Re: [hlcoders] grenade code

2008-09-26 Thread Yorg Kuijs
alright I think I fixed the previous problems but can't really test it yet. Right now in weapon_superfrag it does SetTimer bla bla bla and what is actually that timer is named m_flThrowTime in grenade_superfrag.cpp it uses m_flDetonateTime now what I need to make is m_flDetonateTime =

Re: [hlcoders] grenade code

2008-09-26 Thread Tony Sergi
Weapon_superfrag can't load things simply 'because the header is included'. In order to do things from weapon_grenade, weapon_superfrag needs to be a CHILD of weapon_grenade. For customizations, you then override functions with the same name, by adding the overriding functions into superfrag. If