LL:DDN: After s11: Globalising Resistance to Capitalism

2000-10-16 Thread CE

19th Democratic Socialist Party National Congress


The blockade of the Crown Casino in Melbourne from s11 -13 was a great 
  Tens of thousands of people showed that "there's no power but the power 
of the
people" drawing many into radical politics for the first time.

The victory at s11 is part of  the growing global movement against corporate
tyranny.  This movement has declared war not on a particular injustice, but
on the system that fills our world with injustice - capitalism.

After playing a leading role in s11, activists from the Democratic Socialist
Party will meet to plan the next steps for an ongoing offensive against the
capitalist system.

Feature discussions including;
The world Political Situation and the DSP's international work
The Cuban Revolution in the epoch of Neo-Liberal Globalisation
Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor
The role of Australian imperialism in the Pacific and Asia
The Australian political situation post s11
Building socialism on the campuses
The DSP's trade union perspectives
Classes on Marxism, socialist politics and history

International guests attending so far:
Cuban Communist Party
People's Democratic Party (Indonesia)
Socialist Party of East Timor
Afghanistan Labour Revolutionary Organisation
Movement for National Democracy (Philippines)
Revolutionary Communist Group (Britian)
Malik Miah, Solidarity (U.S.A)
Worker Communist Party of Iraq

JANUARY 3 -7, 2001
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury
Ph: 02 9690 1230
Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Website: www.dsp.org.au
PO Box 515 Broadway, NSW, 2007


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:INFO: online meeting - forming federal reconciliation party

2000-10-16 Thread Trudy & Rod Bray


Please pass this message along the e-songlines to interested


Following discussions on the songlines list, an online meeting is to
be held with the view of forming a federal Reconciliation Party to
contest the Senate at the next election.

One of the aims of a reconciliation  party, as discussed so far, is to
get indigenous voices in the Senate free from the constraints of
membership in other political parties.

Discussion has also been centred on:

*  the need for a new party to have a spirit of partnership between
First Peoples and Settler Peoples with equal power sharing
arrangements in decision making.

* the need to ensure that the first two positions on a reconciliation
party Senate ticket will be available to First Australians - a man
and a woman.

* the need to make good the promise of the then Australian Prime
Minister Bob Hawke, at Burunga in 1988, that there would be a

* the need to deliver the indigenous social justice package
promised by the then Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating in
return for restoring certainty to Australian business

We have not comprehensively debated:

* the various strategies for reconciliation as formulated by the
Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation at this stage.

* the rules of membership (although we have discussed the need
for inclusiveness by welcoming as members people who belong to
other political parties on the understanding that they will required to
state their other affiliations when appropriate).


The online meeting is the next step to seeking registration of a
political party.

Agenda items which will need to be covered include:

* agreeing on a party name
* forming an interim constitution
* forming an interim Federal Executive or similar body
* forming membership rules
* selecting an interim party secretary
* forming State and Territory branches
* preparation of a membership application form.
* setting membership fees
* opening bank account and selecting Treasurer
* selecting date and venue for an initial annual gathering.
* other business


The Australian Electoral Commission requires that intending
members of federal political parties are 17 years of age or older;
Australian citizens (or a British subject who was on a
Commonwealth of Australia electoral roll on 25 January 1984); have
been at your present address for one month at the time of signing a
membership form.

If you are in broad agreement with the above proposals, are
qualified to become a member of this party, and are interested in
joining, send an empty message to:


You should get a message back asking you to confirm your
subscription request, and after you have replied to that, receive a
welcome message.


The starting date is on the morning of this Thursday 19 October


The online meeting will be facilitated by Songweaver Services. To
help cover  facilitation costs we are requesting that non-indigenous
participants *who are so moved*  make a financial contribution to
defray costs with a *voluntary* payment of $10 or $20 depending on
your income level.  To create a spirit of partnership, we welcome
the participation of First Peoples without any similar request.

* Note - this facilitation fee is not a membership fee for joining a
reconciliation party.

Send your cheque or money order to:

Songweaver Services
PO Box 257
Thirroul NSW 2515


If you require more information about this online meeting, please
contact me. Please note, however, that the debate of issues of
substance will take place in the online meeting.

Any problems contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bruce Reyburn

16 October 2000



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LL:INFO: MAY 1, 2001 - Global Strike against Corporate Tyranny

2000-10-16 Thread CE

Dear friends
  We are asking groups and individuals to sign on to this call for a Global
Strike Against Corporate Tyranny & a Blockade of Stock Exchanges on May 1,2001.

Over the last weekend we had a big discussion with our activists from around
the country, many of whom were at S11, and decided to start the ball rolling.
We'll be raising this in the S11 alliances around the country. We also have
very close links with militant groups in Indonesia, East Timor, South Korea,
the Philippines, India and Pakistan - and we have asked them to join the call
for a May 1 Global Strike Against Corporate Tyranny.

At S11, some 20,000 people showed that they are prepared to put themselves on
the line against the corporate globalisation. Tens of thousands more people
were inspired by S11 so on May 1 (with some solid organising) we can do it
again in bigger numbers.

Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and Prague already have the global corporate
chiefs worried. The next next logical step is to go for a simultaneous global

The corporate chiefs might have coped OK with the Y2K bug but they may not do
so well with M1-2K01!

There is already a bit of a global push for M1-2K01 so I urge you to join the

Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party National Office
Telephone: 61 2 9690 1230
Fax: 61 2 9690 1381
email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   website: www.dsp.org.au

After Seattle, Washington, Melbourne, Prague…
May 1: Global strike against corporate tyranny!

The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance call on the escalating movement
against the corporate globalisation - the global people's movement that showed
its mighty strength at Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and Prague - to support
the proposal for a Global Strike Against Corporate Tyranny on May 1, 2001.

Neo-liberal capitalist globalisation is bringing unprecedented misery to 
80% of
the world's population just to enrich a tiny minority who are already 
wealthy. It is also worsening an already catastrophic global environment

But now global corporate greed is being challenged by a movement of global

The global corporate rulers are already frightened and arguing among 
about how to combat our growing people's movement. Some think that changing 
name of those instruments of death and misery for millions, the IMF Structural
Adjustment Programmes,  to "Poverty Reduction Strategies" is going to fool us
into leaving the streets. Others are trying to
convince us that making the corporate barons even richer will mean that some
gains will trickle down to the poorest. But we will not be put off.

Sentiment is growing around the world, after the series of mobilisations
against the oppressive international financial institutions - from Seattle to
Washington, to Melbourne, to Prague - for continuing coordinated global 
More and more people are seeing what the sources of the problems of the
majority of the world's people are, and are willing to do something about it.
The downtrodden of the Third World have known the cause of their oppression 
decades, as recently demonstrated in Indonesia, Ecuador, Argentina and 
Today more and more people in the First World, especially the youth, are
expressing their solidarity with the majority of the world's oppressed.

We would like to see this international solidarity not just expressed in a
of actions as the World Bank, IMF, WTO of WEF meets but in cities around the
world in a simultaneous demonstration of opposition to exploitation and

Let's go on the offensive on May 1, 2001 with a truly global action against
global corporate tyranny. Let's walk out of our workplaces, campuses and
schools and converge on those temples of corporate greed, the stock exchanges.
Let M1 unite the massive power of the victims of corporate tyranny in the 
World and in the Third World!

Abolish the IMF, World Bank and the WTO!
Cancel the Third World debt!
Globalise resistance!


