N° 4 – 31/12/2001
Les nouvelles qui sont données dans ce bulletin le
sont à titre d'information.
Elle n'impliquent pas nécessairement l'adhésion du
en particulier quant aux informations provenant des
media occidentaux.
The news contained in this newsletter are given only
for information. 
PCN-NCP don't approve necessarly these news,
particularly when information come from western
media.Sans oublier que :
In this number 4 / Dans ce numéro 4 :
En cette fin de la première année du nouveau
quelques textes qui font réfléchir sur le Monde où
nous vivons  ...

For the end of this first year of the new millenium,
some texts which make think about the world where we
live ...

Aujourd'hui, comme chaque jour,
30.000 enfants sont morts de faim dans le monde,
et 250.000.000 enfants ont dormi dans la rue.

Today, as each day,
30,000 children has died of starvation in the world,
and 250,000 children has sleeped in the street.

La circulation de la monnaie européenne favorise le
commerce avec Cuba
CUBA parle de la nécessité d'un monde multipolaire, ce
que je considère une idée juste et justifiée, et je
dirais que l'euro consolide l'Union européenne et
contribue à  créer un monde à plusieurs pôles. Cette
affirmation de M. Bernd Wulfen, ambassadeur de la
République fédérale d'Allemagne dans l'île, a été
accompagnée d'une réflexion sur la circulation de la
monnaie unique dans douze pays du Vieux continent, en
remplacement des monnaies nationales respectives, et
sur la répercussion de cette décision sur le commerce
international. A son avis, l'euro devrait faciliter
les relations économiques entre l'UE et ses plus forts
partenaires comme Cuba, étant donné la possibilité de
mieux comparer les prix du marché. L'arrivée de l'euro
est aussi à son avis un pas très positif par «le  fait
que par le biais des relations économiques, sociales
et culturelles, nous arrivons à une nouvelle étape du
dialogue politique dans les relations entre Cuba et
En poursuivant ses réflexions, il a affirmé que Cuba
est un pays en développement qui possède de bons
partenaires dans les pays du tiers monde et qui est
très actif  dans le groupe des 77. Il se distingue en
outre par son absence d'analphabétisme, une grande
culture, une éducation exemplaire, de très bons
services médicaux et des ouvres sociales louables. Un
tel pays, a-t-il ajouté, recherche des partenaires qui
puissent l'aider à atteindre un certain niveau de
développement. Il a besoin pour cela de pays avancés
qui comprennent ses aspirations. Où peut-il trouver
ces partenaires ?
Aux Etats-Unis, qui pourraient être leur partenaire
naturel, les portes sont malheureusement fermées (par
le blocus), si bien que ses partenaires se trouvent
surtout en Europe occidentale. Ces rapports actuels
avec le Vieux continent-pour le commerce, l'économie,
et les investissements- auront très certainement des
conséquences positives sur la politique extérieure.
En soulignant l'importance de la monnaie unique,
l'ambassadeur Wulfen affirme qu'après le passeport
commun c'est le pas le plus gigantesque de l'Union
europénne. Ce fut tout d'abord la création de l' Union
européenne en 1957, puis l'accord de 1991 qui établit
l'Union européenne sur des bases économique, monétaire
et politique. Mais le pas du premier janvier 2002
signifie à son avis que «non seulement nous avons une
monnaie commune en Europe, mais aussi une économie
L'euro est actuellement coté en-dessous du dollar mais
il devrait y avoir un équilibre à l'avenir entre les
deux devises. Et de conclure que l'euro est une

PCN-NCP and a large number of organizations all over
the world, are calling together for an Iraqi Peace and
for an end to the continued bombings and sanctions in
Iraq and to stand against renewed attacks in the name
of the "war on terrorism."
For 11 years, the UN and the US have destroyed the
lives of millions of Iraqis all in the name of
supposed justice. UNICEF's estimate of 4000-5000
Iraqis a month dying as a result of  common,
preventable diseases is equivalent to one World Trade
Center attack every three weeks. Any expansion of the
war on terrorism will only cause further suffering for
the Iraqi people.
Iraq has been bombed routinely, causing devastation on
the water, sewer, and electrical systems of the
country. The 11 year sanctions have further
contributed to the trauma of the nation's economy.
Now, the Iraqi people live in utter poverty, and
hundreds of thousands have died of starvation and
disease unheard of prior to 1991.
We also use this opportunity to call attention to the
lives of those in Afghanistan and around the world
forced into refugee camps and poverty by U.S.
policies, as well as the homeless and poor in the U.S.
and the western world. 


The following article has been published in
“Proletarian Era”
(December 15, 2001 Vol. 35 No. 9)
The Afghan factions holding talks at Koenigswinter,
Bonn, Germany for a week signed a pact on  December 5
last setting up an interim administration for
Afghanistan that will rule the country  for six
months, paving the way  for a transitional government
that will assume power for the next two years. Zahir
Shah, the ex-king of Afghanistan, now in exile, will
return to convene a meeting of the council of tribal
elders (loya jirga) that will form the transitional
government. The pact also provides for a UN force to
be stationed in Afghanistan.
The interim administration will be headed by Hamid
Karzai, a Pashtun commander and past agent of CIA, who
is slated to take over power from the present de-facto
Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani of Northern
Alliance (NA) at Kabul on 22nd December. 
The Bonn Meet : US imperialist objectives !
It was the United Nations that had proposed a quick
setting up of an interim administration in Kabul and
announced a meet of the Afghan factions in Bonn. How
did the UN get involved and whence did it derive the
authority so  that when it called for the meet, the
Afghan factions meekly complied ?  Nobody had referred
the issue to the UN, nor had asked it to mediate. This
can be explained only if it is realized that the UN
acted as the facade from behind which the USA operated
and it is the pressure of the US military strength
that swayed the events. This should surprise nobody
who is familiar with how the USA has been making use
of UN over the years to rubber stamp its nefarious
The ground reality has been that while the USA carried
out widespread devastating bomb and rocket attacks
indiscriminately all over  Afghanistan to lay the
country waste, it was the NA that bore the brunt of
actual fighting and captured large areas from the
Taliban including Kabul. So, in the normal course of
things, either feud and fighting between the NA and
the other Afghan factions would have continued or
else, in case of  a consensus being arrived at by
them, the NA could well have preponderance in the
resultant set up.
This does not suit US imperialism at all. Shelter
given by the Taliban to Osama bin Laden provided a
handy pretext to US imperialism to invade Afghanistan.
In doing so, the USA has been guided by the multiple
imperialist objective of strongly establishing its
presence in central Asia thus destabilizing both
Russia and China, extending its hegemony in the
oil-rich Caspian-central Asian regions, gaining
control over the vast untapped oil and natural gas
resource of Afghanistan itself and over the very
lucrative drug traffic in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Moreover, a specific immediate objective is to
establish a pipeline route for transporting central
Asian oil through Afghanistan and Pakistan to an
export terminal on the coast of Arabian Sea to reap
superprofits by selling it in Asian markets. To
achieve this, it is essential that the USA must
install its puppet government in Afghanistan and not
one in which the NA, with its close linkage with
Russia, predominated.
That is why the USA counseled the NA not  to enter
Kabul even as the NA forces were closing in on the
city, in order to gain time to have a more
advantageous alternative worked out. The NA did not
oblige and that queered the pitch somewhat. This had
now to be offset at the negotiation table.
US machinations carry the day at Bonn !
The first step was to dilute the strong NA presence by
ensuring that supporters of Zahir Shah, the
long-deposed king of Afghanistan in exile in Italy,
attend the Bonn meet in strength. There was lobbying
by the western world, especially by Britain, in favour
of Zahir Shah as being the only figurehead who could
unite the Afghan factions. In the event, four
delegations met and conferred at Bonn. Besides the NA
delegation, the  other major one was a 8-member
delegation sent by Zahir Shah. The remaining two
represented exiled groups in Cyprus and Peshawar.
Press reports have it that from the very beginning,
the delegations were under strong pressure from the
UN, the US and the neighbouring countries of
Afghanistan to agree to a  formula for an interim
administration and the stationing of a UN security
force in the country. The USA and the neighbouring
countries posted observers at the talks, while Lakhdar
Brahimi, UN special envoy for Afghanistan, conducted
and piloted the proceedings. For long had the NA been
in close relationship with Russia and enjoyed its
support. Now, with the talks on, Russia pledged
support to Rabbani's de-facto NA government in Kabul
against US pressure to the contrary. But the Russian
effort failed ultimately, firstly because the NA
itself is not a monolithic whole but a combination of
factions not working in unison but exerting pulls and
counter pulls in different directions. There is the
Wahdat faction composed of Hazaras from central
Afghanistan who are of  the shia sect as against the
majority Sunnis. Then there is the Uzbek faction led
by the warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum. And of
course, there are the followers of Rabbani.
