>   by Michel Chossudovsky (Revised 2-10-00)
>NATO's justification for bombing Yugoslavia on humanitarian grounds has been
>refuted by the Western alliance's own official figures and documentary
>evidence. The recently released OSCE report entitled "As Seen, As Told:
>Analysis of the Human Rights Findings of the OSCE Kosovo Verification
>Mission" suggests that the allegation of mass deportations is a fabrication.
>Although heavily slanted in its main conclusions, the OSCE figures suggest
>that there were proportionately more Serbs (as a percentage of population)
>fleeing Kosovo than ethnic Albanians which puts an obvious question mark on
>NATO's assertion that organized mass expulsions of ethnic Albanians were
>taking place.
>According to OSCE numbers and Kosovar Albanian sources on population size and
>distribution, an estimated 45.7 percent of the Albanian population and 59.5
>percent of the Serb population had fled Kosovo during the bombings (i.e. from
>23 March to 9 June 1999).2
>The OSCE report summarises the balance-sheet of ethnic Albanian refugees as
>numbering 862,979. In a secluded footnote at the bottom of the main table,
>the report nonetheless acknowledges that: "In addition [to the 862,979 ethnic
>Albanian refugees], more than 100,000 Serb IDPs [Internally displaced
>persons] are estimated to have left Kosovo and to have been registered in
>Serbia and Montenegro". 3 Whereas ethnic Albanians (including those who fled
>to Montenegro) are categorized as "refugees", Serbs who fled Kosovo during
>the same period are casually identified as "Internally Displaced Persons".
>The figures for ethnic Albanians are very precise in contrast to those
>indicated for the Serbs in the footnote. The number of refugees belonging to
>other ethnic groups who fled the province during the bombings is not even
>According to Kosovo Albanian sources, the Province had a total population of
>2.1 million of which 90 percent are ethnic Albanians, 8 percent Serbs and 2
>percent are other ethnic groups.4 Based on these figures (which are accepted
>both by NATO and the post-conflict KLA provisional government) there were an
>estimated 1.89 million ethnic Albanians and 168,000 Serbs in Kosovo.
>In accordance with the above population breakdown, the exodus of Serbs (as a
>percentage of population) was larger than that of the ethnic Albanian
>population. According to OSCE numbers (from UNHCR sources), it is estimated
>that 45.7 percent of the Albanian population and more than 59.5 percent of
>the Serb population fled Kosovo during the bombings (i.e. from 23 March to 9
>June 1999).
>In other words, Serbs --who ostensibly were not the target of "ethnic
>cleansing perpetrated by the Serbs"-- had also fled the theatre of the war in
>Kosovo. If there had been a deliberate and cohesive policy of ethnic
>cleansing and massacres directed against ethnic Albanians, the percentages
>would have been markedly different and this is something which NATO was
>cautious not to reveal to public opinion while the bombings were ongoing.
>The above estimates depend on the veracity of the OSCE-UNHCR refugee figures
>as well as on the reliability of the data on population size and
>distribution. In estimating these percentages, we have accepted official
>OSCE-UNHCR refugee numbers at face value, namely that the OSCE Report has not
>artificially "inflated" the number of ethnic Albanian refugees nor has it
>"deflated" the number of Serbs who fled Kosovo during the bombings with a
>view to vindicating NATO's claim of ethnic cleansing. We have also taken
>Kosovar Albanian assumptions pertaining to population size and distribution.
>In other words, the percentages are derived from their numbers! Moreover, it
>should be emphasised that the percentage of Serbs who left Kosovo estimated
>at 59.5 percent is based on the 100,000 figure given by the OSCE. Yet the
>OSCE report states that the number of Serbs who fled Kosovo during the same
>period is "more than 100,000".
>Accounting for biases in the OSCE-UNHCR figures and margins of error in the
>data on population, the estimates do not support NATO's allegation of a
>policy of mass deportation directed against ethnic Albanians.
>Ironically, the OSCE Report rather than using Kosovar Albanian sources on
>population, acknowledges the assumptions of Belgrade's 1991 Census data (also
>in a discrete footnote) which indicates the ethnic Albanian population at 82
>percent of total population. Yet the Census was boycotted by ethnic Albanians
>and the figures were never recognised by the parallel provisional government
>of Kosovo. Why does the OSCE acknowledge Belgrade's 1991 Census when NATO and
>KLA statements repeatedly indicate that the ethnic Albanian population is at
>90 percent? Evidently, the use of the 1991 Census data by those who have
>rejected it, is in this case to their political advantage. Based on the 1991
>Census figures, the estimated percentage of each population group which fled
>Kosovo would be 53.7 percent for the ethnic Albanians and more than 51.5
>percent for the Serbs.5 Yet even in this case, NATO's claim of mass
>deportations is not borne out.
>The refugee crisis, we were told repeatedly during the War was limited to
>ethnic Albanians. According to the Western media, Serb civilians had been
>protected by the Serb police and Armed forces. The large scale exodus of
>Serbs from Kosovo prior to June 9, 1999 (acknowledged by the figures
>contained in the OSCE Report) was simply not mentioned. To reveal the numbers
>would have discredited NATO's main justification for launching its
>"humanitarian war".
>Other documentary evidence including an official report of the German foreign
>ministry published prior to the War, confirms that there was no evidence of
>"ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo in the months immediately preceding the
>bombings. Who is lying? German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer had justified
>NATO's intervention pointing to a "humanitarian catastrophe", yet the
>internal documents of his own ministry stated exactly the opposite: "Even in
>Kosovo an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not
>verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict.
>Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Gnjilan, etc. has, in the
>entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis. The actions
>of the security forces [were] not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an
>ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent [KLA] and its
>actual or alleged supporters."...6
>Moreover, a report of the United States Committee on Refugees (USCR) confirms
>a significant reduction in the number of refugees and internally displaced
>persons in the period following the signing of the October 13, 1998 agreement
>between U.S. Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke and Federal Republic of
>Yugoslavia (FRY) President Slobodan Milosevic. According to USCR, the overall
>refugee situation had improved with the entry of the OSCE Kosovo Verification
>Mission (KVM). The USCR report also confirms that "KLA ethnic cleansing of
>ethnic Serb civilian population pockets intensified in December [1998]"
>substantiating the results of the German Foreign Office intelligence report.
>But we were told time and again that the Serbs rather than the KLA had been
>responsible for ethnic cleansing in the months leading up to the War... 7
>The OSCE-UNHCR figures on the number of refugees rather than supporting
>NATO's main justification for waging the war, suggest that more than half the
>Serb population had also fled Kosovo during the war. This tendency could be
>explained by the fact that the KLA had been responsible for relaying
>intelligence to NATO pertaining to potential targets in the bombing
>operation. Moreover, a history of the war also suggests that the massacres
>and atrocities directed against the Serbs by the KLA Military Command (amply
>documented for the period after June 9) had already commenced prior to the
>arrival of KFOR forces in Kosovo.
>NATO's pretext for bombing Yugoslavia on humanitarian grounds rests on two
>central premises: 1) the alleged indiscriminate mass killings of Albanian
>civilians (premise number one); 2) the implementation of a deliberate policy
>of mass deportations or "ethnic cleansing" (premise number two). Both these
>premises have now been refuted by NATO's own evidence and documentary
>The alleged indiscriminate mass killings of Albanian civilians had earlier
>been invalidated by the FBI and European forensic teams working under the
>auspices of the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) casting doubt on NATO's justification
>for waging the war. The forensic and police investigators had uncovered
>several hundred bodies in grave sites in Kosovo as opposed to the 10,000 to
>100,000 civilian massacres claimed by NATO and Western governments as a
>pretext for waging the War. British Prime Minister Tony Blair had announced
>that President Milosevic was "set on a Hitler style genocide equivalent to
>the extermination of the Jews during World war II".8 " "Genocide is
>starting," stated German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping.10...
>The Hague Tribunal (ICTY) (while upholding the war crimes indictment against
>members of the Yugoslav government), has acknowledged the exhumation"the
>allegations of indiscriminate mass murder, rape camps,...crematoriums,
>mutilation of the dead have not been borne out" by the police investigations
>and forensic evidence. 12
>NO REMAINING LEG TO STAND ON Since the release of the forensic reports
>--which have invalidated premise number one--, the policy of mass
>deportations against ethnic Albanians (premise number two) is now being
>upheld by NATO and the Western media as "a sufficient justification" for
>launching the war. In the words of Madeleine Albright "opposing ethnic
>cleansing is central to our values... We are reaffirming NATO's core purpose
>as a defender of democracy, stability and human decency on European soil."13
>Yet NATO's claim of mass deportations has now also been refuted by the
>figures contained in the OSCE report. NATO has no remaining leg to stand on.
>Official documentary evidence (including the forensic reports and the data on
>the number of refugees) unequivocally refute NATO's two central postulates
>for waging the war. What then was the justification for the humanitarian
>bombings? What was the hidden agenda? Ultimately the truth must prevail,
>public opinion must be informed and those who are responsible for waging this
>criminal war must be brought to trial.
>1. OSCE, Kosovo/ Kosova, As Seen, As Told, An analysis of the human rights
>findings of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission, October 1998 to June 1999,
>Warsaw, 1999.
>2. Ibid
>3. Ibid.
>4. Figures for 1993. See Albania Worldwide Web, GOTOBUTTON BM_1_
>http://www.albanian.com/main/. See also Musa Limani, Pristina, The
>Association of Lawyers of Kosova, 1992. Kosovar Albanian estimates place the
>population of Kosovo at 2.3 million for 2000.
>5. The Government of Yugoslavia 1991 Census data for Kosovo identified a
>total population of 1,956,196 of which 82.2 % are Albanians, 9.9 % Serbs and
>7.9 % other ethnic groups. The Census was boycotted by the ethnic Albanian
>population. During the 1990s, the evidence suggests that Kosovar Serbs left
>the Province in large numbers.
>6. Intelligence Report from the German Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 to
>the Administrative Court of Trier. (See
>8. Quoted in Peter Gowan, Kosovo; the war and its aftermath, Labour Focus on
>Eastern Europe, no. 64, 1999, p. 26.
>9. CBS , May 17, 1999.
>10. Quoted in Peter Gowan, op. cit.
>11. Reuters, 10 November 1999.
>12. Wall Street Journal, 31 December 1999.
>13. Quoted in Time Magazine, May 17, 1999, p. 25-26.
>IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ REPORTS OF the German Foreign Ministry and various
>German courts repudiating claims of ethnic cleansing PRIOR to the NATO
>bombing, please see http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/german/Germany.html
>"Seattle and Beyond: Disarming the New World Order"
>"NATO's Reign of Terror in Kosovo"
>"The KLA: Grim Origins"
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>C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, February 2000. All rights
>reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on noncommercial community
>internet sites, provided the essay remains intact and the copyright note is
>displayed. The text can also be photocopied for non-commercial distribution.
>To publish this text in printed and/or other forms contact the author at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax: 1-514-4256224.
>Copyright, Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, February 2000


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