Bismillah [IslamCity] Cairo Conference 14-17 May/Registration form

2009-05-04 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Cairo Conference 14-17 May

Friday, 01 May 2009

For seven years the Cairo Conference has been a vital meeting place for those 
fighting against war and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and beyond. 
Participants come from across the globe, from social movements, the 
international anti-war movement, political parties, trade unions and national 
liberation movements.
In recent years the Cairo Social Forum has joined the conference adding 
delegations of striking workers and representatives of thepeasent movement to 
those attending.
The election of Barack Obama has yet to change American foreign policy. Obama 
has pledged to pour 17,000 extra troops into the disastrous war in Afghanistan 
and is pressuring European governments to do the same.
Meanwhile Israel began 2009 with a massacre over 1,300 Palestinians and the 
blockading of Gaza. Whilst this was largely ignored by the major governments of 
the world it was met with an outpouring of anger and resistance from ordinary 
people, with huge demonstrations being held in solidarity with Gaza and the 
Stop The War Coalition is encouraging people to attend the Cairo conference and 
meet face to face with those resisting war in the Middle East, helping to build 
links and solidarity with the anti-war movement worldwide.
At the 2008 Cairo Conference there were over 2,000 people present from many 
countries including Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, the US, 
Britain, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Italy, Holland and South Korea.
Join us in 2009.
Download registration form...


Bismillah [IslamCity] Who Are Tested the Most Severely Tested?

2009-05-04 Thread Mohammed A
The Prophet (saw) said: The people who are the most severely tested are the 
Prophets, then the Righteous, then the next and then the next best. A person 
will be tested in accordance to their level of religious commitment (Islam); if 
they are strong in their religious commitment, the more severe their tests will 
be, and if there is some weakness in their commitment, their tests will be 
lightened for them. A person will continue to be tested until he (or she) walks 
upon the earth free from sin. (Ahmad)



Bismillah [IslamCity] NYC event on May 23 & 24: - The Greatest Book - LIVE Video Broadcast of Shaykh Sudais and Huthayfee

2009-05-04 Thread Albaseerah.Org

NYC event on May 23 & 24: - The Greatest Book - LIVE Video Broadcast of
Shaykh Sudais and
3, '09 3:21 PM
for everyone

Memorial Day weekend Conference in New York City

- The Greatest Book- 


Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Bismillah [IslamCity] ISRAEL, not Iran has been calling to "wipe Iran off the map" all along!

2009-05-04 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
Must Read all the way, top to bottom

ISRAEL, not Iran has been calling to "wipe Iran off the map" all along!

It is a sad state of affairs and very ugly indeed when things have to be 
fabricated or made up to make others appear evil and even genocidal, when in 
truth they are not. The truth is Ahmadinejad never said "wipe Israel off the 
map". That phrase is an invention by MEMRI - the neocons propaganda tool that 
mistranslates articles written in the Middle East and demonizes Arabs and 
Islam. The "wipe off the map" statement, attributed to Iran, provides Jews 
another opportunity to go on a self pitying, persecution campaign as they are 
doing now to justify attacking Iran. It is a bold faced lie like so many 
others they have told in the past. What Ahmadinejad did say was to repeat 
Khomeini's statement about regime change in Israel similar to what happened in 
South Africa. It was not a genocidal statement like these lying, self pitying, 
desperate for world sympathy Jews have been pushing. But it was a statement 
reflecting a change in government providing justice to all unlike the racist, 
barbaric Jewish regime ruling over the Palestinians today.

But let's look at Jewish actions against Iran like in the following article:

Boxer, AIPAC lead efforts to cut off Iranian exports
When do you think this article was written? Recently? No, it was written in 
December, 1995!!! It was published long before Amadinejad was elected 
president and before Iran announced it was interested in developing nuclear 
energy. In effect, the Israeli Lobby had declared its own war on Iran long 
before the current situation. Read the article to see how vehement AIPAC was 
even back then in seeking Iran's destruction.

