Subject: Re: VSE related questions - VSAMIO on VSE
There have been a lot of cases where z/OS was behind z/VSE.
First, a CA level backup/restore program for VSAM that was offered to
z/OS but they turned it down. Much faster than EXPORT/IMPORT and even
faster than CA-Faver. We have had it since the
There was a vendor that promised Java on VSE about 8 years ago. But,
just like other things his company promised over the years, nothing ever
came of it.
Tony Thigpen
W Mainframe wrote on 2/29/20 12:21 PM:
Lovely VSE...I am still working on different VSE projects and I am sirry about
no Java
Lovely VSE...I am still working on different VSE projects and I am sirry about
no Java available. Would be a great improvement...Talking about VSAM, you know
just think about Clusters.. Indexes.. Record keys Lol
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, February 29, 2020, 1:
Amen to every one of your points!
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf
Of Farley, Peter x23353
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: VSE related questions - VSAMIO on VSE
e profitable areas you have no customer base after a while.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Tony Thigpen
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: VSE related questions - VSAMIO on VSE
There have
Very interesting, all that.
I am living just about 10 km from Boeblingen.
I was a MVS guy until some weeks ago (well, I worked with VSE in the
early 1990s,
but never since). I almost never had the need to deal with VSAM files,
all my customers used DB2. Now, all is different. I feel sud
Just for the record, the REXX developer for IBM in 2001 was Ursula
Braun-Krahl. I believe she retired.
Tony Thigpen
Tony Thigpen wrote on 2/28/20 5:51 PM:
There have been a lot of cases where z/OS was behind z/VSE.
First, a CA level backup/restore program for VSAM that was offered to
z/OS bu
There have been a lot of cases where z/OS was behind z/VSE.
First, a CA level backup/restore program for VSAM that was offered to
z/OS but they turned it down. Much faster than EXPORT/IMPORT and even
faster than CA-Faver. We have had it since the early 80's.
Second, we support FBA and SCSI di