Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ruling: The virtue of Friday

2007-04-10 Thread Shahid


  Question #12309: The virtue of Friday


Which day of the week do you consider most holy and your sabboth?


Praise be to Allaah.

It should be noted that the entire life of a Muslim is worship of Allaah; there 
is no special day for worship, for the Muslim is worshipping Allaah all the 
time. But there is a day which Allaah has made special for this ummah (nation), 
the nation of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and which 
Allaah has favored above all the other days of the week. That day is Friday.

There are a number of ahadeeth which speak of the virtue of this day, including 
the following:

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "We (Muslims) are the last (of the 
nations) but (we will be) the foremost on the Day of Resurrection,  although 
the former nations were given their scriptures before us and we were given our 
after them. And this (Friday) is the day concerning which they disputed. So 
Allaah guided us (to it), tomorrow (i.e., Saturday) is for the Jews and the day 
after (i.e., Sunday) is for the Christians." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 
al-Jumu'ah, 847).

It was also narrated (by al-Bukhaari) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The best day on which the sun rises is 
Friday. On this day Adam was created, on this day he entered Paradise and on 
this day he was expelled from it." (Narrated by Muslim, al-Jumu'ah, 1410)

It was narrated that Taariq ibn Shihaab said: "A Jewish man said to 'Umar, 'O 
Commander of the faithful, if this aayah - 'This day, I have perfected your 
religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam 
as your religion' [al-Maa'idah 5:3 - interpretation of the meaning] - had been 
revealed to us, we would have taken that day as an 'Eid (festival)." 'Umar 
said, "I know on which day this aayah was revealed; it was revealed on the Day 
of 'Arafaah, which was a Friday." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Al-I'tisaam 
bi'l-Kitaab wa'l-Sunnah, 6726).

Among the hadeeth which explain the reward for this day is that which was 
narrated by Abu Hurayrah, which says that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Each of the five daily prayers and from 
one Jumu'ah prayer to the next is an expiation for the time in between, so long 
as one does not commit any major sin."  (al-Tahaarah, 342).

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'When Friday comes, at each door of the 
mosque there are angels who write down the first ones to come to the mosque. 
Then when the imaam sits down they close their books and come to listen to the 
sermon. The one who comes early (for Friday prayer) is like who sacrificed a 
camel, then those who come after him (in order of their coming) are like one 
who sacrificed a cow, then one who sacrificed a horned ram, then one who 
sacrificed a chicken, then like one who offered an egg." (narrated by 
al-Bukhaari, al-Jumu'ah, 1416).

It was also narrated in a hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and blessings of 
Allaah be upon him) said: "One of the best of your days is Friday. On it Adam 
was created and on it he died. On it the Trumpet will be blown and on it all 
creatures will perish (prior to the Resurrection on the Last Day). So send many 
blessings upon me on that day, for your blessings will be shown to me." They 
said, "How will our blessings be shown to you when your body will have become 
dust?" He said, "Allaah has forbidden the earth to consume our [Prophets'] 
bodies." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and al-Nasaa'i; classed as saheeh by 
al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb, no. 695).

It was narrated in a hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be 
upon him) said: "Whoever makes his wife do ghusl and does ghusl himself [i.e., 
has intercourse] on Friday and goes out early, walking not riding, and comes 
close to the imaam and listens [to the sermon] without interrupting, will have 
for each step he takes a reward equal to that of fasting and praying at night 
for one year." (Narrated by Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi; classed as saheeh by 
al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb, no. 687)

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned Friday and said: "On this day there 
is an hour when no Muslim slave stands and prays and asks Allaah for something, 
but Allaah will give it to him," and he gestured with his hand to indicate that 
whatever he asks for is as nothing to Allaah. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 
al-Jumu'ah, 883)

It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik that the Prophet (peace and blessings of 
Allaah be upon him) said: "Seek the hour in which there is hope that prayers 
will be answered, on Friday after 'Asr (mid-afternoon) prayer, until th

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] article: The People of Innovations are Worse than the People of Sins

2007-04-10 Thread Shahid

The People of Innovations are Worse than the People of Sins

  AUTHOR:  Jamaal bin Fareehaan Al-Haarithee
  SOURCE:  His book: Lam ad-Durr al-Manthoor (pg. 47-49)

Chapter 15: The People of Innovations are worse than the People of Sins

[134] Abu Moosaa said: "That I live next to a Jew and a Christian, and monkeys 
and pigs, is more beloved to me than that if I were to live next to a follower 
of desires (i.e. deviant), who will spread disease to my heart." [1]

[135] Yoonus bin 'Ubaid said to his son: "I forbid you from fornicating, 
stealing and drinking alcohol. But if you were to meet Allaah having committed 
these (sins), that would be more beloved (to me) than if you were to meet Him 
with the views of 'Amr bin 'Ubaid or the followers of 'Amr." [2]

[136] Abul-Jawzaa said: "If the apes and the swine were to live with me in a 
house, that would be more beloved to me than if a person from Ahlul-Ahwaa 
(deviants) were to live with me. They have entered into the ayah: 'And when 
they meet you they say: We believe. But when they are alone, they bite the tips 
of their fingers at you in rage. Say: Perish in your rage. Allaah knows what is 
in the hearts.' [Surah Aali 'Imraan: 119]" [3]

[137] Al-'Awwaam bin Hawshab said about his son 'Eesaa: "By Allaah, if I saw 
'Eesaa gathering with the people of musical instruments, alcohol and falsehood, 
that would be more beloved to me than if I were to see him sitting with the 
people of argumentation - the innovators." [4]

[138] Yahyaa bin 'Ubaid said: "A man from the Mu'atazilah encountered me (one 
day), so I got up and said: "Either you pass on or I will pass on, for indeed 
if I were to walk with a Christian, that would be more loved to me than if I 
were to walk with you." [5]

[139] Arta' Ibn al-Mundir said: "If my son were one of the sinful wicked 
people, that would be more beloved to me than if he were a Follower of Desires 
(i.e. a deviant)." [6]

[140] Sa'eed bin Jubair said: "If my son were to keep the company of a sinning 
scoundrel upon the Sunnah that would be more beloved to me than if he were to 
accompany a worshipping innovator." [7]

[141] It was once said to Maalik bin Mughawal: "We saw your son playing with 
the birds." So he responded: "How wonderful that it preoccupies him from 
accompanying an innovator." [8]

