Re: HSM Query CDS Command Using ODS

2020-08-05 Thread Lukas Silveira
Hi Jasi,

We were facing the same problem for command 'HSEND recover'.

After many tries and researching we developed a REXX/JCL automation for working 
with CA-OPS.
CA-OPS catch output and message id ARC1000I.

Our start point was this thread:

Please read what was written by Michael Friske in this thread.

Lukas Silveira

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Re: HSM Query CDS Command Using ODS

2020-08-04 Thread Sri h Kolusu

Query command does NOT support ODS. If you are running in batch then the
output will be directed to SYSTSPRT dd. so try this

  your QUERY command


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HSM Query CDS Command Using ODS

2020-08-04 Thread Jasi Grewal

This might be an old news but was wondering if anyone has found a solution to 
HSEND Query CDS Command as it uses TPUT and displays on the screen instead of 
using ODS option.

Our Site requires this information to measure the performance of the HSM 
Datasets on daily basis and is using OPS/MVS and CA Sysview.
I prefer using Rexx Program to extract this information and would be easier as 
am new to CA Sysview and still looking for solutions via OPSLOG via JCL or Rexx.

Any guidance would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,

Jasi Grewal.

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