TODAY'S NEWS (November.25.2001 Juche 90)



Rallies held to raise high torchlight of Ranam

Lifting of "measure for emergency alert" demanded

"Annual security consultative meeting" under fire

Revival of Japanese militarism denounced

Agreement signed between DPRK and China

Remarks of S. Korean "minister of unification" condemned

Paper calls for discarding illusion about imperialism

U.S. invariable ambition for Asian domination under fire

For Spanish-speaking people


comentario de atcc sobre desinformaciones de "asahi simbun"

clase obrera de ranam exhorta a todo el pais

"minju joson" condena actos anacronicos de fuerzas conservadoras de ee.uu.


Rallies held to raise high torchlight of Ranam
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Rallies were held at the Kim Chaek
Iron and Steel Complex, the Chonsong Youth Coal Mine and the Rihyon
Cooperative Farm in Sadong district, Pyongyang, yesterday to bring a new
peak to the production and construction holding high the torchlight of
Ranam. Reporters and speakers said at the rallies that the torchlight of the
general onward movement in the new century flaring up on this land marks a
great historic event in carrying out the cause of building a powerful
    They stressed that leader Kim Jong Il highly praised the militant spirit
and work style of the officials and workers of the Ranam coal mining machine
complex with which they performed astonishing miracles and feats in putting
the plan of the Workers' Party of Korea for building a powerful and
prosperous nation into practice and lit the torchlight of Ranam, thus giving
an origin to the revolutionary advance in the era of the army-based policy
in the first year of the 21st century.
    The participants in the rallies expressed their firm faith and
determination to bring about a great revolutionary turn in building a
powerful nation holding high the torchlight of Ranam, true to the army-based
leadership of Kim Jong Il.


Lifting of "measure for emergency alert" demanded
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification reportedly
released a commentary on November 19 on the deadlocked 6th north-south
ministerial talks. The talks should have been held strictly on the principle
of national independence under the situation where the U.S. anti-DPRK
hostile policy is getting pronounced but the South Korean authorities have
deliberately laid obstacles to the talks, the commentary observed, adding
that this will make it impossible for the south-north dialogue for the
implementation of the joint declaration to expect any success.
    If the authorities keep to the road of depending on foreign forces, the
implementation of the June 15 joint declaration will face serious
difficulties, the commentary noted, and continued:
    The South Korean authorities should lift the "measure for emergency
alert" and guarantee the security of the south-north talks and realize
cooperation between compatriots in the spirit of national independence, not
cooperation with foreign forces.
    The commentary called for conducting a more powerful movement for the
drop of the U.S. anti-DPRK hostile policy aimed to bar the implementation of
the joint declaration, for peace against war and the pullback of the U.S.
troops from South Korea and waging an active campaign against ultra-right
forces including Ri Hoe Chang and for the repeal of the "security law" in
order to open a new vista for the implementation of the joint declaration.


"Annual security consultative meeting" under fire
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The Kwangju and South Jolla Provincial
Federation of University Student Councils (Namchongryon) issued a statement
on Nov. 16 condemning the results of the "annual security consultative
meeting." Recalling that at the "annual security consultative meeting" the
U.S. called for "strengthening the alliance" with South Korea, the statement
said that the Korean nation has never wanted the "South Korea-U.S. alliance"
which only throws a stumbling block in the way of implementing the June 15
joint declaration under the pretext of "emergency alert."
    It demanded the united states stop at once its moves to obstruct the
implementation of the joint declaration and escalate the tensions on the
Korean peninsula. 
    The U.S. should withdraw its troops from South Korea to the last one and
the South Korean authorities should not blindly follow the u.s. but strictly
pursue cooperation with compatriots and pay heed to the people's demand.