[142] Al-Barbahaaree said: "If you see a person whose manner and opinion is 
despicable, he is wicked, sinful, and oppressive, yet he is a person of the 
Sunnah, accompany him and sit with him, since his sin will not harm you. And if 
you see a man who strives hard and long in worship, is abstemious, being 
continual in worship, except that he is a person of innovation, do not sit with 
him, do not listen to his words, and do not walk along with him, since I do not 
feel safe that you will not eventually come to be pleased with his way and go 
to destruction along with him." [9]

[143] Abu Haatim said: "I heard Ahmad bin Sinaan said: "That a Tanboor player 
were to live next to me is more beloved to me than if an innovator were to live 
next to me. This is since I can forbid the Tanboor player and I can break the 
tanboor (a mandolin-like instrument). But as for the innovator, he corrupts the 
people, the neighbors and the youth." [10]

[144] Imam ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have mercy on him, said: "If the servant 
were to meet Allaah having committed every sin except Shirk, that would be 
better for him than if he were to meet Allaah with some deviant belief." [11]

[145] Imaam Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy on him, said: "The graves of sinners 
from People of Sunnah is a garden, while the graves of the pious ascetics from 
the People of Innovation is a barren pit. The sinners among Ahlus-Sunnah are 
the Friends of Allaah, while the pious among Ahlul-Bid'ah are the Enemies of 
Allaah." [12]


[1] Al-Ibaanah (2/468, no. 469)

[2] Al-Ibaanah (2/466, no. 464)

[3] Al-Ibaanah (2/467, no. 466-467)

[4] Al-Bid'a wan-Nahee 'anhaa (56)

[5] Al-Bid'a wan-Nahee 'anhaa (59)

[6] Ash-Sharh wal-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah (132, no. 87)

[7] Ash-Sharh wal-Ibaanah (132, no. 89)

[8] Ash-Sharh wal-Ibaanah (133, no. 90)

[9] Sharh as-Sunnah (124, no. 149) [Translator's Note: Refer to Explanation of 
the Creed]

[10] Al-Ibaanah (2/469, no. 473)

[11] The checker of the book Sharh as-Sunnah of al-Barbahaaree mentioned it 
(124) and attributed it to al-Bayhaqee in Al-'Itiqaad (158)

[12] Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah (1/184)

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Death in Cell #5 " -- Oury Jalloh

2007-04-10 Thread ishaq arashi
"Death in Cell #5 "
Rec. 4-2-07

1) 1:36 Radio essay Mp3

Call for observation of the Oury Jalloh Court Case
break the silence!

Come to Dessau on March 27th - 30th and April 19th-20th of 2007.
Observe the trial and participate in the permanent vigils, events and
rallies during this time.

Break the silence!

On the 7th of January, 2005, Oury Jalloh agonizingly burned to
death---tied at his hands and feet in Cell Number 5 in Dessau. He was
a 21 year-old refugee from Sierra Leone. The smoke and fire alarm were
simply ignored by the supervising police officer; the communication
system connected directly to the cell was turned off, supposedly
because the police officers felt bothered by the "burbling noises"
while they were talking on the telephone. Since his death to this day,
the State Prosecutor, responsible for carrying out the investigations,
has exclusively promoted the theory that Oury Jalloh committed

Nevertheless, there are simply too many contradictions in their
theory: Why does a lighter first appear in a second inventory taken of
the items found in the cell? How did a lighter enter into the cell
when two police officers carried out a body search of Oury Jalloh? How
do they explain the broken nasal bone and the injuries to the middle
ear as found in the second autopsy organized by the Initiative in
Memory of Oury Jalloh? What role did the racist attitude of Dessau's
police play, which was recorded on tape before and during the fire and
made partially public?

On the basis of the ascertainable facts regarding the death of Oury
Jalloh and until it is proved otherwise we will continue to believe
and make our opinion known: Oury Jalloh was murdered.

That all of these contradictions have even been made known to a wider
public has only been possible thanks to the mobilization and
engagement of friends and acquaintances of Oury Jalloh as well as
diverse migrant, refugee and anti-racist organizations, who in spite
of the attempts at criminalization and the persecution of several
activists have never given up in fighting for an exhaustive
clarification of the circumstances surrounding the death of Oury
Jalloh as well as justice and reparations. All of these groups have
come together to form the Initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh.

Finally, after two years of mobilization and public campaigning of the
Initiative, court proceedings are to be held in March against two of
the police involved in the crime. Although we find this to be an
important step in the direction of shedding light on the death of Oury
Jalloh, we have serious doubt as to whether the proceedings will bring
either justice or an exhaustive clarification of the circumstances.

Since Oury's murder, neither the court nor the State Prosecutor has
shown interest in discovering the truth behind the events in Dessau.
Rather, the case has been plagued by two years of impediments,
cover-up and the denial to cooperate with the lawyers of Oury's
parents. Only for the recognition of the mother and father as
co-plaintiffs in the case did the court need 17 and 15 months to come
to a decision, respectively. In addition, the State Prosecutor refused
to allow an x-ray of Oury Jalloh's corpse to be carried out with the
justification that it simply wasn't necessary. The second autopsy,
carried out independently in the name of the Initiative in Memory of
Oury Jalloh, demonstrated then demonstrated the serious injuries to
Oury's nose and middle ear.

But Oury Jalloh was not alone. Dominique Koumadio, for example, was
shot and killed by the police on the 14th of April, 2006. The General
Public Prosecutor has already absolved the police of any crime. The
justification? Self-defense. Indeed, crimes by the police enjoy almost
complete impunity, especially when those crimes are committed against
refugees and migrants. Indeed, German police abuse refugees and
migrants on a daily basis, and physical mistreatment is widespread,
though punishment is seldom?if it even comes that far. In general, it
is fair to say that the police, just as society, is dominated by a
racist, inhumane consensus that sees refugees and migrants in general
as sub-humans.

In general, Europe has made it known and enforced the fact that
refugees and migrants, but especially Blacks, are not welcome here.
Alone in 2006 more than 7,000 HUMAN BEINGS were forced into their
death by a system which has systematically and eternally robbed them
of their most basic right: the right to life. Who will pay the price
for these murders? Who can give their families and friends back their
loved ones?

These are just some of the reasons why we totally distrust the German
legal system.

It is our responsibility to Oury, his family and all victims and
survivors of racist police violence and even murder to come together
and demonstrate to the court, to the society and to the world that we
will not stand silently by while they

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Quran Translation Pages - temporary alternate URL

2007-04-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam all

We apologize for the inconvenience, but is
temporarilty offline.

