Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Feb 24, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Drew Davidson wrote:

> There has been some very dramatic evolution (to stick with the genetics
> analogy here) of Ant in the past couple of years.  There were uphill
> battles that were fought to achieve those, but they are in and change the
> nature of how you write build files now.


Alas, as Drew and I (among others) have been saying to you (and others,
including JDD) that Ant's fundamental approaches have fundamental errors.
To get back to the sub-thread that started this, Ant has a bunch of bad

The Ant folks have a serious, harsh reaction to that fact and the statement

> The thing that bothers me in how you and John both portray the situation
> as "they".  Them or us.  Us is them, folks.  You have to stick around to
> make changes.  Dropping in to an e-mail list and firing off some
> complaints or even constructive advice and then disappearing in the face
> of adversity destines you to be ignored.  If you feel strongly about
> change in a particular project, then stand up for it.  If you feel
> strongly about change in your community, whatever that may be, then stand
> up for it.

No, we don't have to join up.  That's called freedom.  You are free to take
on what you want, sacrifice for it, etc. to hopefully make it better (in
your eyes if nobody elses).  As opposed to Drew, I don't use Ant or any
other Apache based software unless directed to by an employer because the
quality generally sucks (with the caveat that 80% of everything sucks :-).
As I noted in Anatomy of Insanity, the quality of the software embodies the
quality of the organization behind it.

As a final note on this specific point, given your background and interest
in e.g., things eastern, let me point out two examples that are relevant:
the Zen tea ceremony and the Buddha's walking away.

I am taking a stand and e.g, calling the ASF to task for their
popularity-driven stewardship rather than caring about e.g., quality. Note
carefully your emotional reaction to this and, I must say, it's much better
than would come from other people who as tied to Apache projects as your
are.  Clearly, I'm not the only person saying this as other people have set
up their own clones of the ASF, competing groups, as well as going back to
individual projects (i.e., not under an umbrella organization).

Finally, to be clear, in looking at the complete landscape of the software
ecology, I love the fact that there's increasing diversity across the
spectrum (with the sole, but very disturbing, exception of the truly public
domain).  In evolutionary terms, we're in a period of rapid speciation and
co-evolution with increasing sophistication of the ecology itself.  That

But, then again, I'm an optimist.

Take care,

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:33 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:

>>> I don't recall any example you (or Drew, I assume) have provided as an
>>> "evil" example of open-source.  You've both given me an earful about
>>> how Ant sucks, but I haven't heard it as classified as evil.

>> Sure it is.  Ant's very popularity strongly inhibits the creation of
>> anything that's actually good.

> Ah, so popular simply cannot be good?  Interesting.

It's possible to be both popular and good but it's *extremely* rare.

Starting off with popular as the primary motivation and then trying to get
good has never worked.  The dynamics setup when popularity is the main
driving force make it almost impossible to make something truly good.  Of
course, for many people and many uses, it's good enough.

>> We all only have so much time and energy to use in our lives and trying
>> to deal with all of the pettiness (at best :-) is totally not worth it.

> Life is full of pettiness.  You're free to shirk it all off and go
> against the grain, but often the way to change things is to be an
> integral part of them and speak your mind and push in the directions you
> feel it should go.

> What about politics?  Family interactions?  Any group of more than one
> person requires a bit of diplomacy, compromise, and letting go.  Do you
> agree?  Or do you only do things that have no degree of "pettiness" to
> them?

My job isn't to play nursemaid to a bunch of spoiled brats or therapist to
a bunch of egomaniacs.  Your argument here seems to be getting caught up in
notion of petty pettiness as opposed to the insulting, indignant,
self-indulgent, ad hominem, psuedo-rationalized emotional vomit that flows
through so many of the popular F/OSS projects.  BTDT.

Take care,

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Andrew Huntwork
John D. Mitchell wrote:
"Andrew" == Andrew Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Really?  You work in a place where it's *not* dictated that you use them
(or, contrapositively, you e.g., "can't afford" e.g., good solutions)?  Or
do you only use them on your own pet projects but not at work?  Or what?
i have used alternatives to each of those projects at work.  (jrun, 
IIS, some POS custom servlets-based framework, make, BLOAT, and others)

On pet projects, well, free is good.  but there are a lot of free 
alternatives these days, and free vs. non-free is not the subject of my 
post.  lack of lockin was the subject of this part of my post.

