New Worker Online Digest Feb 4

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

New Worker Online Digest

Week commencing 4th February, 2000.

1) Editorial - Peace matters.

2) Lead story - True cost of NHS bed shortage.

3) Feature article - New police enquiry into Telford hangings.

4) International story - More Unionist threats to the Irish peace process.

5) British news item - Connex drivers achieve resounding victory.

1) Editorial

Peace matters.

WHEN it comes to the peace process in Ireland it is the maintainance of the
ceasefire and the advance of social equality and justice which really
matters, not the handing in of weapons by some arbitrary date.

 The rush for immediate decommissioning of weapons is a demand from the
most backward and bigoted section of the Unionist camp -- one which
Unionist leader David Trimble is all too willing to oblige.

 It is not even a genuine demand but a tub-thumping device to scupper the
peace process and continue with the old ways of subjecting the Catholic
community of northern Ireland to institutionalised discrimination and
social injustice.

 If Republicans had taken the same boneheaded view from their own
standpoint -- that peace and progress could not begin until British and
Loyalist weapons were decommissioned -- there would have been no IRA
ceasefire and no peace process at all.

 The progress that has been achieved so far is based on the courageous
steps taken by the IRA in calling and maintaining its ceasefire, by Sinn
Fein and the SDLP in fighting for the peace process to get underway and by
the majority of the people from both communities who voted for the Good
Friday Agreement and expressed their desire for an end to violence.

 In all of this has been an understanding that peace has to be built on
justice and on growing trust and that the weapons and means of war will
finally go when the fear and the oppression are gone.

 It is unreasonable -- ridiculous even -- to expect the oppressed community
to disarm before members of the new Assembly have even had time to get used
to saying "good morning" to each other let alone carry out the reforms
necessary for building a lasting peace.

 Decommissioning should be seen as the fruit of the struggle for peace, not
a demand made at the outset by a bunch of bigots hoping to bring the new
Assembly to a grinding halt.

 The British imperialist state, which lies at the root of the divisions and
the violence, has not only failed to speak out against the reactionary
Orange bigots but has so far failed to adequately carry out its
self-appointed task of reforming the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), apart
from a little tinkering and the dropping of the word "royal" from its title.

 This has a bearing on the weapons issue since decommissioning depends on
both Republicans and Loyalists feeling confident that they have security
and that the police and other agents of the state will be impartial, fair
and willing to protect and serve all of the people without fear or favour.

 The RUC is light years away from this position. It has always been a
sectarian, almost entirely Protestant, force which has played a major
rolein the long-standing oppression of the Catholic minority. The Catholic
community neither trusts nor wants this remnant of the past -- and with
very good reason.

 Not surprisingly the capitalist media gives plenty of space and air time
to Trimble and the bigots behind him. This promotes the view that the
threat to peace comes from the weapons of the IRA.

 This all flies in the face of the fact that the IRA ceasefire has held
firm despite many deliberate provocations and that Loyalist gunmen have in
that time carried out sectarian killings.

 it also ignores the fact that the largest arsenal of all belongs to the
British Army. Despite the opening of the Assembly, British troops continue
to circle the fields and villages of South Armagh in military helicopters
and the many fortified barracks continue to cast a shadow over the north of

 Nor should it be forgotten that weapons do not fire themselves -- if there
were a return to violence it would arise from a breakdown in the struggle
for peace.

 The armed groups are not equal in the decommissioning stakes. For the
British Army decommissioning is meaningless since it is an army and always
has a ready supply of guns. Only British withdrawal from Ireland would meet
the requirements.

 The Loyalist para-military gangs are in a similar position. It is never
really explained where their weapons come from but considering which
interests they ultimately serve it is clear there would always be a ready
resupply available.

 In this situation the demands for immediate decommissioning are simply
calls for one-sided disannament based on holding the
democratically-approved Assembly to hostage.


2) Lead story

True cost of NHS bed shortage.

by Daphne Liddle

FIGURES published last week reveal that 26 patients died in December in the
London area as doctors tried desperately to 

China Accuses US Seeking To Dominate The World

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 04:13:44 +0200 (EET)

Subject: Fw: China Accuses U.S. Of Seeking To Dominate The World

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Hindustan Times
February 2, 2000, New Delhi

ForeignChina accuses US of seeking to dominate the world
Beijing, February 1 (AFP)
CHINA TODAY slammed a White House report on US global leadership
objectives in the next century, saying it was tantamount to a manifesto
for world domination.
"'To lead the world' is the same thing as seeking global hegemony, so
this report is the same thing as a manifesto on the US plan to establish
global hegemony in the 21st century," the leading People's Daily said in
a signed commentary.
US insistence on taking a "leadership role" and "forging a new world
order" were clear indications of US hegemony, it said, as was US
willingness to protect its economic interests abroad and promote global
democracy and human rights.
The commentary came as the US House of Representatives prepared to vote
today on the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, which will allow for close
ties between the US and Taiwan military leaders.
The People's Daily was referring to the White House report "a national
strategic security for a new century," which was released in Washington
in early January.
The article said Washington wanted fulfil its desire to dominate the
world after it failed to do so at the end of World War II and the cold
"The US believes that up until the year 2015 there will be no other
global strategic adversary capable of opposing it, so this is its third
opportunity to claim title to global hegemony."
America would achieve its goals through the use of its "soft forces" .
These forces include the internet, film, television, books, capital and
consumer products - which would be backed up by the "hard forces" of its
military as seen in the 1991 Gulf war and the bombing of Yugoslavia last
year, it said.