Secondly, the NA factions represent just some of the
ethnic minorities of Afghanistan. It is the ethnic
Pashtuns inhabiting southern Afghanistan who are the
majority, constituting 40% of the total population.
And the Pashtuns constitutes about 15% of the total
Pakistani population too. It is to be remembered that
the bulk of the Afghan Talibans were Pashtuns, that
Pakistani Army officers and military advisers had been
for long guiding the Taliban operations against the NA
forces and that many Pashtun Taliban supporters from
Pakistan went over to Afghanistan after the US
bombardments began there, to fight jihad alongside the
Taliban. So, Pakistan  naturally exerted the not
inconsiderable leverage it has with the USA to ensure
safety of the Pakistani Talibans and proper Pashtun
representation in the interim Afghan administration to
be chalked out. It appears that this concern of
Pakistan came handy to the USA and the USA made use of
the Pak pull to block the dominance of NA in the
proposed interim administration, while allowing
numerous Pakistanis fighting alongside the Taliban,
now trapped and besieged by NA forces, to be airlifted
to safety by Pakistan. After all, the USA had to
ensure that its puppet and not Russia's would head the
interim set up. And of course, a puppet can serve its
master better if it is seen to be representing the
majority ethnic group rather than the minorities.
Thirdly, given the present geo-politico scenario, any
Russian attempt  to sponsor and promote its protégés
was bound to be a nonstarter  in  the  face of  far
superior US economic and military might.
So, Rabbani's bid to become head of the new
administration petered out. As a last minute attempt,
he tried to enlist the support of even Pakistan, NA's
enemy of long standing, and expressed willingness to
meet Pakistan President General Musharraf. But all
this came to naught. Rabbani said on 30.11.01 that his
delegation had been pressured to agree to name members
of interim bodies and accept an international security
force. (The Statesman,1.12.01), The NA delegation
eventually agreed to an interim administration without
Rabbani as its head and was pressurized into accepting
a UN peace keeping force. As a sign of growing
fissures within the NA, Abdul Quadir, NA governor of
the Pashtun province of Nangarhar, walked out of the
talks to protest against the lack of Pashtun
representation. It cannot be ruled out that Russia and
India struck a deal with the USA to gain some
advantages from it in exchange for withdrawing support
to the NA. At any rate, Russia and India were not
found in a strong supporting role to Rabbani and the
NA at the decisive hour.
Diplomats of advanced imperialist capitalist
countries, notably the USA, monitoring (actually
pressurizing) the talks, let it be known that Rabbani
"was not seen as an unifying force" and that the
former king Zahir Shah as the administrative head was
not considered a "practical option" (Report In The
Statesman, 2.12.01) After tough bargaining over power
sharing, the participating Afghan factions finalized
composition of the 30-member  cabinet of the interim
administration headed by Hamid Karzai.
USA installs puppet administration : voices of dissent
So far, the USA has secured, in  essence, what it
wanted, Karzai is a  Pashtun, but not a Taliban. What
is more, he is something of a US creation. Karzai, who
had been a deputy foreign minister in a pre-Taliban
government in Kabul, entered Afghanistan soon after
the US strikes began in Afghanistan on October 7. His
mission was to organise a revolt among Pashtun tribal
supporting the Taliban. At the same time, another
anti-Taliban tribal leader  Abdul Haq was engaged in a
similar mission further north in Afghanistan. Haq was
captured and executed by the Taliban. Karzai too came
close to being captured during a gun fight while he
was being chased by the Taliban inside Uruzgan
province in Afghanistan. But he escaped Haq's fate.
How ? The US  defence secretary Donald Rumsfield has
"announced that US helicopters had rescued him and
ferried him to safety in Pakistan before depositing
him back inside Afghanistan for another try at raising
a revolt". (Report in The Statesman, dated 9.12.01.)
The same report says that diplomatic sources hold that
Pakistan has accepted Karzai as the Afghan head not
just because he is a Pashtun but also from the
realization that Karzai has strong backing from
There is no doubt whatsoever that Karzai is a US
puppet, placed into position by US pressure and
diplomatic manoeuvres taking advantage of  tribal,
ethnic, factional feuds in Afghanistan. His strength
stems from his US links. How secure is the US hold on
Karzai has already been demonstrated within just the
few days that have passed since the accord. On
December 6, for whatever reason, Karzai reportedly
told the CNN about the Taliban chief Mullah Omar: "If
he doesn't (renounce terrorism), then he won't be
safe. If he does, he would be afforded protection."