You can still access the Quran Translation pages via


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Fwd: RE: Regarding Islamic materials for inmates

2007-04-10 Thread J M
Thanks sis for forwarding this information to me; I am sure that you won't mind 
if I send it along..
  Asalamalaikum yaa uhkti

jessica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Moore, Wayne (JUS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Subject: RE: Reguarding 
Islamic materials for inmates
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:11:36 -0500
From: "Moore, Wayne \(JUS\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jessica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
   Ministry of Community and Social Services
  Ministry of Children and Youth Services
  Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
  Ministère des Services sociaux et communautaires
  Ministère des Services à l'enfance et à la jeunesse
  Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée
  Ministère de la Sécurité communautaire et des Service Correctionnels
  Chaplaincy Services Ontario 
  24th Floor
  2 Bloor Street West
  Toronto, ON  M7A 1E9
  Asalaamu alaikum,
  My name is Rev. Lynda Kelly the Provincial Coordinator of Chaplaincy Services 
Ontario.  We very much appreciate the quick and overwhelming response from 
Islamic groups and individuals to the request for Muslim materials sent out by 
Chaplain Wayne Moore at Central East Correctional Centre. 
   Let me begin by suggesting that there is a need to create a mechanism to 
connect the Islamic community and their members who are in government 
institutions (Correctional institution for adults and youth, Seniors Homes 
etc.). This has been a chronic problem that, until now, we have not been able 
to resolve.
  Wayne, one of our chaplains, has asked me to begin this process by responding 
directly to you.  It is our hope that we may be able to assist the Islamic 
community with the following:
  Ø  Providing awareness of the 
needs of Muslims who are in Correctional institution for adults and youth, 
Seniors Homes etc.
  Ø  Providing awareness of where 
their donations can be sent 
  Ø  Researching a way to provide 
donors with a charitable donation receipt
  Ø  Ensuring that 100% of their 
donations will be spent on materials
  Ø  Ensuring that the material 
purchased will be appropriate and acceptable for distribution within government 
  Ø  Ensuring that the purchasing of 
the materials will use the most cost effective methods
  Please let me provide details as to “who” I am and “what” we hope to 
accomplish as we partner with the Islamic Community.
  Chaplaincy Services Ontario is a part of the government of the province 
Ontario, Canada.  We assist government agencies in the provision of adequate 
and appropriate spiritual and religious care to persons who are in their 
  We work with institutions and chaplains across the province.  To assist in 
ensuring the Muslim clients across the province receive appropriate materials 
we will be working on some guidelines to assist you to know what materials can 
be used.  We have begun preparing the list of criteria for any materials that 
enter government institutions.  Al materials must meet health and safety 
standards and be respectful of other beliefs including such things as: 
  Ø  must not criticize other faith 
traditions or beliefs
  Ø  must not support or encourage 
behaviour that is contrary to Canadian law
  Ø  must not pose a danger to the 
individual receiving the item or to others
  We consult with the diverse faith communities through the Ontario Multifaith 
Council on Spiritual and Religious Care (OMC) on matters of faith practice and 
religious needs.  This consultation process assists in policy development and 
in the implementation of spiritual and religious care programs and services.  
  To coordinate the efforts of the many Islamic groups/individuals, we are 
asking the OMC to work with those who have volunteered resources.  The OMC is a 
private transfer payment agency that receives government funding to maintain a 
network of around 30 faith groups to provide the government of Ontario with 
advice on matters relating to the appropriate provision of spiritual and 
religious care in all government institutions. Each faith community names a 
member to sit on the Council.  The Council has a representative from the Muslim 
  The OMC is well positioned to assist us maximize the efforts of donor groups 
and ensure the materials are sent to the institutions where there is a need.  
The OMC will play an important role in identifying needs, working with the 
Islamic community to arrange distribution and in organizing this exciting 
initiative. The OMC is also seen as being in the best position to ensure that 
consultation with the Islamic community is established and maintained.  Our 
goal is to develop a network so we will be able to organize your very generous 
offers of resourc

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Institutionalized Racism

2007-04-10 Thread ishaq arashi
Siddique Abdullah Hasan is a prisoner on Death Row at the Ohio State
Penitentiary in Youngstown, Ohio. For more information about Siddique,

Induced Failure

Commentary by Siddique Abdullah Hasan

Scroll down for a written transcipt

1) 6:16 Radio Essay MP3
Institutionalized Racism

Commentary by Siddique Abdullah Hasan

Scroll down for a written transcipt

1) 2:36 Radio Essay MP3

Induced Failure

Copyright 2007/ Siddique Abdullah Hasan

 The current penal system in America is not working. It doesn't take a
rocket scientist to come to the conclusion, that it predisposes
prisoners to recidivism, a relapse into a life of crime. Since man is
ultimately a product of his environment, the current system products
speak for themselves: failure. The system practices set it's occupants
up for exclusion from the mainstream success stories of society,
except for the families, friends and loved ones of prisoners and
ex-prisoners. Most Americans have not really considered prisoners
plight and daily struggles. Though various studies show that from
one-half to two-thirds of parolees return to prison for violating the
conditions of their release, or for reoffending, few people,
tax-payers, prosecutors, politicians and CEO's of corporations seemed
to have really pondered the critical question: Why is this colossal
recidivism taking place on our soil? Have the citizens of this great
industrial nation become so detached and desensitized that they could
care less about prisoner's lives. Well, I hope not because prisoners
desperately need your assistance in reintegrating back into society
and upholding the anticipation that they will become an asset to their
respective community.

Richard Gustufson, a columnist and retired teacher who taught 30 years
at Miami Valley Career Technical Center, said, "National statistics
indicate that recidivism is cut in half with support from the
community." It is my personal and unyielding belief that recidivism is
also tremendously reduced when the system pursues its once desired
effect, rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation is a thing of the

It was in 1790 that the first penitentiary in this country opened its
doors to house criminals. The purpose of this new creation was to
place criminals in a confined area, where they might ponder over their
crimes, repent and reform themselves, hence, the term penitentiary.
Much has changed in the last three decades due to the influences of
tough talking, opportunistic politicians, who have reduced funding for
rehabilitative programs to almost nil, so much so that rehabilitation,
or producing a repentive person is no longer the desired objective.
Instead, the current objective is to warehouse prisoners and
deliberately create the circumstances for their failure. This cruel
objective is being perpetrated to perpetuate job security for parole
officials, individuals in corporate America and the like, who benefit
financially from the prison boom, which currently incarcerates 2.2
million people in our nation's prisons. This new trend of merely
warehousing and punishing prisoners is not conducive to the security
and stability of this nation. All it does is mentally crush prisoners
will and doom them to inevitable failure.

