Saturday, 6 January, 2001: Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi on Thursday
slammed as "hollow" U.S. President Bill Clinton's peace proposals for Israel
and the Palestinians, warning that disaster would follow if they are agreed
and implemented. "The Palestinian president (Yasser Arafat) cannot accept
the U.S. plan and, if he does, it will be catastrophic," Qadhafi told a news
conference in Tripoli. Qadhafi reiterated his idea for a "democratic
Palestinian state" in which Jews and Arabs would live together, as well a
return of the millions of Palestinian refugees to territory taken over by
Israel and the renouncing by Israel of weapons of mass destruction. During
the conference, the Libyan leader also said that Clinton's successor, George
W. Bush "is good, like his father", adding: "He is interested in his country
and is not a bad person." [Sapa-AFP]


 Friday, 5 January, 2001: United States President Bill Clinton extended the
nearly 15-year U.S. state of emergency concerning Libya. In a letter he sent
to the Congress and the Senate Thursday, Clinton stated, "the crisis between
the U.S. and Libya that led to the declaration on January 7, 1986, of a
national emergency has not been resolved. Despite the U.N. Security
Council's suspension of U.N. sanctions against Libya upon the Libyan
government's hand over of the Pan Am 103 bombing suspects, there are still
concerns about the Libyan government's support for terrorist activities and
its noncompliance with U.N. Security Council Resolutions. For these reasons,
I have determined that it is necessary to maintain in force the actions
taken and currently in effect to apply economic pressure on the Government
 of Libya". [US Newswire]

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