Re: [Ifeffit] How to use Larch as function server

2019-03-13 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your prompt response.

If I understand correctly, Athena works with Larch by making command strings 
(Text::Template?) and submitting it to Larch via XML-RPC.
So, it would be the best way, as you suggested.

  server.larch("grp = read_ascii('/path/to/xas/data')")

I understand you don't plan to expose (all of) "low" functions, too.
I intended to use Larch in loose-coupling (without knowledge of a Larch session 
status) with my app, so I have to go another way.

Thanks again,


On 2019/03/03 23:26, Matt Newville wrote:

Hi Hiroyuki,

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:40 PM ASAKURA, Hiroyuki <> wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to use Larch as an external function server.
I'm a Python novice, but if I understand correctly, the present server
(larch -r) provides access to a Larch process controllable with xmlrpc from

However, I would like to do something like below to achieve looser
coupling with my future code (maybe not in python).
How can I do that?
I appreciate any suggestion for my first step to go, though I guess it is
a bit far from the Larch way.

Running Larch in "server mode" is definitely possible but also sort of
advanced programming.  I should clarify something:  you should start a
server with the `larch_server start`, not `larch -r`.  This should be
removed from the `larch` command and fixed in the docs.

Once the server process is running, client processes can send commands to
run and receive data from the larch session running in the server process.
The server process can be on a different machine, but I should admit that
I've only done this in tests.   The functions available to the client are
pretty limited (definitely not all larch commands) and meant to be "high
level".  They include:

  larch send larch commands as strings to the 
  get_data  get data encoded in json
  get_rawdata   get data with json encoding
  get_messages, len_messagesget messages printed by the server
  ls, chdir, cd, cwdsetting the working directory for the 
  shutdown,  set_keepalive_time shutdown server, delay shutdown due to 
no activity
  set_client_info, get_client_info  set/get information about the client 
using this server

There isn't anything as specific as "read_ascii()" function.  Instead, you
would do

  from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
  server = ServerProxy("";)

  # send a string to run as a larch command
  server.larch("grp = read_ascii('/path/to/xas/data')")

We could consider adding more exposed functions, but the server has to
register each exposed function (see
), so I would not want to try to expose every function in the Larch API.

The client application can be in any language that supports XML-RPC
communication.   Many languages do have an XML-RPC library, though they
might differ in some features like how to unpack data into native
datatypes.   For example, a Perl implementation so that Demeter can use a
larch server as its backend is at

If you are interested in doing that for another language let me know if I
can be of any help.

Hope that helps, but if I missed the some part of your question, please let
me know


Ifeffit mailing list

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki (Ph.D)
Program-Specific Senior Lecturer (ESICB)
T. Tanaka Lab., ESICB, Kyoto University, Japan
Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] How to use Larch as function server

2019-03-02 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Dear all,

I would like to use Larch as an external function server.
I'm a Python novice, but if I understand correctly, the present server (larch 
-r) provides access to a Larch process controllable with xmlrpc from outside.

However, I would like to do something like below to achieve looser coupling 
with my future code (maybe not in python).
How can I do that?
I appreciate any suggestion for my first step to go, though I guess it is a bit 
far from the Larch way.

### (not a working code)

from six.moves.xmlrpc_client import ServerProxy
import os, json

def main():
s = ServerProxy("";, allow_none = True)

response = s.read_ascii(os.path.abspath("/path/to/xas/data"))

# I expect a JSON or python dict with keys like "energy", "mu", etc.

data = response

response = s.pre_edge(data)
# data is a JSON or python dict with keys like "energy", "mu", etc.

if __name__ == '__main__':


### end

I guess one can write some sort of function wrapper, if one wants.