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Andrew Huntwork
i'm saying, comparing communities of projects to genes is interesting 
and provides some insight into why the injection of (varying numbers of) 
new projects of varying quality into a community is necessary and 
useful.  I explicitly do not judge the quality of any project and 
indicate that the quality of a project changes over time as a result of 
environmental changes, changes within  the project, or other reasons.  I 
also do not argue that individual projects evolve, just that groups of 
projects (communities) evolve by the addition of new projects and the 
increased or decreased popularity of existing projects.

I'm also saying that, while interesting, this analogy may be BS. 
certainly i didn't spend more than 5 minutes analyzing it before writing 
my original email.  feel free to tell me why it's BS.

that evolution may occur inside a project or that evolution is a 
necessary aspect of every open source project are premises that i'll 
leave it to you to argue.

Randolph Kahle wrote:
There are all kinds of problems with this analogy.  It assumes that 
the quality of a project is unknowable at the outset so mutations are 
in fact random.  This might actually be reasonable.  Groovy apparently 
looked for quite a while like a good project and has recently started 
sucking.  bcel started out looking very cool, but kind of died for a 
while (though it might be back again).  considering the many 
non-technical reasons an open source project may fail, judging project 
quality at any point in its evolution seems tricky enough to make 
randomness reasonable.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Are you arguing for or 
against an evolutionary analogy?

 From your description of these open-source projects (and the general 
context of this thread) it sounds like they are mostly ego trips. 
Someone thought of an idea that might be "cool", didn't take the time to 
think deeply about the subject area, started coding, hyped the project ...

I have to ask: why does an open-source project take an evolutionary path 
as you describe? To me that indicates the project had unclear goals, 
confused objectives, insufficient research and/or knowledge applied to it.

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Erik Hatcher
On Feb 24, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Drew Davidson wrote:
I have been "invited" to join the Ant work by you and you alone.  My 
posts to the Ant lists went either (a) ignored or (b) blown off in a 
condescending way.  In neither case did I think that my help was going 
to be appreciated or wanted.  I have critiqued the design of Ant in 
the past (both publicly and privately) and the problems that are part 
of Ant are not going away short of starting over.  The retardation is 
genetic and not curable without killing the organism.  But I didn't 
post this to bash Ant (I use it every day and it works for the basic 
tasks that I need it to do - it's just not gotten over that hump to 
the point where I can write a real build system in it).  My point here 
is that the Ant community has a "view" on the way that Ant should be 
and no one will change their minds; they will either (a) ignore or (b) 
blow off in a condescending way anyone who dares to question the 
"design" of Ant.  I'd rather not fight uphill that way.  Plus, it's 
their project and if I don't want to use it then I won't; or I will 
use it and just stop pissing into the wind trying to change things 
with the way it's developed.
There has been some very dramatic evolution (to stick with the genetics 
analogy here) of Ant in the past couple of years.  There were uphill 
battles that were fought to achieve those, but they are in and change 
the nature of how you write build files now.

The thing that bothers me in how you and John both portray the 
situation as "they".  Them or us.  Us is them, folks.  You have to 
stick around to make changes.  Dropping in to an e-mail list and firing 
off some complaints or even constructive advice and then disappearing 
in the face of adversity destines you to be ignored.  If you feel 
strongly about change in a particular project, then stand up for it.  
If you feel strongly about change in your community, whatever that may 
be, then stand up for it.

Erik, this is something that is a continuing theme with you and OSS: 
contribute to the project or shut up about it.
I suppose that this is a reasonable, though not entirely accurate, 
summary.  It's not quite accurate (about me) in that I welcome opinions 
and input.  I went out of my way to solicit input from you and John 
about Ant before I wrote the first sentence in the Ant book.  And I 
very much valued both of your contrary opinions about Ant.  And I still 
do.  The main point I make here is not to shut up about it, but rather 
face the realistic situation here.  You may get lucky in that your 
opinions/complaints are heard and someone takes them to heart and does 
something with it seeing the light that you have provided.  But far 
more realistically is that unless you actually do something about, 
you're complaining to yourself.  This phenomenon is not because the 
people developing Ant don't want it to be better or that they do not 
see flaws, its that they are doing the best they can with what they've 
got and aren't nearly as smart as you to make the brilliant changes 
that you come up with.  And "they" all have real jobs and real families 

There are no Ant developers that I know of that are making their living 
strictly off Ant.  And I can tell you most definitely that book 
royalties don't even pay to send my kids to school.  Tapestry is a 
different story, though.  It is run by someone who is attempting to 
make his living off of it, and has done a reasonably good job of 
getting it to that point where its possible.