But the former Taliban envoy to Pakistan, Mullah
Zaeef, said the Taliban militia had agreed to
surrender Kandahar on condition that Mullah Omar would
not be put on trial.  "They've promised us that Mullah
Omar will live in his home and there'll be no fighting
with him. They'll protect the honour and life of every
Taliban fighter." The US defence secretary Rumsfeld
reacted sharply. "He  iterated the USA's stand that
Omar and other senior Taliban leaders, as well as
Osama bin Laden shouldn't be allowed to escape
accountability for their  support to terrorism. And he
warned that if such a deal was struck by Omar and its
opponents, the USA's ties with the anti-militia groups
would `take a turn to the south', implying a halt to
the military and economic cooperation." (Reports in
The Statesman, 7.12. & 9.12.01) This cut Karzai to
size and on the very next day, echoing the US 
statement,  he  vowed  that Mullah Omar would have to
face trial!
It is not that the various Afghan factions are
reconciled to Karzai leadership and none of them have
seen through the US game. Some of them have already
spoken out against the accord. Uzbek warlord General
Dostum has charged that his faction has not been 
fairly represented in the cabinet and announced a
boycott of the new administration. He has gone on
record saying that like him,  the shia Hazara leader
Khalili too has objections to the new administration.
Ethnic Pashtun spiritual leader Gailani has also
charged that the Bonn accord was unjust. (Report in
The Times of India, 7.12.01) Gulbuddin Hikmatyar,
leader of a faction that was not invited to the Bonn
meet, has said that the accord is a US solution 
imposed on the Afghans; the meet was organized by the
UN only in name; it is the USA which has pulled the
strings from behind to install a puppet government.
(Report in The Ananda Bazar Patrika, 7.12.2001)
The Afghan situation is in a flux and may continue to
remain so. But the fact is that the USA has  got
itself firmly entrenched in Afghan politics and, with
the installation of Karzai at the helm of affairs, has
taken a decisive step towards establishing a
full-fledged puppet government in Afghanistan in
pursuance of its imperialist objectives. NA, India
Government's favourite, no better than Taliban The
Indian government, following its hegemonistic design
of gaining a foothold in Afghan affairs, has for long
been maintaining close relationship with the NA and
aiding it as a counter to Pakistani backing provided
to the Taliban. Taking the cue from this, there has
been a tendency in Indian monopoly press to paint the
NA as a body of angels. But nothing could be farther
from the truth. The NA and the Taliban both are given
to medieval tribal factionalism, obscurantism and
bigotry and represent different hues of fanatic
fundamentalism. This is what Saher Saba of the
Revolutionary Association for the Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA) had to say about the NA in Calcutta on
29.11.01: "Alliance is only another face of the
Taliban. ... The whole truth is that the Northern
Alliance leaders are as fundamentalist,criminal and
anti-democratic as their Taliban counterparts. They
were in power between 1992 and 1996 and perpetrated
the worst crimes against Afghan women." (Report in The
Statesman, 30.11.01). Even after the recent capture of
Kabul by the NA, women were not allowed to go to
cinema halls for "security reasons". Members of Women
In Afghanistan have twice been refused permission to
take out procession celebrating freedom. Younus
Qanooni, interior minister of the NA who now continues
to hold the same post in the presently formed interim
administration, said that the processions were
prohibited due to "security reasons!" Amnesty
International Report No. ASA ll/003/1995 dated
18.5.200l has stated that the NA, during its rule
between 1992 and 1996 considered rape and sexual
torture means of striking the ultimate terror in the
defeated and as just rewards for the soldiers. Wearing
of (veil) was made compulsory in Afghanistan in 1994.
Debarring women from education began even before the
Taliban came into power. 
There  were numerous instances of flogging of women
and many women were stoned to death on charge of
adultery. There were instances of a teacher being
killed by soldiers because he taught girl students, of
soldiers raping the daughter after killing the father,
of mass raping by Mujahids and much worse. (Article in
Ananda Bazar Patrika, 11.12.01) The same Younus
Qanooni referred to above came on a 3-day official
visit to India on December 7 last, met union ministers
Advani and Jaswant Singh and lauded the BJP-led 
government's role in Afghanistan !
