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>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 11th February, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Cold charity.
>2) Lead story - Privatisation menaces 40% of schools.
>3) Feature article - Rural young face low pay and prospects.
>4) International story - South Lebanon ablaze.
>5) British news item - Irish peace hangs in the balance.
>1) Editorial
>Cold charity.
>CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has come up with another idea to make the
>government look as if it's doing something for us when it is merely doing
>another favour for the rich. That's about the measure of his budget
>proposal to give better and simpler-to-use tax breaks to those donating
>money or shares to charity.
> As with most Blairite schemes it is couched in the most sanctimonious
>language: a new "age of giving", a "new civic patriotism", a "decade of
>giving" and so on. It is meant to sound so caring and compassionate.
> The Treasury estimate the measure will provide charities with an extra £l
>billion by 2002 and will redress the fall in charitable donations.
> But behind the pious talk is the government's determination to stick to
>the former Tory government's income tax and public spending levels. Instead
>of raising taxes on the rich the government is encouraging the voluntaty
>sector to do more in alleviating the worst problems caused by state
>underfunding of public services, while just a bit of extra cash comes from
>the government to fund the tax relief scheme.
> For the wealthy minority it signals the continuation of the
>low-taxes-for-the-rich policy that has lasted since Thatcher came to office
>in 1979. And while some more money may be raised for charities, this is a
>voluntary option that will never match the sums which a policy of
>progressive taxation could raise.
> For the majority of people it signals something else -- a continuation of
>underfunding by the government of all those services and facilities which
>have been slashed, and even destroyed completely, over the past two decades
>and it indicates that all we're going to get is piecemeal handouts from the
>voluntary sector.
> Above all it elevates cold-handed charity above the need to defend a
>decent social wage. It ignores the fact that all the wealth there is in the
>world has been created by the hands and brains of worldng people. Then it
>offers workers some tiny pittance of alms out of the wealth the idle rich
>have taken away for themselves.
> There is nothing caring or compassionate about ring-fencing the vast
>fortunes of the very rich by forcing the least well-off, the sick and the
>old to appeal for help to charities.
> It is scandalous that so much medical research needs to be supported by
>good-hearted people rattling tins in our High Streets. And it is shameful
>that a prosperous country in the 21st century should be trying to expand
>its voluntary sector and preaching about the vi rtues of "giving" in order
>to provide the necessities of life for its citizens.
> Most of us are giving all the time -- giving ourtime, our energy, our
>skills. More and more workers are being badgered into working long hours
>and are suffering increasing levels of stress. The gains from all this,
>together with the gains from new technology, are making fortunes for the
>bosses and the rest of the parasitic leisured class which rakes in the
>super profits.
> It is often argued that the country can't afford decent pensions, a decent
>health service, adequately maintained and resourced schools, the range of
>local services we had just a few decades ago. This is what the ruling
>capitalist class would like us to believe.
> It is false on two counts. Firstly that the wealth of this country is
>notjust the money in the Chancellor's pockets. Most of the wealth of
>Britain lies out of sight in private pockets, bank accounts, share
>certificates, bonds, offshore tax havens and property. The lion's share of
>this wealth is in a very few hands and the gap between the richest and the
>poorest is growing wider all the time. In a capitalist society like
>Britain, income tax is the only way this wealth can be reached and social
>provision funded.
> Secondly, even the revenue that is in the Chancellor's pocket gets wasted
>on anti-working class projects such as Trident nuclear weapons and costly
>wars against workers in other countries. And yet, like the rich, these
>things are ring-fenced by every government and the costs hardly ever
>mentioned or questioned.
> Mr Brown, we don't want your alms, we want an end to your arms. We want a
>reformed taxation system not a bigger begging bowl and we certainly don't
>want any pious lectures about "giving" -- we've already been bled enough!
>                               **************************
>2) Lead story
>Privatisation menaces 40% of schools.
