2003-03-24 Thread CPA
The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 26, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.

1. The world says NO!

Since the massive bombardment of Iraq commenced on Thursday last week,
millions of people around the world have taken to the streets to stop 
the war. Never before have so many people from so many countries united 
in such strong opposition to a war. In total disregard of the will of 
the people, and in total disregard for the thousands or possibly 
hundreds of thousands of innocent victims, the US and British 
Governments with their Australian lackey in tow, went ahead with their 
murderous, illegal and morally unjustifiable war on the people of Iraq.

In Australia hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets 
in mass actions.

Anti-war marches in Perth climaxed last Saturday with 20,000 people 
rallying and marching through the city streets. On the day the war began 
6000 protested in Forrest Place and marched to the UN Consulate, 
blocking St George's Terrace.

More than 2000 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU)
members downed tools and joined the action. Unions WA Assistant 
Secretary Dave Robinson called on the union movement to maintain the 
pressure and drive the Howard Government from office.

Maritime Union of Australia State Secretary Wally Prichard said: "Bush 
says he has Saddam in his sights. We have Howard in our sights. We will 
have regime change."

Greens MLC Dee Margetts said the Greens had walked out of Parliament at 
the news of the war. "The strategy of Bush, Blair and Howard will 
backfire", she said.

Other speakers in Perth came from the Uniting Church and the No War

In Sydney 70,000 to 100,000 people marched from Belmore Park to The 
Domain on the Sunday to deliver another powerful message to the Howard 
Government to "Stop the War on Iraq, Bring the Troops Home" and 
"Howard's War - Bloody Outrage"

As in other centres, there was a wide cross-section of the community, 
with trade union, church, ethnic, student, political and other groups
participating. Many of the recently formed local peace groups took part 
as well as families and other individuals and even a few pets.

Thousands of unionists rallied and marched against the war in Melbourne 
on Friday, March 21. The union anti-war rally, organised by the 
Victorian Trades Hall Council, demanded an end to the war in Iraq and 
called on the Howard Government to bring the troops home.

The Victorian Trades Hall Council is calling on union members to attend 
the up-coming anti-war actions, including a day of action against the 
war on Thursday, March 27, and a rally on Saturday March 29 at the State 

There are meetings of the Workers Against War on Wednesday nights at 
6.30pm at the VTHC.

Seasoned peace advocates and a growing core of new activists have had a
hectic week in Adelaide including marches, rallies and candlelit vigils 
in several public parks and beaches.

Five hundred people gathered on the steps of parliament house on the day 
the aggression was announced and a thousand gathered there again at 5pm 
on the day of the first bombing and the invasion.

Then on Sunday over 15,000 people crowded into Victoria Square before
marching on the State Parliament. FA18 fighter jets "entertaining"
spectators at the Clipsal 500 car race on the other side of the city 
added some rather frightening background shrieks to the event.

Mike Khazam of the NOWAR coalition that organised the rally surely 
echoed the upbeat mood of the people with his comments: "Do not despair. 
Do not be despondent. We won't stop and we won't forgive our government!"

Yasmine Ahmed of the Islamic Foundation emphasised the potential 
political power of movements like the one that has sprung up in 
opposition to the war in Iraq. "The Vietnam War was stopped in the 
streets and we'll make sure this one will be, too."

In Brisbane at the commencement of the attack on Iraq more than 6000 
people, with a good trade union presence, gathered in King George's 
Square and on Saturday another 6000-plus crowd protested.

There were protests also when the war began and with follow up actions 
on the weekend in Darwin, Hobart, Geelong, Wollongong, Newcastle and in 
cities and country towns around the country.

The actions continue as The Guardian goes to press. The Books not Bombs
coalition against war have organised another national student strike for
this Wednesday, March 26. Palm Sunday, April 13, is shaping up to be 
another big day of Australia-wide actions.


In Germany, more than 80,000 school children,

LL:ART: All the News That Fits

2003-03-24 Thread Hutchings, James
One of the people accused of helping refugees escape from Woomera is 
asking for letters of support.  Please write to:

timothy daniel collins
port augusta prison
po box 6
port augusta
SA 5700

(Tim can't receive any books or papers but can receive cash and money

This week's stories:  People of Iraq to Be Liberated...To Create A New 
World Free From Terrorism...Free From Fear...And Based on 
Democracy..Quotes of the Week.