As a result of this new trend, prisoners are being released with no
skills, no education, no support system, no job and only a few dollars
in their possession to try to make it in this dog-eat-dog society.
Indeed, a recipe for disaster. It's implausible for prisoners to
survive under these bleak conditions. Let us not forget that
unemployment, poverty, exclusion and a lack of education and guidance
are the ingredients which led to their imprisonment, so how can the
system or any rational human being expect ex-prisoners to succeed when
they are still caught in a catch-22 cycle? Although a job is an
essential means of support to help people acquire the things they
need, trying to secure a job is the ex-prisoners greatest obstacle.
Except when family or friends have been able to secure them
employment, ex-prisoners are refused work due to their criminal
history, something they can't change.

With this revolving door being slammed in their faces, how do we
expect them to react when they are stuck between a rock and a hard
place? They then end up adopting the only culture they know, survival
of the fittest. In plain old English, they resort to exploiting their
old ways of living that is, victimizing others to survive. Because of
this induced failure, I share the sentiments of El-Hajj Malik
El-Shabazz, also known as Malcolm X, who said, "I have no mercy or
compassion in me for a society that will crush people and penalize
them for not being able to stand up under the weight." It is my only
hope that society will come to realize prisoners have the sam

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Special Sessions: Family Matters- Evaluating Marriage-Marital Stress-Marital Intimacy

2007-04-10 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Asslamu alaykum

As requested by some of our dear members/visitors we are pleased to announce 
series of lectures focusing on issues related to "Family - Marital Relations - 
Evaluating Marriage - Marital Stress - Marital Intimacy" Etc.

First lecture of this series will be on Saturday, April 28th, 2007 @ 2:00 pm 

Entitled "My Husband is Still SINGLE"

During this lecture we will try to cover "importance of strongly bonded Family 
and a husband's leading and active role in creating the nurturing environment 
for healthy family"

Please spread the word, E-MAIL your friends, family members and your 

You, your entire family, your friends, your neighbours ALL INVITED.

Please click here to see the weekly schedule, Remember we hold LIVE lectures 
every Saturday absolutely FREE

We also encourage you to broadcast weekly lectures in YOUR Masjid using our 
Conference Calling system 

Methods of Broadcasting:

You may listen to the lectures via following options: 

1- Masaajid, Islamic Centers and Groups = We encourage you to broadcast weekly 
lectures in YOUR Masjid via Telephone Conference Calling system. Use telephone 
number listed below. 

2- Individual Listeners = Live Broadcast from our

3- Pal-Talk = Islam > Live Senior Scholars of Ahli Sunnah English Arabic

  Telephone Number:


  Password = QSSNY (77769)


If you have any question about this topic please feel free to post it, 
Questions will be answered in the order received.

  Start posting your questions in this thread:

REMINDER - We offer lectures Every Week (( Every Saturday at 2:00 pm))  
and it pleases us to hear from you about your needs, So if you wish to 
learn more about a particular subject kindly post it in following 
thread and we will be very happy to accomodate what you ask for.

--- U-I-A Seminar Update ---
  Two More Programs ADDED !! 
  (Register NOW before its too LATE !!)

From New York (JFK to Jeddah)  From Washington DC

(IAD to Jeddah)
Program A  Sold OUT !!Program B  Sold OUT !!  Program D  Aug. 5th -26th 
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  Aug. 2nd - Aug. 23rd

  ~ ~ ~  Registration  ~ ~ ~

Download Flyer : Word PDF JPG 
  Registration Form : Word PDF 

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 Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fwd: Patrick boycotts prayer, praises religious freedom

2007-04-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

"Conservatives" show their true colors...

Hypocrites or munafiqeen.
The language is irrelevant, the odor is the same.

-- Forwarded message --

All -

I believe we should start a drive to write to this Senator letting
him know that we are ANGRY that he would use the first Muslim prayer
in the Texas Senate as a means to defame his own constituents.
Instead of preaching tolerance and understanding, Patrick has chosen
to divide and hate.

We need to become more active in the political process so that we
have the means to put pressure on these representatives who
encourage this kind of intolerance.

Here is the article from the Chronicle...

*Patrick boycotts prayer, praises religious freedom*

Complete Texas Legislature coverage AUSTIN — Republican Sen. Dan
Patrick on Wednesday boycotted the first prayer delivered in the
Texas Senate by a Muslim cleric, and then praised religious
tolerance and freedom of speech in an address at the end of the
day's session.

"I think that it's important that we are tolerant as a people of all
faiths, but that doesn't mean we have to endorse all faiths, and
that was my decision," he said later.

"I surely believe that everyone should have the right to speak, but
I didn't want my attendance on the floor to appear that I was
endorsing that."

Patrick, a conservative radio talk show host from Houston and self-
professed Christian, said he wasn't the only senator to miss the
invocation — in English and song — by the Imam Yusuf Kavakci of the
Dallas Central Mosque.

But he was the only senator known to have passed out to other
senators copies of a two-year-old newspaper editorial criticizing
Kavakci for publicly praising two radical Islamists.

Patrick's political ally, Harris County Republican Chairman Jared
Woodfill, had sharply criticized the fact that the Muslim prayer was
scheduled during the week before Easter.

The timing was coincidental, said Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano,
who sponsored the cleric's appearance at the Capitol on the Texas
Muslims Legislative Day.

Shapiro is Jewish, and this also is Passover, a major Jewish holiday.

Shapiro praised Kavakci's "extensive interfaith experience" and said
he represents a "substantial constituency of Texans who deserve to
be represented."

She said she checked out his reputation with the Anti-Defamation
League and other groups to "make sure he was not somebody I would be
embarrassed by."

Shapiro said she never leaves the floor when Christian ministers
deliver an invocation "in Jesus' name" and doesn't consider her
presence an endorsement of Christianity.

"I have a great respect for Christianity. I have a great respect for
anyone who comes and prays. That's what this country was based on,
its freedom of religion," she said.

Patrick and Shapiro met privately during the Senate session.

A warning to Shapiro
Shapiro said Patrick told her he was "concerned because there could
be a problem here." She said Patrick wanted to "warn" her, referring
to e-mails that suggested the cleric may "espouse things that are

In a personal privilege speech at the end of the Senate session,
Patrick called the Muslim invocation an "extraordinary moment,"
coming during Passover and before Easter.

"In many parts of the world, I know that Jews or Christians would
not be given that same right, that same freedom," he said.