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Social Democracy Not Less Dangerous Than Haider

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 04:02:50 +0200 (EET)

Subject: Austria: Haider and the politically correct totalitarism


Social Democracy is no Less Dangerous than Haider=92s Rightist Populism

Via =93anti-fascist=94 follies to =93politically correct=94 totalitarianism=
the possibility of a government with participation of the Austrian Freedom
Party (FP=D6)

Declaration of the Revolutionary Communist League (RKL)

Not only in Austria, but all over Europe, an =93anti-fascist=94 cry of
leftist-liberals against Haiderism can be heard, even in
Christian-conservative circles. Even Hillary Clinton felt bound to speak ou=
against Haider. Those =93humanist=94 crocodile tears of the ruling imperial=
bourgeoisie are dutifully reproduced by the left. Now the EU commission
crowned the whole story, announcing officially to isolate Austria in case o=
FP=D6 government participation.

It is a terrible mistake not to know the main enemy

From an international point of view, the ruling group of the New World Orde=
is left-wing liberalism. Left-wing liberalism advances neo-liberal
globalisation, boundless exploitation of the Third World and even the
impoverishment of relevant parts of the population in the West, they advanc=
=93humanitarian interventionism=94 =97 i. e. global imperialist aggression =
the guise of human rights. If an analogy with fascism can be seen today,
then it is rather the political current expressed in its most clear form by
Clinton and Blair. Tell us, what is the difference between the alleged
attack of Poland against Germany, and the massacre of Racak =97 both pretex=
for aggression wars? The difference might be that the United States of
America in their fantasy of omnipotence gave such a poor fabrication that
the truth was found out even before their final defeat. Are the genocide
programmes of the USA launched against Vietnam, Kurdistan, Palestine, Iraq
and Yugoslavia less bad than the Nazi schemes called Lebensraum East, just
because they have been committing them under the label of human rights?
Genocide has a constant factor of imperialist capitalism for more than a
hundred years! The main difference between modern =93human rights=94 imperi=
and fascism is the internal r=E9gime, the political structure in the
imperialist centres, which is not based on violent oppression of the
antagonist working classes by means of civil war, but it is based on social=
political and cultural integration of these working classes as junior
partners of imperialist aggression. This makes modern imperialism even more
dangerous, because it is more impenetrable. It is thus small wonder that th=
ideological plaster of neo-liberal globalisation has =93leftist=94 origins.=
there is a lack of an antagonist working-class movement, the conception of
=93civil society=94 is transforming set pieces of comprehensive human
emancipation into a system that is not just compatible with capitalism but
even stabilising capitalism. The end of history is proclaimed, and any
collective social action is said to be not just meaningless, but even
anti-democratic and totalitarian. Only the individual counts, organising it=
immediate environment, e. g. by participating in NGOs. Freedom and
emancipation are said to be only attainable by individual and isolated
personal initiative. Individuals communicate only in the sphere of the
market which creates ostensibly objective, inherent necessities (Sachzw=E4n=
that are beyond the influence of the people, and ostensibly equal democracy=
The authoritarian state that found its most extreme form in fascism, must b=
restrained, but: The capitalist state as such is left untouched.
Communitarianism, =93civilian=94 neo-liberalism =97 a late decay product of=
failure and integration of the 1968 movements =97 renders new stability (at
least temporarily) to crisis-ridden capitalism by oppressing any collective

To call Haider a fascist is a clear expression of ignorance of the historic
phenomenon of fascism as a r=E9gime of (preventive) civil war against a soc=
revolution. Haider does actually have roots in that tradition, but his rise
is owed to his breaking with this tradition. Rightist populism has no party
apparatus to speak of (in stark contrast to fascism): Right until today
their party =97 or rather public relations factory =97 has difficulties to =
cadres to fill the abundant political functions, especially on the lower
levels of representation, and their party is not based on mass activism at
all. The ascend of J=F6rg Haider is due to the virtuous American-style medi=
staging. His populism has neither a unified political programme nor a firm
social basis. All those econimistic analyses of the FP=D6 as an expression =
those who lost in the modernisation process are rather superficial.
Haiderism rather is an eclectic movement of protest not only against the
social but also 

Le fascisme au pouvoir : la Turquie, l'Autriche. Et après ?

