[LAAMN] Stop Big Brother NOW!!

2007-12-17 Thread Patricia Gracian
STOP the lawless MASSIVE spying being done on ALL of us by this administration. Congress is trying to give immunity to telecom companies that have broken the FISA law to spy on ALL of us! Please support Senator Dodd's courageous filibuster to protect

[LAAMN] Critical Action Items

2007-12-14 Thread Patricia Gracian
Critical Action Items 1. The traitorous media continues silencing the voices of truth: http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2007/12/12/politics/horserace/entry3609678.shtml Dennis Kucinich, like Mike Gravel, was not allowed a voice in the latest debate! Give them a piece of your mind:

[LAAMN] 2 Critical Items! Your help is needed!

2007-12-04 Thread Patricia Gracian
2 Critical Items! Your help is needed! 1. Vote is Imminent on Peru FTA- stop the loss of U.S. jobs! No to Peru Free Trade Ageement: http://www.teamsterstakeaction.org/campaign/perufta/igubs7kf1mixbme? Tell your Senators to put

[LAAMN] Impeach Cheney! Your help is needed!

2007-11-16 Thread Patricia Gracian
Dear concerned fellow Americans, Bush and Cheney will continue to drive our country into the ditch and to bankrupt our children's future and our national honor until and unless we can interrupt their control and actively remove them from office. The best way to do this is to put them on trial

[LAAMN] Give Alberto Gonzales a proper send-off! Rescue the Rule of Law!

2007-09-19 Thread Patricia Gracian
GONZO RESIGNS! But the damage he caused continues! Friends, we must do more... WE MUST CONTINUE TO DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY AND JUSTICE! WE NEED TO CLEANSE OUR JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF PARTISAN YES-MEN INFILTRATORS. Gonzales receives praise, standing ovations at farewell ceremony:

[LAAMN] Amend the HR811 Holt Bill, OR Demand the HCPB Kucinich Bill instead!

2007-09-07 Thread Patricia Gracian
URGENT! The vote is upon us! Congressman Holt's HR 811 Election Reform Bill may be voted on today or tomorrow... Our voting rights are under assault once again! When impassioned attempts by activists to save our democracy result in back-door legislation secretly perverted by corporate interests,


2007-06-05 Thread Patricia Gracian
DEFEND YOUR VOTING RIGHTS! URGENT! Congress is about to rush us through their own version of election repair and will fast-track the Holt bill aka Congressman Rush Holt's Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007. And a competing bill H.R. 2360, the Voter Enhancement and Security

[LAAMN] December Action Items

2006-12-06 Thread Patricia Gracian
December Action Items We thought we won on November 7th! What we forgot is that George Bush is still holding the reins to foreign policy and that his rubber-stamp Congress is still in session! Far from being a Do-Nothing Congress,

[LAAMN] October SOS for Elections

2006-10-21 Thread Patricia Gracian
October SOS for Elections Our democracy is in critical danger after the signing of the Military Commissions Act. The only way back away from the brink is an overwhelming Republican defeat. Please do what you can from the following list. And above all, help your local candidates to get out

[LAAMN] Urgent September Action Items

2006-09-19 Thread Patricia Gracian
Urgent September Action Items Sorry to unload, but Bush and his pushers in Congress are bound and determined to shove these items through Congress this week and next, and of course we can imagine the arm-twisting going on to get these abuses rubber-stamped. Please help with as many of these items

[LAAMN] August Action Items

2006-08-11 Thread Patricia Gracian
August Action Items: 1. Stop the underhanded Specter plan to absolve Bush of his lawbreaking unconstitutional secret wiretaps of Americans. http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizationsORG/bordc/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=4854 2. Urge the FDA to stop stalling on Plan B contraceptive:

[LAAMN] DIstrust AND VERIFY! Who counts our votes?

2006-06-18 Thread Patricia Gracian
Dear fellow citizens: We -drowning in our anxiety of losing our democracy and our voting rights- MUST question and verify everything, especially since in California next time we will NOT be able to verify ANYTHING. (If you are not in California, you can still benefit from

[LAAMN] SOS for Elections

2006-04-26 Thread Patricia Gracian
SAVE OUR ELECTIONS! As many of you know, they are stealing our votes... http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1383 We need to make ALL of our fellow voters and representatives aware of the fraudulent machines and fraudulent 2004 Election. All Americans who care

[LAAMN] Protect your Liberty! Stop the Patriot Act!

2006-02-21 Thread Patricia Gracian
Stop the Patriot Act! Bush thugs-in-Congress will be pushing for a vote this week. This will set up a police state to enslave the American people and will let Bush off the hook for the illegal spying on Americans. We MUST pressure all of our representatives ASAP!! Excerpts

[LAAMN] Save Public Access!

2006-02-14 Thread Patricia Gracian
Please Forward. SavePublic Access! Comments due to the FCC today Monday, Feb. 13 before midnight --see below for instructions and link (after Mon its too late to send the FCC comments about this matter but even after Mon you can still write your legislators about pending legislation

[LAAMN] Correct CSPAN phone number

2006-02-04 Thread Patricia Gracian
SORRY Mistakes in last email re what numbers to call. This email has correct one. CSPAN must reverse its late Friday afternoon decision to not broadcast Saturday’s Bush Step Down Demonstration. This week, every major network broadcast Bush’s State of the Union address – an

[LAAMN] Massive Action- Keep up the Fight

2006-01-31 Thread Patricia Gracian
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. == Numbers and contacts to use and keep: Capitol Hill (Senators and Congress): 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641 or