A big fuss is being made in main stream media about Iran wanting to "wipe 
Israel off the map". In any discussion about Iran that point is brought up 
over and over again to show the "Hitler" qualities of Iran that must be 
checked by a nuclear attack from the U.S. But the reality is that it is a bold 
faced lie. The Israeli government has been calling for the extermination of 
Iran publicly numerous times for many years now. Did anyone make a fuss about 
that? Here are just a few examples (and I can list many more) taken from 
headlines of articles calling for Iran's extermination by Israel, before 
anything was said about Israel by Iran:

November 5, 2002 "Times/UK"
"Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends", demands Israel!
By Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

September 30, 2004 "The Insider"
Israel Instructs America To Attack Iran And Syria article.asp? id=0614

March 16, 2005 "U.S. Crusade"
Israel's Broken Record - Attack Iran
By Kurt Nimmo php?blog= 3&cat=16

February 6, 2005 "WhatReallyHappened "
U.S. - Israel Plans To Strike Iran's Nuclear Sites Finalized

June 14, 2005 "The NewYork Sun"
BY ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun

Dec 5, 2005 "MichNews"
Netanyahu: "If elected, I won't hesitate to order a pre-emptive strike on 
By Ryan Jones,

Now, imagine if Iran had been saying those things about Israel? Today's 
demonization of Iran claiming that Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust, Iran's 
pursuit for nuclear weapons and their desire to "wipe Israel off the map" is a 
ploy, an excuse presented to non-Jews to give Israel the justification for 
what they have been wanting to do all along. For the record the following is 
what Iran's president said. Compare it to what Israel has been saying about 
Iran for many years now, as in the articles above, and judge for your self 
which statements are more genocidal:

The Actual Quote:

So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:
"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv 

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: 
rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with 
an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the 
country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly 
significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad 
does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase 
"rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want "wiped from the map"? 
The answer is: 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Secular Humanism

2009-05-04 Thread adil naveed

Secular Humanism

"We made for you a law, so follow it and not the fancies of those who have no 

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights on the 10th December 1948. Human Rights enshrine 
three cardinal values: Equality - Freedom - Dignity. However, if these laudable 
values are void of a religious, moral and ethical hue, they may perpetuate the 
very vices they were designed to eradicate. If Human Rights are not made 
subordinate to Divine Law, if there are no checks and balances, they may well 
serve as the catalyst for Secular Humanism.

Secular Humanism:

Secular Humanism is a term that has evolved in the last thirty years to 
describe a worldview that is based upon:

A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, 
political or social, must we weighed and tested by each individual and not 
simply accepted because of "faith";

A commitment to use critical reasoning, and factual evidence, rather than faith 
and mysticism, in seeking solutions to human problems; and,

An understanding that there are no absolutes, no eternal truths and no need for 

The Humanist Manifesto:

"We believe that traditional dogmatic or authoritarian religions that place 
revelation, God, ritual, or creed above human needs and experience do a 
disservice to the human species… We find insufficient evidence for belief in 
the existence of a supernatural; it is either meaningless or irrelevant to the 
question of survival and fulfillment of the human race. As non-theists, we 
begin with humans not God, nature not deity."

The Standard:

"Humanists do not rely upon gods or other supernatural forces to solve their 
problems or provide guidance for their conduct They rely instead upon the 
application of reason, the, lessons of history and personal experience from an 
ethical/moral foundation and to create meaning in life. Secular humanists look 
at the methodology of science as the most reliable source of information about 
what is factual or true about the universe we all share."

Moral values:

"We affirm that moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics 
is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction. 
Ethics stem from human needs and interest."

Human Rights:

Human Rights in the South African context are enshrined in the Bill of Rights. 
Whilst the Bill guarantees the dignity and integrity of individuals, it also 
regulates religious freedom. Ironically, the very provision tailored to 
guarantee freedom might in reality inhibit that very right.

"He commands them with that which is just and forbids them from that which is 
evil. He permits for them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from what 
is bad. He relieves them from their heavy burden and releases them from the 
yokes that upon them."