### (not a working code)

from six.moves.socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
from six.moves.xmlrpc_server import SimpleXMLRPCServer, 

import json

import larch

from larch_plugins.xafs import find_e0, pre_edge, autobk
from import read_ascii

class LarchServer(ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super().__init__(*args, **kw)

self.larch = larch.Interpreter(with_plugins=True)



class LarchRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super().__init__(*args, **kw)

def _dispatch(self, method_name, args):

return getattr(self, method_name)(*args)

### wrapper function to Larch function

### Do something nice to convert the file into processed data as JSON or a 
python dict
def read_ascii(self, filepath):
data = read_ascii(filepath, _larch=larch)

# Return processed data as JSON, for example.

return json.dumps(data)

def main():
server = LarchServer( ("", 4966),
  requestHandler = LarchRequestHandler,
  logRequests= None,
  allow_none = True )


if __name__ == '__main__':

### end

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki (Ph.D)
Program-Specific Senior Lecturer (ESICB)
T. Tanaka Lab., ESICB, Kyoto University, Japan
Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Ifeffit Digest, Vol 174, Issue 8

2017-08-18 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Hi Carmelo,

I know your PrestoPronto, and had tried it when hosted at Google Code.
It must be a good time to try it again.
Thank you very much.


ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

On 2017/08/18 5:29, Carmelo Prestipino wrote:

Hi Hiroyuki,
I done a small interface to Larch to work with a lot of files
It is not nice as Athena and it has not all its possibility but if you are
used to  Athena  you should not get lost (the name of parameter is the same
It is not fast how it should be but give a try, maybe could be useful

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM, 

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: How to use Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on
  Windows (Bruce Ravel)
   2. Re: How to use Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on
  Windows (ASAKURA, Hiroyuki)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 13:17:13 -0400
From: Bruce Ravel 
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit 
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] How to use Larch as backend for Athena and
Artemis on Windows
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi Hiroyuki,

Sorry I didn't respond yesterday.  Yesterday was a bit of crazy day...

I suppose that this is still a work in progress.  I believe that Demeter
works with Larch on Windows, but it is certainly not as easy or
convenient yet as it should be.

In the place where Demeter got installed on your computer, there is a
folder called \perl\site\bin -- you can look at the properties of the
Athena desktop icon to see where that is.  In that folder is the
"dathena.bat" file which the Athena desktop icon points at.

You should also find a file called "lathena.bat".  Try running that or
pointing your desktop icon at it instead.

The difference between "lathena.bat" and "dathena.bat" is line 25 that
sets an environment variable that Demeter uses to decide which of
ifeffit or larch to use.

Obviously, there are number of other ways to get this environment
variable set.  The bottom line is, yes, there is a switch.  The switch
is the DEMETER_BACKEND environment variable.

Unfortunately, that switch cannot be in the configuration files,
although what you tired in item 2 of your email was a sensible guess.
It turns out that the choice of larch/ifeffit has to made long before
the configuration files are read.

Do let me know how you get on.  While Demeter + larch should work, there
are still almost certainly problems.  I need to get a new version of the
Demeter installer out soon, so it would be nice to get some feedback in
this area.

As for using Demeter + larch + 100s of file -- it should work after a
fashion.  But I worry that Athena's performance might not be what you
are hoping for.  Athena does a lot of things that are more user-friendly
than performance-friendly


On 08/15/2017 06:10 AM, ASAKURA, Hiroyuki wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to use the latest Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis
on Windows to handle hundreds of XAS data (, hopefully).
But, I'm stuck. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Matt announced it is now possible on this list, but I still cannot do it
on Windows.

[Ifeffit] Larch 0.9.33


The "server mode" for Athena and Artemis now works on all platforms and


strongly encourage everyone to use this over the ifeffit back end.

Here is what I did.

Windows 10 Pro (Japanese)
Demeter 0.9.25 (via official website)
Python 3.6 (official distribution)

1. Installation of the latest Larch

git clone (sha1:
cd xraylarch
python install

# Some dependency related to XRD is not fulfilled.

2. Start Larch server

cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python36\Scripts
python larch_server start

larch_server port=4966: started

I found a parameter of peakfit backend in demeter.ini and changed to
larch, but did not work (as expected).

In the dathena.log, Athena still uses ifeffit as backend.

perl version: v5.18.2
backend: ifeffit

Should I compile Demeter package by myself to use the Larch backend?
Or, is there any "switch" to use Larch?

Thanks in advance,

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki


Re: [Ifeffit] How to use Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on Windows

2017-08-17 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Dear Bruce,

I do appreciate your prompt response!

Now, I managed to run Athena with Larch backend on Windows 10 and handle about 
100 XAS data at once.
Athena with Ifeffit backend stalls when handling about 40 XAS spectra at least 
in my case.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a bit severe performance issue with a large 
number of spectra, as noted.

Here is what I did.

0. Install an official Git package
1-1. Download "64-bit Git for Windows Setup" via
1-2. Install Git with default options except for "Use Git from the Windows Command 
Prompt" and "Use Windows' default console window"
Note: You can use any options you want.

1. Install an official Demeter package
1-1. Download "Demeter 0.9.25 (32 bit)" via
1-2. Install Demeter with default options
Note: I cannot run 64 bit version with Larch.

2. Install an official Python package
2-1. Download "Windows x86-64 web-based installer" via
2-2. Custom Install Python with default options except for "Add Python 3.6 to 
PATH" (checked)

3. Install unofficial Numpy and Scipy, Python libraries
3-1. Download numpy‑1.13.1+mkl‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl and 
scipy‑0.19.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl via
3-2. pip install numpy-1.13.1+mkl-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
3-3. pip install scipy‑0.19.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl

4. Install Larch and its dependencies
4-1. Start a command prompt
4-2. git clone
4-3. cd xraylarch
4-4. pip install lmfit
4-5. pip install h5py
4-6. pip install pillow
4-7. pip install requests
4-8. pip install sqlalchemy
4-9. pip install matplotlib
4-10. pip install pypiwin32
4-11. pip install wxpython
4-12. pip install wxmplot
4-13. pip install wxutils
4-14. python install
4-15. larch --version
4-16. You will see "larch command-line version 0.2".
Note: I installed Larch dependencies except for pyFAI, CifFile, fabio, tomopy, 

5. Run Larch and Athena with Larch
5-1. Start a new command prompt
5-2. larch -rc
5-3. Start another new command prompt %APPDATA%\DemeterPerl\perl\site\bin
5-5. lathena.bat

It works.
Athena is the most user-friendly XAS processing tool I have used.

Thanks so much!

Best regards,

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

On 2017/08/17 2:17, Bruce Ravel wrote:

Hi Hiroyuki,

Sorry I didn't respond yesterday.  Yesterday was a bit of crazy day...

I suppose that this is still a work in progress.  I believe that Demeter works 
with Larch on Windows, but it is certainly not as easy or convenient yet as it 
should be.

In the place where Demeter got installed on your computer, there is a folder called 
\perl\site\bin -- you can look at the properties of the Athena desktop icon to see where 
that is.  In that folder is the "dathena.bat" file which the Athena desktop 
icon points at.

You should also find a file called "lathena.bat".  Try running that or pointing 
your desktop icon at it instead.

The difference between "lathena.bat" and "dathena.bat" is line 25 that sets an 
environment variable that Demeter uses to decide which of ifeffit or larch to use.

Obviously, there are number of other ways to get this environment variable set. 
 The bottom line is, yes, there is a switch.  The switch is the DEMETER_BACKEND 
environment variable.

Unfortunately, that switch cannot be in the configuration files, although what 
you tired in item 2 of your email was a sensible guess. It turns out that the 
choice of larch/ifeffit has to made long before the configuration files are 

Do let me know how you get on.  While Demeter + larch should work, there are 
still almost certainly problems.  I need to get a new version of the Demeter 
installer out soon, so it would be nice to get some feedback in this area.

As for using Demeter + larch + 100s of file -- it should work after a fashion.  
But I worry that Athena's performance might not be what you are hoping for.  
Athena does a lot of things that are more user-friendly than 


On 08/15/2017 06:10 AM, ASAKURA, Hiroyuki wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to use the latest Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on 
Windows to handle hundreds of XAS data (, hopefully).
But, I'm stuck. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Matt announced it is now possible on this list, but I still cannot do it on 

[Ifeffit] Larch 0.9.33

The "server mode" for Athena and Artemis now works on all platforms and I
strongly encourage everyone to use this over the ifeffit back end.

Here is what I did.

Windows 10 Pro (Japanese)
Demeter 0.9.25 (via official website)
Python 3.6 (official distribution)

1. Installation o

[Ifeffit] How to use Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on Windows

2017-08-15 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Dear all,

I would like to use the latest Larch as backend for Athena and Artemis on 
Windows to handle hundreds of XAS data (, hopefully).
But, I'm stuck. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Matt announced it is now possible on this list, but I still cannot do it on 

[Ifeffit] Larch 0.9.33

The "server mode" for Athena and Artemis now works on all platforms and I
strongly encourage everyone to use this over the ifeffit back end.

Here is what I did.

Windows 10 Pro (Japanese)
Demeter 0.9.25 (via official website)
Python 3.6 (official distribution)

1. Installation of the latest Larch

git clone (sha1: 
cd xraylarch
python install

# Some dependency related to XRD is not fulfilled.

2. Start Larch server

cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python36\Scripts
python larch_server start

larch_server port=4966: started

I found a parameter of peakfit backend in demeter.ini and changed to larch, but 
did not work (as expected).

In the dathena.log, Athena still uses ifeffit as backend.

perl version: v5.18.2
backend: ifeffit

Should I compile Demeter package by myself to use the Larch backend?
Or, is there any "switch" to use Larch?

Thanks in advance,

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki (Ph.D)
T. Tanaka Lab., ESICB, Kyoto University, Japan
Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Possible bug - dathena does not work on XP mode

2013-06-01 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Hi Bruce,

I applied the new updater package, but could not open dathena with the same dathena.log 
output "Can't load Ifeffit.dll".
I wrote what I did on XP mode below.

1. Uninstall Demeter and Install Demeter
dathena does not boot.

Size: 746 KB
Timestamp: 2012 Oct 22

2. Update Demeter to 0.9.17 (newly packaged updater, 3.45MB)
dathena does not boot

Size: 746 KB
Timestamp: 2013 May 31

C:\strawberry\c\lib\Ifeffit.dll (new!)
Size: 746 KB
Timestamp: 2013 May 31

I saw three command prompts sequentially appeared in this update process.
This process is too fast to follow messages in each window, but there might be something 
wrong in the second and third prompt. At least, the third one tried to kick some .bat 
file (right?), but seems to be "not found".
I am not sure this is related to the present issue because dathena does not 
boot up before applying 0.9.17 updater.

In addition, I tried to install Demeter on one Windows XP real machine and 
found dathena works!
So, as far as I know, at least there are three (or four) cases.

1.Demeter on Windows 7 (works)
2. Demeter on some Windows XP (works)
3. Demeter on some Windows XP (does not work)
(4. Demeter on XP mode (Windows XP in VirtualPC on Windows 7) (does not work))


Of course, Windows 7 user should use Demeter straightforwardly.

The reason (or background) I posted this issue here is...
1. I've introduced Demeter to others.
2. Some of them reported to me that they could not open dathena. Most of them 
were Windows XP users.
3. Then, I do not have any Windows XP machines, so I tried to reproduce this 
issue on XP mode and confirmed dathena did not work (and posted here).

If there is anything I can do, please tell me.


ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

(2013/06/01 3:45), Bruce Ravel wrote:


While I cannot reproduce this problem here on any of my machines, I
went ahead and rebuilt the updater package -- making sure not to make
the one mistake that I know of that leads to the error message from
your log file.

