[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2016-10-16 Thread d1028gary
Unlike Colin's Victoria results this mediocre location didn't deliver much 
Asian DX after 1400, but the signals prior to that weren't very energetic 

The usual collection of Japanese and Korean big guns took a while to show up on 
594, 693, 747, 828, 972, 1134 and 1566, peaking with fair signals in and out 
around 1340. Second tier Asians were in short supply, with only poor audio at 
times on 558 (sounded Korean) and 657 (sounded angry Korean) around 1350. The 
"super storm" predicted for this area turned out to be pretty much of a fizzler 
at this location, with electricity (and electrical RF noise) suffering no 
interruptions. Hopefully the Grayland antennas are intact, and all the other 
local DXers escaped property damage as well. After suffering through the 
vicious storm at Rockwork 4 on July 10th Tom R. must feel like the nasty 
weather is following him around. 

73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2015-10-16 Thread d1028gary

As Colin and Nick have reported Asian signals dropped off somewhat in 
comparison to yesterday, although a decent sunrise enhancement boosted up a 
couple of second-tier TP's to better levels. The Japanese big guns and 
1556-HLAZ were the only really energetic performers, however. 
At my 1315 start time only 1566 sounded very healthy, with very good level 
Japanese speech. By contrast the NHK big guns sounded anemic during the predawn 
darkness, and the second-tier TP's were completely missing in action. Around 
1350 the usual collection of Japanese NHK signals on 594, 693, 747 and 828 
began to get a decent sunrise enhancement boost, which brought 594 and 693 up 
to good levels in and out. 972-HLCA and the 1053-Jammer came out of the noise 
as well, but never did get much above fair levels. Early in sunrise enhancement 
the somewhat unusual 1323-CRI also came out of the noise with apparent Russian, 
but couldn't maintain its weak strength. The situation would have been routine 
and boring except for a fair mix of 603-HLSA and 603-China that came out of the 
noise at 1405, and an unusually good signal from 1134-JOQR at 1407, playing 
instrumental music during the late night in Japan. Other second-tier TP's (558, 
657, 738 etc.) stayed down in the noise for the entire session, though, and 
none of the Japanese big guns matched yesterday's levels. Overall it was a 
pretty typical lean-season session, although 1134-JOQR's signal at 1407 was the 
best that it has managed here fro a couple of years. 
693  JOAB   Tokyo, Japan   NHK2 Chinese lessons at good strength at 1356 
1134  JOQR   Tokyo, Japan   Instrumental music at good strength at 1407; its 
best signal here since 2013 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2014-10-16 Thread d1028gary
Hello All, 
As Colin and Dennis have reported Asian propagation was much improved from 
yesterday's clunker session, with the usual Japanese and Korean big guns being 
joined by weak second-tier TP's on several frequencies. With the exception of 
594-JOAK, 693-JOAB, the 1053-Jammer and 1566-HLAZ Asian signal strength 
generally wasn't very impressive, though, indicating that the conditions still 
need some improvement before returning to the interesting conditions of 
Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 
The Asian big guns on 594, 693, 747, 774, 828, 972, 1053 and 1566 were all 
around with fair to good audio at my 1250 start time, with 594, 693, 1053 and 
1566 hitting very good peaks at times. The first sign of daylight around 1330 
brought a weak mix of 603-China and 603-HLSA out of the noise, as well as a 
fair-level signal from the 531-JOQG mentioned by Colin. 657-Pyongyang and 
738-BEL2 also both managed anemic signals around 1340 in the domestic splatter, 
while 1044-CRI and 1134-KBS both came out of the noise with lackluster signals 
around the same time. After a modest sunrise enhancement boost around 1350 the 
high band sounded better than it has for some time, with 1566-HLAZ (good), 
1575-VOA (fair) and 1593-CNR1 (fair) all in and out of the domestic splatter 
with decent audio for a few seconds each. Unlike last weekend there were no 
monster runs of the low-band Asians on 603 or 738, though, and most of the TP 
signals started sliding into the noise around 1420. The second-tier Asians that 
did show up this morning were far from vibrant, and didn't hold audio for very 
long. Best signal (very good) of a pretty routine session was from the 
1053-Jammer around 1344, giving the domestic splatter a serious buzz. 
1053  Korean Jammer    Potent jam session at 1344; best Asian signal of the 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2013-10-16 Thread d1028gary

Hello All,

Propagation was still definitely in the tank this morning, with Asian signals 
generally limited to the same die-hard big guns that showed up yesterday. A 
very meager sunrise enhancement from 1345-1415 brought up 594-JOAK, 693-JOAB, 
774-JOUB and 972-HLCA from the noise to fair levels (in and out), while 
828-JOBB, the 1053-Jammer and 1134-KBS reached poor audio during the same 
period. In contrast to yesterday, though, a couple of second-tier Asians 
managed poor audio along with them-- as 603-HLSA rose out of the noise at 1358 
for a few seconds with its typical soft music, and a presumed 738-BEL2 managed 
ghostly Chinese female speech at 1403. 657-Pyongyang also seemed to have a 
trace of tirade at 1407, although the strident speech sounded very similar to 
the irritating hash from the 660 domestic station. In summary it was another 
miserable morning for Asians, although the halfhearted appearance of a few 
second-tier TP's probably made the session a very slight improvement over y!
 esterday's clunker.