First of all I don't have to contribute to something to have an 
opinion or not.  I can be critical of anything, but this in no way 
obligates me to improve it.
I completely agree with this sentiment... though see above.
Secondly, my contribution may not help.  Any project has people who 
are "leaders".  If those leaders don't have a vision for the acme of 
the project (i.e. what's the ultimate version of this product?)  then 
it is doomed to be a dumping ground for commit whores and those 
without a firm grasp of the totality of where the project should go, 
leaving an unorganized and ambiguous mess.
This changes the dynamic of our conversation.  The best projects are 
run by a benevolent dictator, it seems.  The creator of the project who 
keeps things focused and reviews design decisions with the totality in 
mind.  I concur with that completely.  Ant was written like that, but 
the creator of it ditched out instead of fighting to keep control.  
Tapestry and Lucene are both driven each by a single brilliant person, 
warts and all.

  Leaving stuff out is just as important as putting stuff in (probably 
more so).  If I jumped into Ant or Tapestry with both feet I probably 
would not be as big a help as I would like to be because I wouldn't be 
doing the architecture work that would be my most significant use.
You would be a huge help to Tapestry, that I can say for certain.   For 
Ant, you'd be a trouble maker!  :)

The bottom line is that

Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Drew Davidson
Erik Hatcher wrote:
On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:33 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
[lots of stuff deleted, thankfully]
Also, since you seem to not see it, the very process that the ASF uses
(strong personalities + popularity) is a huge barrier to entry of people
who could actually help make things significantly better (such as Drew

Drew has as strong a personality as anyone I know.  He has been 
invited on more than one occasion to affect Ant and Tapestry.  Drew 
chooses not to - that is the only barrier to his entry.  It is true, 
though, that the ASF has a barrier to entry - it requires learning the 
way a project works and how the ASF works currently to be able to 
effectively jump in.  ASF is not static - it is what people make of 
it.  It is a meritocracy.  Nothing happens unless someone makes it 
happen.  Changes can be made and many have been made at the highest 
levels of it.

I have to jump in since I'm being used as the rope in your tug-of-war 
here :-)

I have been "invited" to join the Ant work by you and you alone.  My 
posts to the Ant lists went either (a) ignored or (b) blown off in a 
condescending way.  In neither case did I think that my help was going 
to be appreciated or wanted.  I have critiqued the design of Ant in the 
past (both publicly and privately) and the problems that are part of Ant 
are not going away short of starting over.  The retardation is genetic 
and not curable without killing the organism.  But I didn't post this to 
bash Ant (I use it every day and it works for the basic tasks that I 
need it to do - it's just not gotten over that hump to the point where I 
can write a real build system in it).  My point here is that the Ant 
community has a "view" on the way that Ant should be and no one will 
change their minds; they will either (a) ignore or (b) blow off in a 
condescending way anyone who dares to question the "design" of Ant.  I'd 
rather not fight uphill that way.  Plus, it's their project and if I 
don't want to use it then I won't; or I will use it and just stop 
pissing into the wind trying to change things with the way it's developed.

The Tapestry side of things, however, have been more active.  I've not 
participated in the mailing lists too much except for the occasional 
post.  I have, however, been talking with Howard about what is going on 
with Tapestry and letting him know what works for me and doesn't (we 
talked LOTS over the past 6 months while I was doing a Tapestry 
project).  Lots of times this includes pointed commentary about why 
things are the way they are and ways that I think would work better.  
I'm not saying I've had too much of an effect on the next upcoming 
version of Tapestry, but I think my voice has been heard by the one 
person who matters in the Tapestry world (Jakarta or not, community or 
not, Howard is still Benevolent Overlord of Tapestry).

My final point is a bit ad-hominem, but I hope you don't take offense 
because I see this attitude other places in OSS and I want to comment on 
it.  Since I'm an OSS developer and give my stuff away for free I think 
that I have a right to comment on this behaviour and attitude and I hope 
you understand why this bothers me.

Erik, this is something that is a continuing theme with you and OSS: 
contribute to the project or shut up about it.  Well, this makes no 
sense on two levels.