2000-02-04 Thread Roger ROMAIN
Title: mml-info2

ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 
- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin 
To: Benjamin Pestieau 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 2:23 AM
Subject: mml-info


Bonjour à tous, 
Dans toutes les unifs, Haider est sur toutes les 
lèvres. Mais qui est-il vraiment? Voilà de quoi traite la première partie de ce 
MML-info. Mais nous avons voulu aller plus loin et lancer le débat sur l'origine 
de la montée des partis fascistes partout en Europe et particulièrement en 
Autriche. Finallement nous terminons par des propositions concrètes d'actions 

Ettouffons la 
bête immonde !
Mercredi soir, Jorg Haïder, leader du parti 
d'extrême-droite autrichien (FPÖ dit Parti de la «liberté») et 
Wolfgang Schüssel, le leader du parti conservateur (ÖVP) ont 
conclu un accord gouvernemental. C'est la première fois depuis la venue de 
Mussolini au pouvoir en Italie, de Franco en Espagne et d'Hitler en Allemagne 
que les fascistes entrent dans un gouvernement européen.  
Mais qui est 
Jorg Haïder ? 
Le FPÖ est né en 1956, comme le continuateur d'un 
petit parti, l'Association des Indépendants, créé en 1949 pour servir de refuge 
aux anciens nazis. Ses deux premiers dirigeants, Anton Reinthaller et 
Frederich Peter, étaient, le premier un ancien cadre du parti nazi et le 
second un officier de la Waffen SS.(1) 
Aux élections parlementaires de 1986 (avec 
de l'arrivée de Jorg Haider à la tête du parti), le FPÖ obtient 9.73% des voix ; 
en 1990, 16.64% ; en 1994, 22.5% ; en 1995, 21.9% et en octobre 1999, 26.9%, 
devenant le deuxième parti du pays en dépassant les conservateurs de quelques 
dizaines de voix.(2) 
Le FPÖ, le Parti de Jorg Haider est un parti 
clairement fascsite. Ce parti défend un société exclusivement chrétienne et 
définit comme principal ennemi "l'islam fondamentaliste mais aussi le 
(consumentisme) hédoniste, ainsi que le capitalisme agressif et l'obscurantisme 
qui trahit le fondement spirituel de l'Autriche. Le troisième chapitre du 
programme du FPO s'appelle « Autriche d'abord ». Ici, il devient clair 
que le programme défend un patriotisme qui doit animer tout autrichien et qui ne 
souffre ni doute ni critique. Néanmoins le principal thème de son programme 
reste la xénophobie. Haider veut introduire dans la constitution autrichienne 
que « l'Autriche n'est pas un pays d'immigration » et veut imposer des mesures 
d'expulsions rigoureuses des étrangers et des demandeurs d'asile. Il veut aussi 
imposer aux étrangers hors UE un système de contrat saisonniers qui les 
empêchent de s'établir durablement en Autriche. Il prône aussi l'établissement 
d'une carte d'identité spéciale que les étrangers serait toujours obligés de 
porter sur eux."(3) 
Dans un autre registre tout aussi terrible, Haider 
a reconnu que "la grande fortune dont il hérité (600 millions de fb!) 
avait été réalisée à l'époque de la politique nazie 'd'aryanisation', 
c'est-à-dire à travers la spoliation des juifs. " (4) 
Il a déja cité Hitler en exemple pour sa 
politique de l'emploi et rendu hommage aux "valeureux combattants" de la 
Wehrmacht (l'armée allemande pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). 
Encore un dernier point très important du Parti de 
Haider est son rejet de "l'égalitarisme". Pour les fascistes autrichiens du FPÖ 
l'égalité est incompatible avec la liberté. Economiquement il veut suivre la 
politique de Thatcher c'est-à-dire une société où les "forts" pourraient 
librement l'emporter sur les "faibles". (6)   
(1) Journal du Mardi, 1er février, p7 
(2) Ibidem, p6 
(3) NRC Handelsblad, mardi 1er février 
(4) Journal du Mardi, 1er février, p7 
(5) Ibidem, p7 
(6) Ibidem p7   
L'Europe unie 
rempart contre le fascisme ? 
L'arrivée de Haider au gouvernement autrichien 
nous interpelle certainement sur la question de l'origine de la montée du 
fascisme partout en Europe ainsi que la manière d'y réagir concrètement. Nous ne 
pourrons passer à côté des questions suivantes dans nos actions pour stopper le 

  l'Europe sera-t-elle réellement le rempart 
  contre le fascisme? N'est-elle pas au contraire de part sa politique (de 
  fascisation) la source de la montée du fascisme? 
  Toutes les politiques européennes qui ont 
  conduit des centaines de milliers de gens dans l'exclusion ne sont-elles pas à 
  l'origine de la montée du fascisme? 
  l'application de parties des programmes des 
  partis fascistes (centres fermés à l'écart des ville pour les sans-papiers, 
  fermeture totale des frontières, etc) n'ont-elles pas contribuer à légitimer 
  les arguments fascistes et politiques fascistes? 
  Toutes les politiques sécuritaires tournées 
  spécialement vers les jeunes d'origines immigrés (rapport Verwilghen), ne 
  favorise-t-il pas les réflexes racistes et fascistes? 

