>Subject: Rigoberta Menchu Tum

>Dear Peltier supporters,
>    Greetings, below is a press advisory which you can format and fax to
>your local media sources.  The Clinton Administration is refusing to meet
>with Rigoberta Menchu and Amnesty International because the delegation wants
>to discuss the case of Leonard Peltier.  Last November, a delegation of
>representatives of Native Nations traveling from across the US requested a
>meeting with the Clinton Aministration, during what Clinton himself has
>deemed "Native American Heritage Month".  They too were refused because they
>wanted to discuss the Peltier issue.  When you call the comments line, you
>can include in your message, that you insist President Clinton meet with
>Peltier advocates, such as Amnesty International, the National Congress of
>American Indians, etc. and listen to their views.  Also, when you call,
>remind them that if Leonard Peltier is not released from prison this year,
>you will be discouraged from voting for Vice President Gore in the upcoming
>election.  And, of course don't forget to mention parole and clemency.  Here
>is the press advisory, thank you for your support:   ---LPDC
>World Renowned Humanitarians
>Will Meet With Peltier In Prison
>Pressure builds for Native American activist’s release
>The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>Gina Chiala, co-coordinator 785-842-5774
>What: Press Conference
>When: Friday, February 18th at 3:00 p.m.
>Where: Bruce Watkins Museum: 3700 Blue Parkway, Kansas City (816) 923-6226
>Who: Rigoberta Menchu Tum, a Mayan who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 in
>recognition of her work on the behalf of Indigenous Peoples rights
>internationally, especially in her homeland of Guatemala, serves as the
>UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. Sra. Menchu Tum is the author of the book, I,
>Rigoberta Menchu.  Jennifer Harbury, who has also been deeply involved in
>advocating for the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala, is a
>Harvard trained attorney.  She married a Mayan resistance leader who was
>later disappeared and murdered by the Guatemalan army in conjunction with
>the CIA.   Ms. Harbury, who sees parallels between the case of Mr. Peltier
>and the loss of her husband, has taken a special interest in Mr. Peltier’s
>situation and is now serving as his lead attorney. Curt Goering is the
>Senior Deputy Executive Director of Amnesty International, one of the
>largest human rights organizations in the world.
>Why: Rigoberta Menchu Tum is traveling from Guatemala to the United States
>specifically on Mr. Peltier’s behalf.  Sra. Menchu Tum will be meeting with
>high-level government officials in Washington DC before arriving in Kansas
>City.  She will address the press after meeting with Mr. Peltier in prison
>and she will discuss the accomplishments of her mission.  Jennifer Harbury
>and Curt Goering of Amnesty International USA will be accompanying Sra.
>Menchu Tum in the meeting with Mr. Peltier.  Amnesty International is
>insisting Mr. Peltier be immediately released through Executive Clemency or
>Parole, for which Mr. Peltier will be reviewed this May.  Goering will be
>strategizing ways AI can best pressure the Parole Commission to release Mr.
>Peltier, who they say should have been released over eight years ago
>according to the Commission’s guidelines.
>February 6 marked Mr. Peltier’s 24th year in prison for the murder of two
>FBI agents.  When faced with formerly withheld evidence on appeal casting
>serious doubt on Mr. Peltier’s guilt, the prosecution admitted that they
>could not prove who killed the agents.  The appeal was denied on a
>technicality and the judge would later recommend Mr. Peltier be released
>through executive clemency.  Despite this, Mr. Peltier remains in prison,
>thus expanding his notoriety as a symbol of injustice against Indigenous
>Additional Related Events:
>Rigoberta Menchu Tum will speak at:
>Kansas University
>Feb. 18
>Wescoe, 3rd floor auditorium
>Haskell Indian Nations University
>Feb 19
>2:00 pm
>Haskell Auditorium
>Reception pot luck
>Haskell, Stidham Union
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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