Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo Macbook Decal

2013-10-02 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
I've heard good things about teespring. I gather it's like a kickstarter
but specifically for t-shirts. They seem to have some procedures[1] in
place specifically for non-profit organizations, which might be a good
option for supporting

[1]: (confusingly, the page is titled
"enterprise solutions", but I think it's actually about non-profit

Assuming the campaign isn't hard to set up, it's probably worth doing. I
know I'd certainly buy a shirt. Or maybe a sweatshirt.

A campaign like this might also make a good rally point for informing the
community that is now a registered non-profit :).

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Jason Dagit  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Kyle Hanson  wrote:
>> I ordered mine!
>> Does anyone know if there is any place where I could order pre-made
>> Haskell t-shirt that benefits too?
> I don't know where, but I just wanted to say thank you to both you and
> Ryan and everyone else who buys one. Setting something up like this is
> great! And we definitely want to encourage it. So if you do find a place to
> order shirts (maybe cafepress?) please let us know.
> You might also like to know that can now accept donations
> directly:
> Gershom announced it at the recent Haskell Implementors Workshop and we're
> still working on getting the word out to a wider audience. In the future,
> would like to use donations to buy dedicated development time
> for key bits of Haskell infrastructure. I think we'll have more to say
> about that in a week or two (work in progress).
> Thanks for your support!
> Jason
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll & plea: State of GUI & graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-09-27 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Could threepenny work with webGL, or is that too far out of the scope of
the project? I guess the overhead of having a server--even locally--and
using a web browser might just be too much for many use cases.
On Sep 27, 2013 1:51 AM, "Heinrich Apfelmus" 

> Conal Elliott wrote:
>> I'm polling to see whether there are will and expertise to reboot graphics
>> and GUIs work in Haskell. I miss working on functional graphics and GUIs
>> in
>> Haskell, as I've been blocked for several years (eight?) due to the
>> absence
>> of low-level foundation libraries having the following properties:
>> * cross-platform,
>> * easily buildable,
>> * GHCi-friendly, and
>> * OpenGL-compatible.
>> The last several times I tried Gtk2hs, I was unable to compile it on my
>> Mac. Years ago when I was able to compile, the GUIs looked and interacted
>> like a Linux app, which made them awkward and upleasant to use. wxHaskell
>> (whose API and visual appearance I prefered) has for years been
>> incompatible with GHCi, in that the second time I open a top-level window,
>> the host process (GHCi) dies abruptly. Since my GUI & graphics programs
>> are
>> often one-liners, and I tend to experiment a lot, using a full compilation
>> greatly thwarts my flow. For many years, I've thought that the situation
>> would eventually improve, since I'm far from the only person who wants
>> GUIs
>> or graphics from Haskell.
>> About three years ago, I built a modern replacement of my old Pan and
>> Vertigo systems (optimized high-level functional graphics in 2D and 3D),
>> generating screamingly fast GPU rendering code. I'd love to share it with
>> the community, but I'm unable to use it even myself.
>> Two questions:
>> * Am I mistaken about the current status? I.e., is there a solution for
>> Haskell GUI & graphics programming that satisfies the properties I'm
>> looking for (cross-platform, easily buildable, GHCi-friendly, and
>> OpenGL-compatible)?
>> * Are there people willing and able to fix this situation? My own
>> contributions would be to test and to share high-level composable and
>> efficient GUI and graphics libraries on top of a working foundation.
> Hello Conal,
> I have been similarly dissatisfied with the state of GUI libraries in
> Haskell and have finally started working on one myself: [threepenny-gui][1].
> Threepenny-gui uses the web browser as a display, which means that it's
> cross-platform, easy to install and works from GHCi! On the flip side, it
> doesn't support native OpenGL.
>   [1]: 
> Best regards,
> Heinrich Apfelmus
> --
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: New syntax for Haskell

2013-09-14 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
My problem with cucumber is not the idea of a high-level DSL for tests. Au
contraire--I think this is a perfect place for a little language. I could
easily see a similar tool being useful for Haskell.

Rather, my issue is with the syntax. Not gherkin in particular but rather
languages that try to look like English in general. For one, these
languages tend to hit the uncanny valley--they're somewhat natural, but not
entirely. Perhaps the code reads like poorly written prose, but you
certainly can't write it in a natural fashion!

