GREEN, BLUE. At least GHCi complains this way:

*Main> typeOf Color

:0:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'
*Main> typeOf PersonType

:0:8: Not in scope: data constructor `PersonType'

But, I'd like to start processing of data definition from the *type 
constructor*. So:

emit_proto PersonType 1
emit_proto Color 1

Is that possible at all? I mean in the scope/context of GHC's 
Data/Data.Data/Data.Typeable etc. modules. (w/o considering TH now).



On 10/ 4/11 06:02 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:


I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use Haskell data type
definition capability to define types and compile defined types into
other languages, for example into Google's protocol buffers data
definition language. So basically speaking I'm thinking about using
Haskell sub-set as a data-definition DSL together with some functions
which will generate some code based on supplied defined data types. My
idea is:

data Person = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

emit_proto Person 1

where emit_proto is function which will translate Person data type
definition into Google's proto language (the 1 is index from which start
to index type's fields) by traversing data type definition and
translating all its children plus do some header/footer generation etc:

message Person {
required int32 id = 1;
required string name = 2;
optional string email = 3;

I've looked for something like that and found SYB papers which works on
top of data instance (i.e. actual data, not data type). I also found
JSON lib which again works on top of data and not data type. I've tried
to look into Data.Typetable etc, but have not found function which will
print data type's field name and field type name (although JSON lib
seems to use field name for JSON generation so I'll need to investigate
this more). I've tested `typeOf' function and it's quite useful, but its
limitation is that it's not working on ADT name:

data Color = RED|GREEN|BLUE

*Main> typeOf Color

:1:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'

*Main> typeOf RED

and I would need that in order to translate Color defined above into
enum like:

enum Color {
RED = 0;
GREEN = 1;
BLUE = 2;

My question is: do you think I'm looking into good direction (i.e.
Data/Typeable) or do you think I'll need to use something different for
data definition DSL (Template Haskell?, or impossible in Haskell so
write my own language with full parser? etc?)

Thanks for any idea or opinion on this!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] DSL for data definition (e.g. compiling Haskell type defs into Google's protocol buffers type defs)

2011-10-04 Thread Karel Gardas


I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use Haskell data type 
definition capability to define types and compile defined types into 
other languages, for example into Google's protocol buffers data 
definition language. So basically speaking I'm thinking about using 
Haskell sub-set as a data-definition DSL together with some functions 
which will generate some code based on supplied defined data types. My 
idea is:

data Person = Person {
id :: Int
, name :: String
, email :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

emit_proto Person 1

where emit_proto is function which will translate Person data type 
definition into Google's proto language (the 1 is index from which start 
to index type's fields) by traversing data type definition and 
translating all its children plus do some header/footer generation etc:

message Person {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  optional string email = 3;

I've looked for something like that and found SYB papers which works on 
top of data instance (i.e. actual data, not data type). I also found 
JSON lib which again works on top of data and not data type. I've tried 
to look into Data.Typetable etc, but have not found function which will 
print data type's field name and field type name (although JSON lib 
seems to use field name for JSON generation so I'll need to investigate 
this more). I've tested `typeOf' function and it's quite useful, but its 
limitation is that it's not working on ADT name:

data Color = RED|GREEN|BLUE

*Main> typeOf Color

:1:8: Not in scope: data constructor `Color'

*Main> typeOf RED

and I would need that in order to translate Color defined above into 
enum like:

enum Color {
  RED = 0;
  GREEN = 1;
  BLUE = 2;

My question is: do you think I'm looking into good direction (i.e. 
Data/Typeable) or do you think I'll need to use something different for 
data definition DSL (Template Haskell?, or impossible in Haskell so 
write my own language with full parser? etc?)

Thanks for any idea or opinion on this!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] CAL or Frege as a Haskell replacement on JVM?

2011-09-30 Thread Karel Gardas


since there is no Haskell compiler/interpreter for JVM yet (considering 
LambdaVM outdated), then the question for kind of Haskell replacement on 
this platform is either CAL[1] or Frege[2]. I'd like to ask here those 
who have used either of those languages for your experience with 
it/them, what's more similar to Haskell (at least from your point of 
view) and what you like more as a Haskell replacement on JVM.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I for one welcome our new Robotic Overlords

2011-09-28 Thread Karel Gardas

On 09/28/11 12:41 PM, Yves Parès wrote:

Yes, but compilation might be damn slow.
I forget about the SheevaPlugs (ARMv5 Kirkwood 1,2 GHz)! They are kind of
cheap for what they offer, it's a very nice embedded platform.

Yes, or you can even attempt to install some ARMv5 linux on ARMv7 
platform. They usually provide 1GB RAM and even dual-cores these days... 
and yet you will be able to run your code on low-power ARMv5 in your 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I for one welcome our new Robotic Overlords

2011-09-28 Thread Karel Gardas

On 09/28/11 11:06 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

This means not only kernel should be the same (w.r.t. its

API/functionality) but also standard libc and other runtime libraries.

Yes, this is what I understood. I wasn't talking about portable *binaries*,
just about the ARM platforms which were efficient enough to run GHC.

Ah, then ARMv5 with 128MB RAM might be sufficient enough for simple 
Haskell app compiled by GHC. I do have ARMv5 with 32MB RAM (good'n'old 
NSLU2) but have not tested anything on it yet...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I for one welcome our new Robotic Overlords

2011-09-28 Thread Karel Gardas


On 09/28/11 10:35 AM, Joachim Breitner wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 28.09.2011, 09:30 +0200 schrieb Karel Gardas:

Please note GHCi support is still missing...

which implies that Template Haskell does not work. So if you are
considering using TH in your library when it is avoidable, remember that
you are making your code unusable on most non-x86-architectures.

Following -- it seems 
GHCi should be working on x86, x86_64, PowerPC and SPARC. There is 
ongoing work to make it working on ARM.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I for one welcome our new Robotic Overlords

2011-09-28 Thread Karel Gardas

On 09/28/11 10:42 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

So currently, it's okay to make Haskell code that targets Android
smartphones, the Beagleboard, the Raspberry Pi or the OpenPandora as long as
you use the development version of GHC?

No, it's not that easy. As cross-compiling is not working (yet!) then 
your development and runtime platform needs to be the same. This means 
not only kernel should be the same (w.r.t. its API/functionality) but 
also standard libc and other runtime libraries. This means that since 
Android is using different libc than let say your ARM development board 
with Ubuntu installed, then you are not able to develop Android binary 
on Ubuntu/ARM development system.

So what you can do now is really just develop (or build) on ARM/Linux 
and deploy/run on the same ARM/Linux. Anyway, this is current stage, but 
IIRC people are working on making real cross-compilation working so this 
may change in the near future...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I for one welcome our new Robotic Overlords

2011-09-28 Thread Karel Gardas

On 09/28/11 12:47 AM, Anthony Cowley wrote:

I am not aware of as good a story for Arduino-level development. Atom
may be an appropriate foundation for such an effort, but I also hope
that we can get GHC ARM support sorted out, and then use platforms
like the forthcoming Raspberry Pi as the computational core of an
inexpensive robotics platform.

W.r.t. GHC ARM I would like to note that basic support is already merged 
into GHC HEAD. Cross-compiling is still missing, but if you can live 
with for example OMAP4/OMAP3/i.MX53 based board for development on 
native ARM/Linux and use ARM/Linux as your robotics platform then it 
should be usable for you already. Please note GHCi support is still 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GHC/ARM registerised port

2011-07-06 Thread Karel Gardas


Stephen Blackheath, David Terei and me are working together on ARM 
registerised port of GHC. The port is using LLVM as a code generator and 
is kind of working already. (GHCi support still missing)

If you are curious and would like to try the code, please read last two 
paragraphs containing instructions what to do here[1]. This blog[2] is 
my personal attempt to document the project at least from my point of 
view. If you would just like to go straight to the code for code review 
or to follow progress directly, then repo[3] is the right 
link for you.

Thanks for testing, bug reporting and/or patches!




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC7 build problem

2011-06-11 Thread Karel Gardas

On 06/11/11 09:37 PM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Yes, the tree was broken for some time between yesterday and today, and you
appear to have gotten unlikely.  It should have been fixed now, so you should
try again.

It's probably not fixed yet, since even last night build fails on 
opensolaris builder:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why not Darcs?

2011-04-22 Thread Karel Gardas

On 04/22/11 01:34 AM, Maciej Marcin Piechotka wrote:

On Thu, 2011-04-21 at 21:29 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

I'm sure this must be a VFAQ, but... There seems to be universal
agreement that Darcs is a nice idea, but is unsuitable for "real"
projects. Even GHC keeps talking about getting rid of Darcs. Can anybody
tell me what the "problems" with Darcs actually are?

