RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Please visit IQRA-Quran Study Circle for Sisters

2008-08-01 Thread Aasim
 Just Simply Copy & paste the following link in your browswer &
Insha'Allah you'll get there with the help of Great Almighty Allah

May Allah help you learning His great Deen-e-Islam

Jazak Allah-o-Khairan Kaseeran



To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 04:40:37 +Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] Please visit IQRA-Quran 
Study Circle for Sisters

Assalam  mualaikum,Dear  Bros and  Sis, Can  you   please  let  me  know  how  
to  get  in  touch  with  this  group? I  cannot  "Click"  on  the  word  
schedule (which  is  suppposed  to  be  on  the  right  side of the  page)as  
it  is NOT  to  be  found! Please  help  me. Jazakallah.Sister Nur

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 23:13:19 +Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Please visit IQRA-Quran Study 
Circle for Sisters


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IQRA - Quraan study circle for sisters on Paltalk

July 4, 2008 at 8:26 am (Uncategorized)
Assalamu ‘alaykum,alhamdulilaahi Rabbi al’aalameen (All praise is due to Allah 
the Lord of the worlds)!We have a set schedule, please visit the page 
“SCHEDULE” on the right.Fi amanilah,wasalaamP.s.: Do not forget, du’aa is for 
Permalink No Comments

June 29, 2008 at 10:46 pm (Uncategorized) (Add new tag)
 Assalamu ‘ alaykum,Welcome to this webpage made to inform sisters who are 
interested in learning the recitation of the Quraan and/or learning the basics 
of the Arabic language.

Muslim paltalk members have opened a voiceroom on Paltalk, providing a safe and 
comfortable environment for Muslim sisters only, to learn recitation of the 
Quraan.The room has just opened, please be patient with us, and make du’a 
(supplication) that Allah may purify our intentions, and make this beneficial. 
Aameen.See this link for the rooms page (copy and paste in your broswer) -> more information about the 
classes, the rules, how to join Paltalk and more, check out the “pages”  on 
this page on the right.Updates, and more info coming soon!

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2008-08-01 Thread Shahid


Two Dutch women who recently married young Muslims from Tunisia have lost their 
jobs at the NATO base at Gellenkirchen in Germany, close to the Dutch border. 

The Defence Ministry confirmed to the Volkskrant on Monday that its AIVD 
security service has banned the women from the base.

Gellenkirchen is the home base for AWACS planes with their airborne warning and 
control systems, which are used in the international fight against terrorism.

One of the women is taking legal action to get her job back. The other is the 
secretary to acting commander Jelle Zijlstra who told Saturday's Telegraaf that 
the women had given years of loyal service.

What does NATO think about Arab coutries terminating the jobs of hundreds of 
thousands of Europeans working in Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, 
Kuwait, Algeria etc.. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Smart eBook Library (SEL) will Available in Software

2008-08-01 Thread mohamed_yasir
Dear Seeker of Knowledge,

The SEL software will content over 5000's of religion & academic books
in it's first version. The SEL software expected ready by 1st quarter of
the year 2009.

Kindly register to our newly launched website below and download 400+
e-Books for free. If u join as Free member, u can download limited to
200+ eBook. Using below's VIP authorized code and enjoy download up to
400+ for free. New books added, over 800 ebooks now.

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Thanks & Regards.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Oh The Great Americans ! Stir Up Your Conscience ! - Dr.M.K.Sherwani

2008-08-01 Thread Sherwani Mustafa
The history was busy to write your name,
Amongst  the nations with the highest fame.
The world was proud of your grace,
Virtue and love were the signs of your face.

>From your soil, streams of justice used to flow,
To the vices and  wrongs , you were a lethal blow.
You used to inspire   a trust in all,
You drew no line between   big and small.

The cascade of wisdom from your mind,
Quenched the intellectual thirst of every kind.
To the benighted humanity, you sowed  new seed,
The compassion of Jesus (p.b.u.h.) was your  creed.

Why suddenly, for you, this turn of fate?
How you emerged as a symbol of hate.?

Stir up your conscience,
Look   ahead with prescience.
Strain your nerves to see the right,
With  a sense of justice, not with might.
Your eyes will perceive a demeaning course,
That made you believe in arms and force.

Delve deep into your soul,
To find out your filthy role.

Each part of the globe was within your reach,
With the  Bible in hand; its lesson to preach.
You threw it away with a ruthless shake,
Your hands now possess weapons , for power sake.

The world is now standing aghast,
Why this all has happened so fast.?