More importantly, I do not think prose is a good format for this sort of
thing at all. It's good for reading code, but I almost never read code
directly. Instead, I usually look over large parts of code at a time. I
want code where I can get the structure at a glance and easily separate the
parts that are specific to the current application from ones that aren't.
With prose-like syntax, this is very difficult because everything is made
of words. That programming language syntax you dismiss as line noise? It's
actually the structure of the code, which makes it much *faster* to read!

There's a reason mathematicians user equations and diagrams so much. A
single equation can replace literally pages of text, and you can have a
pretty good idea of what's going on without having to look too closely at
all the details. Think about an integral, for example: from the equation,
you can easily see what sort of equation it is (trigonometric, polynomial,
exponential...), what domain you're integrating over, what the limits are
and, very importantly, that it *is* an integral rather than something
completely different. All just from what the equation looks like, before
you've had to expend much attention on it.

One way to think about it is that the notation factors out the repeated
parts of an integral so that it's easy to visually separate from the
"meat"--the function you're actually integrating. A good DSL uses symbols
to do the same thing.

The main cost, of course, is that you have to learn the notation. But this
is really a one-time cost; if you're going to be seeing a lot of integrals,
it's more than worth doing, especially because there's so much shared
structure between them. Similarly, it's worth doing for tests, for the same
reasons. There's a lot of shared structure--just look at how many
relatively long phrases got repeated even in the simple examples given
here--and you want to look over that structure without actually reading it.
Much easier with actual syntax than prose. In any real app, you will have
hundreds of tests, and learning to deal with the "line noise" gets
amortized over all of them, whereas the benefits (shorter code that's
easier to scan) scale at least linearly.

So I think we should really avoid the faux-natural-language syntax as much
as possible.
I just want to chime in to defend Cucumber, which I use in Ruby at my day
job. I see a lot of people put up the strawman that it can only be used as
a way for business people to write acceptance tests. That idea is
questionable and I've never worked at a company big enough to require that,
or with business people who have ever wanted to write my tests for me.

In Ruby, I use Cucumber purely for myself to drive high level acceptance
tests for products. I think the sweet spot for it is when you're starting
work on a high level feature and you have NO idea how it will be
implemented or even how it will work in detail. I find that writing in the
limited language that Gherkin provides keeps my brain from going right to
implementation details. I write out tests that explore how the system
should work. I write them in the perspective of the user (which you should
be doing in your head regardless because the user is the one who will
actually interact with your program). I then read them back and make sure
they make logical sense. Only then do I start hooking up the steps I wrote
to code that drives integration/acceptance tests, via a browser for
instance. At the end I have a failing cucumber test that describes the
system in an intuitive manner with zero line noise (programming language
syntax). I am now free to think about implementation details, write lower
level unit tests and implement things that can be described in much less
verbose fashion. I really like that process and if I ever had a job to
develop products in Haskell, I'd probably take a similar approach.

Do note that I advocate using Cucumber to create/drive user stories, not to
unit test low level functions like folds. If you don't have a customer of a
particular function who could describe how they interact with it in
layman's term, then Cucumber is the wrong tool. Use quickcheck/hunit/hspec
for that.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Bob Ippolito  wrote:

> Have you tried AppleScript? I wouldn't say it's pleasant to use, but it's
> easy to read.
> On Thursday, September 12, 2013, David Thomas wrote:
>> I've long been interested in a scripting language desi

Re: [Haskell-cafe] continuations and monads

2013-08-17 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Yes they are. Purely intuitively, you can see how writing code in a monadic
style (using >>= a lot) is very similar to writing in continuation-passing

You can express this the most directly with the continuation monad. Then,
from this monad, you can express other monads. In some sense, the
continuation monad is very fundamental. Take a look at "The Mother of all
Monads"[1] from The Neighborhood of Infinity for more details.

On Aug 17, 2013 7:02 PM, "Christopher Howard" <> wrote:

> Q: Are the "continuations" in Scheme related to the "monads" from Haskell?
> If so, could someone elaborate on that?
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-15 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
If we're adding applicative brackets, it would be nice to have something
like ⦇⦈ as options via UnicodeSyntax. When playing around with She, I found
it much easier to read than the ASCII version, especially when I needed to
combine them:

(|(|a + b|) + (|c * d|)|)
⦇⦇a + b⦈ + ⦇c * d⦈⦈

Coincidentally, She is the perfect way to experiment with idiom brackets
while thinking about a patch like this. I found it very illustrative just
to go through old code and see what could really be improved and what
couldn't. For me personally, I certainly found *some* code became more
readable, but not quite as much as I expected.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Anton Nikishaev  wrote:

> Simon Peyton-Jones  writes:
> > |  Indeed, I wished the 0-ary case would be more alike to the unary
> > |  and binary case, cf.
> > |
> > | return f0
> > | f1 <$> a1
> > | f2 <$> a1 <*> a2
> > |
> > |  What is needed is a nice syntax for "idiom brackets".
> >
> > Indeed.  I'm quite open to adding idiom brackets to GHC, if everyone
> > can agree on their syntax, and someone would like to offer a patch.
> >
> > Something like
> >   (| f a1 a2 |)
> > perhaps?
> I can make a patch after people agree on everything.
> There's also with
> its template haskell nastiness
> h> :m +Control.Applicative.QQ.Idiom
> h> :set -XQuasiQuotes
> h> [i| (,) "THX" "BYE" |]
> [('T','B'),('T','Y'),('T','E'),('H','B'),('H','Y'),('H','E'),('X','B'),('X','Y'),('X','E')]
> --
> lelf
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: tasty, a new testing framework

2013-08-06 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Could you add some documentation on how to use this with cabal? I've found
integrating tests with cabal unintuitive and poorly documented--to the
point where I haven't really bothered! I've gotten it working before, but I
would have to look it up again in the future. (I also didn't use a

It would be awesome to see an example .cabal file along with your example
test cases.


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> * Carter Schonwald  [2013-08-05 16:58:37-0400]
> > fair enough. I take it that you're also (implicitly) committing to
> > maintaining this for the next few years? :)
> That's correct.
> Roman
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Sneaky method for var-arg fns?

2013-07-26 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Take a look at Text.Printf which takes this idea even further with its
printf function, which can accept an arbitrary number of arguments. This is
achieved by basically using your approach but with a recursive instance.
On Jul 26, 2013 10:10 PM, "Micah Cowan"  wrote:

> So, just for fun, I came up with a way to abuse the language in order to
> define a "function" whose argument is optional:
> > -- dirty-trick.hs - A sneaky way to do var args fns in Haskell
> >
> > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> >
> > class Hello a where
> > hello :: a
> >
> > instance Hello (String -> String) where
> > hello = (\str -> "Hello " ++ str)
> >
> > instance Hello String where
> > hello = hello "World"
> In ghci,
>   putStrLn $ hello
> gives "Hello World", while
>   putStrLn $ hello "There"
> gives "Hello".
> .
> I was wondering if there was a way to do it in "pure" Haskell (i.e., no
> GHC pragmas required), and also the specific reason for why the above
> example doesn't work without the pragma (I think it's just that in
> general a -> b is not syntactically allowed for type specifiers within
> instance declarations)?
> I'm also interested in alternative approaches to creating
> variable-argument functions, if there are any.
> .
> If anyone's curious, this was prompted by a discussion with a friend
> (copied), about Haskell and Clojure. He mentioned that Clojure can
> accept variable arguments, though AFAICT all Clojure functions basically
> act like they take a list (that supports variable types), so accepting
> an empty argument list is a bit analogous to Haskell accepting an empty
> list, rather than no arguments.
> Part of the reason Haskell can't really take "variable arguments" is
> that all Haskell functions really just take one argument. But I figured
> you could use the contextually expected type to decide whether to return
> a simple value (not /technically/ a function in that case), or a function
> expecting further arguments, which could then be extended to define a
> function taking any arbitrary number of arguments.
> Cheers!
> -mjc
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] newbie question about "Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:".....

2013-07-05 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
You're running into the "open world"assumption--anybody could come along
and make Integer part of your NotAnInteger class, and there's nothing you
can do to stop them. This is a design tradeoff for typeclasses: typeclass
instances are always global and are exported to all other modules you use.
This means you cannot ensure a type is *not* part of a typeclass. (Or, at
the very least, you can't convince GHC of this fact.)