Kohl-Mitterand : mêmes combats, mêmes magouilles !

2000-02-04 Thread Roger ROMAIN

ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 

La droite allemande buvait des pots-de-vin de 
2,5 milliards de FB. C'est l'estimation - provisoire - de l'argent 
noir du parti de l'ex-chancelier Kohl. Parmi les donateurs, Mitterrand (via Elf) 
et le magnat de l'acier et de l'armement Thyssen, dont le grand-père finançait 
déjà Hitler. Après les Belges, les Français et les Italiens, les Allemands 
découvrent que leurs politiciens sont des pantins grassement payés par les 
Herwig Lerouge
Ce n'est que quand les gros se battent entre eux que nous apprenons ce qui se 
passe réellement derrière les coulisses du pouvoir dans la démocratie 
parlementaire. Cette fois, l'homme par qui le scandale est arrivé est un 
certain Karlheinz Schreiber. Marchand d'armes allemand, représentant de la firme 
Thyssen-Krupp AG, il se trouve aujourd'hui au Canada. Il est en liberté après 
avoir payé une caution de 32 millions de FB mais fait l'objet d'un mandat 
d'arrêt international pour corruption et fraude fiscale. Il se démène pour 
empêcher son extradition vers l'Allemagne. L'homme veut sauver sa peau: «The 
war is on», la guerre est déclarée, a-t-il déclaré à la revue Stern à 
Toronto.Lors de la vente de chars, d'avions Airbus et d'autres affaires 
juteuses, Schreiber aurait reçu des commissions de l'ordre de centaines de 
millions de FB. La plus grande partie servait d'ailleurs à payer des pots-de-vin 
à des chefs d'entreprise, à des politiciens et même à l'ancien chef de la sûreté 
de l'Etat, Holger Pfahls, aujourd'hui planqué en Asie. 
Vente de chars à l'Arabie SaouditeSchreiber entraîne dans sa chute 
tout le sommet de la CDU, en particulier Helmut Kohl, chancelier (Premier 
ministre) de 1983 à 1998. En août 1991, il rencontre à Zurich le trésorier de 
l'Union démocrate-chrétienne (CDU), Kiep, accompagné de son conseiller, Horst 
Weyrauch. Schreiber transmet à Weyrauch une valise contenant un million de marks 
(vingt millions de FB). D'après Kiep, l'argent provient de la firme 
Thyssen-Krupp AG et concerne une affaire de vente de 36 chars Thyssen à l'Arabie 
Saoudite. Le gouvernement aurait décidé de livrer ces chars contre l'avis des 
généraux. Selon la firme, il s'agit d'un don tout à fait normal à un parti et 
non d'un pot-de-vin.
Des oiseaux troglodytes à 650 millionsToujours est-il que cet 
argent n'est pas passé par la caisse du parti. Weyrauch l'a déposé sur un des 
comptes occultes ouverts avec l'accord de Kohl. Ils ont été approvisionnés avec 
des 'dons' de grandes firmes comme le champion de vente par correspondance 
Quelle. De cette façon, il était impossible de découvrir l'origine des 
fonds. En puisant dans ces comptes, Kohl aurait distribué des centaines de 
millions de francs aux sections régionales de la CDUKohl refuse jusqu'à ce 
jour de livrer les noms de ces généreux donateurs. Chaque jour, les experts qui 
épluchent les comptes de la CDU trouvent de nouveaux millions de marks dont 
l'origine n'est pas claire.En 1993, Weyrauch et le prince Casimir zu 
Wittgenstein, le trésorier de la CDU de Hesse, ont également ouvert en Suisse un 
compte sous le nom de 'troglodyte'. Sans doute espéraient-ils qu'on ne 
retrouverait jamais un si petit oiseau. A cet époque, le président de la CDU de 
Hesse était Manfred Kanther. Ce dernier allait devenir ministre de l'Intérieur 
et l'homme le plus à cheval sur la loi et l'ordre de l'ère Kohl. Il a fait voter 
une nouvelle loi sur le financement des partis politiques. Mais juste avant, il 
a encore vite mis 650 millions de francs d'argent noir à l'abri. Il semble que 
d'autres sommes sont passées au Liechtenstein. 
Elf fait le plein à Kohl sur ordre de MitterrandLe Parlement a 
décidé de mettre sur pied une commission d'enquête parlementaire sur l'affaire 
des comptes occultes de la CDU. Le député Volker Neumann en sera probablement le 
président. En tant que socialiste, il a de bonnes raisons d'enquêter sur un 
aspect cocasse de l'affaire: le financement de la campagne électorale de Kohl en 
1994 par le président français Mitterrand. En 1992, la firme pétrolière 
française Elf Aquitaine aurait versé des pots-de-vin pour quelque 1,8 milliard 
de FB, dont au moins 270 millions sont allés à la CDU. Dans le cadre de la vente 
au rabais de toute l'industrie est-allemande construite au cours de quarante ans 
par les travailleurs, Elf Aquitaine a reçu le droit d'exploiter le réseau de 
pompes à essence Minol et la raffinerie de pétrole de Leuna en ex-RDA. Selon 
des responsables d'Elf Aquitaine, c'est Mitterrand en personne qui aurait donné 
l'ordre de verser cette somme. Et les services secrets français auraient 
participé à l'opération. On ne voyait déjà plus la différence entre le programme 
des socialistes et celui de la droite. Mais de là à financer leurs campagnes 
électorales... Selon 