Islam is not a mass of dogmatic rituals, nor does it suppress the application 
of reason, or scientific exploration. It views man as the sublime vicegerent of 
Allâh on earth, who is obliged to carry out His injunctions. It does not allow 
for the separation of law and religion; Divine Law precedes both the society 
and the State. Virtue according to Islamic Law lies in living in conformity 
with the Law of Allâh, which guarantees the sanctity of life, the equality and 
dignity of man. His Law is inherently perfect and compatible; aversion to His 
word simply fetters the mind and corrupts the soul. The tidal waves of 
immorality, crime, and corruption throughout the 'liberated world' are grim 
reminders of the dire consequences of Secular humanism.

"The Authority rests with none but Allâh. He commands you not to surrender to 
anyone save Him…"


Bismillah [IslamCity] An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam by

2009-05-04 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam

Description: A glimpse of the concept of polygamy in Islam.
Published on 25 Apr 2006 - Last modified on 21 May 2006
Viewed: 13915 (daily average: 13) - Rating: 3.4 out of 5 - Rated by: 32
Printed: 481 - Emailed: 39 - Commented on: 1
Category: Articles > Current Issues > Women


Islam is criticized for allowing polygamy, for popular culture in the West
views polygamy as relatively backward and impoverished. For many
Christians, it is a license to promiscuity, and feminists consider it a
violation of women's rights and demeaning to women. A crucial point that
needs to be understood is that for Muslims, standards of morality are not
set by prevalent Western thought, but by divine revelation. A few simple
facts should be borne in mind before any talk of polygamy in Islam.

Islam Did Not Initiate Polygamy
Islam did not introduce polygamy. Among all Eastern nations of antiquity,
polygamy was a recognized institution. Among the Hindus, polygamy prevailed 
from the earliest times. There was, as among the ancient Babylonians,Assyrians, 
and Persians, no restriction as to the number of wives a man might have. 
Although Greece and Rome were not polygamous societies,concubinage was a 
norm[1]. Islam regulated polygamy by limiting the number of wives and bringing 
responsibility to its practice. In fact, according to David Murray, an 
anthropologist, historically polygamy is more common than monogamy.[2]

Polygamy Practiced by God's Prophets
The great Hebrew patriarchs equally revered by Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam - Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, and Solomon, to name a few - were
polygamous. According to the Bible:

Abraham had three wives (Genesis 16:1, 16:3, 25:1)

Moses had two wives (Exodus 2:21, 18:1-6; Numbers 12:1)

Jacob had four wives (Genesis 29:23, 29:28, 30:4, 30:9)

David had at least 18 wives (1 Samuel 18:27, 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:3, 3:4-5,
5:13, 12:7-8, 12:24, 16:21-23)

Solomon had 700 wives (1 Kings 11:3).[3]

The example of Jesus, who otherwise overlooked polygamy, is irrelevant as he 
did not marry during his earthly ministry.

Marriage in Islam
Marriage is a legal arrangement in Islam, not a sacrament in the Christian
sense, and is secured with a contract. Islamic marriage lays rights and
corresponding responsibilities on each spouse. Children born in wedlock are
given legitimacy and share in inheritance from their parents.

The primary purpose of marriage in Islam is regulating sexuality within
marriage as well as creating an atmosphere for the continuity and extension
of the family. This is in sharp contrast to growing trends on marriage in
the West. In recent decades, there are more alternatives to marriage than
ever before. Cohabitation - living together outside of marriage - has
greatly increased among young, never-married adults, as well as the
divorced. More American women are having children outside of marriage,
ignoring the traditionally sanctioned sequence of marriage followed by

Polygamy in the Quran
The Muslim scripture, the Quran, is the only known world scripture to
explicitly limit polygamy and place strict restrictions upon its practice:

". marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that
you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one." (Quran 4:3)

The Quran limited the maximum number of wives to four. In the early days of
Islam, those who had more than four wives at the time of embracing Islam
were required to divorce the extra wives. Islam further reformed the
institution of polygamy by requiring equal treatment to all wives. The
Muslim is not permitted to differentiate between his wives in regards to
sustenance and expenditures, time, and other obligations of husbands. Islam
does not allow a man to marry another woman if he will not be fair in his
treatment. Prophet Muhammad forbade discrimination between the wives or
between their children.