"The imam that was here today, he was fortunate to be in this great



G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] RAND Corp - Create Networks of MUTTERATE Muslims to Promote US Policy

2007-04-10 Thread Alan Border
Getting the Muslims Back To the Teachings of Islam. We Are Making Great 
PROGRESS in this Regard & Will Not Rest on Our Laurels Until We Can Proclaim to 
the World MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I Would Be Failing In My Duty If I Do Not Thank 
the SICKularists, the MUTTerates, the FROGressives,  the FOOLarists & the 
DEFORMists (SMUFFED) Within the Muslim Community For Their GREAT HELP in 
Assisting Us In Achieving This Our NOBLE MISSION.” – GWB
  Rand Corporation's New Recipe to Handle the Muslim World
  By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
  Al-Jazeerah, April 2, 2007's%20new%20recipe%20to%20handle%20the%20Muslim%20World%20By%20Abdus%20Sattar%20Ghazali.htm
  The semi-official U.S. think tank, Rand Corporation, suggests creation of 
networks of the so-called moderate Muslims to promote US policy objectives in 
the Muslim World. 
  In its latest report, titled “Building Moderate Muslim Networks” the Rand 
Corp advocates that the building of moderate Muslim networks needs to become an 
explicit goal of the U.S. government policy, with an international database of 
partners and a well-designed plan. 
  Just as it fought the spread of Communism during the Cold War, the United 
States must do more to develop and support networks of moderate Muslims who are 
too often silenced by violent radical Islamists, according to the Rand 
Corporation report issued on March 26, 2007. Lead writer of the report Angel 
Rabasa says that the United States has a critical role to play in aiding 
moderate Muslims, and can learn much from the way it addressed the spread of 
Communism during the Cold War. 
  “The efforts of the United States and its allies to build free and democratic 
networks and institutions provided an organizational and ideological counter 
force to Communist groups seeking to come to power through political groups, 
labor unions, youth and student organizations and other groups.” 
  The report defines a moderate as a Muslim who supports democracy, gender 
equality, freedom of worship and opposition to terrorism. This looks an 
amplification on its two previous reports - “Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, 
Resources, and Strategies” (March 2004) and “US strategy in the Muslim World 
after 9/11” (December 2004) - which also suggested supporting moderate Muslims 
and exploitation of inter-Muslim religious differences. Interestingly, a 
novelist turned research scholar, Cheryl Benard is the author of “Civil 
Democratic Islam” and co-author of Dec. 2004 and March 2007 reports. 
  In the December 2004 study Rabasa had suggested to exploit Sunni, Shiite and 
Arab, non-Arab divides to promote the US policy objectives in the Muslim world. 
Echoing this theme, the latest report recommends reaching out to Muslim 
activists, leaders and intellectuals in non-Arab countries such as Turkey as 
well as in Southeast Asia and Europe. 
  The report recommends targeting five groups as potential building blocks for 
networks: liberal and secular Muslim academics and intellectuals; young 
moderate religious scholars; community activists; women’s groups engaged in 
gender equality campaigns; and moderate journalists and scholars. 
  The report warned that moderate groups can lose credibility – and therefore, 
effectiveness – if U.S. support is too obvious. Effective tactics that worked 
during the Cold War include having the groups led by credible individuals and 
having the United States maintain some distance from the organizations it 
supports. “This was done by not micro-managing the groups, but by giving them 
enough autonomy,” Rabasa said. “As long as certain guidelines were met, they 
were free to pursue their own activities.” 
  To help start this initiative, the report recommends working toward an 
international conference modeled in the Cold War-era Congress of Cultural 
Freedom, and then developing a standing organization to combat what it called 
radical Islamism. 
  The recent summit of "Secular Islam Conference" in St. Petersburg, Florida, 
almost coincided with the release of the latest Rand Report. A small group of 
self-proclaimed secular Muslims from North America and elsewhere gathered in 
St. Petersburg for what they billed as a new global movement to correct the 
assumed wrongs of Islam and call for an “Islamic Reformation.” 
  The St. Petersburg conference, held on the sideline of the Intelligence 
Summit, was carried live on (Islamophobe) Glenn Beck's CNN show. Some of the 
organizers and speakers at the convention were well known thanks to the media 
spotlight: Irshad Manji, author of "The Trouble With Islam," and Ayaan Hirsi 
Ali, the former Dutch parliamentarian and author of "Infidel," were but a few 
there claiming to have suffered personally at the hands of "radical" Islam. One 

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hypocrisy your name is Bush

2007-04-10 Thread Shaikh Hyder
Dear Waleed this article will be ignored by Bush, but if WD, Siraj tell  him 
then he will be more receptive as coming from Muslim leaders.  Otherwise your 
efforts are just waste of time. And Muslim leadeers will  go and shake hands 
with Bush and continue with their iftar parties with  the enemy of Islam.

"G.Waleed Kavalec" wrote: 
April 8, 2007
  North Koreans Arm Ethiopians as U.S. Assents   By MICHAEL R. GORDON   and 

