ITU Meeting last year

2005-01-19 Thread matsakis . demetrios
This is a very brief description of what happened at last October's ITU meeting in Geneva. A resolution was proposed to redefine UTC by replacing leap seconds by leap hours, effective at a specific date which I believe was something like 2020. This proposal was not passed, but remains under

FW: [LEAPSECS] ABC leapsec article

2005-11-10 Thread matsakis . demetrios
There is a nifty google feature that will scour the internet for news articles on any subject, and send you weeky, daily, or immediate notifications. Browse on Beware- If you ask for 'leap second' you will get more than you want! Ask for leap second, and you will

Re: building consensus

2006-06-02 Thread matsakis . demetrios
The answer to the intial query depends upon what you mean by active. Ron Beard, Chair of the ITU's Special Rapporteur Group is on the list. Also Dennis McCarthy, who is Chair of the IAU's Working Group on the Leap Second. I am less active, particucularly lately, but have been known to forward

2006 WP-7A meeting summary

2006-10-26 Thread matsakis . demetrios
FYI this was written for distribution to all interested parties. WP 7A meeting in Geneva August 28, 2006.doc Description: MS-Word document

Re: what time is it, legally?

2006-12-12 Thread matsakis . demetrios
My few-month old mac gives me a message saying This attachment is a type not yet supported I also get this problem on my XP at home but not on the one at my office. A newphew of mine forwarded me the reason once, and it is related to shortcuts in the email bit-pattern. I forget which software

Re: Introduction of long term scheduling

2007-01-09 Thread matsakis . demetrios
As many have pointed out on this forum, these various timescales do have very specific meanings which often fade at levels coarser than a few nanoseconds (modulo 1 second), and which at times are misapplied at the 1-second and higher level. GPS Time is technically an implicit ensemble mean. You

Leapsecs Listserve Moving

2007-01-31 Thread matsakis . demetrios
Dear Leap-seconders, For the past seven years, this listserve has served as a forum for a considerable amount of discussion on UTC, generating some heat but more light. I have enjoyed my mostly-silent role as listserve manager, particularly as most of the real work was done by David Johns (and