A UN report prepared before the war on Iraq estimated that it will 
create 900,000 refugees.  The report also says that as many as 500,000 
Iraqis may require treatment: 100,000 for injuries, 400,000 for disease. 
  The report says that 3.03 million people will require 'therapeutic 
feeding' - "2.03 million severely and moderately malnourished children 
under five and one million pregnant and lactating women".

London Times.

The American government is planning a secret meeting to discuss the
construction of a new generation of nuclear weapons, according to a 
leaked Pentagon document.
A meeting of military officials and nuclear scientists in August would 
also decide whether to restart nuclear testing and how to convince the 
public new weapons are necessary.
The National Nuclear Security Administration, which is responsible for
designing, building and maintaining nuclear weapons, has confirmed that 
the document is real.
A policy paper by Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld identified seven
countries as potential targets for US nuclear weapons.  The American
government has adopted the policy of 'pre-emptive strikes' - attacking 
other countries that they feel might pose a threat in the future.

The Guardian (UK), Washington Post.

More than half of the San Francisco police department's leadership face
prosecution for allegedly trying to cover up a street brawl involving
off-duty police officers.
Four of the city's senior police officers, including its police chief 
Earl Sanders, were among 10 officers indicted on criminal charges in 
connection with the fight reportedly sparked over a bag of Mexican 
take-away food.
Three junior officers are accused of beating two civilians who refused 
to hand over their bag of steak Fajitas.

ABC news website.

The Australian government has established an email address where people 
can pass messages on to troops in Iraq.  However the Defence Department 
says that 'negative' messages, presumably meaning messages critical of 
the war, will not be passed on.

Quotes of the week:

"If the U.S. unilaterally goes to war, and it is anything short of a 
quick surgical strike (lasting less than 30 days), the economists were 
all predicting extreme economic gloom: falling dollar value, rising spot 
  market oil prices, the Fed pushing interest rates down towards zero 
with resulting increase in national debt, severe trouble in all 
countries whose currency is guaranteed agains the dollar (which is just 
about everybody except the EU), a near cessation of all development and 
humanitarian programs for poor countries. Very few economists or 
ministers of finance predicted the world getting out of that economic 
funk for minimally five-10 years, once the downward spiral ensues".

Science journalist Laurie Garrett, in a leaked private email sent from 
the World Economic Forum.

"[The world is] run by about 5,000 bickering, sometimes charming, 
usually arrogant, mostly male people who are accustomed to living in 
either phenomenal wealth, or great personal power".

Laurie Garrett.

"...this Administration has chosen to make terrorism a domestic 
political tool, enlisting a scattered and largely defeated Al Qaeda as 
its bureaucratic ally. We spread disproportionate terror and confusion 
in the public mind, arbitrarily linking the unrelated problems of 
terrorism and Iraq. The result, and perhaps the motive, is to justify a 
vast misallocation of shrinking public wealth to the military and to 
weaken the safeguards that protect American citizens from the heavy hand 
of government. September 11 did not do as much damage to the fabric of 
American society as we seem determined to so to ourselves. Is the Russia 
of the late Romanovs really our model, a selfish, superstitious empire 
thrashing toward self-destruction in the name of a doomed status quo?"

John Brady Kiesling, an American diplomat for twenty years, in his 
letter of resignation.

"We have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such
systematic manipulation of the American people, since the war in Vietnam".

John Brady Kiesling.

"We back democracy all the way. All the way, that is, up to the point 
where they disagree with us."

Former US senior State Dept. Official, quoted in SchNews news report.

anarchist news service
write to James, PO Box 503, Newtown NSW 2042

contact us to get ATNTF emailed directly to you.

If you like All the News That Fits, forward it on.

Some other Australian anarchist contacts:

Love and Rage is a new anarchist,

LL:ART: Lies rejected

2003-03-24 Thread CPA
The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 26, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial - Lies rejected

The farrago of lies told by Howard, Blair, Bush and their supporters to
justify war against Iraq has not swayed millions of people in Australia 
and around the world. People are demonstrating their rejection of these 

Government leaders lied about weapons of mass destruction, that Iraq had
links with al-Qaida, about the legality of their invasion, about the
rightness of the cause, about regime change, that Australia is 
threatened by Iraq and that it is in Australia's national interest to go 
to war.