Revival of Japanese militarism denounced
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The American Federation for
Independence, Democracy and Reunification released a statement on Nov. 15,
denouncing Japan for its recent frantic moves to realize overseas expansion
and become a military power. The statement says:
    Japan passed the "anti-terrorism special bill" through the diet and
adopted laws allowing the overseas dispatch of "Self-Defence Forces" and the
forestalling attack in the war time, thus making the peace constitution
defunct and finally taking a step forward in its moves for realizing
overseas expansion and becoming a military power.
    As soon as the "anti-terrorism special bill" was adopted, the Japanese
militarists gave the green light to the overseas expansion and aggression.
This is evidenced by the dispatch of their advance fleet of warships and the
announcement of a plan for the largest-ever U.S.-Japan military drill in
waters around Japan. The 70 million Koreans are greatly angered by this. As
a war criminal Japan has neither apologized nor compensated for its
monstrous atrocities committed against humanity.
    Yet, it is keen on overseas expansion.
    This only shows the black-hearted design of the revived militarists to
swallow up again the Korean peninsula first and then bring Asia under their
    The moves stepped up by Japan to become a military power after securing
a legal foundation for the overseas dispatch of the "SDF" through the
passage of the "anti-terrorism special bill" are posing a serious threat to
the peace in the Asian region.
    The American Federation for Independence, Democracy and Reunification
will solidarize with the 70 million Koreans and all the peace-loving forces
of the world and wage a positive struggle against the revival of militarism
in Japan and check its moves to realize overseas aggression and become a
military power. 


Agreement signed between DPRK and China
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The DPRK-China agreement on border
crossing points and their management system was signed in Pyongyang on Nov.
24 between the governments of the DPRK and China. Present there on the DPRK
side were Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of foreign affairs, and other
officials concerned and on the Chinese side were the members of the Chinese
foreign ministry delegation headed by vice-minister Li Zhaoxing, Chinese
ambassador to the DPRK Wang Guozhang and embassy officials.
    Kang Sok Ju and Li Zhaoxing inked the agreement.


Remarks of S. Korean "minister of unification" condemned
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The secretariat of the Committee for
the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland issued its information bulletin
no. 813 on Saturday denouncing the South Korean "minister of unification"
for his remarks made as regards the deadlocked 6th inter-Korean ministerial
talks. Much perplexed by the rupture of the talks, "minister" Hong Sun Yong,
chief delegate of the south side to the talks appeared at a "round-table
conversation" on Nov. 22 and told sheer lies.
    Such behavior compels the north side to explain which side took a
sincere attitude toward the talks and which side was insincere at the talks,
the information bulletin said, and went on:
    The north side proposed practical measures to break the deadlock of the
north-south talks. At the recent 6th ministerial talks, it made its every
possible sincere effort to reach an agreement, taking the initiative of
advancing a draft joint press release and giving the talks more days.
    However, the south side approached the talks without any preparation and
failed to set out such draft joint press release from its calculation that
no agreement would be reached between the two sides.
    During the talks the chief delegate of the south side strained his every
nerve only to justify the "emergency alert", arms buildup and military
exercises staged against the north. And he was going to run away from the
talks, with mere words that he would take note of the north side's
reasonable charges.
    From this stand, he self-righteously negated a joint press release
agreed upon and worded by working officials of the two sides, which dealt
with major points for the bilateral relations including the exchange of the
fourth visiting groups of separated families and relatives to be held on Mt.
Kumgang in December, and thus brought the ministerial talks to a rupture.
    Hong Sun Yong should honestly apologize to the nation for the deadlocked
authorities-to-authorities dialogue, with full responsibility for it.


Paper calls for discarding illusion about imperialism
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary assails former U.S. President Bush for calling for the continued
U.S. military presence during his recent visit to South Korea. The
commentary says: 
    Bush argued that the U.S. will keep its forces in South Korea and other
Asian regions until their presence is no longer necessary", while talking
about the strategic "importance" of Asia and South Korea.
    This glaringly shows the anachronistic delusion of the U.S. to realize
its ambition for Asian domination without fail with the Korean peninsula as
a springboard. 
    Even after the cold war ended, peace and security in Asia are seriously
threatened by the reckless military moves escalated by the U.S. imperialist
aggressors in Asia.
    The U.S. is further escalating the tensions on the Korean peninsula.
    Bush's call for the continued U.S. military presence in South Korea is a
clear proof of the U.S. wild ambition for Asian domination.
    The U.S. can never conceal its despicable true colours as the arch
criminal disturbing the peace on the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. is well advised to clearly understand who is its opponent and
drop its anachronistic policy to stifle the DPRK.


U.S. invariable ambition for Asian domination under fire
     Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary assails former U.S. President Bush for calling for the continued
U.S. military presence during his recent visit to South Korea. The
commentary says: 
    Bush argued that the U.S. will keep its forces in South Korea and other
Asian regions until their presence is no longer necessary", while talking
about the strategic "importance" of Asia and South Korea.
    This glaringly shows the anachronistic delusion of the U.S. to realize
its ambition for Asian domination without fail with the Korean peninsula as
a springboard. 
    Even after the cold war ended, peace and security in Asia are seriously
threatened by the reckless military moves escalated by the U.S. imperialist
aggressors in Asia.
    The U.S. is further escalating the tensions on the Korean peninsula.
    Bush's call for the continued U.S. military presence in South Korea is a
clear proof of the U.S. wild ambition for Asian domination.
    The U.S. can never conceal its despicable true colours as the arch
criminal disturbing the peace on the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. is well advised to clearly understand who is its opponent and
drop its anachronistic policy to stifle the DPRK.


For Spanish-speaking people

comentario de atcc sobre desinformaciones de "asahi simbun"
     pyongyang, 24 de noviembre (atcc) -- en estos dias, el periodico
japones "asahi simbun" recurre a desinformaciones que justifican la
represion de las fuerzas reaccionarias derechistas del japon contra la
chongryon (asociacion general de coreanos residentes en el japon) y los
coreanos residentes en el japon incluyendo los comerciantes patrioticos. lo
demuestra el hecho de que este periodico cuestiona el bono de las
asociaciones de credito de la chongryon y lo hace politico para desacreditar
la chongryon, digna organizacion independiente de los ciudadanos en el
ultramar de la republica popular democratica de corea.
    como lo aclaro el periodico "joson sinbo", "asahi shimbun" redacto y
difundio el dia 20 como noticia importante una desinformacion censurando, de
hecho, la normal transaccion financiera por la cual se devuelven los fondos
segun el plan trazado ya a traves de la consulta con las autoridades
financieras del japon.
    ese periodico japones tergiverso la verdad como si fuera problematica la
financiacion a chongryon y trato de crear opinion publica malsana a traves
de las suposiciones subjetivas como "sera dificil la recogida" y "hay
elementos incorrectos".
    este hecho entrana un grave peligro que no se puede pasar por alto jamas
a juzgarlo en relacion con el viento de derechizacion que en estos dias se
levanta en la sociedad japonesa.
    controlar la prensa y fomentar, a traves de esta, la desconfianza y la
hostilidad con otra nacion para desviar a la derecha su sociedad son metodo
rutinario de los reaccionarios japoneses.
    corea es el primer objeto de la agresion del japon al ultramar. por eso,
en todas las ocasiones los reaccionarios japoneses fabricaron y difundieron
malsana opinion publica a fin de inculcar la hostilidad al pueblo coreano.
    lo hicieron tanto en tiempo de gran terremoto de kanto como en tiempo de
lanzamiento del satelite artificial por tierra de la rpdc.
    es conocido por todos que algunos medios de prensa del japon sirvieron
de guia y vocero de tales maniobras criminales.
    esto es una verguenza de la prensa japonesa y traicion a la mision
principal de la prensa que debe representar la justicia y la verdad y
orientar correctamente la opinion publica.
    si "asahi shimbun" esta bien consciente de su mision debera abstenerse
lo antes posible de comercializar sus escritos con las fuerzas reaccionarias


