Re: le changement de version de labview de 6.1 à 7

2004-06-08 Thread jumarion
Bonjour, Les VIs que vous cherchez sont probablement dans les librairies LabVIEW \vi.lib\daq\digital.llb pour les E/S num=E9riques et ctr.llb pour les compteurs. Lorsque vous ouvrez le VI principal qui recherche les appel=E9s vous devez trouver le premier VI que LabVIEW demande. si vous trouvez

Re: error 10846

2004-06-07 Thread jumarion
Hi, See the links below : - - - My solution : If

Re: Error 6 occurred at GPIB Write in Possible reason(s):

2004-06-07 Thread jumarion
Hi, Reason : A possible reason could be that the instrument didn't have enough time to receive the command you've tried to send. What to do : Try and increase the timeout value for the GPIB communications. I had the same problem when sending configuration commands to oscilloscopes. Hope this

Re: fix graph XY size

2004-05-24 Thread jumarion
Hi, You need to uncheck the autoscale for X and for Y. Right click on the control (Front Panel) and see in the submenus X scale and Y scale. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: How to resize array index field in LV6.1?

2004-05-24 Thread jumarion
--4873721.1085400528826.JavaMail.quiq.tekken Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Place your cursor in front of a border of the index field so that you get the same thing as shown on the image. Place then your cursor on the top left corner until your

Re: Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-24 Thread jumarion
Hi, Right click - adjust to text. the m in mdeg could'nt be displayed because of the string width which was too large but it's not a bug of labVIEW. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: How to change the code?

2004-05-18 Thread jumarion
Hi, I'm sure you're gonna need this kind of info (instrument driver) : You'll probably have to replace all the commands already used by the ones your instrument can understand and answer

Re: we can save a X/Y graph without any problems, but when we...

2004-05-18 Thread jumarion
What's the weather like in Germany ? It's 28=B0C here in France (Toulouse - South West) Happy to help you anyway ! Julien

Re: How to change the code?

2004-05-18 Thread jumarion
You can use either the VISA functions or IVI or GPIB (IEEE 488.2). - VISA functions are low-level functions for Serial, LPT and GPIB communications. - IVI are generic drivers for all kind of instruments. - GPIB are interface specific and enables you for example to use the SRQ line in order not to

Re: I have grouped grouped 7 data lines onto 3 graphs on a...

2004-05-07 Thread jumarion
The problem is that your VI needs to be recompiled when changing the number of plots on this kind of graph. According to this, there can't be any property to remove unused graphs during execution. Regards, Julien

Re: View as Icon in LV7

2004-05-07 Thread jumarion
Hi, See in the MenuBar - Options... - Changes in LV7.0 - untick Terminals as icons. That should do what you want. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: Time delay for motion control

2004-05-07 Thread jumarion
Hi, Why don't you use the wait (ms) stock VI. This enables you to wait for the specified time. Here's a little explanation between the VI you've used and the Wait (ms) VI : Hope this

Re: difference between waiting for millsecond and wait for millisecond multiple

2004-05-04 Thread jumarion
Hello, There's a slightly difference between both. Wait (ms) stock VI waits for the time you've wired to it. Wait Until Next ms Multiple watches present time and waits until present time (a bit like Tick Count (ms)) is a multiple of the time length you've wired to it. This means that the wait

Re: how can I do cluster with both indicators and controls

2004-05-03 Thread jumarion
Bonjour, Je comprend que tu veuille grouper des contr=F4les. Cela dit dans ton application ne peux tu pas grouper les commandes dans un cluser et les indicateurs dans un autre ? Cela te permettra d'avoir une programmation plus structur=E9e il me semble. C'est en g=E9n=E9ral ma fa=E7= on de faire.

Re: editing analog waveforms (amplititude)using mouse

2004-04-24 Thread jumarion
In LabVIEW's examples - Key word : Waveforms - Lots of VI's could be intersting for you (Noise waveforms and PS for instance). Feel free to refer as much as possible to those examples. They often show you how to develop things. That's all I can tell you Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: how can I do to initialize my serial port with Labview 7?

2004-04-24 Thread jumarion
Hi, In the function palette - Instruments I/O - Serial (See also VISA) You'll probably have to use : - VISA configure serial port : Baud rate, # stops, # bits - VISA Read : read the bytes at port - VISA Write - Property node Bytes at port - VISA Close Don't forget to close the VISA Session at

Re: Running VI from another VI

2004-04-24 Thread jumarion
Hi Shreesha, it should work, but I only have an FDS edition of LabView so I just can't try it. The thing is that if you've got an exe, you have to give the correct path for program2. This path can be different in debug mode and in an exe file. I didn't really understand what Zvezdana meant :

Re: AI Waveform Scan. Is it possible Continuous Acquisition?

2004-04-20 Thread jumarion
Hi, I suggest you use AI Config and then AI Start (placing a 0 for the input # of scans to read - means continuous acquisition) out of your while loop. In your while loop use the VI called AI Buffer Read. Don't forget to use the AI Clear vi when your program finishes. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: Settings for serial communications

2004-04-20 Thread jumarion
Hi, You can use the VISA configure serial port vi in order to do what you're looking for. This vi is in the function palette - Instrument I/O - Serial. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: Comment modifier la police de car

2004-04-20 Thread jumarion
La barre d'outils de LabView 7 contient un menu d=E9roulant vous permettant d'effectuer quelques op=E9rations sur les polices de caract=E8re. Si vous s=E9lectionnez un texte d'un contr=F4le et que vous modifiez la police, le style ou la taille, les modifications ne s'appliquent qu'=E0 ce que vous

Re: Menus and EventStructures

2004-04-18 Thread jumarion
If I understood correctly, you've got 2 Event structures. If so you have to be very careful if they are placed in a loop. I suggest you use only one Event Structure. See in labView help (Event structures) for more info on things to take care of when using event structures. On menu items, you're

Re: Stuck in Step Mode

2004-04-15 Thread jumarion
I think of two problems that you could have : - Check if the button pause is black and not red when clicking the run button. If this button is red then it means that you want LabView to run in step mode. - If the problem is not there check if you have no breakpoints anywhere. LabView can check for

Re: Again... Graphing Problems...

2004-04-15 Thread jumarion
I'm happy that my work was what you were trying to do. I hope I didn't change the way your VI worked previously. I'm currently doing a training period (3 months to go) in Toulouse (France) but if you've got work for me ... :-) Regards, Julien

Re: Again... Graphing Problems...

2004-04-15 Thread jumarion
Nevermind, I'll be happy to help you again if you've got more questions. Regards, Julien

Re: Programming 2 multi-column listboxes

2004-04-15 Thread jumarion
The correct property to use is Value. It's as simple as this. Wire the two Values together and you will have what you want. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Il me semble que les cartes d'acquisition fonctionnent avec les exemples NI-DAQ et non NI-TIO. Cherchez un exemple NI-DAQ pour r=E9alisez la fonction que vous d=E9sirez et testez le ! N'h=E9sitez pas =E0 me recontactez si probl=E8me ! Cordialement, Julien

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Si vous voulez simuler un signal re=E7u =E9tant donn=E9 que vous =EAtes sou= s LV7 vous pouvez utiliser un VI Express. Si vous avez la version francaise de LabView vous le trouverez dans la palette de fonctions Vi Express - Entr=E9e - Simuler un signal. Je n'ai pas la version anglaise mais

Re: Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Your VI is far too difficult for me to read because it is not legible at all (sorry for that). The thing is that you don't plot your graphs for each parameter but after all testing, and that's what LabView does. - First of all you have to get rid of all the sequences you have except the first one

Re: Again... Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Ok Erick, give me a little bit of time and I'm gonna show you what I meant earlier by telling you to get things legible. The problem you have with your copy is that there is only one color because there is a single plot. I'm gonna also try to show what I meant. The initialisation has to be done in

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Hi Matthias, You've got 2 solutions. One on the front panel, one dynamically. On the front panel, right click on your intensity graph - Properties - Scales - no auto scale for X, no-auto scale for Y and your intensity graphs won't scale automatically anymore. On the diagram, create a property node

Re: Ploting graph on button click

2004-04-13 Thread jumarion
Your wish is my command !