Le débat au sein du PCF

2000-02-04 Thread Roger ROMAIN

ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 

Interview de Jean-Luc Sallé, de la Coordination 
«Le PCF n'est plus 
Alors que le Parti communiste français (PCF) tiendra son 30ème 
Congrès fin mars, la direction du parti est de plus en plus contestée, surtout 
depuis sa participation au gouvernement Jospin. Solidaire s'est entretenu 
avec Jean-Luc Sallé, responsable national de la Coordination communiste, active 
au sein du PCF.
Jean Pestieau
«La 'Coordination communiste pour la continuité révolutionnaire et la 
renaissance léniniste du PCF' s'est créée fin 1991, explique Jean-Luc Sallé. 
L'opportunisme aggravé de la direction du PCF et la contre-révolution en URSS 
ont obligé des militants restés communistes à mettre fin à leur isolement et à 
coordonner leur action oppositionnelle. L'objectif était alors de surmonter 
la dispersion pour livrer une bataille frontale contre la direction et son 
révisionnisme, de regrouper les militants révolutionnaires. A ce moment là, nous 
n'écartions aucune hypothèse: reconquête ou reconstruction? La pratique, 
l'impact de nos idées, nous permettraient d'affirmer, pensions-nous, notre 
stratégie pour la renaissance du PCF.»Comment le PCF est-il passé 
d'un parti révolutionnaire marxiste-léniniste à un parti gestionnaire de la 
France impérialiste?Jean-Luc Sallé. Tout d'abord, je voudrais 
préciser que nous nous inscrivons comme continuateurs du passé révolutionnaire 
du PCF. Ce parti a été un parti communiste de masse, très influent dans la 
classe ouvrière, assurant l'hégémonie du courant révolutionnaire sur le 
réformisme. D'où de grands combats: Front Populaire, Résistance, solidarité 
internationale avec l'URSS, anti-colonialisme...Parallèlement, des fautes 
opportunistes étaient commises, inspirées par des tendances au légalisme, à 
l'électoralisme, sous-estimant le rôle des masses, leur initiative créatrice. 
Tant que le PCF restait communiste, ses fautes étaient autocritiquées et 
corrigées. Mais avec le développement du révisionnisme dans le mouvement 
communiste international, l'écart entre théorie et pratique s'est creusé, 
ouvrant ainsi la voie à une révision générale des principes.En 1976, au 
22ème congrès, les éléments révisionnistes, actifs à tous les échelons depuis 
des années, ont pris les rênes du parti pour éliminer du programme la dictature 
du prolétariat (et de la théorie marxiste de l'Etat!).S'inaugure alors un 
processus révisionniste à certains égards, original par sa relative lenteur: 
chaque abandon a été 'digéré' avant de passer à l'étape suivante, chaque fois au 
nom de 'conditions nouvelles': abandon de la révolution, socialisme, du pouvoir 
de la classe ouvrière et de ses alliés, de la propriété collective des moyens de 
production, du marxisme, de l'internationalisme...Au 28ème congrès, une 
nouvelle étape a été franchie: celle du passage du parti révisionniste au 
réformisme social-démocrate. C'est l'ère de la 'mutation', curieux concept qui 
vise à faire émerger une force social-démocrate s'inscrivant dans l'aménagement 
social du capitalisme, dans la collaboration de classe.Toutefois, mesurons 
aussi que la bourgeoisie ne soutient la 'mutation' de Robert Hue (secrétaire 
général du PCF) que si ce dernier garde son influence sur les travailleurs, s'il 
parvient à empêcher toute renaissance d'une avant-garde 
communiste.Comment se fait-il que les dirigeants du PCF se soient 
tournés contre la défense des intérêts de la classe ouvrière? Par quel 
mécanisme?Jean-Luc Sallé. Les idées ne tombent pas du ciel. Il 
faut analyser effectivement les causes matérielles qui ont engendré le 
révisionnisme et le réformisme. L'impérialisme, en surexploitant les peuples des 
pays dominés et dépendants, dégage des surprofits qui permettent au capital la 
corruption de certaines couches de travailleurs: ce qu'on appelle l'aristocratie 
et la bureaucratie ouvrières.En France, après la libération du fascisme, les 
conquêtes sociales ont permis au PCF de gagner beaucoup d'emplois de permanents 
syndicaux et politiques. Le phénomène a eu des aspects négatifs, les éléments 
les moins conscients du point de vue révolutionnaire se sont donnés des 
sinécures: encadrement de loisirs, vacances, assurances...Il s'est 
cristallisé ainsi progressivement une couche sociale 'au-dessus' du prolétariat. 
C'est cette couche qui a été le soutien social du révisionnisme avec une ligne 
qui consistait à 'contester le système sans le renverser', parce que leur cadre 
de vie les intégrait au capitalisme.Ensuite la bureaucratie (au sens où 
Lénine l'entendait) a ouvert les rangs du parti aux couches moyennes, cadres 
supérieurs, professions libérales: base pour l'émergence d'une formation 
social-démocrate supplémentaire, occupant un créneau abandonné par le PS. Une 
récente étude sociologique 


