>To: "International"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Contact:  Monica Somocrucio, Teresa Gutierrez (212) 633-6646
>February 4 2000--The International Action Center denounces the so-
> called agreement forced upon the Puerto Rican people by the
>Pentagon and the Clinton administration that paves the way for
>renewed military bombardments on the island of Vieques.
>Puerto Rico is one of the last remaining colonies in the world. Since
>1898, the US Congress and President have had final say on matters
>that concern the island nation. This latest agreement goes against the
>expressed will of the people of Puerto Rico who want to live in peace
> by seeing the US Navy out of Vieques.
>Fearing a negative response from the people, the pro-statehood
>governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Roselló, agreed to the Clinton/US
>Navy proposal secretly. He didn’t even consult with his appointed
>Vieques Working Group.
>Jorge Farinacci, leader of the Socialist Front on the main island of
>Puerto Rico, referring to Roselló’s betrayal said, “This is a shameful
>act and we will support the people of Vieques until the very end. We
>will be with all those continuing the resistance.”
>On February 1, President Clinton, in a brief televised message-his first
>  ever to the people of Puerto Rico-announced the agreement
>between   the two governments. He pleaded with the people to accept
>the   proposal.
>The agreement, which calls for a referendum of the people of Vieques
> in about a year and a half, establishes as policy the prompt renewal of
>  exercises with inert bombs. These bombs are not without risks. In
>fact, a 1999 US Navy study concluded that inert bombs are less
>accurate and therefore more dangerous to the general population. The
>  agreement also calls for $40 million for Puerto Rico.
>The referendum gives no choice for an immediate halt of military
>exercises on the island. Instead, it asks the Viequenses to “choose”
>between letting the Navy resume practices on it's "own terms",
>including live ammunition, and an additional $50 million; or voting to
>end all Navy activities by 2003, when the firing range will be
>transferred, not to the people of Vieques, but to the US General
>Services Administration. In the meantime, the US will be trying to find
> ways to convince Viequenses to let the Navy stay.
>Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig, in a show of arrogance and
>contempt towards the people of Vieques said, "I think it is useful for
>the people of Puerto Rico in general and of Vieques in particular to
>have some time to talk among themselves and to evolve their position
>in respect to this."
>But the people of Vieques have suffered the Navy for over 60 years
>now and have decided that the Navy must go. To them, the offer is
>unacceptable. Carlos Zenon, a leader of the Committee for the
>Rescue and Development of Vieques, said, “The people of Vieques
>have already made a decision: US Navy out and not one more bomb
>of any kind.”
>The Committee, along with other pro-independence and community
>activists, has vowed to fortify the encampments in the US Navy
>occupied areas. These civil disobedience actions have stayed the hand
>  of the US Navy for almost a year now.
>The IAC denounces the US and its strong-arm tactics in wresting this
> recent agreement from a colonized nation. And finally, the IAC
>extends its unconditional solidarity and support to the fighting people
>of Vieques.


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