>by Daphne Liddle
>THE GOVERNMENT last week drew up plans to sell off the work of three
>Labour-controlled local education authorities which were deemed to have
>been failing.
> And in the same week, Chris Woodhead, the controversial chief inspector of
>the Government's education watchdog Ofsted, condemned 23 out of 59 LEAs as
>failing in their duties -- indicating that the Government intends to step
>up the process of privatising the administration of education in England
>and Wales.
> Another 92 LEAs are yet to be inspected but many of these are expected to
> Woodhead said that the 23 were found to be wasting public money and making
>it harder for schools to raise standards.
> And he had particularly harsh words for the three that are to be sold off
>now: Leeds, Rotherham and Sheffield. Sheffield is the constituency of
>Education Secretary David Blunkett.
> Schools minister Estelle Morris announced a big drive to recruit more
>(management) consultants to help with the expected increase in
>"interventions" (sell offs).
> The three Yorkshire LEAs now being put into the private sector will have
>outside consultants appointed to them and some functions will be privatised
>though Ms Morris called it "outsourcing".
> Another three LEAs, Liverpool, Hackney and Islington, have already been
>sold off.
> The list of complaints against the failing LEAs is predictable:
>councillors competing for funds for schools in their own wards, poor repair
>of buildings to the point where teaching is impaired and so on.
> There obviously has been some bad management of resources but it is even
>plainer that the local authorities are battling against ever dwindling
> Cuts to education budgets have been going on now for two decades and it is
>this which lies at the root of the LEA's problems.
> Meanwhile the schools and LEAs have faced ever increasing demands with the
>introduction of the national curriculum, continual changes to if sats
>tests, Ofsted inspections and exam league tables.
> It is no wonder that morale is low in some LEAs.
> But it is amazing that anyone should think that people from the business
>sector who have no experience or undestanding of education should be able
>to improve things when those who have worked in education for years cannot.
> It is almost like sacking bus drivers because they can't make their
>vehicles go properly without petrol and imagining that bringing in
>newsagents will be able to do the trick.
> But that of course is looking at it from the point of view of pupils and
>parents. The business sector looks at it from only one point of view -- is
>there a profit to be made? And if there is, they will be very efficient at
>doing that and in their terms it will be a success.
> Chris Woodhead gave a clue as to where the would-be profit makers are
>really setting their sights when he warned that many middle class schools
>are "coasting".
> He accused teachers of complacency and failing children in middle class
>schools, despite apparently good exam results.
> He said the "hidden crisis in the leafy suburbs" will be revealed soon.
> David Blunkett is now to make it easier for schools to fail -- and so
>become eligible for throwing to the private sector -- by introducing a new
>category of inspections for those that are apparently doing well.
> From now on, schools deemed not to be pushing their pupils hard enough
>will be marked as "under-achieving".
> There will also be refresher courses for teachers thought to be stuck in
>their ways, which heads will be able to use as part of an "MoT" for
>teachers half way through their careers.
> Teaching unions hotly denied complacency among teachers. National Union of
>Teachers general secretary Doug McAvoy said: "One reason they don't trust
>the Government is because it has failed to have a programme of professional
>development as of right. Instead it targets individual teachers for the
>purposes of spin rather than real educational development."
>                                   *********************
>3) Feature article
>Rural young face low pay and prospects.
>by Caroline Colebrook
>WAGES for young people living in rural areas are significantly lower than
>for their counterparts in towns and their long-term career prospects are
>dismal, according to two reports published last Monday.
> The Joseph Rowntree Foundation surveyed more than 1,000 people between 18
>and 25 and round that while young people in rural areas are less likely to
>suffer long-term unemployment, they tend to be more socially excluded and
>have fewer opportunities for training.
> And a survey conducted by Glasgow and Edinburgh universities round that
>rural employers have less knowledge about training and are reluctant to
>take on employees who have long or complex journeys to work.
> The sort of work on offer is more likely to be very low paid,
>unsatisfying, seasonal or part-time.