I successfully tested the rebuilt updater on 3 WinXP machines and 1
Win 7 machine.

If this still does not work (which seems likely, given that you say
that also does not work), then the thing I would like to know
is the time stamp and file size of the file


it should be time stamped May 31, 2013 and the file size should be 746

If that is ok on your computer, then I would like you to do a search
for "Ifeffit.dll" and tell me where else that file is found on your


PS: I added links to earlier version of the updater package to the
bottom of the Demeter home page.  Won't help in this case, but it may
be useful in  the future.

On Saturday, June 01, 2013 12:05:24 AM ASAKURA, Hiroyuki wrote:

Dear list,

I am trying to use dathena, dartemis and dhephaestus in Demeter 0.9.17
package on Windows XP ("XP mode" on Windows 7), but neither Athena nor
Artemis nor Hephaestus works. On Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit),
everything works. The symptoms are similar to the latest post's, the
command prompt and the splash screen appears momentarily, disappears, and
then nothing happens. In contrast, (stand-alone) Atoms opens.
Reinstallation of Demeter does not solve this booting problem.

I checked MinGW and demeter.mru problems reported on this ML, but there are
no other MinGW installation or corrupted detemer.mru.

OS: Windows XP on Virtual PC ("XP mode" on Windows 7 32 bit) (Japanese
version) (All updates are applied.) Demeter: 0.9.17 (on standard path
C:\strawberry...) (ver. also does not work.)

In addition, I've heard that this phenomenon happens at least on Windows XP
in many other real machines. (not on virtual machines)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Best regards,

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki
Designated Research Associate
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan

Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] Possible bug - dathena does not work on XP mode

2013-05-31 Thread ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

Dear list,

I am trying to use dathena, dartemis and dhephaestus in Demeter 0.9.17 package on Windows 
XP ("XP mode" on Windows 7), but neither Athena nor Artemis nor Hephaestus 
works. On Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit), everything works.
The symptoms are similar to the latest post's, the command prompt and the 
splash screen appears momentarily, disappears, and then nothing happens. In 
contrast, (stand-alone) Atoms opens. Reinstallation of Demeter does not solve 
this booting problem.

I checked MinGW and demeter.mru problems reported on this ML, but there are no 
other MinGW installation or corrupted detemer.mru.

OS: Windows XP on Virtual PC ("XP mode" on Windows 7 32 bit) (Japanese version) 
(All updates are applied.)
Demeter: 0.9.17 (on standard path C:\strawberry...) (ver. also does 
not work.)

In addition, I've heard that this phenomenon happens at least on Windows XP in 
many other real machines. (not on virtual machines)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Best regards,

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki

ASAKURA, Hiroyuki
Designated Research Associate
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan
Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.dll' for module 
Ifeffit: load_file:  Invalid access to memory location at 
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 200.
 at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53
Compilation failed in require at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ 
line 53.
Compilation failed in require at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dartemis.bat line 
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dartemis.bat 
line 46.
Started at 2013-05-31T10:31:05
WinXP/.NetProfessional Service Pack 3   Service Pack 35126002302561



perl version: v5.12.3


Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.dll' for module 
Ifeffit: load_file:  Invalid access to memory location at 
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 200.
 at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53
Compilation failed in require at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ 
line 53.
Compilation failed in require at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dathena.bat line 
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dathena.bat 
line 55.
Started at 2013-05-31T10:27:14
WinXP/.NetProfessional Service Pack 3   Service Pack 35126002302561



perl version: v5.12.3


Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.dll' for module 
Ifeffit: load_file:  Invalid access to memory location at 
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 200.
 at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53
Compilation failed in require at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/ 
line 53.
Compilation failed in require at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dhephaestus.bat 
line 46.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\dhephaestus.bat line 46.
Started at 2013-05-31T10:52:45
WinXP/.NetProfessional Service Pack 3   Service Pack 35126002302561



perl version: v5.12.3


Ifeffit mailing list