First of all I don't have to contribute to something to have an opinion 
or not.  I can be critical of anything, but this in no way obligates me 
to improve it.  That's not my job; that's the job of the people who are 
in charge of it.  I don't ever, ever say anything like this to people 
who are critical of OGNL.  I try to use my position as High Lord of OGNL 
to fit people's suggestions into the overall project; I don't ask people 
to contribute or tell them that unless they contribute they may not have 
an opinion.

Secondly, my contribution may not help.  Any project has people who are 
"leaders".  If those leaders don't have a vision for the acme of the 
project (i.e. what's the ultimate version of this product?)  then it is 
doomed to be a dumping ground for commit whores and those without a firm 
grasp of the totality of where the project should go, leaving an 
unorganized and ambiguous mess.  Leaving stuff out is just as important 
as putting stuff in (probably more so).  If I jumped into Ant or 
Tapestry with both feet I probably would not be as big a help as I would 
like to be because I wouldn't be doing the architecture work that would 
be my most significant use.

The bottom line is that I only have so much time on my hands per day and 
I don't feel that I need to have to pay (with my time) to have my 
opinions matter because I'm not a committer on a particular project.

- Drew
< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <

RE: [jug-discussion] Java Tasklist/Calendar

2005-02-24 Thread Bryan . ONeal
Sigh, I have not used Outlook in a while, as I am now regularly moving between
three OS's, But if I recall correctly it was either a Franklin Covey or a
David Allen - Getting Things Done plugin

With regard to sub tasks, I would think you could use a XML formatted file for
the records and then use DOM parser and drop them into objects for
presentation.  But and if I do not include a calendar I could crank this out
in 20-30hrs (mostly because I don't know what others are doing) but If I had a
spare 20-30hrs, I would not need to have better time management ;)

Hmmm  Anyone want to toss in some ideas?
I may integrate this sort of thing into an event management project that is
being developed with PLUG's Open Source Development group.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Tim Colson (tcolson) wrote:

> Sunbird client and an ApacheServer running webDAV to store the info
> might work.
> RE: tasks with subtasks, it's a great feature, but you're SOL.
> * Jira 3.x has sub-tasks and an RPC Services API that could be
> leveraged.
> * has "ShadowPlan" with PDA sync. 
> Say -- which plugin to Outlook have you seen that does the sub-task
> thing?
> Tim
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:26 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [jug-discussion] Java Tasklist/Calendar
> > 
> > I need a task and calendaring program that:
> > 1) Will synch to a central file (preferably via ssh to 
> > my server, but
> > if I have to manually copy a few files up and down it is OK 
> > as I can just
> > write a script to get the latest copy on machine start up and 
> > upload changes
> > on shut down)
> > 2) Can be run on windows (without admin privileges is 
> > preferable, but
> > I
> > can live without)
> > 3) Can be run on OS X
> > 4) Can be run on other *nix's
> > 5) The task list needs to be tiered, such that I can put down
> > something like Arrange RSS Conference and then underneath it 
> > put subtasks
> > like, Arrange Location, Arrange Speakers, Arrange Venders, 
> > etc.  And under
> > those put tasks like Arrange Location -> UAC Conference Room, 
> > TCC Auditorium,
> > etc.  
> > 
> > I have seen pluggins for outlook that do this, but I need 
> > something a bit more
> > portable.  Any suggestions, keeping in mind I am a poor 
> > starving college
> > student?
> > 
> > I am more then willing to dump everything I have now and 
> > start with a new
> > system if it meets the requirements above.  Heck if I can get 
> > a task list that
> > does reminders I can dump the calendaring requirement as well. 
> > 
> > Any suggestions would be most appreciative
> > 
> > (Yes, I have thought about just programming one in JAVA 
> > myself, but I hardly
> > have the time)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -
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> -
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RE: [jug-discussion] Java Tasklist/Calendar

2005-02-24 Thread Tim Colson \(tcolson\)
Sunbird client and an ApacheServer running webDAV to store the info
might work. 

RE: tasks with subtasks, it's a great feature, but you're SOL.
* Jira 3.x has sub-tasks and an RPC Services API that could be
* has "ShadowPlan" with PDA sync. 