Task of the hour !
US imperialism has now made decisive inroads into
Afghanistan, taking advantage of the Afghan factional
feuds. A fragmented Afghanistan is what is desirable
to US imperialism to attain its imperialist
objectives. Through adjustments with the Afghan
factional warlords, the path has now been cleared for
stationing a multi-national imperialist force in their
country under the banner of the UNO. The Afghan people
should realize that it is the USA that nurtured and
strengthened the Taliban and Osama bin Laden for long.
Now that the USA  has fallen out with Laden, it has
used Afghans to kill Afghans in a fratricidal war in
the name of fighting terrorism, devastated the whole
country turning it into a desert, brought it down upon
its knees before the USA, utterly dependent on the USA
for food, relief, shelter and medicine, and has now
foisted a puppet government on their country. For
ages, the under the rule of one set of tyrants after
another. Through the present puppet government, the
USA is about to impose slavery on the Afghan nation in
a new form. Freedom and democracy remain  far cries.
The path to emancipation lies in a thorough
democratization of the Afghan society and for this,
the only course is to organise democratic movements on
Afghan soil under correct leadership and to develop it
from strength to strength. And it is only a correct
Marxist-Leninist party that can provide this


Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Saturday 29
december that Moscow hoped the U.S. will keep its
promise to remove its military bases from Central
Asian countries after military action in Afghanistan
is over.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Saturday
that Moscow hoped  the U.S. will keep its promise to
remove its military bases from Central Asian countries
after military action in Afghanistan  is over. Russia
"respects the choice and decisions of the leaderships
of the Central Asian countries about how to build
their relations with the U.S. today. And for the
future," Ivanov told Russia's TVTs television.
However, he said, Washington has said the U.S. does
not plan to keep its military bases on the territory
of the Central Asian countries for long time after it
finishes its military task in Afghanistan. "We hope
the U.S. will act in conformity with this position,"
said the minister. Ivanov also said Russia was ready
to sign a deal with the U.S. on drastic cut of
strategic weapons during U.S. President George Bush's
Moscow trip  planned for the middle of the next year.
The minister said he hoped the two countries would
start " concrete negotiations" on this matter in
January. Moscow had put forward a proposal for Russia
and the U.S. each to cut its nuclear arsenal to 1,500
warheads or fewer, he said.
Ivanov said the Russian-American dialogue on strategic
stability "will  be continued" even after the U.S.
announced to unilaterally withdraw from  the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. "We cannot take an
offended posture and say we will not continue
negotiations," he said.
(News from KOMINFORM)


(article de ZDNET du 03 Decembre 2001)
Après le 11 septembre, l'ensemble des démocraties
occidentales ont voté de nouvelles lois pour combattre
le terrorisme, notamment via le renforcement de la
surveillance électronique, à l'efficacité souvent
Tour d'horizon des mesures adoptées :
Les États-Unis, la France, l'Allemagne et le
Royaume-Uni ont déjà modifié leur droit, ou vont
bientôt le faire. Au coeur de leur arsenal législatif,
les mesures destinées à renforcer la surveillance
électronique sont nombreuses : étendre les écoutes
téléphoniques aux nouveaux modes de communication
numériques (email mais aussi messagerie instantanée,
SMS, etc.), supprimer le principe d'anonymat lors de
connexions sur réseaux de voix ou de données
(conservation des logs de connexion), multiplier les
croisements de fichiers administratifs entre
juridictions, etc.  Dans ce contexte postattentats, on
aura aussi relevé l'apathie des parlementaires face à
l'adoption de ces mesures. Quel que soit le pays, une
écrasante majorité a accepté d'agir dans la
précipitation alors qu'un corpus de lois permettait
déjà de réprimer la menace terroriste. 
Union européenne :
Antiterrorisme : les députés européens calment le jeu
(30/11/2001). Ils ont reformulé la notion de
terrorisme telle qu'elle était définie dans une
"décision cadre" du Conseil qui faisait trop peu de
distinctions entre terrorisme et militantisme.
Certains députés critiquent toujours le risque
Cyberterrorisme et violence urbaine au menu du nouvel
ordre policier européen (12/10/2001) : Les
propositions antiterroristes avancées par la
Commission européenne seront étudiées des lundi par le
Parlement de Strasbourg. Certaines mesures encouragent
l'amalgame entre piratage informatique et infraction
France :
Le président de la République promulgue la LSQ
(16/11/2001). Malgré les demandes pressantes de la
Ligue des droits de l'Homme, Jacques Chirac n'a pas
saisi le Conseil constitutionnel, invoquant l'urgence
des mesures préconisées dans la LSQ.  La LSQ adoptée
après un débat précipité (31/10/2001) : La loi sur la
sécurité quotidienne a été adoptée le 31 octobre 2001
à 20 heures par l'Assemblée. Cinq heures de débat en
plus sur l'ordre du jour, mais nombre de propositions
auraient mérité plus de réflexion démocratique,
accusent la LDH et la CNCDH.  LSQ : levée de boucliers
contre l'extension du fichier ADN (30/10/2001) À la
veille du vote à l'Assemblée de la LSQ, les ONG
montent à nouveau au créneau, soulignant les effets
liberticides de l'inscription des suspects au fichier
ADN. Une proposition du Sénat que les députés
devraient rejeter. Mais sait-on jamais. LSQ :
l'Assemblée restera-t-elle sourde à l'appel des ONG ?
(26/10/2001). Les associations de défense des libertés
sont sur la brèche : la Commission des lois de
l'Assemblée a approuvé sans rechigner les mesures
antiterroristes de la "loi sécurité". Elles appellent
à la raison le reste des députés. 
Grande-Bretagne :
Londres prône une rétention des logs pendant 12 mois
(23/11/2001). Alors que les instances européennes sont
toujours divisées sur le sujet, le Royaume-Uni, à
l'image de la France avec la LSQ, anticipe la mise à
jour d'une directive de 1997 sur la protection de la
vie privée pour mieux surveiller les réseaux télécoms.
 Londres met son projet de loi antiterroriste à
l'épreuve (19/11/2001). La commission gardienne de la
protection des données personnelles au Royaume-Uni
s'oppose au projet de loi antiterroriste en cours
d'examen. Les parlementaires ont également mis
l'accent sur quelques points fondamentaux qu'il faudra
éclaircir.  Londres prend l'alibi antiterroriste pour
jouer à Big Brother (08/11/2001) : Avançant comme
motif les besoins des enquêtes terroristes, le Home
Office veut amender une loi déjà célèbre (RIPA) pour y
ajouter une clause qui permettrait à la police
d'utiliser légalement les "logs" de connexion pour des
enquêtes banales. 
Allemagne :
L'Allemagne sur la voie d'une carte d'identité
"biométrique" (30/11/2001) : Après les attentats du 11
septembre, la république fédérale a instauré un
nouveau dispositif antiterroriste, comme la France et
le Royaume-Uni. Au programme : la surveillance des
communications et l'identification biométrique des
citoyens.  Un Oscar du flicage pour le ministre
allemand de l'Intérieur (29/10/2001) : L'Autriche, la
Suisse et l'Allemagne ont décerné leurs Big Brother
Awards, qui "récompensent" chaque année des individus,
organisations, institutions et entreprises qui
s'illustrent dans le contrôle et la surveillance des
États-Unis : Bush tient sa loi USA Act (26/10/2001) :
Quelques jours après la Chambre des représentants, le
Sénat américain vient d'adopter en dernière lecture le
projet de loi antiterroriste réclamé par Georges Bush.
Ne reste plus au Président qu'à y apposer sa
signature. Terrorisme : un pare-feu géant pour
l'internet américain (19/10/2001) : Depuis les
attentats du 11 septembre, les États-Unis sont obsédés
par  la sécurité, notamment celle des systèmes
d'information et de l'internet. La commission Gilmore
a ainsi demandé au Congrès de créer un comité
spécialement chargé de la question. 
Technologies :
La traque au faciès numérique, sport d'intérieur au
salon Milipol (23/11/2001) : L'industrie sécuritaire
se retrouve chaque année au salon Milipol, en
alternance à Paris et au Qatar. Au Bourget, l'édition
2001 s'est terminée le 23 novembre en célébrant la
reconnaissance faciale comme vedette de la foire. 