  WASHINGTON, April 7 — Three months after the United States successfully 
pressed the   United Nations to impose strict sanctions on   North Korea 
because of the country's nuclear test, Bush administration officials allowed   
Ethiopia to complete a secret arms  purchase from the North, in what appears to 
be a violation of the  restrictions, according to senior American officials. 
  The United States allowed the arms delivery to go through in January  in part 
because Ethiopia was in the midst of a military offensive  against Islamic 
militias inside Somalia, a campaign that aided the  American policy of 
combating religious extremists in the Horn of  Africa. 
  American officials said that they were still encouraging Ethiopia to  wean 
itself from its longstanding reliance on North Korea for cheap  Soviet-era 
military equipment to supply its armed forces and that  Ethiopian officials 
appeared receptive. But the arms deal is an example  of the compromises that 
result from the clash of two foreign policy  absolutes: the Bush 
administration's commitment to fighting  Islamic radicalism and its effort to 
starve the North Korean government  of money it could use to build up its 
nuclear weapons program. 
  Since the Sept. 11 attacks, as the administration has made  counterterrorism 
its top foreign policy concern, the White House has  sometimes shown a 
willingness to tolerate misconduct by allies that it  might otherwise 
criticize, like human rights violations in Central Asia  and antidemocratic 
crackdowns in a number of Arab nations. 
  It is also not the first time that the Bush administration has made  an 
exception for allies in their dealings with North Korea. In 2002,  Spain 
intercepted a ship carrying Scud missiles from North Korea to  Yemen. At the 
time, Yemen was working with the United States to hunt  members of Al Qaeda  
operating within its borders, and after its government protested, the  United 
States asked that the freighter be released. Yemen said at the  time that it 
was the last shipment from an earlier missile purchase and  would not be 
  American officials from a number of agencies described details of  the 
Ethiopian episode on the condition of anonymity because they were  discussing 
internal Bush administration deliberations.
  Several officials said they first learned that Ethiopia planned to  receive a 
delivery of military cargo from North Korea when the  country's government 
alerted the American Embassy in Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia's capital, after the 
adoption on Oct. 14 of the United Nations Security Council   measure imposing 
  "The Ethiopians came back to us and said, 'Look, we know we need to  
transition to different customers, but we just can't do that  overnight,' " 
said one American official, who added that the issue had  been handled 
properly. "They pledged to work with us at the most senior  levels."  
  American intelligence agencies reported in late January that an  Ethiopian 
cargo ship that was probably carrying tank parts and other  military equipment 
had left a North Korean port. 
  The value of the shipment is unclear, but Ethiopia purchased $20  million 
worth of arms from North Korea in 2001, according to American  estimates, a 
pattern that officials said had continued. The United  States gives Ethiopia 
millions of dollars of foreign aid and some  nonlethal military equipment. 
  After a brief debate in Washington, the decision was made not to  block the 
arms deal and to press Ethiopia not to make future purchases.  
  John R. Bolton,  who helped to push the resolution imposing sanctions on 
North Korea  through the Security Council in October, before stepping down as 
United  Nations ambassador, said that the Ethiopians had long known that  
Washington was concerned about their arms purchases from North Korea  and that 
the Bush administration should not have tolerated the January  shipment. 
  "To make it clear to everyone how strongly we feel on this issue we  should 
have gone to the Ethiopians and said they should send it back,"  said Mr. 
Bolton, who added that he had been unaware of the deal before  being contacted 
for this article. "I know they have been helpful in  Somalia, but there is a 
nuclear weapons program in North Korea that is  unhelpful for everybody 
  "Never underestimate the strength of 'clientitis' at the State  Department," 
said Mr. Bolton, using Washington jargon for a situation  

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fwd: What Is the Shari`ah?

2007-04-10 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Erooth Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:31:56 +0300
From: "Erooth Mohamed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Place 4 Truth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What Is the Shari`ah?

  What Is the Shari`ah? *
  By Khurram Murad
 Man-God Relationship
  To understand the essence of the Shari`ah, one must understand the 
relationship between man and God that Islam lays down. There is no god but One 
God; Muhammad is the Prophet of God: This simple sentence is the bedrock of the 
Islamic creed. 
  God is the Creator; to Him alone, therefore, belongs the kingdom and He is 
the only Sovereign. 
[Surely Your only Lord is God who has created the heaven and the earth... 
verily to Him belong the creation and the sovereignty ] (Al-A`raf 7:54).
[He has created the heavens and the earth with a purpose. He wraps night 
about day and He wraps day about night... He has created you from one being... 
That then is God, your only Lord; His is the kingdom. There is no god but He ] 
(Al-Zumar 39:5-6).
  God is the Creator. To Him alone, therefore, as his only Lord and Master, man 
must submit his entire being: 
[Your God is One God, so only to Him submit ] (Al-Hajj 22:34).
  [That then is God, your only Lord; there is no god but He, the Creator of 
everything. So Him alone serve ] (Al-An`am 6:102).
  God is the only true Provider. It is He Who has bestowed on man such 
faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking, and 
articulating—attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot 
create for himself. It is He Who has made available the resources of the 
external world which man may discover, exploit, and develop but again, cannot 
  Yet surely man's greatest need is to know how to live his life so as to 
fulfill successfully the purpose of his creation; how to relate himself to his 
Creator, to his own self, to his fellow human beings, and to everything around 
him. To Him alone he must therefore turn to seek guidance. For there is no one 
apart from or beside Him who can truly provide answers to man's eternal 
questions or is capable of guiding him. All else can only be speculation and 
conjecture. And why should the One Who has provided even for man's most trivial 
material needs, not also have provided for his more important moral and 
spiritual needs? 
  The Qur'an says
[Say: Is there any of those you associate (with God) who guides to the 
Truth? Say: only God guides to the Truth. Does then, He who guides to the Truth 
deserve more to be followed or he who can guide not unless he be guided? What 
ails you? How judge you? And most of them follow naught but speculation, and 
speculation can never take the place of truth ] (Yunus 10:35-6).
  And further
[Or, do they (claim to) have associates who have laid down for them the Way 
for which God gave not leave ] (Al-Shura 42:21).
  It was to provide for this greatest human need that God sent His prophets 
from amongst men in all ages and to all nations, bringing them the light of the 
divine guidance revealed to them. Among them were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, 
and Jesus. And Muhammad was the last of them, in no way different or new. May 
God bless all of them. 
[He has laid down for you the Way that He entrusted to Noah, and that We 
have revealed to you, and that We entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. 
Establish fully the Way and follow not different ways ] (Ash-Shura 42:13).
  Man's relationship to God is expressed by the very word Islam—submitting to 
Him by following His will and guidance as brought by His prophets. But this 
submission must be total and all embracing. A Muslim submits his entire person 
to his Creator as his only Lord and Master. No part of his life can be exempt 
from the need of divine guidance or from the writ of divine sovereignty. God 
and His lordship and sovereignty are indivisible; and so is man's life in its 
submission to Him. It would indeed be an imperfect God Who could only be 
experienced or related to in the realm of the spirit or the provision of 
material needs like one's daily bread—a God unconcerned, uncaring, or 
incompetent to help man in the more arduous and complex task of living his 
life. Him he worships; Him he invokes; Him he depends upon; Him he trusts; Him 
he seeks; and, equally important, Him he obeys. Man has been given the freedom 
to reject God; but, once having accepted Him, he must follow His
 guidance. He is not free to follow one part of it and ignore another, nor to 
seek guidance from sources other than God. Denial of part is denial of the 
[What, believe you in part of the Book and deny part thereof? And what is 
the reward of those who do so except ignominy in the present life, and on the 
Day of Resurrection to be returned unto most grievous punishment. ] (Al-Baqarah 
  [What, do they seek anoth

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] April 9, 1948 -- FPA: THE MASSACRE OF DEIR YASSIN – LESSONS FOR TODAY

2007-04-10 Thread ishaq arashi

April 9, 1948 is engraved in the collective memory of the Palestinian
people – it is the day the Zionist movement carried out the Massacre
of Deir Yassin. In our commemoration of this monumental turning point,
the FPA attempts to draw lessons for today as we place the struggle of
our people in its historical context. We believe that we are presently
enduring a period in Palestine and elsewhere that is similar in many
ways to that of the Nakba era , during which Arab regimes and
functionary aristocracies played a critical role in deflating the
fledgling anti-colonial Arab struggle. Between the thirties and
sixties of last century the struggle was over the advance of colonial
projects. Today, it is about normalizing the material gains of these
same colonial projects as integral parts of the Arab national fabric
in all of its components.


