Korean Central News Agency Dec 2

2001-12-02 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (December.02.2001 Juche 90)



More meetings held

Love of country and nation guarantees country's prosperity

Army-centered politics praised

Japan hit for suppression of Chongryon

Resignation of S. Korean information and communications minister demanded

For Spanish-speaking people


declaracion de vocero de minrex

acto central por publicacion de numero 20 000 de "rodong sinmun"

More meetings held
     Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Meetings were held at the Komdok Mine
and the West Pyongyang Locomotive Unit, on the Wonhwa co-op farm in
Phyongwon county, South Phyongan Province, and at many other units across
the country to bring a new peak to production and construction under the
torchlight of Ranam. At the meetings reporters and speakers said that the
torchlight of Ranam is symbolic of intense loyalty and patriotic devotion of
the Korean workers who regard leader Kim Jong Il's lofty intention as their
faith and put it into great realities and an uproar of victory to encourage
all the people to accelerate a march to a paradise.
    The workers and farmers of Korea would work hard for new creation and
innovations at the head of the noble struggle to open a new era of a
powerful and prosperous nation, they noted.

Love of country and nation guarantees country's prosperity
     Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Love of the country and the nation is a
guarantee for the prosperity and development of the country, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed article. The article goes on:
    National self-respect is not simple love for the nation but patriotic
devotion to the defence of the sovereignty and dignity of the country and
the nation and to the prosperity of the country.
    Those who have no love of the country and the nation cannot devote
themselves to the country and the people.
    No matter how the situation and circumstances may change the people
strong in national identity and strong in love for the nation do not abandon
the spirit, tradition, customs and way of life peculiar to the nation but
struggle to defend and develop them.
    When all the people deeply understand the history and the superiority of
tradition of their nation, they have high national pride and self-respect
and come out in the sacred struggle for the country and the people.
    National self-respect should be fully displayed in the struggle against
the class enemies and imperialist aggressors.
    The dignity and honor of the nation are unthinkable when the dignity of
the nation is trampled down and the sovereignty of the country ruthlessly
violated by foreign forces.
    The imperialists are now talking about "whole human view on value" and
working hard to dissolve the independent spirit of a nation in it in a bid
to taint people with corrupt capitalist culture and way of life, paralyze
the love for the nation and class consciousness and achieve their
dominationist purpose.
    That is why all the countries of the world value the superiority and
tradition of their nations and educate the people in them.
    The Korean people have the national pride and self-confidence of having
President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and living under the
advantageous socialist system. they will wage a dynamic struggle to build a
powerful nation in this land, loudly boasting of this honor and happiness.

Army-centered politics praised
     Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The socialist people's rally of
Democratic Congo held a lecture meeting on Nov. 23 on the occasion of the
10th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of
the Korean People's Army and the 84th birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk. The general secretary of the
rally gave a lecture on the subject of "respected comrade Kim Jong Il's
great army-centered leadership" and "revolutionary career of great Kim Jong
    Meanwhile, the Monima socialist organization of Madagascar gave a
lecture on Nov. 24 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's
election as supreme commander of the KPA.
    The general secretary of the organization said in his lecture that the
most correct political mode to defend and glorify socialism is the
army-based politics set forth by Kim Jong Il.

Japan hit for suppression of Chongryon
     Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea yesterday issued a statement denouncing
the Japanese authorities for their unprecedented fascist suppression of the
General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon). The Japanese
authorities' fascist suppression of

Korean Central News Agency Dec 2

2000-12-03 Thread heikki sipilä

December.02.2000 Juche 89


   Greetings to Mexican President

   2nd visiting group of separated families and relatives
   from south leaves

   2nd visiting group of separated families and relatives of
   north side back home

   Mt. Kyongam, favorite public haunt

   Syrian President on friendly relations with DPRK

   DPRK's stand on Japan's crimes related to "comfort
   women for the army" clarified

   Kim Jong Il praised

   Lao ambassador hosts reception

   Japan's moves for reinvasion denounced

   Japan urged to make apology and compensation

   Silver jubilee of LPDR observed

Greetings to Mexican President

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings
to Vicente Fox Quesada upon assuming his office as President of the United
States of Mexico.
The message extended warm congratulations to him on taking office.
Convinced that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two
countries would grow stronger and develop in the interests of the two
peoples, the message wished the President success in his responsible work to
achieve social well-being and economic progress.

2nd visiting group of separated families and relatives from south leaves

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The second visiting group of separated
families and relatives from the south side led by Pong Tu Wan,
vice-president of the South Korean Red Cross, left here today.
Members of the visiting group were farewelled by their families and
relatives at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel today.
The visiting group was seen off at the airport by Ho Hae Ryong,
vice-chairman of the central committee of the Red Cross Society of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Choe Yun Sik, vice-chairman of the
Pyongyang City People's Committee, and officials concerned.
At the airport the head of the visiting group released a written
statement on the departure of Pyongyang.

2nd visiting group of separated families and relatives of north side back

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The second visiting group of separated
families and relatives of the north side headed by Jang Jae On, chairman of
the central committee of the Red Cross Society of the DPRK, flew back today.

They were met at the airport by Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the central
committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party, Ryu Mi Yong, chairperson of
the central committee of the Korean Chondoist Chongu Party, An Kyong Ho,
director of the secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification
of the Fatherland, and other officials concerned.
They left Seoul after bidding farewell to their families and relatives.
The head of the visiting group issued a statement on the departure from

Mt. Kyongam, favorite public haunt

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Mt. Kyongam stands in Sariwon, the
capital of North Hwanghae Province.
Located in the city's south western part, it is 140 metres high above
sea level. As it is surrounded by the plains on all sides, it looks like a
precipice. On the top of the mountain there is a huge rock shaped like a
cockscomb. Hence the name Kyongam mountain since olden times.
Every season different flowers blossom and every kind of trees and
plants grow here on the mountain, thereby varying its appearance according
to seasons. The Kyongam pavilion at the northern foot and other historical
relics add a special touch of beauty to the mountain scenery.
In March Juche 55(1966) President Kim Il Sung came here and proposed
turning it into a recreation ground in which the people could enjoy scenic
attractions. After his visit, recreation and public service facilities, spa
resorts, playing ground, artificial falls and a zoo were built. Fruit trees
and flowering plants were added to send forth delightful fragrance. It is
now a favorite haunt for the local people.

Syrian President on friendly relations with DPRK

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Syrian President Bashar al Assad
referred to the friendly relations between his country and the DPRK after
receiving credentials from the new DPRK Ambassador E.P. to Syria on November
He said that the relations between his country and the DPRK are strong
as they are based on the close intimate relations forged between Hafez al
Assad and the President Kim Il Sung.
Noting that Syria and the DPRK have supported each other and fought
together, he said that in the future, too, his country would make positive
efforts to invariably maintain and develop the friendly relations with the

DPRK's stand on Japan's crimes related to "comfort women for the army"

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- It is the DPRK government's consistent
stand that Japan should make a governmental apology and compensation to the
former "comfort women for the army," declared Hong Son Ok, cha