I believe the biggest problem was (i.e. when migration started) that
there is no big-name-hosting supporting darcs. When
went down people were cut off from code. is not enough for you?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC > 6.8.2 on IA64-Linux platform (Itanium)

2011-01-04 Thread Karel Gardas

Hello Sergei!

nice to hear from you! In fact I've been dealing with this issue a 
little bit and just "fixed" Adjustor issue myself and then just hour 
before your email came I discovered your excellent gentoo patches! Kudos 
to zygoloid for his excellent MBlock.h patch! Also you have saved my own 
time by noting that your patches are already upstream. I've been already 
thinking about submitting new issue and attaching them there. So I'll 
just modify platforms wiki and add some notes how to go over IA/Linux 
ghc 6.8.2 <-> 7.0.1 gab by using gentoo's patches.


On 01/ 3/11 09:20 PM, Sergei Trofimovich wrote:

On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 18:09:05 +0100
Karel Gardas  wrote:

I'd like to compile more recent than 6.8.2 GHC on itanium-linux system I
do have access to, but I'm kind of unlucky with this. I'm trying
unregisterised build (of 6.12.3 and 6.10.4) and it always fails with:

"inplace/bin/ghc-stage2"   -H32m -O-package-name dph-base-0.4.0
-hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/dph/dph-base/.
-package array- -package base- -package ghc-prim-
-package random-  -Odph -funbox-strict-fields -haddock -fcpr-off
-XTypeFamilies -XGADTs -XRankNTypes -XBangPatterns -XMagicHash
-XUnboxedTuples -XTypeOperators -O2 -XGenerics
-fno-warn-deprecated-flags -Wwarn -odir
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hidir
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -stubdir
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc
-c libraries/dph/dph-base/./Data/Array/Parallel/Base/Hyperstrict.hs -o
ghc-stage2: internal error: evacuate: strange closure type 15
  (GHC version 6.12.3 for ia64_unknown_linux)
  Please report this as a GHC bug:
make[1]: ***
make: *** [all] Error 2


I've also seen, the last available GHC in Debian for IA64 platform is
6.8.2 -- which I'm using for bootstrap btw so debian will not help me
here with some clever patch which would change recent ghc to be buildable...

So, I'd like to ask here: is there anybody who was lucky enough to find
appropriate set of options or any other magic way how to compile more
recent GHC sources to the _stable_ compiler binary on IA64/Linux? If so,
please let me know.

Hello Karel!
You have hit a nasty Garbage Collector bug in ghc. I (re)discovered it some 
ago too. There is yet some patches to make stuff work on ia64.
I think it will be simpler for you to get gentoo's ia64 binaries 
and bootstrap ghc-HEAD yourself.

We, gentoo, apply patches for ghc-6.12.3 to make magic happen (all gone upstream
and ghc-7.0/ghc-7.0.1)

In case you will decide to bootstrap stable ghc-6.12.3 the following patches 
should suffice.

== required patches ==

*  GC patch (the critical one, fixes bug you have posted)

*  you need to pass -G0 to gcc when you build ghc. Gentoo does
 it in a special manner: we add the following to mk/
 SRC_HC_OPTS += -optc-G0
 Your approach might be different. It solves known(?) limitation of small 
 section size.

== nice to have patches ==

*  remove crufty linker flags in order to able to link ghc on recent binutils

*  f.i.w calls on ia64 (fixes terminfo and thus interactive darcs, otherwise it 

*  If you plan to build haddock using unregistered ghc you'll need one more 
 to export needed API (backported from -HEAD).

Good luck!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GHC > 6.8.2 on IA64-Linux platform (Itanium)

2011-01-02 Thread Karel Gardas


[sorry for cross-post, I assume Itanium interest is quite rare these 
days so to grab attention of Itanium/Haskell people I send to both 
haskell-cafe and ghc list]

I'd like to compile more recent than 6.8.2 GHC on itanium-linux system I 
do have access to, but I'm kind of unlucky with this. I'm trying 
unregisterised build (of 6.12.3 and 6.10.4) and it always fails with:

"inplace/bin/ghc-stage2"   -H32m -O-package-name dph-base-0.4.0 
-hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/dph/dph-base/. 
-package array- -package base- -package ghc-prim- 
-package random-  -Odph -funbox-strict-fields -haddock -fcpr-off 
-XTypeFamilies -XGADTs -XRankNTypes -XBangPatterns -XMagicHash 
-XUnboxedTuples -XTypeOperators -O2 -XGenerics 
-fno-warn-deprecated-flags -Wwarn -odir 
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hidir 
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -stubdir 
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc 
-c libraries/dph/dph-base/./Data/Array/Parallel/Base/Hyperstrict.hs -o 

ghc-stage2: internal error: evacuate: strange closure type 15
(GHC version 6.12.3 for ia64_unknown_linux)
Please report this as a GHC bug:
make[1]: *** 

make: *** [all] Error 2

I even attempted unoptimized build with mk/ containing this:

SRC_HC_OPTS= -H64m -O0
GhcStage1HcOpts= -O0
GhcStage2HcOpts= -O0
GhcLibHcOpts   = -O0

but this time ghc segfaults while compiling:

"inplace/bin/ghc-stage2"   -H64m -O0-package-name dph-base-0.4.0 
-hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/dph/dph-base/. 
-package array- -package base- -package ghc-prim- 
-package random-  -Odph -funbox-strict-fields -haddock -fcpr-off 
-XTypeFamilies -XGADTs -XRankNTypes -XBangPatterns -XMagicHash 
-XUnboxedTuples -XTypeOperators -O0 -fno-warn-deprecated-flags -Wwarn 
  -odir libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hidir 
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -stubdir 
libraries/dph/dph-base/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc 
-c libraries/dph/dph-base/./Data/Array/Parallel/Base/Hyperstrict.hs -o 
make[1]: *** 
Segmentation fault

I've also seen, the last available GHC in Debian for IA64 platform is 
6.8.2 -- which I'm using for bootstrap btw so debian will not help me 
here with some clever patch which would change recent ghc to be buildable...

So, I'd like to ask here: is there anybody who was lucky enough to find 
appropriate set of options or any other magic way how to compile more 
recent GHC sources to the _stable_ compiler binary on IA64/Linux? If so, 
please let me know.

Thanks a lot,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [URGENT] DNS problems at

2010-12-18 Thread Karel Gardas


please read:


On 12/17/10 03:19 PM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 05:01:45PM +0300,
  Eugene Kirpichov  wrote
  a message of 82 lines which said:

For a couple of friends of mine, happens to
resolve to something strange (parked domain), though works
ok. This might be something to tell to admins.

Indeed, someone forgot to pay the bill and the domain will soon be
sold or deleted.

% whois
Last Updated On:17-Dec-2010 10:12:28 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Network Solutions LLC (R63-LROR)
Registrant Name:Pending Renewal or Deletion

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Manatee - The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment first version release!

2010-11-11 Thread Karel Gardas
On 11/12/10 04:37, Andy Stewart wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have write Simple Manual at
> Enjoy! :)


I'm trying to follow installation steps on OpenSolaris 2009.06, but glib
installation fails with:

$ cabal install --user glib
Resolving dependencies...
Downloading glib-0.12.0...

 warning: #warning Setup.hs is guessing the version of Cabal. If
compilation of Setup.hs fails use -DCABAL_VERSION_MINOR=x for Cabal
version 1.x.0 when building (prefixed by --ghc-option= when using the
'cabal' command)
[1 of 2] Compiling Gtk2HsSetup  (
/tmp/glib-0.12.015451/glib-0.12.0/dist/setup/Gtk2HsSetup.o )

does not export
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
glib-0.12.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

My cabal is:

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version 0.8.2
using version of the Cabal library

And ghc is:

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.4

Do you have any idea what to do with this failure? i.e. is my cabal old
or is it something different...

PS: Manatee screenshots are amazing and your code lines list even more!

