>From: "ilc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Lebanon: international day of action for Okomoto

>We herewith publish a call of the Lebanese "Committee of the friends of
>Okomoto", of which the International Leninist Current (ILC) is part. We call
>upon you to take appropriate action and to send your support to Lebanon:
>Univeral call
>to all the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist forces
>We, men and women of the world, ask the Japanese government to stop
>immediately all persecution against the universal militant Kozo Okomoto and
>his companions and announce that we will face every Zionist attempt to
>threaten the Lebanese Republic and push the authorities to exile all five
>militants. We ask the Lebanese authorities to give them the right to asylum.
>We announce that we will stick beside Okomoto and his companions for they
>are the foes of imperialism and Zionism in the world. We also ask the
>American government to stop every attempt to achieve this goal.
>Comrades! Dear brothers!
>On the 5th of February 1997 the Lebanese authorities arrested the Japanese
>militant Okomoto and his companion members of the Red Army of Japan. The
>Lebanese authorities denied the arrest for more than 20 days in a trial to
>exile the revolutionist militant and execute him. But the pressure operated
>by the political forces and the public organizations obliged the Lebanese
>authorities to admit the arrest. However they pretended that they had
>arrested the militants for forgery. Condemned of forgery they suits were
>filed against them, then were imprisoned for three years and they were to be
>exiled out of the Lebanese territories.
>Comrades! Dear brothers!
>The period of imprisonment of the Japanese militants will end in March 2000
>we fear that he will be exiled once the indictment period terminated because
>they were the foes of imperialism and Zionism.
>Comrades! Dear brothers!
>In Lebanon we are struggling to prevent the exile of the Japanese militants
>and give them the right to asylum, protection and welfare in our country. We
>ask you to stick to us in our struggle and lobby on the Japanese government
>to stop threatening Lebanon in order to hand over the Japanese militants. We
>ask you to push the Lebanese government to give them the right to asylum we
>suggest that you help us through the following:
>- Consider the 15th of February 2000 Okomoto’s day.
>- A sit-in in front of all the Japanese embassies in the world in objection
>to all attempts to arrest the militants.
>- Delegate envoys to the Lebanese embassies to ask the Lebanese authorities
>not to exile the militants.
>- Publish all documents to reveal the true side of Okomoto’s personality.
>- Collect all signatures of the political organizations and the national
>committees in order to fight exiling the militants
>Who is Okomoto?
>Born in a small town in Japan he is a 52 year old Japanese revolutionist
>dedicated to fight imperialism and Zionism. He was a member of the student
>movement against Japanese and American imperialism then he was joined the
>red army of Japan, a Marxist-Leninist institution that points its weapons
>against both American and Japanese imperialism.
>Operation Led
>In the night of the 30th of March 1972, the PLO in collaboration with the
>Red Army declared themselves responsible for the raid on the airport of led
>in the occupied territories. They attacked the institutions of the airport.
>Three young men, Kozo Okomoto, Tsoitchi Okadaira and Yasuiki Yasoda, guided
>the operation. The revolutionists entered in a battle against the Israeli
>armed forces and they had successfully occupied the airport, killed 28
>soldiers, a colonist and 140 injured, they also destroyed 2 airplanes. Young
>Okidara and Yasoda were killed. Because of lack of immunities, Okomoto was
>held captive.
>Then he was condemned to be executed, but in fear of him becoming a symbol
>of revolution he was condemned to life imprisonment. He experienced all
>kinds of physical and moral torture. He was hang for 13 years to the ceiling
>of his electrified cell. Then his body was injected with all kinds of
>bacterial substances. He was a guineapig! And he thought he was a dog!
>He was freed in the famous operation of exchanging prisoners held by the PLO
>in the 20th of May 1985 and went into therapy for interminable years. He was
>partially recovered. He wondered in the Arab world seeking security and
>protection until he settled down in our country Lebanon.
>15th of February 1997, a date were all bad memories found their way again to
>the heart and mind of Okomoto after being arrested by the Lebanese
>authorities. He thought the Israeli forces are holding him captive.
>In 15th of February 1998, and in memory of that arrest we the believers in
>the case of Okomoto organized the Committee of the friends of Okomoto and
>his companions to help improve their state in prison as well as help them to
>have the right to asylum.
>Our committee is composed of all political forces, lawyers, university
>teachers, members of the municipality, religious, anti-imperialists and
>Committee of the friends of Okomoto
>Beiruth, January 2000
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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