Re: KDE Goals office hour this Friday

2019-07-19 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Hey folks :)

Attached is the log of today's office hour. Thanks everyone for coming.
If anyone else has questions related to the goals or needs help
refining one please let me know.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors -
19:00  Hey everyone :)
19:00  Who's here for the goals office hour?
19:00  hello
19:00  I am here
19:00  hi! I'm here :)
19:00  I'm here :)
19:00  Present, almost an hour early by mistake :D
19:01  apologies if my messages are delayed, I seem to have some sort 
of a lag
19:01  yay :) that's already more people than i expected
19:01  \o/
19:02  So I wanted to take this time to answer and general questions 
about the goals and also talk through specific questions you have for any 
particular goal or provide tips for shaping them.
19:02  I'm here too
19:02  Let's start with collecting topics you want to cover?
19:03  I don't have anything in particular
19:03  ok
19:03  skadinna: you wanted to talk about the documentation goal?
19:03  what else?
19:03  In more general terms, I'd be interested to learn how success 
of the goals is evaluated/measured. And more specifically, I'd like to get some 
advice on what to do with my proposal, because I'm debating whether I should 
drop it.
19:04  I have my "enterprise goal" if people have comments on that
19:04  *nod*
19:04  link to all goals for those who need it:
19:04  skadinna: can you elaborate on what makes you consider 
dropping your proposal, it looks like a very solid goal!
19:04  There are several privacy proposals that could be merged with 
the old one :)
19:05  skadinna: neofytosk[m]: hear hear!
19:05  ivan|home: yeah there are two. I asked them to not merge them 
with last year's ticket because it became very messy
19:05  I also left a comment in one of them to figure out if the two 
new ones should be merged or if they can be made more distinct
19:05  ivan|home: my understanding is that we can re-boost old 
goals if they are voted again, and yes it makes sense to have a common proposal 
for all if they do overlap
19:06 ⇐ michaelweghorn quit (~michaelwe@2001:a61:25ce:601:9738:fcb8:1bd3:7d73) 
Quit: Konversation terminated!
19:06  Nightrose: but they could be merged between them
19:06  yeah privacy or something related can definitely go in again
19:06  yeah
19:06  neat, that makes sense
19:06 one of them is mine.
19:06  bshah|matrix: hey :)
19:06 ⇐ notmart_ quit (~diau@kde/mart) Quit: notmart terminated!
19:07  alright let's start with skadinna's specific questions
19:07  neofytosk[m]: sure! :) My original idea was this: reduce 
complexity to improve discoverability. Meaning, people can't read the docs or 
contribute to them if they can't find them. And they can't find them because 
they're split up into different locations, which introduces complexity. But 
then as I started receiving feedback on it, I realized that this centralization 
might not be possible or even desirable for a number of reasons
19:07  People seem to like the wikis even though they have some 
serious technical disadvantages. So moving things away from the wikis is out of 
the question
19:07  I'm ultimately not sure if I should just merge it, or not? 
IMO topic of my goal is quite large, and distinct, that's why I had submitted 
another goal.
19:08  I think you have identified a good problem (our documentation 
is hard to find)
19:08  Plus, there are probably good reasons for why some things are 
split up from the rest
19:08  But there are many ways of fixing it
19:08  And the goals usually shouldn't prescribe a solution
19:08  centralizing documentation is just one way of solving the 
discoverability problem
19:08  "wikis [...] have some serious technical disadvantages" - which 
19:08  Yeah, it's totally possible that I misunderstood what the 
goals are about :/
19:09 → ehustad joined (
19:09  The beauty is that as part of the current step we don't need 
the solution.
19:09  We need to describe the change we want to see in the world.
19:09  lamefun: version history is clunky at best. search is not very 
intuitive, at least not for beginners/newcomers
19:09  "And the goals usually shouldn't prescribe a solution" - I 
like it when they do - not as a 'written in stone' type of thing, but to give 
ideas to people joining the goal
19:09  skadinna: maybe the problem you identified is on the right 
path but through discussion you can consider different solutions. but as 
Nightrose mentioned, don't overthink the solution atm.
19:09  And then we have time to discuss the proper solution later
19:10  either way, let's not get too caught up in implementation 
details right now
19:10 → michaelweghorn joined (~michaelwe@2001:a61:25ce:601:9738:fcb8:1bd3:7d73)
19:10  ivan|home: it is fine in the text to propose one way of going 
about it of course. but a 

Re: KDE Goals office hour this Friday

2019-07-19 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Hey :)

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 8:15 PM Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
> Hey folks :)
> We have a number of great goal proposals
> ( and it's time to
> refine them until the middle of August. To answer questions and help
> with refining we're doing an office hour this Friday. It's going to be
> at 17:00 UTC in #kde-devel on freenode IRC. See
> for the time in your timezone.
> If you proposed a goal and need some feedback or if you want to help
> get the proposals in shape please join us.

Just a quick reminder that this is in one hour.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors -

KDE Goals office hour this Friday

2019-07-16 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Hey folks :)

We have a number of great goal proposals
( and it's time to
refine them until the middle of August. To answer questions and help
with refining we're doing an office hour this Friday. It's going to be
at 17:00 UTC in #kde-devel on freenode IRC. See
for the time in your timezone.
If you proposed a goal and need some feedback or if you want to help
get the proposals in shape please join us.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors -