AFP. 16 January 2002. Army reports rebel attacks as Colombia peace talks

BOGOTA -- As peace talks between the government of President Andres
Pastrana and the country's largest rebel group began again in the
southern demilitarized zone, the army reported new rebel attacks around
the country.

Talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) got
underway just before 1900 GMT -- three hours behind schedule -- in the
town of Los Pozos, in the rebel-controlled area of southern Colombia.

Talks began just hours after the army reported the abduction of seven
people at a Pacific beach resort near the border with Panama.

Army General Francisco Rene Pedraza said that six men and a woman were
kidnapped when they landed on a deserted beach in ultra-light airplanes.

According to local witnesses, 15 armed FARC rebels in two boats reached
the  beach soon after the planes landed, kidnapped the people, and took
them into the jungle, Pedraza said.

Late Tuesday FARC rebels also attacked the town of Guayata, in the
northern department of Boyaca. The rebels entered the town in the
afternoon and attacked the police station and other government
buildings, firing guns and hurling explosives, military sources said.

Soldiers from the departmental capital were rushed to the area, sources

Smaller FARC attacks were reported in Cundinamarca department, in
central Colombia.

Meanwhile, top Pastrana officials Wednesday said the government was
seeking authorization from Washington to use US funds given exclusively
for the war against drugs also for anti-guerrilla warfare.

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Barry Stoller

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