Faced with these failures the government and supporters of war are now
attempting to hide behind the cry - "support our boys". Howard, Blair 
and even Crean are beating this drum as a desperate and backdoor means 
of pushing the Australian people into supporting an illegal, unjustified 
and criminal war. If those who now demand support for war were concerned 
about the well-being of the troops, they would never have sent them to 
Iraq in the first place. If the war is wrong and illegal what troops are 
being ordered to do in Iraq is also wrong and illegal.

The Australian troops are not defending Australia. They are involved in 
a war of blatant aggression against a sovereign country for illegal
objectives. The invasion of Iraq is already an international crime.

The so-called "allied" troops - three countries out of 192 - are 
bringing death and destruction to one of the oldest centres of 
civilisation, highly cultured and highly educated.

The bombers, cruise missiles and attack helicopters are killing from a 
great height. The TV images that follow the missiles to their targets do 
not show the mangled bodies. This is what war is all about and this is 
what it is for - killing people, occupying another nation's land and 
seizing its resources.

Soldiers are trained to kill other human beings and that is what the
invading forces are doing - killing civilians and Iraqi soldiers 
defending the sovereignty of their own country even though Iraq has been 
virtually disarmed compared with the technology arraigned against them.

Consideration is now being given to charging Howard and others 
responsible with war crimes. Russian President Vladimir Putin has also 
hinted at similar moves.

When threatening the Iraqi leadership and military that they would be
charged as war criminals unless they surrendered, George Bush declared 
that it would be no defence to say: "I was just following orders". This 
must also apply to others.

All these considerations mean nothing to those who run Australia's
Government and the military and strategic analysts who regard war as a
parlour game of tanks, planes, guided missiles. They do not speak about 
the people whose lives, children, and hopes are blighted.

These experts are joined by prostitute journalists of the ABC, CNN and 
other TV channels and the mass media who record their "on-the-spot" 
comments - an essential element in the service of the war machine. The 
consequences for the Iraqi people will be rapidly forgotten once their 
war game is over.

Many supporters of war have also invoked God on the side of war. 
"Godspeed" screamed Sydney's Daily Telegraph front page while Bush 
repeatedly intones, "God bless America" as though there is no other 
country in the world other than the USA.

"God bless America, Australia and Britain", wrote one correspondent to 
the Daily Telegraph. Another wrote, "May God be your protector". They 
call on a God to bless those whose job is killing. Their God is actually 
Mars, the Greek God of war.

The troops are also declared "freedom fighters" by the same media and
politicians who savagely restrict the democratic rights of the people 
with so-called anti-terrorist legislation and, in some countries, 
violently suppress anti-war protests.

They will not liberate Iraq but impose an American occupation and a
government that is totally subservient to US dictates as has already 
been done in Afghanistan.

The oil resources of Iraq will be stolen by the US and British corporations.

Millions of Iraqi families will be decimated, lives lost, homes 
destroyed, turned into refugees - thanks to the "allied" war machine in 
violation of international law.

That is why the demand to "Stop the War" is ringing out around the world.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/


LL:DDV: How you can fight the war and the Blackshirts

2003-03-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

On Saturday, 29 March, fight war AND fascism =8B
Before the anti-war rally at the State Library (1.00 pm),
* Rally from 11.30 am at Brunswick Town Hall (corner of Dawson Street &
Sydney Road, Brunswick).
Speeches start at noon.
* Then come along to a Street Party to celebrate diversity: 2.00 - 6.00 
pm, Percy Street, Brunswick

Hearkening back to Mussolini's fascist gangs, the Blackshirts stalk 
women who leave often-violent relationships, win custody of the children 
or may be in a lesbian relationship. They regularly demonstrate outside 
the Family Court to harass women who are fighting custody battles and to 
recruit like-minded brethren.

Blackshirts' leader, John Abbott, says he has no problem with fascism.
Fascism sent Jews and all groups that big business targeted as threats 
or burdens - women, queers, people with disabilities, immigrants, 
unionists, radicals - to their death.

Organised by Diversity in Safe Communities (DiSC).

ENDORSERS: Victorian Trades Hall Council; Moreland City Council; Denis
Evans, Organiser for Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
(CFMEU); Radical Women; Workers Liberty; Freedom Socialist Party; 
Australia Asia Worker Links; Socialist Alliance; tallpaul, Editor of The 
Internet Anti-Fascist; LaTrobe University Women's Department; National 
Union of Students; Council of Single Mothers and their Children; Friends 
of the Earth; Refugee Action Collective; International Socialist 
Organisation; Monash Student Association; Men Against Sexual Assault; 
Socialist Party; Brunswick Women's Choir; Moreland Peace Group

For the rally, contact Debbie: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For the street party, contact Paula: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:DDS: Nuclear dump debate Sunday 6 April 2pm

2003-03-24 Thread Denise Tzumli
Forwarded from another list

The Nuclear Dump Debate !!

