RE: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

2011-08-15 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Yes, "reopening" a slot like this is an error; this behavior was inherited from CLIPS. I can't think of any particularly elegant workarounds. You can name those anonymous multifields and refer to them later in the rule, though -- i.e., (Temp (m $?first one two $?rest) "?first" and "?rest"

JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

2011-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Laun
Given (deftemplate Temp (multislot m)) Cursory tests seem to indicate that a Temp pattern may be written with just a single set of clusters consisting of '?', '$?' and their named cousins. As an example, it's possible to write (Temp (m $? one two $?)) but not (Temp (m $? one two $?)(m $?mvals