>Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 11:43:29 EST
>Subject: First Reports of December Ist Actions in Russia

>from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ISWoR web-site  -    http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html
>Sent by ISWoR activist Graham Campbell in Moscow - 2nd December '00.
>Once again the resistence of the organised working class of Russia to the
>draconian proposals represented by the new KZoT or Labour code has been
>demonstrated beyond any doubt.
>In St Petersburg 1000 workers demonstrated
>outside the regional assembly blocking the main road Voinova Street for
>several hours with some minor clashes with police. Workers in
>Nizhni-Novgorod factories Elektromash, MUP Wodokanakl and Red Sormovo staged
>meetings and marches and were featured prominently on Moscow and local
>regional television; as were protestors in Tambov where 100 workers blocked
>the street forced local their Duma deputy to conduct a question and answer
>session on TV about the KZoT.
>Most importantly the Russia dockers union staged a five minute warning
>strike at all ports at 10 am Moscow time (GMT + 3Hrs) right across Russia to
>protest the anti-union measure. The FITUR-affiliated trade union for October
>railway (which runs from Moscow to St Petersburg) also took part, signalling
>the broad trade union support for the anti-KZoT beyond the two sponsoring
>unions Zashchita (Defence or Protection) or SOTSPROF (Central Council of
>Trade Unions) whose regional committees and locals took action in numerous
>In Moscow - around 100 workers at the world famous ZIL automotive factory
>staged a protest at the humpbacked bridge near the plant at lunchtime as
>their contribution to actions across Russia against President Putin's new
>Labour code (KZoT). Traffic was blocked for a hour.
>Across Russia the most impressive actions were in Astrakhan led by Duma
>Deputy Oleg Shein where rallies and strikes were held and are ongoing in
>tens of factories for a big day of action and rally on Dec 3rd.
>And in Tyumen Region where rallies were held by Sotsprof at factories in
>Noyarbsk and an all out strike of educational workers, pre-school and
>primary school teachers, and correctional school teachers, took place across
>the region supported by the Tyumen Regional Committee fo Soviet Women, in
>the Central and Lenin districts of Tyumen city and the following centres:
>Baikalovsk (Tobolsk), Golismanovo, Kalinin, Lenin area, Medvedevskaya,
>Yurginskaya region, Yumas village.
>In the Kuzbass mining region of Siberia, workers at Anzhero-Sudzhensk once
>again blocked the Trans-Siberian railway in protest.
>in Kirov a meeting of the regional duma took place accomplanied by rallies
>and stoppages at two factories Bio-him-zavod and Aviteck as well as school
>No 16 which was suppprted by Zaschita, local student unions, teachers and
>the local Congress of Women, and left groups including the RKRP, the Kirov
>Marxist Group.
>In Samara, a reception meeting for the two state duma deputies (one from the
>liberal Yabloko party and one from the Union of Rightist Forces) became a
>discussion of the KZoT which both deputies went on record in opposing!
>Meanwhile in Siberia and the far east of Russia, workers from the Energomash
>BOR Ltd led actrion in Primorye terroitory including the factory trade union
>organisation at Vladivostok SRZ.
>In Irkutsk SOTSPROF regional committee also
>took part along with the sewing factory 'Patterns'; and  workers at the
>Irkutsk State University scientific library. Workers at the Federal Nuclear
>Centre at the formerly secret city of Arzamas-16 once again staged action
>assemblies against the KZoT. Workers action also took place in Penza,
>Sergiev Posad, Orenburg, Ufa, Voronezh, Bashkortorstan and Kazan
>- - - - - - -
>There are also other reports of serious events happening in Astrakhan. Info
>as soon as possible. Or go to our website for latest.
>puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources.
>If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or
>want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:   >[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
>Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England


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