>   -- Andy
> Andy Stewart  writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I am proud to announce the release my gtk2hs project : Manatee - The 
>> Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live
>> Environment
>> Screenshots at :
>> Code at beginning with manatee-*
>> Manatee is Haskell integrated environment written in Haskell.
>> The goal of the Manatee project is to provide a fast, safe and flexible
>> integrated environment for haskell hacking.
>> You can consider it is new environment mix Gnome and Emacs. 
>> Like Gnome to provide friendly graphics interface and work efficient like 
>> Emacs.
>> Manatee use multi-processes framework, any sub-module running in separate 
>> process to protected core
>> won't crash. So it
>> minimize your losses when some unexpected exception throw in extension.
>> Now i have implement below sub-modules in Manatee:
>> Editor
>> Webkit Browser
>> File Manager
>> Image Viewer
>> IRC Client
>> Multimedia Player
>> PDF Viewer
>> Process Manager
>> RSS/Atom reader  
>> >From some friends feedback, manatee can't work in XMonad, i will fix it 
>> >soon. 
>> You can play it in Gnome. Enjoy! :)
>> Below are steps to build Manatee:
>> 1) Install C library: In Debian use below command:
>>  sudo aptitude install libgtksourceview2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libwebkit-dev 
>> libcurl4-openssl-dev
>> libgtkimageview-dev libpoppler-glib-dev poppler-data libtagc0-dev -y
>> 2) Install Gtk2hs:
>>  cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools gtk
>> And make sure HOME.cabalbin/ in your PATH.
>> 3) Install Manatee:
>>  cabal install manatee-core manatee-anything manatee-browser manatee-editor 
>> manatee-filemanager
>> manatee-imageviewer manatee-ircclient manatee-mplayer manatee-pdfviewer 
>> manatee-processmanager
>> manatee-reader manatee
>> That's all, then type command manatee to play it! :)
>> "manatee-core" "manatee-anything" "manatee" are core packages, must be
>> install, other extension package you can choose you want.
>> Example, if you not install manatee-imageviewer, when you open Image
>> file, manatee will call default image-viewer in your system instead.
>> Manatee will show you "search interface" when you startup it.
>> You can type some filepath or url to open it, 
>> example, you can type Haskell file to open in editor, 
>> and type url to open in browser.
>> Below are quick play keys:
>> "F2" ==> startProcessManager
>> "F3" ==> startFeedReader
>> "F4" ==> startFileManager
>> "F5" ==> startBrowser
>> "F6" ==> loginIrcDefaultChannel
>> "F7" ==> startIrc
>> Manatee project still in early develop stage, just core framework
>> finish, many details still not perfect.
>> But i think it's good start to build Real-World application in Haskell.
>> Below are high task in my TODO list:
>> Perfect current sub-module: 
>>   IDE features, code completion
>>   browser JavaScript framework
>>   graphics custom system
>>   etc.
>> Terminal emulator: 
>>   support MVC design, not like VTE widget
>> Mail-client
>> BT-Client
>> Proxy bridge: 
>>   to build uniform proxy interface to fighting GFW!!!
>> Jabbar client:
>>   video support etc.
>> Spell checker
>> CHM viewer
>> DVI viewer
>> LaTex editor
>> PS viewer

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell/JDK/tail-calls etc. (please vote on bug No. 6804517)

2010-09-19 Thread Karel Gardas


from time to time request for Haskell running on top of Java's VM pops
on the haskell related mailing list and then usually dies off when
someone mentions that JDK does not have proper support for tail-calls. I
think haskell community might do something with this fact or at least
attempt to do something with it. I think the proper request for
enhancement is here:

if you agree with it (as it's proposed on the rfe's mentioned blog
article[1]), then please either join or if you are already a member of
SDN then just login and vote for this bug. That's something we can do
for free and will take just few minutes yet perhaps push a little bit
more weight behind this bug (err, just 4 votes now, why's that?).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] CAL experience

2010-09-09 Thread Karel Gardas

as this is really friendly forum, I'd like to ask to perhaps solve my
wonder. From time to time I'm seeing people here recommending Scala as a
kind of replacement for non-existent Haskell on Java/JVM platform. My
wonder is: why the people here do not recommend CAL, which at least to
me, looks much more closer to Haskell than Scala is. Are there any bad
experiences with this language and OpenQuark platform? I'm asking since
I'm currently playing with it and plan to use it for java objects data

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] iPhone/Android and Haskell [Was: Embedded funcional programming?]

2010-08-10 Thread Karel Gardas
On 08/08/10 03:08, Mathew de Detrich wrote:
> Well the other issue is of course that Android being available on a wide
> variety of phones, not all of which run ARM (the phone I am about to get for
> example has a custom built CPU), although I guess one could use a "generic"
> ASM branch for "mobile" devices (if one exists). btw the phone I am about to
> receive is a Samsung Galaxy-S, which has a hummingbird chip (no idea what
> Assembler Instruction set it uses, I believe its a closed chip)

This should be S5PC110 if I google correctly which is "just" yet another
ARM Cortex A8:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] iPhone/Android and Haskell [Was: Embedded funcional programming?]