Also, marriage and polygamy in Islam is a matter of mutual consent. No one
can force a woman to marry a married man. Islam simply permits polygamy; it 
neither forces nor requires it. Besides, a woman may stipulate that her
husband must not marry any other woman as a second wife in her prenuptial
contract. The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women
in other cultures - especially African and Islamic - do not necessarily look
at polygamy as a sign of women's degradation. Consequently, to equate
polygamy with degrading women is an ethnocentric judgment of other

Even though we see the clear permissibility of polygamy in Islam, its actual
practice is quite rare in many Muslim societies. Some researchers estimate
no more than 2% of the married males practice polygamy.[4] Most Muslim men feel 
they cannot afford the expense of maintaining more than one family.
Even those who are financially capable of looking after additional families

Bismillah [IslamCity] YouTube: SwineFlu - origins, reasons, people

2009-05-04 Thread Shahid
Radio talk: Swine flu lab created, it will evolve, population control, excuse 
for martial law

Swive Flu: Baxtor (vaccine company) released the flu as vaccine to sell (real) 
vaccines - watch the ending

It is now becoming clear why there are over 500 FEMA concentration camps all 
over america with millions of plastic coffins..."

This strain of swine influenza thats been cultured in a laboratory is something 
thats not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and the world, so 
this is actually a new strain of influenza thats been identified, said Dr. John 
Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director

Medical Director Admits That This Strain of Swine Flu Was Cultured In A 

Swine flu panic is spreading in Mexico and soldiers are patrolling the streets 
after it was confirmed that human to human transmission is occurring and that 
the virus is a brand new strain which is seemingly affecting young, healthy 
people the worst. Questions about the source of the outbreak are also being 
asked after a public health official said that the virus was cultured in a 

Swine flu is Man made:

As a primary example, consider the CIAs secret war against Cuba and Fidel 
Castro. The CIA used chemical agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick 
against Cuba and Fidel Castro.

In 1975, the Church Committee revealed a CIA memorandum listing deadly chemical 
agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick. These included anthrax, 
encephalitis, tuberculosis, lethal snake venom, shellfish toxin, and half a 
dozen lethal food poisons, some of which, the committee learned, had been 
shipped in the early 1960s to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful CIA attempts to 
assassinate Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro, write Ellen Ray and William H. 
Schaap (Bioterror: Manufacturing Wars the American Way, Ocean Press, 2003, p. 

Bird Flu in Chris Carter's 1998 'Millennium': "It was always about control..: 

Bismillah [IslamCity] fanaticism , or not.....

2009-05-04 Thread raja chemayel

has created the State of Israel
so why should we then blame
any other religious-fanaticism
for trying to liberate his own Palestine

  All those
have always had 
while all the Fanatic-invaders
never did !

Fanaticism or not ,
there is
a foreign-invader
and an

Fourth of May 2009


Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Anti-jewish cartoons by Jews

2009-05-04 Thread Shahid
Remember when the Muslims ruled the world and were the superpower like the jews 
are now. The Muslims enjoined good and forbade evil, they gave protection to 
the jews and the Christians. All this is contrary to what these zionist jews 
have done. They used the holocaust excuse to make a huge lie in it's numbers, 
to exhort billions from nations, and worst of all they stole Muslims land in 
Palestine. Maybe you don't know, but masjid al-aqsa (next to the dome of the 
rock masjid) is the 3rd holiest site in Islam. And the jews don't even let 
Muslims pray there (for the most part). And they are digging under it so it 
collapses and they can build their temple so their "messiah" comes.

