AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:05:07 -
Subject: [Peoples War] AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

1st of February 2002

1. Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
by CMKP, Pakistan

3. Discussion on the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir

4. Filipino peasant groups cry: Yankees go home!
by KMU, Philippines

1.Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

From December 30, 2001 to January 6, 2002 an anti-imperialist solidarity
delegation travelled occupied Palestine. The purpose of was twofold: On one
hand to see with our own eyes, to judge with our own mind the situation and
the resistance movement on the ground. On the other hand to express in the
strongest possible way our undivided support for the legitimate resistance
of the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Both ends of the
delegation were met.

We were able to touch the hottest spots of the conflict i.e. Hebron and the
Gaza strip. We could see the systematic Zionist colonisation projects of
Greater Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in Gaza. We passed deliberately
destroyed agricultural land and we saw thousands of uprooted trees. We heard
about the water shortages while the Israelis are massively pumping and
consuming water. We experienced the restriction of the movement of persons
and goods by Israeli check-points, road blocks, exclusive settler and
military roads. Briefly, we felt the reality of occupation which we can only
subsume as Apartheid.

However, we were also able to confirm that the Intifada, the popular
resistance movement does live and proceed.

It has become crystal clear that Israel has never been striving for peace,
but for the complete colonisation of the territories occupied in 1967. This
plan was designed right after the occupation and has been carried ahead. It
includes a scientifically elaborated plan of Zionist settlements. Their
construction was not slowed down or even stopped after the Oslo agreements,
but it was massively stepped up. A grid of military and settler roads have
been built cutting contiguous Palestinian territories and blocking internal
Palestinian movement whenever intended. The Palestinians expelled from their
lands are being concentrated in densely populated ever tightening zones
eventually resulting in internment camps depriving them of the most
elementary rights - like the Bantustans during Apartheid.

Palestinian resistance resembles the struggle of David against Goliath.
While Israel has got the full backing of imperialism, Palestinians will only
be able to re-conquer their elementary democratic right if they can secure
the support of the popular and proletarian masses of the world struggling
against the Western tyranny.

Therefore the international solidarity movement must be constituted on the
basis of the elementary democratic demands of the Palestinian people :

· Immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces
· Dismantlement of the Israeli settlements
· Right to return for all refugees
· For a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as capital

Complete article:


2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
Detailed report about the situation in Charsada (Hashtnagar) by Syed Azeem,
Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan, which
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and militant
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnagar, an area close to the
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from feudal
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of the
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area despite
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charsada (Hashtnagar). Eager to use the so-called
War-Against-Terrorism hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to not
only takeover the lands, but also to reverse many gains made by the peasant
movement in Pakistan.

On 22nd January, 2002, 3,500 personnel of police and the Frontier
Constabulary attacked the village of Charsada. The peasants were unarmed,
but organized. The police, on the other hand, was armed with guns, tear-gas
shells, armored vehicles and jeeps

Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Subject: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

1st of February 2002

1. Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
by CMKP, Pakistan

3. Discussion on the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir

4. Filipino peasant groups cry: “Yankees go home!”
by KMU, Philippines

1.Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

From December 30, 2001 to January 6, 2002 an anti-imperialist solidarity
delegation travelled occupied Palestine. The purpose of was twofold: On one
hand to see with our own eyes, to judge with our own mind the situation and
the resistance movement on the ground. On the other hand to express in the
strongest possible way our undivided support for the legitimate resistance
of the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Both ends of the
delegation were met.

We were able to touch the hottest spots of the conflict i.e. Hebron and the
Gaza strip. We could see the systematic Zionist colonisation projects of
Greater Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in Gaza. We passed deliberately
destroyed agricultural land and we saw thousands of uprooted trees. We heard
about the water shortages while the Israelis are massively pumping and
consuming water. We experienced the restriction of the movement of persons
and goods by Israeli check-points, road blocks, exclusive settler and
military roads. Briefly, we felt the reality of occupation which we can only
subsume as Apartheid.

However, we were also able to confirm that the Intifada, the popular
resistance movement does live and proceed.

It has become crystal clear that Israel has never been striving for peace,
but for the complete colonisation of the territories occupied in 1967. This
plan was designed right after the occupation and has been carried ahead. It
includes a scientifically elaborated plan of Zionist settlements. Their
construction was not slowed down or even stopped after the Oslo agreements,
but it was massively stepped up. A grid of military and settler roads have
been built cutting contiguous Palestinian territories and blocking internal
Palestinian movement whenever intended. The Palestinians expelled from their
lands are being concentrated in densely populated ever tightening zones
eventually resulting in internment camps depriving them of the most
elementary rights – like the Bantustans during Apartheid.

Palestinian resistance resembles the struggle of David against Goliath.
While Israel has got the full backing of imperialism, Palestinians will only
be able to re-conquer their elementary democratic right if they can secure
the support of the popular and proletarian masses of the world struggling
against the Western tyranny.

Therefore the international solidarity movement must be constituted on the
basis of the elementary democratic demands of the Palestinian people :

· Immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces
· Dismantlement of the Israeli settlements
· Right to return for all refugees
· For a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as capital

Complete article:


2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
Detailed report about the situation in Charsada (Hashtnagar) by Syed Azeem,
Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan, which
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and militant
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnagar, an area close to the
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from feudal
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of the
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area despite
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charsada (Hashtnagar). Eager to use the so-called
“War-Against-Terrorism” hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to not
only takeover the lands, but also to reverse many gains made by the peasant
movement in Pakistan.

On 22nd January, 2002, 3,500 personnel of police and the Frontier
Constabulary attacked the village of Charsada. The peasants were unarmed,
but organized. The police, on the other hand, was armed with guns, tear-gas
shells, armored vehicles and jeeps. The peasants fought back. The battle
continued for seven hours, during which several police officers were
injured. The police