Sunday April 6, 2-4pm
Cynthia Poulton Hall (next to St. Peter's Cathedral), North

Moderated by Monsignor David Cappo of the Archdiocese of Adelaide
‹ Chair of the Board of the State Government's Social Inclusion Unit, 
former head of Centacare Australia.

* Senator Nick Minchin (Liberal - federal government)
* Barry Wakelin MP (Liberal - federal government - member for
Grey, SA))
* John Hill MP (Environment Minister - SA Labor government)
* Senator Kerry Nettle (Greens - federal)
* Senator Lyn Allison (Democrats - federal)
* Senator Penny Wong (Labor - federal)
* David Noonan (Australian Conservation Foundation)
* Janet Giles (SA United Trades & Labor Council)
* Dr. Jim Green (Campaign Against Nuclear Dumping)

Followed by questions and comments from the floor.

More information:
* Jim Green ph: 8211 7604, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
* David Noonan ph: 8232 2566.

Jim Green
6/21 Surflen St., Adelaide, SA, 5000
Ph. (08) 8211 7604



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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDN: cuban trade unionists speak in sydney

2003-03-24 Thread joan
A delegation of Cuban trade union representatives will be in Sydney as 
part of a tour organised by the Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy 
Union (CFMEU). The delgation includes:

- Pedro Ross Leal, the General Secretary of the Cuban Confederation of
Workers, Member of the Cuban National Assembly & a member of the Central
Committee of the Cuban Communist Party

- Rafael Mesa Bravo, Secretary of the Cuban Construction Workers Union&

- Hilda Chacon Bravo, the International Relations Representative (Asia
Pacific) for the Cuban Confederation of Workers

A dinner & talk sponsored by the CFMEU, the Australia Cuba Friendship
Society, Amigos de Cuba & the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba (Western
Suburbs) has been organised. Speacial guests will be Pedro Ross Leal,
Rafael Mesa Bravo and Hilda Chacon Bravo.

The details are as follows:
   Dinner & Welcome
   Topics include: -  International Workers Solidarity
   - The future of Socialism in the World
   - War, Peace & National Sovereignty

Date: Sunday, March 30, 2003


Where:  Greek Community Club
  206 Lakemba Street, Lakemba

Cost: $20.00 (dinner included)

Entertainment will be provided by Latin Band.
Seats are limited & bookings are essential. For bookings & further
information, contact Nick Rawson 0414 691 732, Hugo Nardini 9822 5891/ 
0408 964 953, Jodie Coleman 9749 0406 (for credit card bookings), Mara 
Ochoa on 9602 0450 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Joan Silk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: New International bookshop big red quiz night postponed

2003-03-24 Thread NIBS
As many people will now have heard, the Big Red Quiz night -- the New
International Bookshop's major fund raiser -- has been postponed, since 
we didn't think many people on the Left would be feeling like a festive
occasion at present. The new details are as follows:

7.30 pm, Saturday 24 May (note the new date)
120 Clarendon St, Southbank
The world might be going to hell in a hand-basket but the Big Red Quiz
Night continues. Join Carmel, Ken and the Doctor of Love in the 
salubrious surrounds of the Education Union building as they unleash 
their Weapons of Mass Distraction upon the serried ranks of the Left.

Trivia not troops!
Beer not bombs!
A competition where all that's hurt is pride!
$15 / $8 includes food (drinks at bar prices)
Bookings essential on 9662 3744

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Trades Hall
Box 18
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
Mon-Fri 9am-6.30 pm Sat 11am-5pm
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9662 4755

to receive regular updates about bookshop events, send a message to

Through this experience we have been warned - learn everything, don't
forget anything! [...] The main enemy is at home!
Karl Liebknecht, 1915



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LL:DDS: Ecological Footprints Tues 1/4, spkr M. Wackernagel

2003-03-24 Thread Denise Tzumli
Ecological Footprints - Do We Fit on the Planet?
How much nature do we use? How much nature do we have?
Date : 1 April 2003, Tuesday
Time: 6 - 7,30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, Adelaide Convention Centre

A free public forum presented by internationally acknowledged
sustainability advocate and co-creator of the Ecological Footprint
concept, Dr Mathis Wackernagel.

