Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-23 Thread Rich Graves

Florin Andrei wrote:
I'm currently using two IMAP accounts, one on Cyrus-2.2 the other on 

The one on Cyrus-2.3 will get decomissioned so I need to transfer all my 
email, preserving the folders/subfolders tree, under a specific folder 
(oldmail/foo/bar) on the 2.2 server.

You need imapsync or similar if you are in a multimaster situation 
(syncing changes made to *both* ends) or if the IMAP server software 
differs, but if you have shell access to cyrus on both ends, rsync 
(literally) should work fine. If the folder is quiescent and you're 
using platform-independent skiplist databases, then you shouldn't even 
need to run reconstruct.

A few months ago, I rsync'd 500GB of mail from Solaris/vxfs/Cyrus 2.2 to 
Linux/ext3/Cyrus 2.3 with 15 minutes' downtime, reorganizing the 
partitions a bit along the way.

Old server: partitions /var/spool/imap (partition-default), 
/var/spool/imap1 (partition-1), /var/spool/imap2 (partition-2), 
/var/spool/imap0 (partition-0).

"partition-0" caused various problems with cyradmin (0 is false to 
perl), so I renamed it to partition-3 on the new server. At the same 
time, I renamed partition-default to partition-4.

New server: /var/spool/imap{1,2,3,4} (partition-{1,2,3,4}). New server 
also has metapartition_files: squat with all squat indices stored on a 
low-cost SATA LUN.

After rsyncing the mail partitions, imap/user, and imap/sieve 
directories (several times over several days, with services stopped for 
a final incremental sync early one morning), I just needed two minor 
changes to mailboxes.db. Permissions s/lrswipcda/lrswipkxtea/g, and 
prepend "0 " to the the partition column (murder node, I guess).

# -- translate mailboxes list from cyrus 2.2 to 2.3 format
unlink "mailboxes.db";
open OLD, "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist -d |";
open NEW, "| /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u";
while () {
 ($mbox,$part,$acl) = $_ =~ m/^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t(.+)\n/;
 $part =~ s/ +//g;
 $part eq '0' and $part = 4;
 $part eq 'default' and $part = 3;
 $path = $mbox;
 $path =~ s#\.#/#g;
 @subdirs = split /\//, $path;
 $path = "/var/spool/imap${part}/$path";
 if (! -e "$path/cyrus.header") {
   # There were some empty directories/invalid mailboxes on the
   # old server, legacy of previous sysadmin errors. Skip those.
   warn "No $path for $mbox\n";
 $dir = shift @subdirs; # drop leading /user/
 $start = "/var/spool/imap-meta/$part/user";
 while ($dir = shift @subdirs) {
   $start = "$start/$dir";
   mkdir $start;
 print join("\t",$mbox,$part,$acl) . "\n";
 $acl =~ 's/lrswipcda/lrswipkxtea/g';
 print NEW join("\t",$mbox,"0 $part",$acl) . "\n";
if ($i < 32000) {
  die "FATAL: Too few mailboxes!\n";
} else {
  exit 0;
Sr UNIX and Security Administrator
Ofc 507-646-7079 Cell 952-292-6529

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Re: cyrus21-pop3d

2006-12-23 Thread Mirosław Jaworski
On Sat, 2006-12-23 at 14:21 +0100, Aro wrote:
> Hi!
>   When I 'telnet localhost 110' my pop3d server announce '+OK debian1
> Cyrus POP3 v2.1.18-IPv6-Debian-2.1.18-1 server ready'. I want to
> replace this string to fot example 'POP3 server'. I don't want my
> server to show its version. How can I do it?

Unfortunately you can achieve this only by changing sources. 

I don't like the idea of showing installed software name and/or
versions either. I would like to see configuration option allowing
hiding it ( or even better - configuration option(s) allowing 
defining welcome banners ), but i believe one have no right to
whine about it unless one submits a patch doing it. 


Mirosław "Psyborg" Jaworski
GCS/IT d- s+:+ a C++$ UBI$ P+++$ L- E--- W++(+++)$ N++ o+ K- w-- O-
M- V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5? X+ R++ !tv b++(+++) DI++ D+ G e* h++ r+++ y?
   "Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer."

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2006-12-23 Thread Aro
  When I 'telnet localhost 110' my pop3d server announce '+OK debian1 Cyrus 
POP3 v2.1.18-IPv6-Debian-2.1.18-1 server ready'. I want to replace this string 
to fot example 'POP3 server'. I don't want my server to show its version. How 
can I do it?



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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-23 Thread Florin Andrei

Florin Andrei wrote:

Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.

So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:

Seems to be working fine. It's recursive, it's smart (subsequent runs 
don't download the old messages again, only the new messages), the 
command-line switches are a rich set that's pretty much 
self-explanatory. It's easy to do non-destructive tests. It's flexible 

Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers, 
you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system it 
died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB message 
(on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.
It's probably best to run it on a 3rd system, one that's separate from 
both the source and the destination IMAP servers, otherwise unpleasant 
things might happen if the script starts to gobble up RAM on the IMAP 
server. Again, this 3rd system is best if it has lots of RAM if you 
allow large messages on your source IMAP server.

Florin Andrei

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Re: Installtion error - cyrusdb_berkeley structure has no member named `set_lk_max'

2006-12-23 Thread Oliver Falk

Oliver Falk schrieb:

On 12/14/2006 01:12 PM, Oliver Falk wrote:

Am 2006-12-14 12:38, Oliver Falk schrieb:

Hi Chaskiel!

Am 2006-12-12 20:06, Chaskiel M Grundman schrieb:
--On Tuesday, December 12, 2006 02:12:41 PM +0530 Pubudu 
Premachandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

cyrusdb_berkeley.c:176: error: structure has no member named 

set_lk_max has been deprecated since DB 4.0. I guess it was finally 

The following patch may be used to work around this:

[ ... ]

Or you can downgrade to DB 4.3 (I don't know if 4.4 will work or not)

I'm trying to rebuild my Cyrus IMAP rpm packge for 'Fedora 
Development'.  Fedora just updated DB4 to 4.5.20. The above patch 
will - I expect, because the error with set_lk_max is the same - be 
needed for 4.5.20 as well. However; I just wanted to know if anyone 
has experience with DB 4.5 already or not!? If not with 4.4 I don't 
think anyone tried 4.5!?

[ ... ]
Just switched to 4.5.20, because imapd started to spot many db4 errors 
with compat-db-4.3.29.

For now only seendb is not working correctly...

It only was corrupted for one user. Fixed it with dd... So everything is 
fien with db 4.5.20 as of now...


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