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:ART: latest Voice articles

2000-10-16 Thread sp

The latest issue of the Voice has just been published. Below are three 
a) S11 analysis
b) Palestine: Eyewitness and analysis from the spot
c) Petrol Wars

The two most powerful unions in Victoria (CFMEU and AMWU) effectively split
with the Trades Hall leadership over the latter's initial refusal to march
south of the Yarra to join the main body of protestors on S12.
This left Trades Hall high and dry, exposing its weakness in an era of
federal awards and a shift to the Left amongst their most powerful
affiliates. It was forced to pulp its original posters calling on unionists
to stop their march at Enterprise Park, north of the Yarra.
Nevertheless the opposition to the S11 blockade by Trades Hall meant that
before and after the S12 union rally, the young protestors were largely
alone. The State government and police felt S11 was politically isolated
from the trade unions. This led to the brutal baton charges on Tuesday
morning and especially on Tuesday night that saw over 400 injured and seven
ambulances being called to the CFMEU first aid marquee.
The Trades Hall leadership, therefore, have blood on their hands, despite
their current weeping over the police actions at the Crown Towers. Their
political stocks will be further demented as the legal case being pursued
by the injured protestors gradually exposes the links between the WEF,
State Labor government, police, federal security agencies and the police.
It is important to understand how and why key unions decided to ignore
Trades Hall over S11. The Workers First leadership of the AMWU-in
particular State Secretary Craig Johnston, a member of the Progressive
Labour Party-took a principled position from the start.
In the CFMEU (construction and general division), the work of rank and file
members of the union who were active in S11 (including but not exclusively
members of the Socialist Party) in raising the importance of the blockade
was important.
A marquee and first aid equipment and union volunteers were agreed to early
on. Then the decision was made to march to the Crown Towers on S12. It was
a combination of the objective pull of the S11 protest and growing
opposition to globalisation, and the subjective factor as well.
In the Labor Party, Premier Steve Bracks' comments in support of the police
baton charge and calling protestors "fascist" provoked a mini-revolt in
party branches including his own in Williamstown. Many members resigned and
wrote to the papers explaining why. Bracks was forced to cancel his BBQ for
At the next state election there will be even more rank and file ALP
members secretly and openly backing left of Labor candidates, as seen when
we stood in Richmond last September.
S11 marked a re-entry into the political arena by thousands of young
people, including school students. For most of the 1990s, single issue and
identity politics dominated the political scene amongst the thin layer of
youth involved in struggle.
S11 changed all that, and a growing layer ofyouth are opposing capitalism
and groping in the direction of socialism.
Issues that dominated the left in the late 1960s/early 1970s are coming
back: socialism versus anarchism; the role of the working class and the
trade unions; peaceful protest and its limits and so on. After the baton
charges debates will develop about the new forms of peaceful protest
(gridlocks, mobile protests), and even the need to move beyond peaceful
action. Similar debates occurred in the US during the Civil Rights protests
in the 1960s between Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and later, the Black
The role of the mass media was disgraceful in it coverage of S11 and they
exposed themselves in the eyes of millions. Nevertheless through the mud
much of our message got through. For example the ABC-TV's Behind the News,
which broadcasts news stories into every Australian school, had an
excellent report on S11 outlining the arguments against capitalist
 >From BBC World Service, to Channel 9, to community radio, S11 had
opportunities to talk to millions. This would never have happened if there
had been no blockade.
The blockade itself highlighted the importance of good,
democratically-based organisation. The marshals were all elected, active
members of S11-Alliance and had the confidence of many.
The played a key coordinating role. However, more thought needs to go into
greater involvement of picketers/blockaders themselves in the running of
pickets rather than relying solely on speeches on megaphone from marshals.
The first aid marquee and crew were absolutely crucial and were the unsung
heroes of the three days. The legal support crew were also crucial.
Those who had the privilege of attending S11 will be changed forever and
become ambassadors for activism amongst their peers. Australia will never
be the same again.

Weeks ago, Israeli and Palestinian leaders were on the verge of signing a
new peace agreement, and Yasser Arafat was joking and sippin

LL:DDV: Melbourne May Day Committee

2000-10-16 Thread AAWL

The Annual General Meeting of the
Melbourne May Day Committee
will be held on

Tuesday 24 October at 7:30 pm
in the Evatt Room, Trades Hall
Corner Lygon & Victoria Streets
Carlton South

The election for positions on the committee will take place at this meeting

Melbourne May Day Committee
Fax: 9416 1303

Australia Asia Worker Links  (ABN: 82 920 590 967)
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746


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LL:PR: After S11: Call for May 1 global strike

2000-10-16 Thread PPZ

Media Release

Monday October 18

Left activists propose sequel to S11
Global strike & blockade of stock exchanges on May 1

The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, two organisations which 
played a leading role in the S11 blockade of the World Economic Forum have 
issued a call for a global strike against corporate tyranny on Tuesday May 
1, 2001. They also propose mass, peaceful, blockades of stock exchanges in 
the major cities of Australia.

"At S11, some 20,000 people showed that they are prepared to put themselves 
on the line against the corporate globalisation", said Peter Boyle, a 
national organiser for the DSP. "On May 1 we can do it again in

bigger numbers. "

"Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and Prague already have the global 
corporate chiefs worried. But they ain't seen nothing yet. On May 1 this

new movement is going for a global mobilisation.

"The corporate chiefs might have coped OK with the Y2K bug but they may not 
do so well with M1-2K01."

DSP and Resistance activists, who featured prominently among the youthful 
agitators leading the blockades around Crown Casino, will be taking this 
proposal to S11 alliance meetings in the coming weeks.

The DSP — which has very close links with militant groups in Indonesia, 
East Timor, South Korea, the Philippines, India and Pakistan — has asked

left-wing groups around the world to join the call for a May 1 Global 
Strike Against Corporate Tyranny.

For more information/interviews:

Peter Boyle 02-9690 1230 or 0412139968
Jorge Jorquera 03-9639 8622 or 0413 257 660
Anne O'Casey 03-9639 8622

After Seattle, Washington, Melbourne, Prague…
M1 ­ 2K01
May 1: Global strike against corporate tyranny!

The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance call on the escalating 
movement against the corporate globalisation — the global people's movement 
that showed its mighty strength at Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and 
Prague — to support the proposal for a Global Strike Against Corporate 
Tyranny on May 1, 2001.

Neo-liberal capitalist globalisation is bringing unprecedented misery to

80% of the world's population just to enrich a tiny minority who are 
already obscenely wealthy. It is also worsening an already catastrophic 
global environment crisis.

But now global corporate greed is being challenged by a movement of global 

The global corporate rulers are already frightened and arguing among 
themselves about how to combat our growing people's movement. Some think

that changing the name of those instruments of death and misery for 
millions, the IMF Structural Adjustment Programmes,  to "Poverty Reduction 
Strategies" is going to fool us into leaving the streets. Others are trying 
to convince us that making the corporate barons even richer will mean that 
some gains will trickle down to the poorest. But we will not be put off.

Sentiment is growing around the world, after the series of mobilisations

against the oppressive international financial institutions — from Seattle 
to Washington, to Melbourne, to Prague — for continuing coordinated global 
action. More and more people are seeing what the sources of the problems of 
the majority of the world's people are, and are willing to do something 
about it. The downtrodden of the Third World

have known the cause of their oppression for decades, as recently 
demonstrated in Indonesia, Ecuador, Argentina and Bolivia. Today more and 
more people in the First World, especially the youth, are expressing

their solidarity with the majority of the world's oppressed.

We would like to see this international solidarity not just expressed in

a series of actions as the World Bank, IMF, WTO or WEF meets but in cities 
around the world in a simultaneous demonstration of opposition to

exploitation and injustice.

Let's go on the offensive on May 1, 2001 with a truly global action against 
global corporate tyranny. Let's walk out of our workplaces, campuses and 
schools and converge on those temples of corporate greed, the stock 
exchanges. Let M1 unite the massive power of the victims of corporate 
tyranny in the First World and in the Third World!