We're spending our natural capital as if there's no tomorrow. The
average Adelaide resident requires approximately 8 hectares of
productive land to meet their consumption demands. If all the
productive land on the Earth were allocated equally, there would
be approximately 2 hectares per person.

The battle for sustainability will be won or lost in cities. As
Adelaide strives to become a green city, innovative and creative
approaches to reducing the city's Ecological Footprint need to be
devised. Mathis Wackernagel will discuss how the Ecological
Footprint can be used as a tool for creating new urban
possibilities in the City of Adelaide.

RSVP Not required.  For further information, please contact Gary
Brook on 8302 3142.

To help Australians join the human shield in Iraq please send
donations to:
Aussieshield Account, C/o Women's International League for Peace
and Freedom (SA), GPO Box 2094, Adelaide, 5001.



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:PR: Bob Brown: 'The world has failed'

2003-03-24 Thread Chris Chaplin & Jenny Heland-Chaplin
Apols for x-posting.

Chris Chaplin
Preston, Vic

- Original Message -
From: "Oquist, Ben (Sen B. Brown)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:00 PM
Subject: Greens-Activist The world has failed

Dear all

The Senate passed Greens amendment this afternoon calling for troops
to be brought home immediately. Exact words: "The Senate calls on the
government to immediately return Australia's 2000 Defence Force
personnel home"

Also attached transcript from Brown's press conference+ his release



Opposition Leader's Courtyard

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Australia is now at war at the behest of President Bush.  The hearts
and minds of the Australian people will both be with the two thousand
Australians who are involved in this unnecessary war, which is not
Australia's war, at the behest of John W Howard.  And we'll be hoping
they come home safe and secure with the other combatants but also and
very specially with the twenty-six million Iraqi people who are caught
now beneath the cruise missiles and between Saddam Hussein and George
W Bush.

It has to be hoped that as brutal as it will be, this war will be
brief.  The world will be hoping that if there has to be casualties,
it will be Saddam Hussein and his hench people.  But this is an
illegal war.  It is unnecessary.  There were better options and there
are better options under the auspices of the world body, the United
Nations.  It's an imperial war by the United States.

Australia has been made a vassal to that by Prime Minister Howard
which is an affront to the dignity and pride of this nation.  But we
will be with those two thousand Australians, good and true, in heart
and mind, and with the people in Iraq.

In the coming days, we will see unfold some terrifying events.  But we
must all think of the millions of people who are huddled in Basra and
Baghdad and the other cities and regions of Iraq in the coming days
and weeks, terrified, helpless and faced with an illegal onslaught
from the most powerful weapons of mass destruction the world has ever
seen arrayed in a situation like this.

As an Australian and a Green, I join with people right around ... the
majority of people around the world and the majority of countries
around this world, including those people of like countries such as
New Zealand and Canada in wishing that our defence force personnel
were here at home, in wishing that the United States and British
weapons were not being unleashed, and in wishing that the United
Nations had been able to continue to contain Saddam Hussein without
the death toll we're about to see unfold.

Now that the war has actually started - I mean, we have been talking
about it for weeks and weeks - do you think it will hit home to the
government what they've actually done today, that, you know, our
troops are now in there?  They're now putting their lives on the line.
Do you think it will at all humble them in any way?

No, I don't.  I don't think our Prime Minister has the depth to,
despite what he has said, to understand the horror of the engagement
for Australians now and into the future.  We know it is going to
further imperil Australians for years into the future let alone for
the men, women and children - the civilians - of Iraq.

I was horrified myself to see today the government vote down Senator
Nettle's motions to prohibit and to push against the use of cluster
weapons, those horrific indiscriminate weapons used in Afghanistan by
the United States now to be used in Iraq which children pick up,
thinking they're food parcels and get blown to bits.  This is a nasty,
savage age of weaponry.

The Prime Minister has put himself behind that.  I oppose it.
Millions of Australians oppose it.  The majority of the people around
the world oppose it.  But all we can ... we who are unable ... and our
country has cashed in, because of the Prime Minister, the opportunity
to put a hand of restraint on George W Bush's shoulders.

But now that John W Howard has done that all that we can do is join
with the rest of the world in pushing to bring this to the shortest
end possible and to continue to push to bring our two thousand
Australians home as soon as possible.