Say -- which plugin to Outlook have you seen that does the sub-task



> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: [jug-discussion] Java Tasklist/Calendar
> I need a task and calendaring program that:
>   1) Will synch to a central file (preferably via ssh to 
> my server, but
> if I have to manually copy a few files up and down it is OK 
> as I can just
> write a script to get the latest copy on machine start up and 
> upload changes
> on shut down)
>   2) Can be run on windows (without admin privileges is 
> preferable, but
> I
> can live without)
>   3) Can be run on OS X
>   4) Can be run on other *nix's
>   5) The task list needs to be tiered, such that I can put down
> something like Arrange RSS Conference and then underneath it 
> put subtasks
> like, Arrange Location, Arrange Speakers, Arrange Venders, 
> etc.  And under
> those put tasks like Arrange Location -> UAC Conference Room, 
> TCC Auditorium,
> etc.  
> I have seen pluggins for outlook that do this, but I need 
> something a bit more
> portable.  Any suggestions, keeping in mind I am a poor 
> starving college
> student?
> I am more then willing to dump everything I have now and 
> start with a new
> system if it meets the requirements above.  Heck if I can get 
> a task list that
> does reminders I can dump the calendaring requirement as well. 
> Any suggestions would be most appreciative
> (Yes, I have thought about just programming one in JAVA 
> myself, but I hardly
> have the time)
> -
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[jug-discussion] Java Tasklist/Calendar

2005-02-24 Thread Bryan . ONeal
I need a task and calendaring program that:
1) Will synch to a central file (preferably via ssh to my server, but
if I have to manually copy a few files up and down it is OK as I can just
write a script to get the latest copy on machine start up and upload changes
on shut down)
2) Can be run on windows (without admin privileges is preferable, but
can live without)
3) Can be run on OS X
4) Can be run on other *nix's
5) The task list needs to be tiered, such that I can put down
something like Arrange RSS Conference and then underneath it put subtasks
like, Arrange Location, Arrange Speakers, Arrange Venders, etc.  And under
those put tasks like Arrange Location -> UAC Conference Room, TCC Auditorium,

I have seen pluggins for outlook that do this, but I need something a bit more
portable.  Any suggestions, keeping in mind I am a poor starving college

I am more then willing to dump everything I have now and start with a new
system if it meets the requirements above.  Heck if I can get a task list that
does reminders I can dump the calendaring requirement as well. 

Any suggestions would be most appreciative

(Yes, I have thought about just programming one in JAVA myself, but I hardly
have the time)

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RE: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> Timo wrote:

> Heh heh. Non-fatal mutations can cripple an organism, lessening their
> chances for survival, and lowering the chances for reproduction (which
> is true failure)... or the mutation might create a unique characteristic
> change which heightens the organisms survival rate and ability to
> reproduce...which if you haven't caught onto the genetics of it
> a Good Thing(tm). ;-)
> Summary -- unless they are "lethal" -- meaning the offspring dies before
> birth, mutations aren't always a Bad Thing(tm).

Ah, this is a good illustration of why most of the focus on e.g., genetics
is so flawed...  Most of the thinking is around the propagation of the
individual.  However, nature works in terms of the whole.

Have fun,

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Erik Hatcher
On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:33 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
And a lot of bad "mouthing" :)
Indeed.  Alas, you're one of the rare ones who are both tough enough to
deal with that crap and still be a nice guy.
And you missed my humorous poke at you on that one :)
I don't recall any example you (or Drew, I assume) have provided as an
"evil" example of open-source.  You've both given me an earful about 
Ant sucks, but I haven't heard it as classified as evil.
Sure it is.  Ant's very popularity strongly inhibits the creation of
anything that's actually good.
Ah, so popular simply cannot be good?  Interesting.
Also, since you seem to not see it, the very process that the ASF uses
(strong personalities + popularity) is a huge barrier to entry of 
who could actually help make things significantly better (such as Drew
Drew has as strong a personality as anyone I know.  He has been invited 
on more than one occasion to affect Ant and Tapestry.  Drew chooses not 
to - that is the only barrier to his entry.  It is true, though, that 
the ASF has a barrier to entry - it requires learning the way a project 
works and how the ASF works currently to be able to effectively jump 
in.  ASF is not static - it is what people make of it.  It is a 
meritocracy.  Nothing happens unless someone makes it happen.  Changes 
can be made and many have been made at the highest levels of it.