Ignorance is not an excuse, especially in this time and age with such advanced 
telecommunications. Muslims need to know and let it be known what is the truth.

Re: Anti-jewish cartoons by Jews 
Posted by: "KIMBERLY HENRY" KIMBERLY HENRY   halaldevelopment 
Sat May 2, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT) 

It is irrelevant who made these cartoons as well is their intended purpose. 
Muslim adab would have been to omit the actual cartoons. How can we ask for 
ourselves what we are not willing to give others. BTW so what if they control 
American Finance, Theatre and Media- that isn't a weakness of thiers but more a 
weakness of the rest of America. You can be sure that we can never beat an 
illegal system by imitating it. Think about it and lets correct ourselves 
before we correct others. And please don't say that I am a jewish sympathiser 
or whatever. Ask your self- if the tables were turned and the Muslims had the 
upper hand, would we behave any differently? Most say yes but the facts of the 
communities actions tell a different story.

Bismillah [IslamCity] George Galloway in Phoenix, May18th speaking at Al-Nakba commemoration

2009-05-04 Thread Mohammad Riyad
Coalition of Arabs and Muslims in America
Arizona Chapter
tickets will be available on line soon
British Parliament member George Galloway will be arriving to Phoenix on 
Monday, May 18th to speak at
Al-Nakba commemoration second annual conference organized by
CARAMA-Coalition of Arabs and Muslims in America Arizona Chapter
More details about the event will be posted soon on this website.
 George Galloway is a British politician, author, and broadcaster, who has been 
a Member of Parliament (MP) since 1987 and is known for his outspoken 
anti-Zionist views. Mr. Galloway has been reelected in the British Parliament 
for 23 years. On Feb. 14, Valentines day, He led a convoy of 135 vehicles, 350 
volunteers, with 2 million dollars of aid consisting of food, 
medicines,ambulances, blankets, generators from London all the way through 
deserts and broke the Israeli siege to give the humanitarian aid to the people 
of Gaza who have been living for two years under an Israeli Siege, and victims 
of the Israeli Criminal bombings. This was a difficult 3 week journey, they 
slept in the vehicles . On his arrival George Galloway was greeted as a hero by 
all people of Gaza. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: [IslamCity] Can anyone help please?

2009-05-04 Thread aasia shahana
Misconception # 1: It is not civilized to have more than one wife at a time. 

Reply: The only religious book that says: "... then marry only once" is the 
Quran, the holy book of the Muslims. This injunction is not found in the 
Christian Bible in the Hindu Geeta, or in the Jewish holy book etc. In the 
Bible there are so many references to various prophets and kings who had 
numerous wives. Abraham had three wives, while King Solomon had seven hundred 
wives, etc. In the Hindu literature the various gods have hundreds of wives. 
Krishna had one thousand women and concubines. Similarly, the Jews used to 
marry more than once, till as late as the 1950s. None of these faiths regulated 
the number of wives a man could have at a time. Only Islam limits the wives to 

The monogamy that the Christians, the Hindus, and Jews practice today, is not 
from their religion, but from their government. So the issue of monogamy has no 
religious significance; it is a man-made rule. Monogamy was the result of an 
act of parliament, not their faith. Example: The Indian Parliament in 1954 
passed the Hindu Marriage Act prohibiting the Hindu male from taking up more 
than one wife. The Jewish Rabbis in the 10th Century AD made monogamy a rule, 
although it was not enforced till as late as the 1950s. Similarly, the European 
countries and the American government passed laws to make monogamy the rule in 
their lands some time ago. Mormons still marry more than once. 

In Surah Nissah God allows a Muslim to marry, one, two, three or four women as 
long as he can do justice between them. If the man can't do justice, the 
exhortation for him is: "... then marry only once". 

Marrying more than once is not compulsory, but only an option to tide over 
unique circumstances that societies face from time to time. You will find in 
many societies today that the ratio between females and males is not 50:50. 
There are more females than males in Europe, USA and elsewhere. On the other 
hand, in India, because of the rampant female fetus abortions, the number of 
females is dropping, and a crisis is in the making, as not enough number of 
females will be available for Hindu men to marry a few years from now. 