Re: Ploting graph on button click

2004-04-13 Thread jumarion
What I wanted to show you in my VI is that Feedback nodes are doing the same job as shift registers but use less wire thus increasing the legibility of your code. I don't know enough yet about feedback nodes to see the difference(s) between both. Happy to see that I can help you ! Julien

Re: Ploting graph on button click

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
I'm sorry, I'm french and I didn't really understand what you meant there ??!? Regards Julien

Re: I have problems getting readings from an Agilent 34401 using...

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
HP34401 Read has a TimeOut input. If this TimeOut is not long enough, the VI will consider that HP34401 took too much time to answer to the query. Try increasing the timeout. I think 500ms is about to be the minimum for this input (according to the multimeter I've got - HP34401A). The -401

Re: comment écrire du texte dans u

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
Si tu travaille sous la version 6.1 (FDS au moins) il est pratique d'utiliser les fonctions de g=E9n=E9ration de rapports en mettant comme type de rapport 'Excel' lorsque tu cr=E9er le rapport. Pour la version 7, je ne la connais pas. D=E9sol=E9 Julien

Re: application.exe

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
You need to include LabView's RunTime in your .exe otherwise it won't work on a computer that doesn't have LabView installed. Hope this helps ! Julien

Re: Showing 4 graphs problem

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
The pleasure was mine ! As you've seen I'm French and I'm happy to be understood by a non French person because it's not always the case. Feel free to ask other questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Julien

Re: Hello!!!I need to read some data from the serial port and...

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
Hello, As you probably know a waveform is made of a beginning time (t0), a time difference between each value (dt) and an array of values (Y). Your problem is probably that you don't initialize t0. Use the Vi 'Waveform-Build a waveform' to initialize the time of the waveform. Hope this helps !

Re: how about take an sample every 3 mins

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
Check my previous answer. Adjusting 'Delta (s)' control should do the job. Hope this helps Julien

Re: Is it possible to modify programmaticaly a custom control

2004-04-08 Thread jumarion
Thank you very much indeed Sanaa. Forgive me if the comments are in French in the VIs. I try to do my best to answer to the questions but I've read some of your answers and I really can't reach your level... Thank you anyway for your rating, I'm gonna become an enthusiast pretty soon if you help

Re: Selestivly hiding of controles

2004-03-22 Thread Jumarion

Re: Need help duplicating rows of 2D boolean array

2004-03-22 Thread Jumarion
to this register. The second and third inputs have to be connected to your auto-indexed array. Wire the output of the buid array VI to the output of the shift register. Don't forget to create an empty array to initialize your shift register. Hope this helps Jumarion

Re: démo et diagramme de commande d

2004-03-21 Thread Jumarion
Vous pouvez répéter la question en étant plus précis sur ce que vous comptez faire avec le port série ?

Re: Running data through multiple front panels simultaneously

2004-03-21 Thread Jumarion
Hello ! If you want to open up a subVi's front panel you can use one of its properties. First open a reference of your VI by telling its path to the Open VI Reference VI. Use this reference for the reference input of a property. Left click on the property and then the property you look for is

Re: tools build application in labview 6.1

2004-03-21 Thread Jumarion
Your problem could be a problem of edition of LabView. As you could see on the page below only LabView Pro includes LabView Application builder. If you've got LabView full dev, it's not sufficient. see on page 11

Re: Windows XP Loop iteration rate problems

2004-03-21 Thread Jumarion
on the FP and run your VI again. Anyway, in a VI don't add too much indicators if you want your VI go fast. Hope this helps Jumarion