clase obrera de ranam exhorta a todo el pais
     pyongyang, 24 de noviembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia 23 en el mismo
lugar el mitin de los obreros del complejo de maquinas de mina hullera de
ranam para producir un nuevo auge en la produccion en pleno acato a las
ensenanzas dadas sobre el terreno por el dirigente kim jong il. este visito
en agosto a este complejo donde se mostro muy satisfecho de que los
funcionarios, obreros y tecnicos, al fortalecer su cooperacion creativa y
desplegar ampliamente el movimiento masivo por la innovacion tecnica,
aseguraron satisfactoriamente en un corto espacio de tiempo la produccion de
los equipos pedidos.
    el enseno que el espiritu de lucha revolucionario y el modo de trabajar
de los obreros y los funcionarios de ranam constituyen un modelo a seguir
por todos los obreros y funcionarios del pais y dio una iniciativa de que
todo el pais y todo el pueblo aceleren la marcha de creacion y
transformacion siguiendo la antorcha de ranam.
    en el acto los oradores dijeron que se haran abanderados y vanguardias
para lograr que las nueva llama de creacion e innovacion se extienda a todo
el pais. 
    en el acto fue aprobado un llamamiento a todos los obreros y
trabajadores agricolas del pais.
    todos los obreros y trabajadores agricolas del pais deben guardar en lo
mas profundo de sus corazones el sentimiento de absoluta veneracion al
dirigente kim jong il y desplegar plenamente el espiritu de defender a
ultranza al lider y el espiritu de ejecutar a riesgo de vida la politica del
partido, senala el llamamiento.
    todos los habitantes deben crear por doquier milagros y hazanas
ininterrumpidos tocando fuertemente el tambor de la construccion de potencia
prospera al seguir la antorcha de ranam y asi lograr que todo el pais este
rebosante del efervescente ambiente revolucionario, recalca.
    todas las ramas y unidades deben avivar la llama del nuevo y gran
ascenso revolucionario para concluir con exito la ultima batalla del primer
ano del nuevo siglo y acoger con un alto entusiasmo politico y brillantes
exitos laborales el 90 aniversario del nacimiento del presidente kim il
sung, la maxima fiesta de febrero de la nacion y el 70 aniversario de la
fundacion del ejercito popular de corea en el ano 2002, subraya.


"minju joson" condena actos anacronicos de fuerzas conservadoras de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 24 de noviembre (atcc) -- el periodico "minju joson" en el
numero de hoy inserto un comentario condenando a las fuerzas conservadoras
de estados unidos que revelan la intencion de mantener eternamente sus
tropas en corea del sur. el expresidente estadounidense bush durante su
reciente visita a esta parte hablo de la "necesidad" de mantener sus tropas
alli y el actual presidente y las fuerzas conservadoras de ee.uu. en
surcorea justificaron la permanencia indefinida de sus tropas en esta.
    esto es un movimiento muy peligroso a juzgarlo por la actual situacion
de la peninsula coreana que hace recordar la vispera de la guerra, senala el
comentario y continua:
    ee.uu. traslada de su territorio a corea del sur enorme cantidad de
equipos belicos modernos so pretexto de llenar "vacio de fuerzas armadas" y
da impulso a la "mejora de la eficiencia" de sus armamentos ya desplegados
en corea del sur. 
    al propio tiempo se desarrollan casi a diario en corea del sur los
ejercicios belicos de agresion incluidas las maniobras de desembarco litoral
de gran envergadura, suponiendo un ataque a la rpdc, con la movilizacion de
las enormes fuerzas armadas capaces de cumplir una guerra entera.
    la situacion creada exige que la rpdc observe con alta vigilancia los
temerarios movimientos militares de las fuerzas conservadoras de ee.uu. y
este completamente lista para contrarrestrar su temeraria provocacion.
    el pueblo y el ejercito de corea no perdonaran jamas las maquinaciones
de ee.uu. encaminadas a impedir la reunificacion pacifica del pais, deseo de
la nacion coreana, perpetuar la ocupacion militar sobre corea del sur y
tomar la peninsula coreana por trampolin de la realizacion de su ambicion de
dominio a los demas paises de asia.
    las fuerzas conservadoras de ee.uu. deben darse clara cuenta de que sus
maquinaciones no pasan de ser una ilusion anacronica y contraria a la
tendencia de la epoca y el deseo comun de toda la nacion coreana y poner de
inmediato fin a tales actos.

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