2000-02-04 Thread Roger ROMAIN

ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 

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Bleu et noir en Autriche?
Non, pas le bleu et le noir du Football Club Brugeois. Mais le bleu du Parti 
Populaire Autrichien et le noir du prétendu Parti de la Liberté (FPÖ) du nazi 
autrichien Jörg Haider. Ces deux partis sont sur le point de former un 
gouvernement en Autriche.Notre ministre des Affaires Etrangères Louis Michel 
et le président français Jacques Chirac ont protesté: pas de ça en Europe! 
Bizarres, ces hommes politiques qui acceptent que les fascistes se présentent 
aux élections mais hurlent quand ceux-ci risquent d'entrer au 
gouvernement.Et surtout, l'Europe n'est-elle pas elle-même responsable de la 
montée du fascisme en Autriche, en France, en Italie, en Belgique et ailleurs? 
Depuis sa demande d'adhésion à l'Union Européenne, en 1995, l'Autriche a dû 
accepter 30.000 lois et règlements européens: hausses des impôts pour les 
travailleurs, coupes sombres dans les acquis sociaux, privatisations En cinq 
ans de temps, les Autrichiens ont du avaler les mêmes couleuvres que nous pour 
arriver aux normes de Maastricht. En absence d'une opposition syndicale et 
politique réellement anticapitaliste, Haider a eu tout le loisir de canaliser 
l'opposition à la politique des partis traditionnels. Son parti est aujourd'hui 
le parti le plus fort parmi les premières victimes de cette politique: les 
ouvriers et les moins de trente ans. Ceux-ci se sont détournés en masse du Parti 
Socialiste. Ils espèrent que Haider va mettre en pratique une autre 
politique. Ils se trompent évidemment. Pourtant, le programme qu'il négocie 
aujourd'hui avec le Parti Populaire ne diffère en rien de celui du gouvernement 
précédent. Création d'emplois précaires, retour des femmes au foyer, diminution 
des coûts salariaux pour les patrons, introduction de la TVA au lieu d'une taxe 
sur les fortunes.Il n'y a pas moyen de détacher les électeurs des partis 
fascistes sans leur présenter une politique qui inverse vraiment la vapeur et 
fait payer les milliardaires au lieu de ceux qui bossent ou voudraient tant 


2000-02-04 Thread Roger ROMAIN

Roger ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 
- Original Message - 
From: ilc 
To: Roger Romain 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 5:19 PM


suivant notre declaration sur la situation en Autriche comme Ligue Communiste 
Révolutionnaire d'Autriche. On ne peut pas lutter contre Haider en se appuyer 
sur la bourgeoisie politically correct.