The option for women in countries with a bigger female ratio than male is to 
share a husband with another women, to remain single, or to become public 
property. "Become public property" is a decent phrase I'm using for what it 
really means. Ask any woman who cannot find an unmarried man to marry, if it is 
a better choice to share a husband with another woman, to remain single, or to 
become a mere mistress. As a lawfully wedded wife she will get the same right 
as the first wife, get legal status for herself and her children, get 
inheritance rights for herself and her children, and most importantly, get 
respect and dignity. Becoming a mistress is no choice. In the West becoming a 
mistress or a girlfriend is no problem, but becoming a second wife is totally 
unacceptable. The government will come after you, the society will come after 

Misconception # 2: There is no equality between genders in Islam, as Islam 
gives men the right to have more than one wife, but does it not give the same 
right to women to have more than one husband. 

Reply: Islam does not approve of polyandry, i.e., a woman taking up more than 
one husband. It is the male whose children the women bear. If a woman had 
multiple husbands, it would not be easy to know who is the biological father of 
the child. When a child is conceived, God puts love and affection in the hearts 
of the parents so that they can bring up the child. Without this love, life 
cannot be sustained. But if there was dispute about who really has fathered the 
child, there would be no love in the heart of the fathers. Psychologists say 
that children who grow up without knowing who their father is, are lacking in 
stability and maturity. These days because of scientific progress in DNA 
testing, one can say who the father is; but these tests were not available for 
mankind till now. Islam has historically provided for peace and stability in 
the family, not discord. 

>From: "" 
>To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
>Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 4:36:07 AM
>Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Can anyone help please?
>I can remember that long ago in this group I read an answer on "Why multiple 
>marriage at a time for men is allowed but not for women in islam?" can anyone 
>forward this related mails to me please?

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fatwas on - Giving da’wah without knowledge/ Buying cigarettes for father/ Woman advising her husband

2009-05-04 Thread mail2shahid

Fatwas on - Giving da’wah without knowledge/ Buying cigarettes for father/
Woman advising her husband


*Giving da’wah without knowledge*

*Q- Which of the two is better: Taking out time to give da’wah or using the
time to seek knowledge?*

*A –* Seeking knowledge is better and a priority. It is possible that a
student of knowledge can give da’wah while seeking knowledge. And it is not
possible to give da’wah while one has no knowledge. Allah says:

“Say (O Muhammad): “This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure
knowledge...” *(Qur’an, 12:108)*

So how can one give da’wah without knowledge? And no one has ever given
da’wah without knowledge, and whoever does so without knowledge, will not

– Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen;

Kitab-ul-’Ilm, pg. 145, no. 43

*Buying cigarettes for father*

*Q- Is it permissible for me to buy tobacco (cigarettes) for my father, as
he orders me to do so?*

*A –* It is not permissible for you to buy anything for your father, which
will be used in Haraam, be it cigarettes, opium, drugs (narcotics), alcohol,
etc. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There is no
obedience to (any of) the creation while committing a sin against the

And he (peace be upon him) also said: “Certainly, obedience is in (all that
is) good.”

So, you should advise and offer him an excuse from buying them with good

–The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts; Fatawa,
vol. 13, pg. 64, no.3201

*Woman advising her husband*

*Q- If a woman advised her husband who is lazy in performing the prayers in
the mosque and she shows her anger towards him, is she being sinful because
of his greater right over her?*

*A –* There is no sin upon a woman if she advises her husband when he does
something that Allah has forbidden, such as being lazy in performing the
prayers with congregation. In fact, she will be rewarded. The advice should
be in a good and kind way because then it will be more likely to be

–Sheikh Bin Baz

* Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and
groups, to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject
title in not-for-profit publications.** *

Bismillah [IslamCity] 300.000 Pigs

2009-05-04 Thread raja chemayel


  Pigs in Egypt ,
What for ??