  We all only have so much time and energy to use in our lives and
trying to deal with all of the pettiness (at best :-) is totally not 
Life is full of pettiness.  You're free to shirk it all off and go 
against the grain, but often the way to change things is to be an 
integral part of them and speak  your mind and push in the directions 
you feel it should go.

What about politics?  Family interactions?  Any group of more than one 
person requires a bit of diplomacy, compromise, and letting go.  Do you 
agree?   Or do you only do things that have no degree of "pettiness" to 

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Andrew" == Andrew Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> tomcat,apache httpd, tapestry, struts, ant, and bcel have all made my job
> or my hobby easier at one time or another.  i'm sure other
> projects have made other people's work easier.  i care oh so very little
> about whether these or other projects are evil or disfunctional.


> no one forces me to use any of them.

Really?  You work in a place where it's *not* dictated that you use them
(or, contrapositively, you e.g., "can't afford" e.g., good solutions)?  Or
do you only use them on your own pet projects but not at work?  Or what?

I'm seeing more and more projects relying on more and more F/OSS software
being forced based upon the nominal, perceived cost (i.e., zero :-) rather
than on the fully-burdened cost.


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Re: [jug-discussion] RE: Bagging on ASF...or not

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:11 PM, John D. Mitchell writes:

>> Naw, I expected the ironic humor to come through (because that's a kind
>> of argument that's made all too often on the mailing lists and
>> newsgroups). Alas.

> So you're now guilty of doing exactly that which you complain about.  Now
> that is ironic!  :)

Sigh. No, I did that on purpose.  The sad irony is that not only did that
not come through the first time but that you also misunderstood the

I despair,

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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Feb 23, 2005, at 1:03 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
>> You're confusing intent with result.  The actual results of the ASF is a
>> lot of bad software and a lot of bad "communities" around that software.

> And a lot of bad "mouthing" :)

Indeed.  Alas, you're one of the rare ones who are both tough enough to
deal with that crap and still be a nice guy.


>> Gee, if you didn't intend to kill a room of children but you did choose
>> to get behind the week of a tanker truck while impaired and
>> "accidentally" ran it into the building, is that evil?

> I don't believe in accidents.

So, to be clear, that means that you agree that that's evil?  Or what?

>> Dude.  You've been given plenty of examples over the years in our
>> conversations (and conversations that you've had with other people, at
>> least one of whom is also on this list :-) -- you just don't seem to
>> view those as being e.g., evil.

> I don't recall any example you (or Drew, I assume) have provided as an
> "evil" example of open-source.  You've both given me an earful about how
> Ant sucks, but I haven't heard it as classified as evil.

Sure it is.  Ant's very popularity strongly inhibits the creation of
anything that's actually good.

Seriously, check out my blog on "Anatomy of Insanity?" on Artima.  The
myopic focus leads to a lot of problems that, alas, almost nobody on the
inside can see but is obvious to those on the outside.  That specific
example is with Microsoft but Sun doesn't the exact same thing (but in
their own, uniquely screwed up way :-).

Also, since you seem to not see it, the very process that the ASF uses
(strong personalities + popularity) is a huge barrier to entry of people
who could actually help make things significantly better (such as Drew
:-).  We all only have so much time and energy to use in our lives and
trying to deal with all of the pettiness (at best :-) is totally not worth
it.  This is a variant of the old saw "power corrupts; absolute power
corrupts absolutely"...  The popularity+power politics attracts a lot of
people and their pet projects which are e.g., egomaniacs (regardless of how
good/bad they may be at hiding it behind complicated rationalizations).


>> The justification that "we must be good because we're giving our
>> software away for free" regardless of the quality of the community or
>> software is self-righteously self-serving.

> I've never heard that from anyone I know at ASF, either explicitly or
> implicitly.  I hope that the real underlying theme is "think globally,
> act locally".

Fish, water.  :-)


> The ASF is making it up as it goes.  If others follow thinking we're
> making the "standard" then they are misled.  They should learn from the
> trials and tribulations.  New ground is being broken - follow behind "us"
> and you might fall in the same hole we do.  So, who's fault is it that
> bad practices are happening outside the ASF?  Wanna blame the ASF on
> that?  Looking for a scapegoat it seems to me.

Nope.  I could care less about the ASF.  It was just an example.  We can
pick on nearly any organization be it F/OSS or commercial.  To be clear,
the reason that the Apache group is such a target is that they are often
help up as an exemplar of the "best" of the F/OSS community and therefore
they have been given a lot of power as e.g., a role model.