I  know, only a few in your midst,
Spoiled your serenity with a grisly twist,
Sullied your image as a graceful race,
And eclipsed the sedateness of your pace.

Rise up ! purge your glory,
Of the present grim story;
Restore  your  lost dignity,
With penitential ‘sad’ and ‘sorry’.

Listen to the  shrieks and wails,
See the destruction and travails,
Your sons have caused in others’ land,
With the dead falling  like heaps of sand.

When the advent of  Christ (p.b.u.h.)  is too close,
Why you became so hideous, and why you chose,
To smear your face  with innocent blood,
To engulf  the humanity with your raging flood.

Now is the time for you to repent,
For what you have done, and what you spent,
To   bring about fright and fear all around,
Let once again the global ambience reverberate,
Not with threats and piercing cannonade,
But with your soothing sermons, and remorseful sound.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
President, All India Muslim Forum, Lucknow- India
Phones: +91- 9919777909

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestinians capture violence of Israeli occupation on video

2008-08-01 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Palestinians capture violence of Israeli occupation on video
In a graphic and hard-hitting film Peter Beaumont speaks to Palestinians 
filming abuse from settlers and Israeli armed forces
* Peter Beaumont in Ni'ilin
* Wednesday July 30 2008
Link to this video

An Israeli child from a far-right settler group in the West Bank city of Hebron 
hurls a stone up the stairs of a Palestinian family close to their settlement 
and shouts: "I will exterminate you." Another spits towards the same family.
Another settler woman pushes her face up to a window and snarls: "Whore!"
They are shocking images. There is footage of beatings, their aftermath, and 
the indifference of Israel's security forces to serious human rights abuses. 
There is footage too of those same security forces humiliating Palestinians – 
and most seriously – committing abuses themselves.
They are contained in a growing archive of material assembled by the Israeli 
human rights organisation B'Tselem in a remarkable project called Shooting Back.
The group has supplied almost 100 video cameras to vulnerable Palestinian 
communities in Hebron, the northern West Bank and elsewhere, to document and 
gather evidence of assaults and abusive behaviour – largely by settlers.
"We gave the first video camera out in Hebron [in January 2007]," says Diala 
Shamas a Jerusalem-based researcher with B'Tselem. But the project took off in 
earnest, however, in January this year.
The video is sometimes chaotic, jumpy. Sometimes only the audio is captured and 
a pair of soldiers' boots.
But what it documents in all its rough reality is the experience of occupation 
on a daily basis for the most vulnerable families and communities – giving a 
voice to those who have been voiceless for so long.
"Right now we have about 100 video cameras," adds Shamas. "The largest number 
are in the Hebron region where the most frequent complaints of settler attacks 
are. And recently in the northern area and the region next to the [building] of 
the [separation] wall where there are demonstrations."
She explains the reason for introducing the Shooting Back project.
"The project started as response to the need to gather evidence. We were 
constantly filing complaints to no avail on the basis of lack of evidence, or … 
we don't know the name of the settler.
"Now we are going back and forth with our video-cassettes to [Israeli] police 
station begging them to press rewind, freeze… it is the bulk of our work. The 
value of the footage is not only evidential. It also has had a remarkable value 
in terms of advocacy and campaigning.
'We quickly realised the media value of this footage. It is maybe an 
overstatement but we started bridging this gap between what was happening in 
the occupied Palestinian territories and what the Israeli public can see.
"There was a conspiracy of silence surrounding settler violence in particular. 
This footage is shocking to Israelis.'
And in particular it has been two pieces of video, shot by Palestinians this 
year and released by B'Tselem, that have gained massive international attention 
by throwing the issue of human rights abuses in the occupied Palestinian 
territories back into the spotlight.
The first was footage of a group of four hooded settlers from the settlement of 
Susya armed with what look like pickaxe handles brutally beating a group of 
Palestinian farmers.
The second – not taken as part of Shooting Back programme – but supplied to 
B'Tselem by a 17-year-old schoolgirl from the village of Ni'ilin earlier this 
month showed a protester against the building of the West Bank barrier on his 
village's land being shot in the foot by an Israeli soldier with a plastic 
bullet as he was held blindfold and bound.
The protester was Ashraf Abu Rahma, aged 27. The video was shot by Salam Kanaan 
aged 17. A constant presence at the demonstrations in the Palestinian villages 
in the rocky hills of the West Bank, Ashraf is employed by the villages as a 
watchman on land that is threatened with being taken from the Palestinian 
villages for the building of the West Bank barrier.
He says he was unaware of what was happening to him until almost the moment 
before he was shot and wounded in the foot.
It is only when he saw the video too that he was able to understand what 
happened to him.
Arrested during a demonstration against the West Bank barrier in Ni'ilin on 
July 7 he recalled last week being almost immediately blindfolded.
"They had rounded up the foreigners [from the International Solidarity 
Movement] and arrested me and another guy separately.
"They put me in a jeep and started cursing me, hitting me and using bad 
language in Hebrew and Arabic. It had never occurred to me that they would 
"They held me in the sun for a long time. Later I heard them discussing what 
they were going to do with me.
"I recall hearing a conversation about how to shoot me. What I recall is the 
words rubber bullet, rubber bu