7ata Al3awda
Until Return
Nader Abuljebain



April 9, 1948 is engraved in the collective memory of the Palestinian
people – it is the day the Zionist movement carried out the Massacre
of Deir Yassin. In our commemoration of this monumental turning point,
the FPA attempts to draw lessons for today as we place the struggle of
our people in its historical context.

We believe that we are presently enduring a period in Palestine and
elsewhere that is similar in many ways to that of the Nakba era ,
during which Arab regimes and functionary aristocracies played a
critical role in deflating the fledgling anti-colonial Arab struggle.
Between the thirties and sixties of last century the struggle was over
the advance of colonial projects. Today, it is about normalizing the
material gains of these same colonial projects as integral parts of
the Arab national fabric in all of its components.

On an overall Arab level, today there is an aggressive attempt to
advance the reactionary monarchy of Saudi Arabia as the viable leading
voice for the Arab people. Coupled with the multitude of other
functionary despots, primarily Egyptian and Jordanian regimes, the
Saudi monarchy is in fact completing the very role it was destined to
fulfill - to deliver the Arab Nation to Western colonialism - all the
way while the project to de-Arabize and truncate the Arabs is in full

On the Palestinian level, the project to end Palestine is also in full
swing. The Palestinian decolonization movement for freedom and
independence is being replaced with a quarrel over the size of the
mini-Bantustan in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – and damned be the
rest of the Palestinian people and the rest of Palestine. And rather
than firmly continuing the insistence that the Palestinian struggle is
one of national liberation, the Palestinian movement is being reduced
to one of "refugee rights" merely requesting human rights.

Lest it is forgotten, we believe that there can never be return
without liberation and there can never be liberation without return.
This inseparable dialectical relationship between the two is what
anchors the Palestinian movement and is further shored up by its third
anchor, the democratic and populist nature of this anti-colonial
struggle, away from monarchs and functionary despots.


Much like a long list of successive massacres against Arabs and
Palestinians, such as Sabra and Shatila of 1982 and Janin of 2002,
Deir Yassin is a shameful blot on the conscience of the world while,
ironically, also constituting a reminder of the resilience of those
struggling for freedom. It is a story told in blood and enduring pain,
as it is repeated today albeit with the perpetrators assuming
differing names.

In a vivid reminder of today's Palestinian calls for solidarity and
support, Abed Al-Qader Al-Husseini, then leader of the Palestinian
resistance movement during the late forties, returned empty handed
from various Arab countries, except for the popular support of the
Arab masses. He was at the helm of the resistance movement facing the
advance of Zionist forces throughout Palestine. On April 8, 1948,
Al-Husseini was murdered by Zionist forces in a counter attack in the
Battle of Al-Qastal in western Jerusalem. His death sent shock waves
throughout Palestine. On the following day, and no sooner than the
news began to spread, the vicious gangs of Irgun and Stern led by
Menahem Begin and Yitzhaq Shamir, both to become Israeli prime
ministers, swept the nearby village of Deir Yassin, which had
previously brokered an understanding of non-violence with the nearby
Zionist colony . At least 245 unarmed Palestinians were executed, with
many of the victims discarded in mass graves.

Two days later, on April 11, the Zionist Haganah forces destroyed
Kalonia, and by April 30, all Palestinians in the areas of Jerusalem
occupied by Zionists were forcibly expelled. These are the primary
areas of Jerusalem that is often ref

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pakistan World Cup Debacle - Overdose of Religion in Team is the REASON

2007-04-10 Thread Alan Border
“So Islam Becomes a SCAPEGOAT for Your Failures in Life. Forget About All the 
Corruption, Nepotism, Incompetencies, Unprofessionalism, Political Interference 
etc That Goes On in Pakistan Cricket. This Accusation Will Be MUSIC to the Ears 
of the Enemies of Islam.” - AB
  Media Manager Re-Opens Controversy
  Mir blasts overdose of religion in team
  Cricinfo staff
  April 7, 2007
  PJ Mir, Pakistan's media manager during the World Cup, has blamed the 
influence of religion in the dressing room for Pakistan's disastrous 
performance in the Caribbean. 
  Speaking to reporters after his appearance at the performance evaluation 
committee looking into Pakistan's shambolic display, Mir said, "I could not 
disclose this fact before, but today I inform the media that most of the 
members had no focus on cricket. Their fixation was on preaching, affecting the 
team's preparations." 
  Mir complained that the players devoted more time to praying and preaching 
than to the game itself. "The boys were up against the most challenging task of 
proving their skills in the prestigious tournament, but I am sorry to say they 
had no drive for the game and were much more active in preaching and praying." 
  Mir argued that the religious influence had gone "beyond limits. I told the 
committee that Pakistani players, rather than pray privately, tried to make it 
a public spectacle." 
  Mir added that he told the committee of incidents to highlight his point, 
highlighting instances where some players, led by former captain 
Inzamam-ul-Haq, even made it a point to pray in the galley of aircrafts on 
flights rather than privately in their seats. He said that there is video 
evidence to prove his point and is offering to pass it onto the PCB to assess 
the situation further. 
  Since the England tour last summer, criticism over what is perceived as the 
team's overt religiosity has steadily grown. In one of his first public 
statements after taking over as chairman of the board, Nasim Ashraf called on 
the team to dampen down 'public displays of religiosity' in a TV interview. The 
remark led to a sharp retort from Inzamam, since when the issue has simmered 
away under the public radar, a number of PCB officials privately echoing 
Ashraf's stance. 
  In a tense press conference last week, Inzamam dismissed speculation of 
religion taking priority within the team but Mir's comments have dragged the 
issue out into the open once again. 
  The evaluation committee began its work last week and has interviewed a 
number of players and officials, including Inzamam and Mushtaq Ahmed, 
Pakistan's assistant coach. They are due to meet former chairmen Tauqir Zia and 
Shaharyar Khan as well and are expected to hand in their report on Pakistan's 
debacle within a month. 
  © Cricinfo
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.
Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Big Brother