Some other posters in this thread have brought up the notion of genetics.
As noted, it's a bit of a hard analogy to get too work well.  I prefer the
notion of ecology.  There's a relatively diverse number of biomes relating
to software and there's a fairly complex set of ecologies therein.  It's
utterly fascinating to me how the biomes are merging and so the ecologies
are also being forced into new equilibria.

Take care,

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Re: [jug-discussion] RE: Bagging on ASF...or not

2005-02-24 Thread Erik Hatcher
On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:11 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
"Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Feb 23, 2005, at 12:48 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
But sure, I'll concede that yours really is bigger than mine if you 
to play that game :) Funny how you've managed to turn it around into 
kind of chest thumping thing.
Naw, I expected the ironic humor to come through (because that's a 
kind of
argument that's made all too often on the mailing lists and
newsgroups). Alas.
So you're now guilty of doing exactly that which  you complain about.  
Now that is ironic!  :)

Even more ironic is that you brought this thread back to life with a 
reply of mine that was sent to you privately (yes, I did agree that it 
was acceptable to bring it back to the list), and brought it to a 
"community" list specific to a community that neither of us actually 
reside.  I suppose the hard-core sociologists would have a field day 
with the irony of it all.


Mea culpa,
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Re: [jug-discussion] RE: Bagging on ASF...or not

2005-02-24 Thread John D. Mitchell
> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Feb 23, 2005, at 12:48 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:

> But sure, I'll concede that yours really is bigger than mine if you want
> to play that game :) Funny how you've managed to turn it around into some
> kind of chest thumping thing.

Naw, I expected the ironic humor to come through (because that's a kind of
argument that's made all too often on the mailing lists and
newsgroups). Alas.

Mea culpa,

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RE: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Tim Colson \(tcolson\)
> There is a lot of room for non-fatal mutations 
> (like Tomcat,
> >Jetspeed, ...and Drew ) to survive and even procreate. Heck, I
> >hear Drew has a reay cute kid that looks nothing like him. 
> >  
> >
> This is the second thread that I've been forceable dragged 
> into :-)  And 
> now Tim is making inflamatory remarks about both my genetics and my 
> progeny.  Is this flame bait, Timo? :-)

Heh heh. Non-fatal mutations can cripple an organism, lessening their
chances for survival, and lowering the chances for reproduction (which
is true failure)... or the mutation might create a unique characteristic
change which heightens the organisms survival rate and ability to
reproduce...which if you haven't caught onto the genetics of it
a Good Thing(tm). ;-)

Summary -- unless they are "lethal" -- meaning the offspring dies before
birth, mutations aren't always a Bad Thing(tm).

(...but Jetspeed still really does suck. )


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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Drew Davidson
Tim Colson (tcolson) wrote:
[some stuff deleted]
As Andy pointed out... maybe will kill or
maybe not. There is a lot of room for non-fatal mutations (like Tomcat,
Jetspeed, ...and Drew ) to survive and even procreate. Heck, I
hear Drew has a reay cute kid that looks nothing like him. 

This is the second thread that I've been forceable dragged into :-)  And 
now Tim is making inflamatory remarks about both my genetics and my 
progeny.  Is this flame bait, Timo? :-)

- Drew
< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
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Re: [jug-discussion] the languages that we create....

2005-02-24 Thread Randolph Kahle
There are all kinds of problems with this analogy.  It assumes that 
the quality of a project is unknowable at the outset so mutations are 
in fact random.  This might actually be reasonable.  Groovy apparently 
looked for quite a while like a good project and has recently started 
sucking.  bcel started out looking very cool, but kind of died for a 
while (though it might be back again).  considering the many 
non-technical reasons an open source project may fail, judging project 
quality at any point in its evolution seems tricky enough to make 
randomness reasonable.
I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Are you arguing for or 
against an evolutionary analogy?

From your description of these open-source projects (and the general 
context of this thread) it sounds like they are mostly ego trips. 
Someone thought of an idea that might be "cool", didn't take the time 
to think deeply about the subject area, started coding, hyped the 
project ...

I have to ask: why does an open-source project take an evolutionary 
path as you describe? To me that indicates the project had unclear 
goals, confused objectives, insufficient research and/or knowledge 
applied to it.


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