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
12" Medium Wave FSL antenna  

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2012-10-16 Thread d1028gary

Hello All,

It was nice to finally have a couple of Asiatic TP's back at decent levels this 
morning after the long aurora-induced shutdown-- even if they were only the 
Korean big guns on 972 and 1053. 738-Tahiti's signal apparently still received 
some benefit from the recent solar tantrum, though, and was back with fair 
audio around 1355.  The Japanese on 594 and 774 were at fair-good levels, and 
even the 1044-CRI Chinese station showed up weak weak audio in and out. Dennis' 
apparent reception of 738-BEL2 is quite a puzzle--the station didn't manage a 
trace here this morning, even though it it one of the very few TP's that this 
mediocre location seems to pull in quite well. I did notice that at the time 
that Dennis mentioned (1345-1352) 738-Taiwan had a special program on with a 
female-voiced narrator (a different female voice than the usual RFO lady 
announcer that has been heard here over and over this weird season), and the 
lady's rapid-fire French speech could easily have been mistak!
 en for Chinese., if a nulling-type antenna wasn't available to check the 
signal's origin. When I first heard this lady's speech even I thought it might 
be Chinese, but the direction was all from the SW, and when I listened closely 
I could identify the language as French (an MP3 link is below). 
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Fair Japanese OM speech late at 1405
657  Pyongyang  N. Korea  Back with undermodulated music on
 strong carrier at 1407
738  Radio Polynesie  Mahina, Tahiti  Rapid French YL speech
 at fair level during apparent special program at 1353
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair Japanese conversation through
Seattle splatter at 1351
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Good Korean YL-OM conversation
at 1358; best TP signal of the morning 
1053  Korean Jammer  Not quite at a booming level, but back in 
   action after being lost in the aurora recently
1134  KBS  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Fair Korean YL speech in
  CKWX splatter around 1343
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Poor-fair Japanese OM speech
  during Christain program at 1346
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor Asiaitic language
  YL speech around 1349
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 +
8" Medium Wave FSL antenna (demo video at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqYZcRXCGxM&feature=youtu.be )

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-16

2010-10-16 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
 As Bruce and Nigel have already reported, the  Asiatic TP signals were 
stronger this morning than yesterday, but it certainly  wasn't one of the 
season's most impressive sessions. In one of the more bizarre  twists of 
western Washington propagation, 729-China (presumed Jiangxi) was  coming in 
at a decent level at exactly the same time that  Bruce reported  729-JOCK 
(//594)-- from 1345-1350. 729-China had been  managing a vibrant signal in 
CHMJ splatter since the backyard listening session  began around 1335, and its 
strongest peak was right around 1346, when Bruce  reported 729-JOCK. How 
weird is that, for 40 miles of separation?
 Low-band TP's were generally back up to strength  after yesterday's 
miserable session, although for some strange reason 639-CNR1  seemed to be 
missing in action. 738-BEL2 was back with fair Chinese (and a raspy  carrier), 
and 657-Pyongyang's comical programming was back at a strong  level, 
unfortunately. 648-VOR was vibrant, along with the low-band Japanese. The  
band also had some nice signals on 1035 and 1044, although 1053 and 1134  
were not up to their usual strength. Except for 729-China's strong stand,  
though, the session was rather forgettable-- and hopefully just part of a  
transition to better TP propagation
in the next few days.
 The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP Slider  model (7.5" 
loopstick) inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop  (in the 33 
degree back yard):
585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Weak Japanese talk around 1343,  // 594
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good Japanese interview at  1342
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair pop music over UnID CC,  1337
648  VOR   Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese speech  around 1339
657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea  Emotional shouting at  regular strength
666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Good Japanese talk around 1358, //  594
729  China (presumed Jiangxi)  Fair-good Chinese speech and brief 
 music from 1330-1415; in  and out of CHMJ splatter with peak
 around 1350 _http://www.mediafire.com/?zrepkfwidyzvncb_ 
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair Chinese talk program (with  raspy
 carrier) around 1353 _http://www.mediafire.com/?qedvqqueiklyban_ 
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Good language program in KXL slop  1348
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Barely audible in KTTH splatter, as  usual
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Weaker than usual with UnID CC,  1335 
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair Korean speech around  1411
1017  TP-Mix  Two signals mixing at 1340, but too weak to  decipher 
1035  CNR1 Fair-good Chinese speech around 1415, but gone  quickly
1044  CRI  Jiangsu, China  Fair-good Japanese external  program 1341
1053  Korean Jammer  Barely there for most of morning, but no  QRM
1134  TP-Mix  Underpowered combination of KBS and JOQR,  1409
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair-good Japanese speech  around 1345
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock  
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