Abolish the IMF, World Bank and the WTO!
Cancel the Third World debt!
Globalise resistance!
Expropriate the corporate robbers!


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LL:INFO: A request to LeftLink posters

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne

Dear LeftLink posters

The Freedom Socialist Party values LeftLink greatly as a method of
communication between very diverse left activists and organisations.

We all have a role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the information
posted. So, if details of an action any of us post change, we have a
responsibility to post the revised details as soon as the changes happen.

On 7 September Arun P posted a notice of a protest to take place in
Melbourne at 5 pm at the GPO on 13 October. The protest, to coincide with
Refugee Week, was called by Resistance and the Federation of Iraqi Refugees
and Immigrants Council.

The organisers subsequently called the protest off, but did not advise the
list. As a result, some people turned up for the canceled rally.

We all have a responsibility to ensure appropriate follow up messages are
posted. E-mail is a great communication boon, lets all work to make sure it
is reliable.

Thank you.
Alison Thorne
Freedom Socialist Party


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: The 60s and 70s - Freedom Now!

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne

Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century:
The '60s and '70s =8B Freedom Now!

Thursday 19 October @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick
Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation

For more information call (03) 9386-5065
Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party & the Feminist Education


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2000-10-16 Thread Paul Petersen

Elections for the NSW Public Service Association are now underway.

This is an important opportunity for members to reform their union. We 
encourage members to vote PROGRESSIVE PSA (PPSA) FOR A BETTER DEAL:

We were told that the current pay deal was the best that could be won and 
that we should accept the employers offer without any resistance. This left 
the Teachers Federation as the only large union to take on the NSW 
Government.  Despite being isolated they did win a better deal. The 
employers are now seeking significant concessions in return for the pay 
deal.  We don't want a rerun of the previous pay deal where the union 
leadership struck an agreement with the employer without consulting members.

There is a preference exchange between the official's group (trading as the 
'Rank & File') and the right wing 'Members First' group. This makes the 
Progressive PSA the only serious left alternative to this centre right 

The Progressive PSA is not captive to ALP factions nor the NSW ALP 
Government (our employer).  We do not seek nor receive money from other 
unions or political parties. We rely entirely on the support of union members.

For 'How to Vote' leaflets please visit http://go.to/BetterDeal


Public sector services continue to be cut, contracted out and 
privatised.  Those areas under attack should not continue to be left to 
defend themselves. United we bargain - divided we beg.

6% of the current pay deal is not funded by Treasury.  Soon there will be 
deep cuts to public sector jobs. But it doesn't have to be that way. The 
Progressive PSA (PPSA) will ensure the union campaigns for full funding of 
the pay rises.  We disagree with wage increases being funded by job cuts.

The Olympics have shown how effective public services can be when properly 
resourced. They exposed the myth that 'Private enterprise is better'.  The 
PPSA will ensure our union is at the forefront of defending public services 
and jobs.


The PPSA was the only group to actively campaign for an improvement to the 
quantity and structure of the current pay deal.

Treasury documents show that our pay this year is less than the consumer 
price index and substantially less than the growth in average weekly 
earnings. Clearly a better deal WAS possible. The employer is now seeking 
trade-offs for these modest increases.- more job cuts, even longer working 
hours, 'performance pay', and greater 'flexibility'.  We must resist any 
trade-offs of our hard-won working conditions.

The PPSA is committed to ensuring pay equity for both women and men. 
Undervaluation of work performed by people in occupations with large 
numbers of women, like school assistants and library workers has resulted 
in lower pay rates.

The PPSA will work for improved access to training and career development 
to equip members to deal with rapid changes in technology, the labour 
market and the work place skills it demands.


The PSA needs to be more responsive to members' needs. A union that 
researches issues and provides competent and timely answers to member 
inquiries.  A union that helps members by showing them how to defend 

Union publications must be published on time and be relevant. The PPSA will 
review PSA communications in consultation with members to ensure its 
content and delivery is useful and timely.