**International Leninist 
Current (ILC)Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)PF 23, A-1040 Wien, 
AustriaTel  Fax +43 1 504 00 10[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Social Democracy is no 
Less Dangerous than Haiders Rightist Populism
anti-fascist follies to politically correct totalitarianism facing the 
possibility of a government with participation of the Austrian Freedom Party 
Declaration of the 
Revolutionary Communist League (RKL)
Not only in 
Austria, but all over Europe, an anti-fascist cry of leftist-liberals against 
Haiderism can be heard, even in Christian-conservative circles. Even Hillary 
Clinton felt bound to speak out against Haider. Those humanist crocodile tears 
of the ruling imperialist bourgeoisie are dutifully reproduced by the left. Now 
the EU commission crowned the whole story, announcing officially to isolate 
Austria in case of FPÖ government participation.
It is a terrible mistake 
not to know the main enemy
From an 
international point of view, the ruling group of the New World Order is 
left-wing liberalism. Left-wing liberalism advances neo-liberal globalisation, 
boundless exploitation of the Third World and even the impoverishment of 
relevant parts of the population in the West, they advance humanitarian 
interventionism  i.e. global imperialist aggression under the guise of 
human rights. If an analogy with fascism can be seen today, then it is rather 
the political current expressed in its most clear form by Clinton and Blair. 
Tell us, what is the difference between the alleged attack of Poland against 
Germany, and the massacre of Racak  both pretexts for aggression wars? The 
difference might be that the United States of America in their fantasy of 
omnipotence gave such a poor fabrication that the truth was found out even 
before their final defeat. Are the genocide programmes of the USA launched 
against Vietnam, Kurdistan, Palestine, Iraq and Yugoslavia less bad than the 
Nazi schemes called lebensraum East, 
just because they have been committing them under the label of human rights? 
Genocide has a constant facter of imperialist capitalism for more than a hundred 
years! The main difference between modern human rights imperialism and fascism 
is the internal régime, the political structure in the imperialist centres, 
which is not based on violent oppression of the antagonist working classes by 
means of civil war, but it is based on social, political and cultural 
integration of these working classes as junior partners of imperialist 
aggression. This makes modern imperialism even more dangerous, because it is 
more impenetrable. It is thus small wonder that the ideological plaster of 
neo-liberal globalisation has leftist origins. As there is a lack of an 
antagonist working-class movement, the conception of civil society is 
transforming set pieces of comprehensive human emancipation into a system that 
is not just compatible with capitalism but even stabilising capitalism. The end 
of history is proclaimed, and any collective social action is said to be not 
just meaningless, but even anti-democratic and totalitarian. Only the individual 
counts, organising its immediate environment, e.g. by participating in 
NGOs. Freedom and emancipation are said to be only attainable by individual and 
isolated personal initiative. Individuals communicate only in the sphere of the 
market which creates ostensibly objective, inherent necessities (Sachzwänge) that are beyond the 
influence of the people, and ostensibly equal democracy. The authoritarian state 
that found its most extreme form in fascism, must be restrained, but: The 
capitalist state as such is left untouched. Communitarianism, civilian 
neo-liberalism  a late decay product of the failure and integration of the 1968 
movements  renders new stability (at least temporarily) to crisis-ridden 
capitalism by oppressing any collective resistance.
To call 
Haider a fascist is a clear expression of ignorance of the historic phenomenon 
of fascism as a régime of (preventive) civil war against a social revolution. 
Haider does actually have roots in that tradition, but his rise is owed to his 
breaking with this tradition. Rightist populism has no party apparatus to speak 
of (in stark contrast to fascism): Right until today 

[Cuba SI] England: 20 labour MPs Demand Elian be Freed

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


c/o The Red Rose
129 Seven Sisters Road
London N7 7QG
Tel. 0171 263 6452
Fax. 0171 561 0191

News release. For immediate release and circulation.
Date; 4th February 2000

20 Labour MPs demand that
Elian Gonzalez be returned home to Cuba

Over 20 Labour MPs have signed a letter calling on the Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook to ask for the return of the six year old Cuban boy Elian
Gonzalez to his father.

In questions, in the House of Commons, Robin Cook has stated that the matter
is not for his concern, stating that "I will not run my neck into that
noose". However in recent days the French, Spanish and Canadian Governments
amongst others have made it clear that they want the boy to be returned as
soon as possible. If these Governments can see fit to make it public that
they agree with the US Federal Authorities decision to send Elian home, the
British Government should do the same.

"It is totally unacceptable for this young lad, Elian Gonzalez , to be used
as a political football by the United Statesinternational law must prevail
in the interests of the child. A growing number of MPs are calling for Elian
to be returned." Angela Smith MP

"Clinton must return the child to his father and the British Government
should tell him thats the only ethical thing to do."
George Galloway MP

For more information contact
Rob Miller  0171 263 6452 or 0171 281 4057

Notes to Editors:
- Full text of the letter and list of signatories is attached
- The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is working to highlight the effects of the
illegal US blockade of Cuba, which was recently opposed by the British
government and 156 other countries at the United Nations.
- The Cuba Solidarity Campaign organised a picket of 200 people outside the
United States Embassy on Saturday 29th January. George Galloway MP and Nick
Palmer MP were among those speakers who called on Robin Cook to demand the
return of Elian Gonzalez to his father.

3rd February 2000

Dear Sir/Madam,

Elian Gonzalez is a six year old Cuban boy who recently saw his mother drown
in a tragic accident off the coast of Florida. He is now being held in Miami
against his fathers wishes by distant relatives he has never known.

Elian is the innocent victim in a political circus. There has even been a
preposterous call for him to be made a US citizen. Were he any other
nationality but Cuban he would have been returned immediately for his own
health and well being. He should be re-united as soon as possible with his
father and close family in Cuba. This is the only right and sensible course
of action.

