Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 65

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 65 Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day. 1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners: When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment the inmates [24/61] 2.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Amazing Living Statues Art Pictures

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Amazing Living Statues Art Pictures

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ke mana Arah Tuju Pelarian Rohingya di Malaysia?

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik abi teha
Ke mana Arah Tuju Pelarian Rohingya di Malaysia? Salam, Pelarian Rohingya ke Malaysia perlu mendapat perhatian ramai terutama pihak berwajib. Secara amnya pelarian Rohingya adalah pelarian politik di bawah naungan UNHCR. Mereka adalah kumpulan etnik minoriti

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 10 Most Diabolical Fish On Earth

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty [image:

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tasawuf

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Lenggang Kangkung
Saidina ali pernah berkata, ramai orang yang menyembah Allah kerana mengharapkan balasan. Ibadah dilakukan sebagai suatu perlaburan agar suatu masa nanti Tuhan membayar hasil ibadah itu kepada mereka. Imam Ali mangatakan ibadah orang yang mengharapkan pahala sebagai seorang pedagang. Ada juga

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] lelong lelong YB...di www.lelong. bn .

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik hamdy
Assalamualaikum Dan Selamat Sejahtera.salah satu utk kaya cepat di US ialah buat company, work it out, then jadikannya public listed.kat malaysia...pastikan jadi YB PR, then tak yah berkhidmat sgt sbg YB, lepas tu lompat ke BN dgn harga yg baik... Lima lagi MP keluar PKR? Oleh G.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Snow Donuts

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Snow Donuts The spherical snow rings known as snow donuts, or snow rollers, only happen when conditions are perfect. The temperature must be around freezing, the snow easily packable and there must be strong winds. A bit of a hill always helps too. [image: snow donuts] *These strange looking

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Unknown creature found by Russian soldiers

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*This creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. * *Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan, it’s the most eastern part of Russia, * *almost 5000 miles to East from Moscow (Russia is huge). People don’t know * *who is it. According to the bones and teeth – it is not a fish.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Supercell

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Supercell Going purely by the name, Supercell sounds as cool as it is. It is the name given to a continuously rotating updraft deep within a severe thunderstorm (a mesocyclone) and looks downright scary. [image: huge supercell] *Mark Humpage via Winchecter Weather

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Al-Hadith : Syarat Minimum Ke Syurga

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Era Rusli
apa yang tak fahamnya? syarat sgt simple, buat yang disuruh, tinggalkan yang dilarang. tu je. nama pun minimum. tp jgn la pulak sibuk sembahyang lima waktu, puasa di bulan ramadhan, tp masih mengata dan buat benda tak elok. syarat yang diberitahu tu menunjukkan betapa mudah dan indahnya agama

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] kumpulan quran and nasyid

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik mye
Assalamualaikum wr.wb. kumpulan nasyid dan alquran mp3 Wasalamualaikum wr.wb. Yusuf

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Red Sprites and Blue Jets

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Red Sprites and Blue Jets Appearing as cone bursts, glows or bright discharges, blue jets and red sprites occur only in the upper atmosphere, and are therefore very faint and often not visible to the naked eye. [image: diagram]

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Like in humans, baldness can be seen in animals as well. Hair loss in animals can be because of a lot of reasons including hormonal imbalance. We may have seen bald cats where there a lot of spot on the cat which are bald. This can be because of stress and is called as alopecia. Best Health

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] constantly seeks pardon (from Allah)

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik ***hajikhan***
  Sayyiduna Ibn `Abbas (RadhiAllaho anho) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:   If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 83 anak luar nikah setiap hari di Malaysia

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik ahmad mat
mak dan bapak salah malah kerajaan pun turut bersalah kerana memberi lesen dan bersubahat kerana menganjurkan program-program mungkar yang memberi ruang untuk membuat maksiat. 2010/2/9 myza salah mak dan bapak.. anak2 yg akan jadi mangsa.. apa perasaan mereka bila dewasa apabila dpt

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Top 10 Devil’s Plants

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*What looks red all over and has a long tongue and tail, a pair of horns on his head and holds a huge fork? * *This creature is very bad that’s why he was banished to a very hot place called hell. The Devil has always * *been depicted as a creature looking like this. Any of the description above

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Gravity Wave

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Gravity Wave The undulating pattern of a gravity wave must seem a bizarre sight, especially if you’re more used to seeing waves of the water, not in the sky. Seldom seen gravity waves are caused when air is displaced in the vertical plain, usually as a result of updrafts coming off the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tidak cukup dengan berarak, angkat sepanduk dan berselawat

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik ahmad mat
*Tidak cukup dengan berarak, angkat sepanduk dan berselawat* *KUALA TERENGGANU, 16 Feb:* “Tidak cukup dengan sambut

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Berita terkini dari Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik nayan man Feb15 More attacks on Kandahar airfield By Qari Yousuf Ahmadi KANDAHAR, Feb. 15 - Kandahar airfield, considered as one of the greatest base of the U.S troops, came under heavy arms fire on Monday. According to the report from Kandahar province, two of the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Majlis Maulidurrasul SAW-KLCC

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Azman Al Khereed
Majlis Maulidurrasul SAW Tarikh: 27hb Februari 2010 Masa: 7.00 ptg - 10.00 ptg Lokasi: Masjid AsSyakirin, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Majlis bermula selepas sholat maghrib dengan bacaan maulid diselangi alunan qasidah.Tetamu Jemputan : - Habib Hasan bin Muhammad bin Salim al Attas (Imam Masjid

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Anak-Anak Palestin Tidak Meminta-Minta

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik muhammad haleem
Temubual ekslusif dari relawan Indonesia yang memasuki  Gaza     Q - Bagaimana Ibu melihat kondisi anak-anak Palestina saat ini?   A - Saya lihat, mereka memang, dalam kondisi seperti itu, mereka tetap menjadi bangsa yang optimis, dilihat dari orasi-orasi para pimpinannya. Kemudian, yang paling

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Giant Hailstones

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Giant Hailstones Of all the crazy weather phenomenon that blasts the planet, a giant hailstorm would be the most likely to cause direct personal injury, judging by the size of the hailstones in these images anyway. Just imagine being pelted from a great height with hundreds of hard golf balls

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dr Ezzeddin Ibrahim Mustafa

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Dr. Omar Yaakob
Salam, Bagi yang biasa membaca terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris Hadith 40 Annawawi, dukacita dimaklumkan penterjemahnya, Dr Ezzeddin Ibrahim Mustafa telah pulang ke rahmatullah pada 30 januari 2010. Maklumat mengenai beliau di sini: Moga Allah

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Non-Aqueous Rain

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Non-Aqueous Rain Although a well-known phenomenon, non-aqueous rain is seldom reported or documented but when it is a media frenzy usually ensues, although with cries of the world ending. [image: fish rain] A shower of frogs in Wiltshire, England made the headlines in 1939, as did a coal storm

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Unforgettable Love Story

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Mohamed Fudzail
She was one of the noblest women of her time, coming from a very prominent family. She was also quite beautiful and the holder of a considerable amount of wealth, for she successfully ran her own business. To marry her would have been a great feat for any man, and indeed, quite a few of the most