For more information about this, take a look at the following StackOverflow
On Jul 5, 2013 8:47 AM, "Nicholls, Mark"  wrote:

>  Hello,
> ** **
> I largely don’t know what I’m doing or even trying to do, it is a voyage
> into the unknown….but….if I go…
> ** **
> > {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> > {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
> > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> > {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> ** **
> > class Foo x y | x -> y, y -> x
> > instance Foo Integer Integer
> ** **
> That seems to work….and my head seems to say…your created some sort of
> binary relation between 2 types…and made  a member of it…
> ** **
> Something like that anyway….
> ** **
> Then I go….
> ** **
> > data Bar
> ** **
> > instance Foo Bar x
> ** **
> Error!but I’m think I understand this….I can’t claim that  is a
> member of Foo and  is member of Foo and preserve my
> functional dependencies, because  is now a member of Foo..***
> *
> ** **
> Bad programmer…….
> ** **
> ** **
> So how I naively go….
> ** **
> ** **
> > class NotAnInteger a
> ** **
> > instance (NotAnInteger x) => Foo Bar x
> ** **
> I haven’t declared integer to be “NotAnInteger”….so (in a closed
> world)….this would seem to exclude the contradiction….but…
> ** **
> ** **
> Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:
>   instance Foo Integer Integer -- Defined at liam1.lhs:7:12
>   instance NotAnInteger x => Foo Bar x -- Defined at liam1.lhs:13:12**
> **
> ** **
> So 
> **i)**I clearly don’t understand something about the
> type system.
> **ii)   **I don’t know how to restrict type variables in
> instance declarations….i.e. how do I use the notion of “Foo” across
> different combinations of types, without them colliding.
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about indentation conventions

2013-07-01 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
That's certainly true. As I mentioned, I was actually considering a
*pretty-printer* rather than an automatic indentation tool per se. The end
results are similar, but the pretty-printer is really only the latter part
of the problem: it's predicated on already having a valid AST.

My particular use case involved diffing and merging ASTs directly; this
means that I would have to somehow output the result in a human-readable
format. Moreover, the actual AST I was outputting could have been the
combination of two others, without any prior concrete syntax! I still
haven't worked out a good way to do this for Haskell (or, to be fair, any
other language).

But yeah, Haskell is pretty intractable as far as language grammars go. I
think this is a great compromise--I value language expressiveness over
tooling--but it certainly is a compromise.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:56 AM, Tikhon Jelvis  wrote:
>> I've thought about writing an automatic indenting tool for Haskell (or,
>> more accurately, a pretty-printer) for another project I have, and this is
>> the main thing that threw me off. While automatic indentation might make
>> sense for less expressive languages (Google Go being an extreme example), I
>> think it would be too constraining for Haskell. After all, in reasonable
>> code, chances are that similar constructs end up meaning wildly different
>> things (especially with the advent of pervasive embedded DSLs), so the code
>> itself is a poor indicator of its own structure.
> One might look at the history of the indentation modules for Emacs
> haskell-mode. Short version: they gave up, tab iterates through the
> possibilities because it's quite impossible to know which one is correct
> without a *semantic*, not just syntactic, understanding of the code.
> (Which, when you think about it, is pretty much par for the Haskell
> language definition. See also the literally impossible brace insertion rule
> of Haskell98.)
> --
> brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
> associates
> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about indentation conventions

2013-07-01 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
My current approach is not to have one rule for every case but rather to
indent however seems best for the particular code. For example, for
Parsec's <|>, I try to make the code look like a BNF grammar rather than
adhering to normal indentation conventions. Perhaps as a carry-over from my
C-style programming days, I usually have the operators at the end of the
line, but I put <|> at the beginning, several steps *left* of where it
would normally be, to get everything aligned nicely.

Similarly, I try to align things to show the structure of the code. For
example, if I have two similar function calls on top of each other, I try
to highlight the parallelism:

foo (Just $ a + b) Nothing
foo Nothing  (Just $ a + b)

The main idea is that I try to format my code not based on what the *code*
is but based on what it *means*. I don't know if this is entirely
reasonable, but I like it.

I've thought about writing an automatic indenting tool for Haskell (or,
more accurately, a pretty-printer) for another project I have, and this is
the main thing that threw me off. While automatic indentation might make
sense for less expressive languages (Google Go being an extreme example), I
think it would be too constraining for Haskell. After all, in reasonable
code, chances are that similar constructs end up meaning wildly different
things (especially with the advent of pervasive embedded DSLs), so the code
itself is a poor indicator of its own structure.