> There are few chances for young people to develop a career or realise
>their potential.
> Even those employers who are aware of Government training schemes give
>reasons for not getting involved.
> Young women find it easier to get settled work but this is often in
>tourism and service industries.
> Most rural employers do not employ a large workforce and many rely heavily
>on seasonal workers.
> Few young people find seasonal or part-time work a stepping stone to a
>proper full-time job.
> The costs and scarcity of public transport are a barrier to many young
>people finding work.
> Fred Cartmel, author of the report, carried out research in four types of
>rural community in Scotland.
> He said: "It may be lovely waking up to look at a beautiful view but the
>quality oflife is only better in rural areas if you are well off. If you
>haven't got the money, you are farther from shops, facilities and
> "Mr Blair is saying that rural areas are all the same. He's not taken on
>board that, as we have shown from the four rural areas in our study, they
>are very different."
> The research also showed that housing was a major problem and that the
>fact that many young people remain in their parental home well into their
>adulthood, disguised levels of poverty.
> Co-author Stephen Pavis said: "The lack of diversity in the rural labour
>market was a major issue for young people.
> "Those who lacked qualifications found themselves trapped in poorly-paid,
>low quality employment. Simply getting a job was not enough to avoid being
>socially excluded.
> "Low incomes meant owner occupation was beyond their reach and they were
>not judged a high enough priority for the public sector housing available."
> Another report from the New Policy Institute found that one in ten rural
>people live below the poverty line and that low incomes can mean the
>experience of poverty in rural areas is worse than in cities.
> Living among comparatively wealthy people who can afford to choose to live
>in the countryside, means there are far fewer facilities for the rural poor.
> Again, the low level of public transport makes for a dismal quality of life.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>South Lebanon ablaze.
>by Our Middle East Affairs correspondent
>LEBANESE resistance forces are continuing to attack Israeli and puppet
>troop positions in the occupied south despite daily Israeli air-raids
>across the entire south of the country.
> Two Israeli soldiers have been killed and a number of Israelis and "South
>Lebanese Army" auxiliaries wounded by the guerrillas this week. Israeli
>warplanes are continuing to bomb villages they claim are guerrilla bases
>and others hit power stations right across Lebanon, cutting off the power
>to the Lebanese capital for a time.
> Lebanese Hezbullah (Party of God) guerrillas vowed on Tuesday to keep
>hitting Israeli soldiers occupying southern Lebanon, undeterred by Israeli
>attacks that destroyed three Lebanese power stations.
> "Last night's Zionist aggression will not protect troops of the occupation
>in the occupied zone...the occupation soldiers will remain steady targets
>for the bombs, rockets and ambushes of our fighters," a Hezbullah statement
> "We reserve the right to respond in the appropriate time which might be
>very soon. The enemy will not be able to impose a new formula in the
>confrontation field," Hezbullah said referring to Israel's attempts to
>deter attacks on its soldiers by hitting the Lebanese economy.
> Northern Israel is under a state of emergency and the settlers are taking
>cover in their shelters fearful of Hezbullah rocket attacks while others
>have left for safety in central Israel.
> Lebanese Electricity Minister Sleiman Trabousli said after touring the
>wreckage of the Jumhour power station on the outskirts of Beirut -- the
>third time it has been raided by Israel since 1996 -- that all three
>stations bombed in the midnight assault had been destroyed.
> "Rationing will be harsh," Traboulsi told a Lebanese public that had
>suffered through last summer with severe power shortages following an
>Israeli onslaught in June. It will be a blow to an economy already in
>recession. But it will do nothing to quell the rising temper amongst the
>south Lebanese Arabs who want the Israelis out, and want them out now.
> In his rage Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak -- the man who won last
>year's election pledging to pull the troops out of Lebanon by this summer
>and sign peace treaties with Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinians by the end
>of the year -- has reverted to the old Israeli policy of brute force.
