To all,
This REVISED Statement to the Media is to replace the Statement sent out on 
March 17.  Our apologies for any inconvenience.  Thank you.

Industrial Workers of the World, IU 670
c/o The Red & Black Café, 2138 SE Division, Portland, OR 97202

                             Statement to the Media
                                 March 18, 2001
Contact: Jordana Sardo
(Day) 503-240-3279 (pager)
(Evening) 503-255-5776
Bill Bradley
(Day) 503-231-3899
(Evening) 503-236-6948

For release: Immediately


"Thank you to my co-workers, my union, and everyone who stood together with 
us," said Jordana Sardo, after winning back the job she had held for nine 
years at Harry's Mother, a division of Janus Youth Programs. The Industrial 
Workers of the World (IWW) International Union (IU) 670, the bargaining 
agent for workers at Harry’s Mother, a private social service agency for 
youth, announced the victory March 16.

One month earlier, Sardo, an IU 670 leader and member of the contract 
bargaining team, had been illegally laid off from her position as 
administrative assistant at Harry’s Mother. In response, the IWW filed an 
Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) complaint with the National Labor Relations 
Board, charging that retaliatory dismissal of a member of the contract 
negotiating team interferes with the Union’s legally recognized right to 
collective bargaining. Upon Sardo’s reinstatement the Union withdrew the ULP 

In January, after eight months of grueling contract negotiations, Janus 
announced that, due to budget cuts, they would lay-off bargaining unit 
members Tera Couchman, Michele Markowitz and Jordana Sardo on February 2, 
and eliminate the Student Alliance of Garden Entrepreneurs (S.A.G.E.) 
program. The union immediately organized to build community and labor 
support and won a two-week postponement of the lay-offs.

The public campaign of phone calls, petitions, letters and demonstrations, 
during which it was revealed that Janus possesses over 2 million dollars in 
unrestricted assets, received national and international attention and 
participation. On February 16, Couchman and Markowitz' layoffs were 
rescinded and the S.A.G.E. program was continued; however, Sardo was told to 
clean out her desk.

But after another month of community protest, Janus agreed to return Sardo 
to her job. Bill Bradley, IU 670 delegate and chief negotiator, exclaimed 
that "Public support made all the difference in winning this great victory." 
Among the organizations providing solidarity with IU 670 were other 
Industrial Unions of the IWW, the Urban Workers Union, Radical Women, Jobs 
with Justice, Freedom Socialist Party, Franklin High Student Union, and 
union members from Teamsters locals, Carpenters, and Municipal Employees.

Now that all bargaining unit members have been reinstated, the Union’s focus 
will be to complete bargaining with Janus for a living wage contract.

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