In Egypt are 300.000 pigs
raised and bread and eaten
by the Copts of  Egypt.

Myself , a Lebanese-christian did not see any pigs
in my Lebanon nor did I hear of any existing ones .
Although the Lebanon has the highest presence of Christians
in any Arab or in any Muslim country.
Yet no pigs are significantly to be found in the Lebanon !!

Judaism and Islam do not allow pigs
and I see not why Christian-Arabs ought to have them .

No doctor , nor any nutrition-expert would tell us
that Pig-meat is healthier than Lamb , Goat or Cow.
As a matter of fact it is biologically and nutritionally
the less healthy and the less hygienic of all meats.

Having said that ,
I ask my Copt-brothers in Egypt :
why to keep them ??
and why have they kept them for centuries ???
The tolerance of Islam did not forbid the pigs
but the Copts could have gradually got rid of them,
wihtout any lost nor any sacrifice .

Why should I keep a pig in my garden ,
when my next-door-neighbour is Muslim or Jew ??

Can't we not live without Pigs ??

The last 40 years I live in Europe
among a lot of  Pigs , where they bother nobody.
I do eat it , but when I invite a Muslim or a Jew
to my house , I do not serve it.

Why Egypt ??
what is the point ??
Get rid of your pigs !!!
and how about getting rid also of Husny's regime too  ??
both are worthless !!
Sherlock Hommos
May 3rd.2009



Bismillah [IslamCity] Run to Help Gaza Kids by Isma'il Kushkush

2009-05-04 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Run to Help Gaza Kids

By  Ismail Kamal Kushkush, IOL Correspondent

The organizers want to break the Guinness Book world-record for the number of 
people running 100 meters in a 24-hour relay. (IOL photo)
LONDON -- A newly established British charity is seeking to help raise funds 
for the children of Gaza by sponsoring an event that seeks to break the 
Guinness Book world-record for the number of people running 100 meters in a 
24-hour relay.
"We are trying to get 4,000 runners to run 100 meters in a 24-hour relay," 
Rahul Tarafder, communications director for IF charity, told
The Gaza 100, the charity's first project, aims to promote public participation 
in innovative, fun campaigns and fundraising projects and sweeping aside all 
"ifs" and "buts."
"Each participant will have to raise a minimum sponsorship of £100, so we are 
hoping to raise at least £400,000 for the children of Gaza."

Palestinian Holocaust Museum
The current world-record was set in Latvia in 2008 with 3,807 runners.
The event is scheduled for Saturday 23 May, at London’s Mile End Stadium.
Funds raised at the event will be directed to the charity group Save the 
Children-UK and its Gaza Appeal.
"We are working in partnership with Save the Children," explains Naweeda Ahmad, 
IF’s projects manager.
"We won’t be taking any administration cost; funds go as direct aid to Gaza."
According to a January Save the Children fact sheet, 314 children were killed 
and 860 wounded during Israel's recent three-week Gaza war.
Sixty- one schools and thirty-four health facilities were damaged or destroyed.
"Money will be going to projects and Save the Children gave us a breakdown," 
Ahmad continues.
Riz Khaliq, IF's CEO, is hoping to attract mainstream British society to the 
"We want the mainstream. [Gaza] is not just a Muslim issue; it’s a humanitarian 
Khaliq believes that the attempt to break a world-record in London may help 
appeal to the mainstream.
"We did not want to do something ordinary; a world-record is different.
"Because we are trying to bring a world-record to London, every Londoner can 
have a stake in this."
The event has already caught the attention of a number of celebrities including 
MP George Galloway, Tre Azzam and Ghazal Asif of the TV show The Apprentice-UK 
version, comedian Jeff Merza and the group Mecca to Madina.
"It is a fantastic idea and a lot of fun!" says Ghazal Asif, who appeared in 
season three of The Apprentice.
"This should bring a lot of attention."
* Isma’il Kamal Kushkush is a Sudanese-American freelance writer currently 
based in Khartoum, Sudan.


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