Bismillah [IslamCity] Is International Justice the ENEMY of Peace (International Criminal Tribunal)

2008-08-01 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*Is International Justice the Enemy of Peace?***

*By Aryeh Neier*


It is only a little more than fifteen years ago that the first of the
contemporary international courts was created to prosecute those who commit
war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. That court, the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), may soon
mete out justice to a new defendant, following the arrest in Belgrade of
Radovan Karadzic, wartime leader of Bosnia's Serbs.

*Yet there is already a persistent theme in criticism of such tribunals: in
their effort to do justice, they are obstructing achievement of a more
important goal, peace. Such complaints have been expressed most vociferously
when sitting heads of state are accused of crimes. The charges filed by the
prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against Sudanese President
Omar Hassan al-Bashir for crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur are
the latest example. Indeed, the denunciations of the justice process this
time are more intense and more vehement than in the past. *

The complaints were also loud in 1995, when the ICTY's prosecutor indicted
Karadzic and his military chief, General Ratko Mladic, and even louder when
they were indicted again later in the same year for the massacre at
Srebrenica. The timing of that second indictment especially aroused critics,
because it came just before the start of the Dayton peace conference.
Because they faced arrest, Karadzic and Mladic did not go to Dayton. But, as
matters turned out, their absence did not hinder the parties from reaching
an agreement. Indeed, it may have helped as the leaders of Bosnia, Croatia,
and Yugoslavia negotiated an end to the war in Bosnia.

In 1999, the ICTY indicted Slobodan Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia, for
crimes committed in Kosovo. Again, there were denunciations that focused on
timing. NATO's intervention in Kosovo was underway, and critics claimed that
prosecuting Milosevic made the tribunal an arm of NATO and would prevent a
settlement. That prediction was wrong. Milosevic capitulated two weeks after
he was indicted, and the war ended.

The next sitting head of state to be indicted was Liberian President Charles
Taylor. Although the prosecutor for the Special Court for Sierra Leoneindicted
Taylor in March 2003 for his crimes in the war that had devastated that
country, the indictment was not disclosed publicly until three months later.
Again, timing was a principal factor in sparking outrage. The indictment was
made public in June 2003, while Taylor was attending a peace conference in
Ghana that was intended to settle the civil war in his own country.

As hosts of the conference, the Ghanaians were particularly incensed at
being asked to make an arrest under such circumstances, and refused to do
so. Though it is possible to sympathize with the Ghanaians, who were placed
in a very awkward position, the indictment intensified demands for Taylor's
removal. He fled into exile in August, effectively ending the war. Taylor is
now being tried in The Hague, and, after two decades of horrendous conflict,
Liberia is at peace and rebuilding under a democratic government.

We cannot rule out the possibility that doing justice in Darfur will make it
more difficult to achieve peace there. Justice and peace are independent
values. Each is immensely important in its own right. In the long run, doing
justice seems a way to contribute to peace, but one cannot be sure that
things will work out that way every time. On the basis of the record so far,
however, some scepticism seems in order over the claim that justice will
obstruct peace. After all, the conflict in Darfur has been underway for five
and a half years. An estimated 300,000 people have been killed by forces
ultimately controlled by al-Bashir, and an estimated 2.7 million have been
forcibly displaced. Just a week before the indictment, seven African Union
and UN peacekeepers were killed and 22 injured during an ambush by
well-armed militiamen. No peace settlement is under serious consideration.
So what basis is there for suggesting that the indictment of al-Bashir is
obstructing a settlement? What settlement is there to obstruct?

*It should be noted that the **Darfur** case was referred to the ICC by the
UN Security Council. The treaty establishing the ICC empowers the Security
Council to delay a prosecution if this is needed to bring about a peace
settlement. So critics of the indictment should at least be made to bear the
burden of demonstrating to the Security Council that a peace settlement is
likely if they wish the Council to act. *

The world embarked on the creation of international criminal tribunals a
decade and a half ago in order to end the impunity with which heads of state
and leaders of guerrilla groups commit atrocious crimes. As the arrest of
Karadzic shows, that effort is gradually succeeding. The indi

Bismillah [IslamCity] Helping Yourself Helping Others

2008-08-01 Thread fatimah khan
abusaajid syed mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Salma Sanwari
  Most Muslim Women understand the meaning of the Hollywood-popularized saying, 
"Pay it forward," doing kindness to others in need because someone did good to 
you when you were in straits.  Long before Benjamen Franklin explained the 
concept to Benjamin Webb in an April 1784 letter, apparently having given him a 
no-pay loan, the Quran enshrined an even higher charitable spirit in the 
wonderfully lofty notion of "giving for the Sake of God".:
  "And (know that) whatever good you (believers) spend, it is for (the good of) 
your own souls.  So whatever you  spend (in charity), do so seeking only the 
Face of God.  Thus whatever good you spend shall be rendered to you in full-and 
never shall you be wronged (in the least)-- Those who spend their wealth 
(for the sake of God), by night and by day, secretly and openly – they shall 
have their reward with their Lord.  And there shall be no fear upon them (when 
they assemble for judgment).  Nor shall they ever grieve lover the life of the 
world)" (2:272-274).
  Many Muslim women practice this daily.  We know some who virtually live to do 
good for others – volunteering at their children's school, visiting the sick 
and newborn, carpooling and cooking for friends in need.  We all know them 
because at one time or another we all become one of them.
  We are women who care for others while managing to look after ourselves and 
the sacred trusts that are ours.  But how do we find that gentle balance 
between caring for others and ourselves without going to an extreme on either 
end?  How do we toe that tender line between bestowing unto others and 
ourselves, between giving and getting?
  Balancing Between Others And Ourselves:
  Women, I think, find particular happiness in doing for others.  We bake a 
cake for someone who just had a baby and feel good.  We pick up the children of 
a mom busier than ourselves with a sense of pleasure. We offer an attentive ear 
to a sad friend and grow comforted ourselves.  There is so much we can do for 
our friends and family in every day, little favors and extras that make someone 
else's life a little lighter.
  Most of us are overwhelmed with our own work, school, children and family, 
but still make the time and put the energy into a considerable amount of 
thinking about yet others.  We know what it means to go above and beyond what 
we consider our simple duty.  It is our Muslim obligation to be good to our 
neighbors, for instance.  But so many of us go further and knock on our 
neighbor's door every few days to be sure she is well and to see if she has a 
need we might help out with.
  Islam binds us to due civic responsibility.  But many Muslim women take 
considerable time out to volunteer for community service in programs at the 
local masjid or school, cleaning up the neighborhood, or working on charitable 
drives for the poor.  Many among us donate toys and gifts to local hospitals to 
cheer up children.  And how many of us wear a perpetual smile, making everyone 
who sees us happier and calmer.
  But what happens when we have to decide between doing for ourselves and 
someone else?  The answer might seem easy:  Do for yourself and then your 
sister.  Airline attendants tell us to apply our own oxygen masks in an 
emergency before assisting anyone else.  This makes perfect sense.  We can not 
be much help to others if we can not breathe ourselves.  This can be true in 
our day-to-day lives, as well.  If we are not fair to ourselves with proper 
care, we won't be able to adequately meet the needs of others for very long.  
And that's bad all the way around.
  So it makes sense to take time out  to tend to our own emotional, 
intellectual, spiritual, physical, and even imaginative needs-if for no other 
reason than to recuperate to better serve others!.
  Here are eight things you can do, sister, to give you that replenishing 
cognitive, affective, or devotional pick-me-up.  When we are pressed for time 
(meaning always), take a little relieving time out, comfort yourself, and 
  Nurturing "ME-TIME"
  1. Do Something Just For You: Take a long, hot bath.  Read a good 
  Take a walk by yourself (no strollers!). 
  2. Get Physical:  Do something that's going to make you feel good 
because it's making you look better!:  Exercise.  Get a massage or facial.  Get 
your haircut.  Take time to make a knock-out salata lunch.  Then sit down and 
dig in.
  3. Visit A Friend:  Go see someone you love to be with, not have to 
  4. Halal Indulge!  No excess, just get some good, wholesome pleasure. 
 Sometimes, the smallest delights bring on the biggest smiles.  So, next time 
you're to the market, detour to the candy store and get that piece of chocolate 
you've been dreaming of (and don't