Le FBI adopte la stratégie du cheval de Troie
(22/11/2001) : Le bureau d'enquêtes américain a décidé
d'utiliser un programme de type cheval de Troie pour
obtenir, dans le cadre de ses enquêtes, les  données
et mots de passe de suspects. Une méthode dont l'usage
n'est réglementé par aucune loi


(By Sean Rayment, Sunday Telegraph, UK  30/12/2001)
A SHORTAGE of cruise missiles has thrown plans for a
full-scale strike on Iraq into disarray. America's
supply of the air launched version, one of the US air
force's most sophisticated and deadly weapons, has
become so depleted that military chiefs are pressing
Boeing, the manufacturers, to speed up their
Even so, the first of the new batch of missiles
ordered last year is  not expected for months, and it
may take longer to rebuild stocks to a level that
would make such an attack viable. Strikes against
Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998 and Kosovo two years ago
virtually exhausted the US supply. The number of
conventional [non-nuclear] air launched cruise
missiles left within the inventory is believed to be
fewer than 30.
The £900,000 missiles are a vital tactical weapon
because of their  ability to destroy targets from up
to 800 miles without warning. The news came as
President Bush pledged to maintain the war on
terrorism in 2002. "Above all, this coming year will
require our sustained commitment to the war against
terrorism," he said in his weekly radio address. "We 
cannot know how long this struggle will last. But it
can end only one way: in victory for America and the
cause of freedom."
The US joint chiefs are known to be considering a
number of plans to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime.
The military is thought to be pushing for a full-scale
invasion of the country in a campaign similar to 
Operation Desert Storm, but this would require months
of planning and the movement of hundreds of thousand
of troops. Fundamental to any plan is the use of
overwhelming air power. Unless Iraq's air defence
system was destroyed by cruise missiles, as in the
Gulf  war, the chances of heavy US casualties would be
high. Other options open to America include the use of
Tomahawk cruise missiles, 85 of which have been fired
against Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
The Tomahawks can be launched from ships or submarines
but lack the range for every target in Iraq, a fact
that Saddam recognises.
It is also likely that the US Navy would not want its
stock of  Tomahawks diminished, potentially creating
the nightmare scenario of the world's only military
superpower being without a viable long-range missile
force. Rob Hewson, the editor of Jane's Air Launched
Weapons, said American bombers would not be sent in
until hostile air defence and communications systems
had been all but destroyed by cruise missiles. He
said: "The Pentagon will not want to be in a position
to launch another full-scale attack against Iraq
without a full armoury of cruise missiles. Iraq has
one of the largest armed forces in the world. It has a
very capable air defence system and the US wouldn't
want to launch an attack against it without destroying
most of its air defence first. "The only real option
as far as Iraq is concerned is to sit tight and
replenish stocks." A Pentagon spokesman admitted that
cruise missile  stocks had been virtually exhausted
after the strikes on Afghanistan, Sudan and Kosovo.
When asked whether the shortfall would delay any
future large-scale military operation, he said: "The
military chiefs are aware of the situation and
measures are in place to fix it."The Pentagon has also
given the go-ahead for a more sophisticated  version
of the "Daisy Cutter" bomb which has been used in
Afghanistan. The BLU118/B was first dropped on
December 14 in the Nevada desert. The devices creates
a pressure wave capable of destroying caves and
killing troops in the open.


Iraq said on Friday December 28 that more than 1.6
million people had died as a result of economic
sanctions imposed on Baghdad  since 1990 by the United
Nations, the state Iraqi News Agency (INA) said. The
agency was quoting from a letter sent from Iraq's U.N.
mission to Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United
"A total of 1,614,203 people, out of them 667,773
children under the age of five have died since the
imposition of sanctions in 1990 until November 2001,"
INA quoted the letter as saying. The letter said there
had been only 258 deaths among children under the  age
of five in 1989, a year before sanctions were imposed.
Iraq blamed the rise in the death rate on delays by
U.S. and British representatives to the U.N. Security
Council's sanctions committee in approving the
purchase of medicine and medical equipment. Iraq says
the embargo, imposed as punishment for Baghdad's 1990
invasion of Kuwait, has ruined its infrastructure and
caused living standards to fall. Under the existing
oil-for-food program, Iraq is allowed to sell oil to
buy food, medicine and other supplies to ease the
impact of the U.N. sanctions. A list of such supplies
has to be approved by the Security Council.
London and Washington have been trying since last June
to get approval  of the U.N. Security Council to
revamp the sanctions regime but their  effort was
blocked by Russia. 
Baghdad wants the sanctions lifted or at least made
ineffective and  objects to any system which would
perpetuate them.
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