It is in the interests of all parents that the internationally accepted
right of parental custody should be upheld.

France, Spain and Canada have all now called for the boy to be returned.
Robin Cook and the British Government should do the same without further delay.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Smith MP, John McAllion MSP Tony Benn MP Diane Abbott MP George
Galloway MP Bernie Grant MP Audrey Wise MPAlan Simpson MP Alice Mahon MP
Harry Barnes MP Nick Palmer MP Tommy Sheridan MSP David Borrow MP Norman
Godman MP David Lepper MP Bill Etherington MP Llew Smith MP Bob Waring MP
Paul Clark MP Maureen MacMillan MSP Rhoda Grant MSP

Rob Miller
National Co-ordinator
Cuba Solidarity Campaign
c/o Red Rose Club, 129 Seven Sisters Rd, London N7 7QG
Tel. 0171 263 6452  Fax. 0171 561 0191  E.Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
World Wide Web

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
   Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
  339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cuba SI:
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Korean Central News Agency Feb 4

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

Letter to KCTU

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea
on Feb. 3 sent a letter to the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions
(KCTU) calling upon the 10 million
South Korean workers to actively join in the work to form a "nationwide ad
hoc committee for probing the truth
behind the GIs' mass killings."
The letter said: The massacres of innocent civilians by the U.S.
aggression troops during the Korean War were
a wanton violation of the international treaties and wartime laws and
regulations which ban targeting
non-combatants. Such an unheard-of criminal act can be committed only by
the American cannibals whose mode of
existence is aggression, plunder and killings.
The United States is paying lip-service to "investigation" into the
mass killings in a bid to flee from its
responsibility for them till now when the truth behind them has been probed
clearly by testimonies of victims and the
declassified secret documents of the U.S. military, far from admitting
them. This is an unpardonable mockery and
insult to the Korean nation.
Noting that the reality calls on the people to turn out in a nationwide
struggle to defend the national dignity, the
letter expressed the belief that the KCTU would respond to the appeal of
the political parties and organizations in the
DPRK and actively join in the work of the north and south to form a
"nationwide ad hoc committee for probing the
truth behind the GIs' mass killings" by pooling the will of the 10 million
workers of South Korea.

Film show on foundation anniversary of Communist Party of Vietnam

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- A film show was sponsored by the
Korea-Vietnam Friendship Association
in Pyongyang on Thursday on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
foundation of the Communist Party of
Invited there were Do Thi Hoa, Vietnamese ambassador to the DPRK, and
embassy officials.
Jon Kuk Man, vice-Minister of Education who is also chairman of the
association, other officials concerned and
working people in the city were present.
The participants appreciated the Vietnamese feature film "Remorse."

Film show and friendship gathering with Cuban embassy officials

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs
held a film show and a friendship
gathering with Cuban ambassador to Korea Jose Manuel Inclan Embade and
embassy officials in Pyongyang on
Thursday on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
Present there were vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Yong Il and
officials concerned.
The participants appreciated the Korean documentary film "Under the
Great Brilliant Commander" part 12.
And they talked with each other, deepening the feelings of friendship.

Foreign guests visit revolutionary museum of Ministry of Culture

   Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys and embassy officials
of Arab countries in Pyongyang
visited the Revolutionary Museum of the Ministry of Culture on Thursday on
the occasion of the auspicious holiday
of February.
The guests looked round historic relics and materials, being briefed on
the fact that the great leader Kim Jong Il
set forth the unique idea for the development of the Juche-based literature
and art and has wisely led it.
And they went round the mock-up location streets of the Korean film studio.

Halt to anti-north war moves demanded

   Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Pak Kwang Gi, chief of the Pyongyang
mission of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea (NDFSK), on Thursday called a press conference at the
mission as regards the escalating war
maneuvers of the South Korean authorities against the north in the New Year.
Pak said: The South Korean authorities made public the "national
defence policy guideline for 2000" in which
they set it as a main target for this year to "establish perfect defence
posture" and decided to spend 5.3 trillion won
this year to develop or introduce the latest military equipment from the
U.S. and other countries.
The ruling quarters of the self-proclaimed "people's government" have
kicked up war hysteria by holding a
"security meeting" and a "meeting of commanders of the entire army" one
after another to let loose a spate of
extremely provocative outbursts and conducting "midwinter tactical
exercises" and nocturnal march, etc. In Seoul
and other areas.
The arms buildup and war exercises intensified by the warmongers of the
"people's government" from the
outset of the year are a clear indication that their moves to provoke a war
against the north have become more
pronounced as days go by.
The Kim Dae Jung group, together with outside forces, are leading the
situation to the brink of war defying the
aspirations of all the fellow countrymen after national reconciliation and
unity, peace and peaceful reunification of
the Korean peninsula. This is last-ditch efforts to bridge over