Workplace organisation needs to be re-vitalised with active committees in 
as many workplaces as possible.

The PPSA wants a union constitution that enables effective participation by 
members, based on proper electorates with delegates accountable to members, 
not powerless talk shops.  The PPSA will promote a review of the 
constitution based on wide consultation among members.

We oppose any agreements with employers without endorsement by the members 
concerned. Lets make sure our union is clean and accountable.

The salary range of our officials should be published annually in our 
union's journal Red Tape and officials should declare their remuneration 
from positions on boards and committees.


PPSA candidates are not career politicians nor union bureaucrats. We are 
delegates and active PSA members with extensive experience in industrial 
negotiation and workplace organisation. Our candidates are drawn from 
agencies and vocations across the state. The PPSA always runs a gender 
balanced ticket.

The PPSA does not seek or receive money from any political party. We are 
not captive to ALP factions nor do we sacrifice members' interests to the 
political ambitions of union officials.

  How to contact us:

Progressive PSA P.O. Box K519, Haymarket NSW 1240, fax: 02 85 69 43 71

email us at:

LL:DDN: Liberation Dinner

2000-10-16 Thread CE

You are invited to the


Green Left Weekly consistently reports on an campaigns for social justice: 
workers' rights in Indonesia to land rights for Indigenous Australians; from
defending the gains of the Cuban revolution to fighting for the rights of

Join us for an evening of fine food speakers and live entertainment.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 - 7.00 pm
67 Norton St, Leichardt, SYDNEY
Cost $25 waged $15 uni students and non-waged $10 high school students
Ph: 02 9690 1977 or email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDN: Palestine Forum

2000-10-16 Thread CE

A Green Left Weekly Public Forum

Speakers: Sari Kassis -Friends of Palestine
speakers from Australian Council of Palestinians and
the Democratic Socialist Party

Resistance Centre - 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale.
Food available from 6.30 pm
Telephone: 02 9690


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDN: s11 to o20 - Picket the Liberals Millenium Forum

2000-10-16 Thread CE

S11 TO O20
Picket the Liberals Millenium Forum

The Millenium Forum "Corporate Luncheon" is organised by the Liberal Party to
"provide under 40s in the Sydney business community a unique opportunity to
interact with key political and business leaders".

The dinner costs $500 a head.  The guest of (dis)honour and patron is John
Howard.  The Forum is sponsored by accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,
Macquarie Bank, Multiplex, AMP, British American Tobacco, Coles Myer, Delta 
and Kerry Packer's publishing and Broadcasting Ltd.

Fri, OCTOBER 20 - 11 am
Westin Sydney Hotel
1 Martin Place, Sydney City.
Called by CACTUS (Campaign Against Corporate Tyranny United in Soldarity)
ph0438 800244 for more info.


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LL:DDV: S11 video showing -- 'on the barricades'

2000-10-16 Thread Jeff Sparrow

Socialist Alternative presents the debut screening of
SA's video of the S11 demonstration 'On the
Revisist the awesome protest against the World
Economic Forum.
Thurs 7.30 pm October 19
New International Bookshop
Trades Hall
ph 9421 4439 for more information


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Feminism Unites the Global Revolt against Corporate Rule

2000-10-16 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting:
Wednesday, 25 October


In September, the thousands of people who blockaded the World Economic Forum
Summit in Melbourne joined the spreading international resistance against
capitalism. When unionists, Aborigines, migrants, queers, people with
disabilities, young people and seniors linked arms, we united our struggles
and showed our combined power. As the special target of this sexist system,
women were in the forefront.

Join us as we discuss the impact of capitalist globalisation on women and
queers and how we, in all our diversity, are the fiercest fighters for
revolutionary change. Panelists include Jess Permezel from QUEER (Queers
United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism) and Debbie Brennan from Radical
Women. Everyone is welcome.

7.00 pm (dinner at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation)
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

For more information, phone (03) 9386 3230 or email:


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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