LL:ART: ILO ruling a blow to work law

1999-03-12 Thread alister air
http://www.smh.com.au/breaking/19990312/A65015-1999Mar11.html ILO ruling a blow to work law Source: AAP | Published: Friday March 12 12:06:03 PM The International Labor Organisation has delivered a blow to the federal government's Workplace Relations Act, ruling it had been in breach

LL:ART:UN to determine native title discrimination

1999-03-12 Thread Snez Plunkett
From ABC on-line, today UN to determine native title discrimination A United Nations committee in Geneva will begin detailed questioning of a senior Australian Government lawyer on the Native Title Amendment Act today, to determine whether the legislation discriminates against Aborigines.

LL:ART:Devastated, but Kennett will pay the bill

1999-03-12 Thread Snez Plunkett
How to get public sympathy (and extra votes??)!! Don't cry for me Victoria.la, la, la, la. --- Devastated, but Kennett will pay the bill 13mar99 A SHATTERED Jeff Kennett is determined to reject any offers from

LL:What's on Earth Matters this week 12/3

1999-03-12 Thread 3CR Staff Email
EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday 10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX Wollongong between 9-10am much more!! Earth Matters Programme 69b Juliet Fox 3CR

LL:PR:UDT reaction to Australian army move (fwd)

1999-03-12 Thread Norbert Braumann
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:23:47 +1000 To: Chaumont Devin [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Geoff Heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: UDT reaction to Australian army move Resent-Message-ID: "QcdabC.A.y8C.yU752"@malasada.lava.net Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LL:ART:Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal

1999-03-12 Thread margaret
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wednesday, 10 March 1999 16:00 Subject: Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal February 1999 The Dispatcher [newspaper of the International Longshore Workers Union (ILWU)] Interview With Mumia Abu-Jamal Introduction Black

LL:URL:May 1968 Graffiti

1999-03-12 Thread margaret
-Original Message- From: Bureau of Public Secrets [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Bureau of Public Secrets [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thursday, 11 March 1999 14:17 Subject: May 1968 Graffiti Translations of over 200 graffiti from the May 1968 revolt in France are now online at

LL: State Security Court issues a new death penalty sentence

1999-03-12 Thread margaret
-Original Message- From: Addameer [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Addameer Mailings [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thursday, 11 March 1999 19:58 Subject: State Security Court issues a new death penalty sentence State Security Court issues a new death penalty sentence - 2 Palestinian youth shot dead


1999-03-12 Thread fcrc
MEDIA RELEASE EMBARGOED UNTIL 15 MARCH Financial and Consumer Rights Council http://home.vicnet.net.au/~fcrc/ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] UNFAIR DEAL: A CONSUMER AUDIT OF ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER INDUSTRY REFORMS by Beverley Kliger The state government reforms to energy and

LL:ART:EAST TIMOR: Send aid, not troops!

1999-03-12 Thread Agit Prop Central
East Timor: send aid, not troops! FROM GREEN LEFT WEEKLY #350 http://www.peg.apc.org/~greenleft Green Left Weekly's JON LAND spoke to MAX LANE, national secretary of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor about the latest developments towards self-determination for East