So this is really something of an aside, but I do not think that a
gofmt-style tool would be quite as useful for Haskell, and it certainly
does not replace good taste.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Sturdy, Ian  wrote:

> I always preferred (I think going back to my lisp days)
> foo x y
>   z
> indenting subsequent arguments to the same level as the first, but I have
> not convinced haskell-mode to do that for me. (The general rule here being
> that similar things should be at the same indent, which will always result
> in subexpressions being further indented, but is somewhat more specific.)
> The case I never quite know what to do with is a series of expressions
> connected with operators, e.g.
> foo
> <|> bar
> <|> baz
> Leaving operators at the beginning of lines (rather than trailing the
> previous line) seems preferable, but does one (where the layout rules
> apply) align the operator or the function? (the alternative being, if your
> mail client does not make a mess of it with a variable-width font)
> foo
> <|> bar
> <|> baz
> ~IRS
> From: []
> on behalf of Richard Cobbe []
> Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 8:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about indentation conventions
> On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 05:18:39PM +1200, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:
> >
> > It looked pretty explicit to me:
> >
> >   The golden rule of indentation
> >   ...
> >   you will do fairly well if you just remember a single rule:
> >   Code which is part of some expression should be indented
> >   further in than the beginning of that expression (even if
> >   the expression is not the leftmost element of the line).
> >
> > This means for example that
> >   f (g x
> >   y
> >   z)
> > is OK but
> >   f (g x
> >   y z)
> > is not.
> >
> Sure.  So my first question boils down to which of the two alternatives
> below does the community prefer?  (To be clear about the intended
> semantics: this is the application of the function f to the arguments x, y,
> and z.)
> f x
> y
> z
> or
> f x
>  y
>  z
> Both are correct, in most contexts.
> And then there's the second question: if the second alternative is
> preferable, is there a way to get haskell-mode to do it automatically?  As
> it is, it refuses to indent y any farther to the right than in the first
> alternative.  I can space it in by hand, and then haskell-mode puts z under
> y, but that's annoying, and it gets in the way of reindenting large regions
> of code automatically.
> Richard
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghci & ghc -> JS (Emscripten)

2013-06-28 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
My understanding is that Try Haskell actually runs the submitted code on a
server with mueval rather than compiling it to JavaScript and running it in
the client. This is different from some of the other "try" websites (like, so it's easy to get confused.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 15:25:59 +0200, B B  wrote:
>  Hi!
>> Does anybody tried, or is there anywhere a project, of online ghc or ghci
>> (compiled to JavaScript with Emscripten)?
> There is Try Haskell![0], source code can be found on GitHub[1]
> Regards,
> Henk-Jan van Tuyl
> [0]
> [1] 
> --
> Folding@home
> What if you could share your unused computer power to help find a cure? In
> just 5 minutes you can join the world's biggest networked computer and get
> us closer sooner. Watch the video.
> Haskell programming
> --
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hand over maintenance of a package

2013-06-19 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
As far as I know, Hackage does not enforce control of a given package at
all. You can just have the new maintainer upload a new version of the
package, changing the maintainer field of the .cabal file.
On Jun 19, 2013 7:10 AM, "Corentin Dupont" 

> Hi Cafe,
> How to hand over the maintenance of a hackage package?
> Thanks
> Corentin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficiency/Evaluation Question

2013-06-15 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
There's a very good StackOverflow question which covers this: "When is
memoization automatic in GHC?"[1]. I found it really cleared up the issue
for me.


On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:13 PM, Clark Gaebel  wrote:

> Yes. In general, GHC won't CSE for you.
>   - Clark
> On Saturday, June 15, 2013, Christopher Howard wrote:
>> On 06/15/2013 04:39 PM, Tommy Thorn wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > There's not enough context to answer the specific question,
>> > but lazy evaluation isn't magic and the answer is probably "no".
>> >
>> > Tommy
>> >
>> Perhaps to simplify the question somewhat with a simpler example.
>> Suppose you have
>> code:
>> let f x = if (x > 4) then f 0 else (sin x + 2 * cos x) : f (x + 1)
>> After calculating at x={0,1,2,3}, and the cycle repeats, are sin, cos,
>> etc. calculated anymore?
>> --
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simplest way to learn FRP through use

2013-06-01 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Right. It's at
On May 31, 2013 11:46 PM, "Christopher Howard" <> wrote:

> On 05/31/2013 07:47 PM, Tikhon Jelvis wrote:
> > My favorite mini app is John Conway's game of life. I implemented a
> > version with reactive banana and found it perfect for learning the ideas.
> >
> > I have a simple version of the code up on GitHub if you ever want a nice
> > example to read. I tried to make the code neat rather than worrying
> > about performance or features.
> >
> Would you be willing to give a URL for that? (To save posterity from the
> trouble of putting your name in a GitHub search box.)
> --
> ___
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simplest way to learn FRP through use

2013-05-31 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
My favorite mini app is John Conway's game of life. I implemented a version
with reactive banana and found it perfect for learning the ideas.