2010-08-10 Thread Karel Gardas
On 08/08/10 01:44, Don Stewart wrote:
> Only problem is rewriting the GHC runtime in Java... :-)

Perhaps I don't understand the problem domain correctly, but IMHO this
project was already once done in LambdaVM:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell on the iPhone

2009-06-22 Thread Karel Gardas
Ryan Trinkle wrote:
> Rick,
> I know some work has been done on JVM - iirc, Don Stewart did some work back
> in the day,, but I'm not
> sure how comprehensive it is.
> Is anyone else interested in JVM-based Haskell targets?


certainly I am. I think it would be great if someone might combine
Haskell code with what's already written in Java (i.e. all those app
servers or development environments). In the past I've given a try to
LambdaVM[1][2] and it looked like a sane approach to get there.
Unfortunately I'm not so power-haskell user to be able to update this
patch forward to more recent GHC. I've also submitted ticket for it[3].


> Ryan
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 20:42, Rick R  wrote:
>> This is definitely good news!
>> So...  who's doing the Android/JVM target?  ;)
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
>>> How exciting! I fully support the creation of a new mailing list about
>>> iphone+haskell :)
>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Ryan Trinkle wrote:
 Dear Haskellers,

 Recently, there's been a groundswell of activity in the Haskell
>>> community
 regarding the Haskell's use in developing iPhone games.  The iPhone is a
 powerful, innovative platform (with a great monetization scheme, to
>>> boot),
 and it's not surprising that many of us would want to develop apps for
>>> it in
 our favorite language.

 I am proud to announce today that my company, iPwn Studios Inc., is
 currently preparing to release an open source patch to GHC that allows
>>> it to
 output binaries for iPhone OS.  The patch will be released under a BSD
 license as soon as possible and hopefully integrated into the GHC
>>> main-line
 in the near future.  As the first (to my knowledge) Haskell-based game
 studio, iPwn Studios is committed to giving back to the Haskell
>>> community
 through open source - contributing to a rising tide that lifts us all.

 I would like to take this opportunity to propose the creation of a
 haskell-iphone mailing list, so that all Haskellers working with the
>>> iPhone
 - whether for profit or for pleasure - can come together to make Haskell
>>> a
 force to be reckoned with in the burgeoning iPhone App marketplace.

 Best wishes,
 Ryan Trinkle
 President, iPwn Studios Inc.

 P.S.: If you wish to be involved in the preparation of the GHC patch or
>>> in
 the creation of iPwn Studios' first game, don't hesitate to contact me
>>> by
 email (, AIM (RyanT5000), or IRC (RyanT5000 on

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> --
>> "The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
>> continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge."
>> - Daniel J. Boorstin
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC needs a 64 bit machine to be fast?

2009-04-08 Thread Karel Gardas


perhaps you are hit by following issue?


FFT wrote:
> Not that this is a very good benchmark, but I compiled the nearly
> equivalent C and Haskell (1st, recursive version) programs from this
> blog post:
> There, in both versions, 1e9 iterations take 1.8s.
> However, in my timing on 32-bit Linux machines, the C version is 5-10
> times faster. Does the bitness of the OS make a big difference?
> Here are my timings on a 3.4GHz Pentium D:
> C : 4.072s (GCC  4.2.4)
> Haskell : 22.481s (GHC 6.10.2 and 6.8.2 are about the same here)
> I used the exact same compiler options as in the blog post. I only added
> import System
> import Text.Printf
> to the Haskell program, which seems to be missing.
> Suspiciously, "ghc -O2  --make" is almost as fast at 24.438s (6.10.2)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugs on iPhone

2009-03-24 Thread Karel Gardas
John A. De Goes wrote:
> Go ahead sell your GPL application. I'll get your code, build the
> application, and sell it for less than half of what you're selling it for.
> How exactly will you make your money, then?

Ask RedHat how they make money from RHEL while Oracle and CentOS are
exact copies of it. Ask RedHat/JBoss how they make money from JBoss AS
when all the source code is available in their repository.

Probably, it's not only about the software anymore, but also about the
service you get with the software subscription... Although I agree that
this applies only to software which crossed some kind of complexity
already (hence service is needed) and that majority of phone apps might
not fall into this category yet especially if they are not tied to some
kind of server based services.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo Voting has started!

2009-03-17 Thread Karel Gardas

Sorry for newcomer silly question, but where is the voting page located?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list