> Tel Aviv admits that no progress has been made on the Syrian or the
>Palestinian tracks. The Syrian talks are stalled and the Palestinians are
>still trying to get the Israelis to honour their last interim withdrawal,
>now months overdue.
> Barak blames the Syrians but it's the stubborn refusal of his Labour-led
>government to accept that peace can only come with a total withdrawal from
>all the occupied territories that has led to the deadlock and the current
>bloodshed in Lebanon.
> This was recognised by the European Union's peace envoy, Miguel Angel
>Moratinos, who told the press on Monday that peace in the Middle East is
>not attainable unless Israel totally withdraws from Syria's Golan Heights.
> He could have added that this goes for south Lebanon; the West Bank and
>the Gaza Strip as well. But at the moment the focus is on Lebanon. The
>Israeli government is still saying it intends to withdraw from southern
>Lebanon in the summer -- with or without an agreement. The Lebanese
>resistance have said they will fight on until that day comes and Hezbullah
>seem determined to see Barak quit the south with his tail between his legs.
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>Irish peace hangs in the balance.
>by Steve Lawton
>YEARS of hard and painful political graft fashioning the Irish peace
>process, are now under serious threat as the Northern Ireland Assembly is
>held to ransom over the IRA's so-called failure to begin decommissioning
> If a solution to this crisis isn't found by today, the Northern Ireland
>Bill is expected to come into force suspending the Northern Ireland
>Legislative Assembly institutions. Westminster thereby re-imposes direct rule.
> The Ulster Unionist Party's (UUP) demand that the IRA begin to disarm,
>imposing a timetable in breach of the Good Friday Agreement that coincides
>with the UUP's council meeting tomorrow, excludes the overwhelming military
>power of the occupying British troops, the RUC and Loyalist organisations.
> Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams, wherever he has been speaking over recent
>days -- on Ulster Radio and TV and on the BBC's Newsnight programme -- he
>has given a very pointed and stark message for the immediate future.
> Despite two statements by the IRA over the last fortnight to categorically
>reiterate its defence of the peace process, and the clear reaffirmation of
>maintaining the ceasefire with silent guns remaining silent Unionists are
>set on pushing Sinn Fein a step too far. Yet another statement is being
> On BBC Radio Ulster last Tuesday he said that the present crisis "has to
>be resolved definitely and conclusively." Sinn Fein has, he said, "honoured
>[its] commitments under the [Good Friday] Agreement.
> "We have gone much further than that and there is a collective
>responsibility in all of this, for all of the parties and the [British and
>Irish] governments to sort it out."
> This would prevent a crisis, he said, but "if the institutions are
>collapsed, if we go into review, then this party and this party leader is
>going to sit back and reflect in a very contemplative way what role I have
>to play as a messenger who continuously gets shot."
> The Continuity IRA-claimed bombing of Mahon's Hotel, Irvinestown, County
>Fermanagh last Sunday, provided an ill-timed weapon for anti-Agreement
>unionists to stoke up anti-Republican sentiment.
> There is an unfortunate coincidence of anti-Agreement unionists,
>disaffected elements like Continuity IRA, combined with the actions of the
>British government in failing, yet again, to contain the destabilising
>strategy of hardline unionism that is pushing the peace process over the edge.
> It remains to be seen whether there is an eleventh hour solution defining
>the IRA within the overall requirement of demilitarisation, beginning
>particularly with a British military scaling down. Normalisation cannot
>otherwise proceed.
> It would be a dire irony to think that the current first Bill going
>through the Assembly on disability should abruptly end with the real danger
>of a return to open conflict.
> Sinn Fein has a democratic mandate under the terms of the Good Friday
>Agreement which the referendum endorsed by over 70 per cent in a
>cross-community vote -- and it has adhered to it.
> The effect of taking away that absolutely legitimately attained starting
>block for Ireland's tomorrow, bringing both communities together, will be
>measured in a horrendous cost of lives yet known.
>                               *********************
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