2007-04-10 Thread adil naveed
Council of Muslim Theologians
 Big Brother
  As the spiral of evil tightens its grip on humanity more alarmingly the 
density of evil is escalating at a far greater pace. The well-publicised Big 
brother television series needs no introduction. The filth, squalor and hazard 
that this putrid series displays very frankly discloses the moral degeneration 
and low ebb that man has stooped to. There is no distinction of private life, 
personal etiquette and consciousness anymore. The animalistic tendencies within 
man have long taken control of every action of his.
  The irony though is, whilst this shameless morally demoralising behaviour is 
restricted to those participating only, there seems to be an equal amount of 
inquisitive, curious spectators. What thrill can there be in watching someone 
act the most mundane necessities in life ie. answering call of nature etc. 
there has to be a limit to which one can stoop!
  Islam is firm and clear-cut in issues of morality, chastity, and purity. It 
promulgates deep-rooted respect and discipline for every sphere of human life. 
The bedrock of Imaan is based on chastity and modesty. Any person bereft of 
this inherent armour is a candidate for the most shameful deeds. Rasulullah 
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said, "When morality leaves you then do as you 
please" strongly implying that no vice or evil is beyond a person who has 
surrendered his morality.
  The extent of immorality has even got many westerners thinking as to how can 
such vice even exist. Recently, the Daily News surprisingly carried an article 
dubbed "Another bunch of morons" referring to the Big Brother series. It was 
pleasing to note that some sanity still prevails in a world that seems to have 
gone crazy.
  The Daily News, June10, 2002 says, "as before, it degrades its victims - the 
poor vain fools who have put themselves in the big bro house - as it degrades 
the people who watch it."
  " None of them are great conversationalists. It is hardly surprising that 
they have nothing interesting to say, since most of them are ignorant, ill- 
educated, self - absorbed, boring and without opinions."
  " Most of them are egoists, which is why it is wrong to describe them as 
ordinary…They lack the modesty and self - directed humor of ordinary people"
  "They are rather sad people being manipulated by the channel 4 producers. 
They are fodder."
  " In France, things have gone even further. Pay- TV and cable channels offer 
more regularly hard-core porn…. According to a survey published last week, 
nearly half of all French children have seen an adults - only sex film by the 
age of 11. Cases of rape of children by children have been attributed to the 
influence of hard- core porn. What a ghastly, empty, sleazy world this is. The 
people behind big bro understand this, since they are probably intelligent and 
well educated. But they are also cynical, and they care infinitely more about 
their ratings than they do about an ideal of human behaviour,"
  The harms of watching such animalism cannot be more palpable. Only someone 
with a deeply deranged mind will opt to differ. May Allah Ta'ala protect the 
Ummah. Aameen.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Aussie Muslims refuses to sack Mufti Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali

2007-04-10 Thread S A Hannan
  Aussie Muslims Deny Sacking Mufti & Newspapers 
"He is definitely one of the most knowledgeable, most 
qualified in Australia," Patel said. 
  CAIRO - The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) 
gainsaid on Sunday, April 8, reports of giving Australia's Mufti Sheikh Taj 
el-Din al-Hilali the axe, reported The Australian. 
  "No, we haven't sacked the mufti... (Hilali) is still the 
mufti," AFIC President Ikebal Patel told Sky News.

  He confirmed that the salary of the Egyptian-born scholar had 
been suspended for some time.

  "The position of mufti itself is very much there and the ... 
incumbent, while not being paid for the position, is still the holder of the 

  Australian media earlier claimed that the AFIC had sacked 
Hilali, who has held the title since 1988, and abolished the position of mufti 

  Patel asserted that such a decision was up to the Australian 
National Imams Council.

  "If the position should remain, we are quite happy to be 
guided by the National Council of Imams," he said.

  After a day-long meeting on Sunday, March 25, in the Sydney 
suburb of Lakemba, the council decided to reinstate al-Hilali as mufti and form 
a 15-member executive council to consult more widely about who should be the 
next mufti.

  Muslims, estimated at 300,000, make up 1.5 percent of 
Australia's population of 20 millions.


  The AFIC president voiced confidence in Hilali, saying he is 
the best man for the job.

  "He is definitely one of the most knowledgeable, most 
qualified in Australia," he said.

  "I will probably be scoffed at when I say this, but he's 
probably one of the most moderate of the imams in Australia, but he certainly 
doesn't bring that out in his approaches with the media."

  Yet, Patel said Hilali HHiwould require special assistance if 
he is to remain in office.

  ".if he wants to remain mufti then there would have to be 
some very strict guidelines that would have to be placed," he said.

  "He might need some resources in terms of having people who 
can speak English (to) articulate his thoughts clearly, so there's no excuse 
ever put forward that he was misrepresented."

  Late last year, Hilali made international headlines for 
likening immodestly dressed women to "uncovered meat" that might invite rapists.

  Cindy Taylor, a woman who had twice been raped, had defended 
Hilali, saying he had not intended to justify rape by his comparison.

  "He's a wonderful man and his analogy certainly did not 
justify the act of rape," she said.

  The non-Muslim Anglo-Saxon parents of the man married to 
Hilali's daughter also defended him after remarks on Australia's convict 

  "We know what he means and we don't believe he deliberately 
meant to offend anyone," said Brian Tocock.

  "We know that the mufti loves this country but we can 
understand how people can be offended by his comments," he added.

  "He is a lovely man who has helped so many people in his 
community," agreed his wife Christine.
Related Links   
a.. Aussie Imams Reinstate mufti, Gov't Irked 
b.. Australia's Anti-Mufti Hysteria Draws Fire 
c.. "Rape Victim" Defends Aussie Mufti 
d.. Aussie Imams Urged to be Firefighters 
e.. Aussie Muslims Plan Open-for-all Party 
Top Stories   
a.. Selling Iran Stories Sparks Furor in UK 
a.. Sectarian Clashes Plague N. Pakistan 
a.. Britons Damn Blair's Bleak Tenure 
a.. Iraq Christians Mark Grim Easter 
a.. Aussie Muslims Deny Sacking Mufti 
a.. AU Backs Sudan on Darfur Force 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A revert sister needs help

2007-04-10 Thread Abida Rahmani

Note: forwarded message attached.


  Abida Rahmani
  If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.

Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 00:08:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: A revert sister needs helpAssalamu Alaikum,
There is revert sister who suffered a lot after
becoming muslim, she was kicked out of her home her
Shia husband left her as well and now ignorantly she
is married to a non muslim, ofcourse she doesn't know
please use good preaching and kind wisdom with her,
coz the husband is willing to know about Islam. She is
asking for a copy of Quran so her new husband can
read, is there any one who can send her a copy of
Sahih International Translation of the Quran? 
her address: 
Diana Koch
6564 Elizabeth Street Gagetown
Michigan, 48735
As I said b4 don't tell her from the beginning that
this is haram (her non Muslim Husband) otherwise she
might leave Islam.