Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM Mod Bot

2005-02-24 Thread Mark Ettinger
Your issue and others are fixed by following the excellent tutorial found here:,1109293489,536id=805428b=4991v=flatold

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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging HL2DM Sdk

2005-02-22 Thread Mark Ettinger
Which version of VS .NET are you using, 7.1?   If not, perhaps that is
the source of the problem?

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[hlcoders] Bots in HL2DM?

2005-02-21 Thread Mark Ettinger
Has anyone successfully ported the basic bot code in the barebones MP
mod to the new deathmatch code?  After copying a few files from
basic-MP to the DM folders (most of the stuff is already there but
needs to be added to the project) I can get it to compile but I get 22
link errors (unresolved externals).  The link errors are listed below.

Many thanks.

hl error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol char const * __cdecl
FindEngineArg(char const *) (?FindEngineArg@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced
in function void __cdecl BotAdd_f(void) (?BotAdd_f@@YAXXZ)
hl error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol int __cdecl
FindEngineArgInt(char const *,int) (?FindEngineArgInt@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
referenced in function void __cdecl BotAdd_f(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual bool
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::SDKAnim_CanMove(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual class
CWeaponSDKBase * __thiscall CSDKPlayer::SDKAnim_GetActiveWeapon(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::LeaveVehicle(class Vector const ,class QAngle
const ) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXABVVector@@ABVQAngle@@@Z)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::CheatImpulseCommands(int)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::FlashlightTurnOff(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::FlashlightTurnOn(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual int
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::FlashlightIsOn(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::PostThink(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::PreThink(void) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::InitialSpawn(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::CreateViewModel(int)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::Event_Killed(class CTakeDamageInfo const )
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::Precache(void) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual void
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::Spawn(void) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual int
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::YouForgotToImplementOrDeclareServerClass(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual char
const * __thiscall CSDKPlayer::GetClassName(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual class
ServerClass * __thiscall CSDKPlayer::GetServerClass(void)
hl error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public: virtual struct
datamap_t * __thiscall CSDKPlayer::GetPredDescMap(void)
hl error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol public: __thiscall
CSDKPlayer::CSDKPlayer(void) (??0CSDKPlayer@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in
function public: __thiscall CSDKBot::CSDKBot(void)
hl error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol public: virtual
__thiscall CSDKPlayer::~CSDKPlayer(void) (??1CSDKPlayer@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
referenced in function public: virtual __thiscall
hl fatal error LNK1120: 22 unresolved externals

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Re: [hlcoders] Bots in HL2DM?

2005-02-21 Thread Mark Ettinger
Thanks!  By using CBasePlayer instead of CSDKPlayer and a few minor
tweaks I can compile and link.  However when I use the bot_add command
at the console the game (HL2DM) crashes on this line of  the function
BotPutInServer in sdk_bot_temp.cpp:

edict_t *pEdict = engine-CreateFakeClient( botname );

Any ideas?

Many thanks.

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[hlcoders] AI structure

2005-02-09 Thread Mark Ettinger
Has anyone been successful at dissecting the structure of the AI,
specifically the class ai_basenpc?   When bot support was released I
thought it would be fun to tackle the development of  good bots as a
project.  I decided to look into how the AI worked for a start, e.g.
what information they had at their disposal, etc.  However it is a
pretty involved class.  Any pointers much appreciated..

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Re: [hlcoders] Documentation

2005-01-26 Thread Mark Ettinger
I think this is a great idea, assuming it can be done.  I have
experienced similar frustrations concerning startup effort with repect
to learning the SDK, in spite of  years of coding experience.  The
various coding sites, wikis, tutorials, and this mailing list have
been helpful but not enough.

Conversely, I share Botman's scepticism that such a project will work.
 His list of hurdles is intimidating.

VERY best of luck.

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[hlcoders] new movements

2005-01-03 Thread Mark Ettinger
Hello All,

Are the basic movements of strafing and forward/backward built into
the engine?   Is it possible to add a fundamentally new movement, e.g.
rotate about an axis passing through center of player and orthogonal
to player's plane (if one were floating in space rather than
standing)?   I've been trying to step through the basic movements and
run up against engine stuff which is not exposed in the source code.

Or am I missing something obvious?

Many thanks in advance

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Re: [hlcoders] VC++ 8 Express Compiling

2004-12-01 Thread Mark Ettinger

I managed to successfully compile under Express Beta by using casts in
several spots and copying various include files (e.g. windows.h) from my
VC6 directories which Express Beta seemed to lack.  However I ran into
possibly serious (and certainly fatal) link errors which are worrisome
with regard to this ad hoc methodology.  After work, I intend to see if
using VC7.1 includes and libraries will work in place of my VC6 files
under Express Beta.

There is a good thread on compilation here:,1101914362,14458id=738023b=4991v=flatold

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, John Bellone wrote:

 I hit some errors while compiling (clean copy) of the SDK. Anyone else
 hit them? Want to make sure that I set everything up right. It converted
 it from VC++ 7 to VC++ 8 (when I clicked on Game_SDK).

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Mark Ettinger
Los Alamos National Laboratory (NIS-8)505-665-4789
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (PGP public key available on request)

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