I have a simple version of the code up on GitHub if you ever want a nice
example to read. I tried to make the code neat rather than worrying about
performance or features.
On May 31, 2013 8:43 PM, "Christopher Howard" <> wrote:

> I want to learn FRP but am having trouble wading through all the theory
> about how FRP is implemented and how it /could/ be used for various
> applications. What is the simplest, easiest-to-learn module or system
> allowing you to quickly make something interesting (if not very
> impressive) in an FRP style? Say, a simple simulation of some physical
> phenomena outputting its state to the terminal; or an object moving on
> the screen; or some other toy application that I could create and play
> with.
> --
> ___
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-28 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
These are present in Control.Arrow as (***), first and second respectively.

They are easy to overlook because they work for *all* arrows, not just
functions. So the type signatures look like:

first :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)

If you replace a with (->), you'll see that this is exactly like your

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Dominique Devriese <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I often find myself needing the following definitions:
>   mapPair :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a,c) -> (b,d)
>   mapPair f g (x,y) = (f x, g y)
>   mapFst :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
>   mapFst f = mapPair f id
>   mapSnd :: (b -> c) -> (a,b) -> (a,c)
>   mapSnd = mapPair id
> But they seem missing from the prelude and Hoogle or Hayoo only turn
> up versions of them in packages like scion or fgl.  Has anyone else
> felt the need for these functions?  Am I missing some generalisation
> of them perhaps?
> Regards,
> Dominique
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] List comprehensions with Word8

2013-05-16 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
This happens because of how fromInteger is defined for Word8. It maps
integers to integers mod 256. Also remember that 10 is actually
fromInteger 10, in all of your examples.

So your example is actually equivalent to [0..1 `mod` 256].
On May 16, 2013 2:19 PM, "Jose A. Lopes"  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I was playing with Word8 and list comprehensions and
> the following examples came up. I have to admit the
> behavior looks quite strange because it does not seem
> to be consistent. Can someone shed some light on reason
> behind some of these outputs?
> By the way, I have abbreviated some outputs with ellipsis ...
> [1..10] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
> [1..100] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,100]
> [1..1000] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,232]
> [1..1] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,**13,14,15,16]
> [1..10] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,160]
> [1..100] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,64]
> [1..1000] :: [Word8]
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,128]
> [1..1] :: [Word8]
> []
> [1..10] :: [Word8]
> []
> Thank you,
> Jose
> --
> José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
> Instituto Superior Técnico
> Technical University of Lisbon
> __**_
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [extension]syntactic sugar for maps

2013-03-27 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
I'm genuinely curious as to how you use maps. I've found I use them far
less in Haskell than in any other language: I only use them in select
circumstances. And most of those uses would not benefit from a mayo literal.

I suspect that many of the uses of map literals are better replaced with
something like a record. This has the advantage of being static and more
type safe. However, this is only based on my own use cases, so it's hard to
On Mar 27, 2013 12:32 PM, "Răzvan Rotaru"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am terribly missing some syntactic sugar for maps (associative data
> structures) in Haskell. I find myself using them more than any other data
> structure, and I think there is no big deal in adding some sugar for this
> to the language. I could not find out whether such an extension is beeing
> discussed. If not, I would like to propose and extension. Any help and
> suggestions are very welcome here. Thanks.
> Also related to the topic:
> 1/ Is there a list of proposals for extensions to Haskell that has
> currently been accepted in the new standard? I have not found one on
> Haskell' (
> but it looks outdated. No mentions to the new standard!
> 2/ I have seen somewhere a statement that a new language standard will be
> published yearly. Didn't happen until now. Is there even a new standard on
> the way?
> Cheers,
> Răzvan
> ___
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there a tool like ri from ruby?

2012-11-23 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
Have you tried Hoogle? I know you can install it locally and use it from
GHCi or Emacs. I'm not familiar with ri, but from your description I think
a local Hoogle would serve the same purpose with the added benefit of being
able to search by types.

Here's the wiki page about it:

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds <> wrote:

> RI is a very easy using tool that search and show the documents of ruby
> modules/functions, etc.
> Using RI, I could get help when programming with a few commands. Quick and
> simple.
> And with RI backend (libs), I could also simply integrate ri to my IDE
> (like one hotkey to show function summary).
> So I am wondering if there is such thing in Haskell world. I know haddock
> saves the .haddock files in document folder. But I do not know if there is
> any existing tools to index and view them.
> --
> 竹密岂妨流水过
> 山高哪阻野云飞
> And for G+, please use
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