BBC. 2 February 2002. Argentina 'on brink of anarchy.'

Protesters have again taken to the streets of Argentina after the
president criticised the Supreme Court over a ruling that said limits on
cash withdrawals from banks were unconstitutional.

President Eduardo Duhalde said Argentina was now on the brink of
anarchy, and he warned that millions of Argentines could lose their

The BBC's Peter Greste, in Buenos Aires, said angry people filled the
streets with the clanging and clattering of pots and pans - a sound
which has become the symbol of middle-class rage.

Small neighbourhood assemblies gathered in streets across the capital
and then marched beneath banners to the city centre.

There, a crowd grew outside the presidential palace, chanting "out, out,
all the politicians out" and "give us our money."

Protesters are demanding free access to their bank accounts and the
resignation of the government.

Demonstrations began soon after Mr Duhalde went on television and warned
Argentines that, despite the court ruling, they should not expect to see
their savings soon.

The court had ruled 5-0 in favour of a group of plaintiffs who had
demanded access to their savings.

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Barry Stoller

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