And I say to all Australians who are appalled by these events, go
beyond that, be active, come out into the streets - peaceably.  Write
to your politicians, ring them up, go to the Members of Parliament who
have backed this unleashing of these weapons onto the Iraqi people.
Be active about it.

The world is a modern world of communications and as Senator Nettle
said, there is two super powers at play here.  One is the United
States of America, the other is world public opinion - and we're
firmly on the side of the latter.

What do you think this has done to Australia's reputation in the
international community?  Our involvement in...

Well, it has done enormous damage to Australia's reputation in the

LL:PR: Victory to the Iraqis over U.S. imperialism

2003-03-24 Thread Alison Thorne

Victory to the Iraqis over U.S. imperialism!
Working people have the power to end the bloodshed

The hope that a U.S.-led war of mass destruction against Iraq could be
averted has evaporated like a water droplet in the Saudi desert. Over 
the protest of millions of people here, in the U.S. and around the 
world, Bush, Blair, Howard and Co. are at this moment murdering their 
way to Baghdad with the intention of imposing a military occupation that 
could last years.

So much for the niceties of multilateralism and UN resolutions. Goodbye 
to the fiction that the Howard Government, pursuing "an independent 
foreign policy," had not made a decision to commit troops to a U.S. led 
war. Gone is the misconception that support for human rights and 
oppressed minorities in the Middle East determine U.S. policy. U.S. 
backing for Israel's war of extermination against Palestinians shows 
exactly how little its supposed concern for Iraqi Kurds means.

The naked truth is that major corporations and their arrogant servants 
in government are not bound by laws or decency to do anything that does 
not please them and serve their interests. And it pleases them now to 
invade Iraq, enslave its people, steal their oil, and set up another 
military outpost in the Middle East -- just as it once pleased them to 
arm Hussein against Islamic revolutionaries in Iran.

So how is it that replacing this former ally through the genocidal 
bombing of Iraq's people has become the most urgent task of the Bush regime?

Bush is spurred by economic necessity. The intractable problem of 
capitalism is the chronic overproduction of goods resulting in 
recession: global markets evaporating, millions of workers unemployed -- 
and profits in jeopardy. For Bush, who believes that even modest 
government support for welfare programs is creeping socialism, war is 
the only solution.

The Iraqi people are being annihilated so that Halliburton, the energy
company Dick Cheney headed, and thousands of other corporations can 
invest profitably in rebuilding Iraq and replacing the immense amount of 
military hardware that will be blown up in this conflagration. Where 
this U.S. drive for world economic and political hegemony will end, no 
one knows. The Syrians, Libyans, North Koreans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, 
or Venezuelans could be next in line.

It violates every notion of sovereignty and self-determination for the 
U.S. government to consider "regime change" as its privilege to impose. 
It is the obligation of antiwar activists around the world to uphold 
Iraq's right to self-defense against the neocolonial army of the U.S. 
and its allies and the right of Iraqis to take care of Hussein 
themselves. The actions of working people -- especially in the U.S., 
Britain and Australia -- through protests and work stoppages -- can and 
will make a difference in the days ahead. "Bring the troops home now!" 
is the rallying cry of those who know this is an unjust war.

Issued by:  Freedom Socialist Party
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick Vic 3056 AUSTRALIA
* www.socialism.com * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 03-9388-0062, 03-9386-5065



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: the Women's Circus - live theatre is endangered

2003-03-24 Thread Shute, Carmel
Dear Friends

Live theatre is endangered!

The  Women's Circus major performance season of GHOSTS will only run 
from now until April 5th. And then it's all over. That's the deal with 
live theatre. You can't ask your mum to tape it, you can't get it from a 
video library on a lazy Sunday afternoon, you can't order it through the
mail...it's now or never. So what are you waiting for? Bookings 9685 
5111 or try your luck at the door.

and then you can say (when the youth of tomorrow look up and ask)
  ... "yep, I was there, at the world premiere"

(Shows run Wedesday - Saturday nights at Shed 14 in the Melbourne 
Docklands show starts at 8.30pm)

Quotes from  review by Helen Thomson, THE AGE this morning (Thursday). 
Page 4 in The Culture.


"The effect is poetic, suggestive and moving."

"...remarkable music score..."

" this is a marvellously imaginative and evocative show that 
celebrates the Women's Circus 13th year with a fresh style and an 
emphatically relevant subject."

Details of GHOSTS

Researched and developed by the Women's Circus

Written and directed by Andrea Lemon

Every day walking beside us are the ghosts of people, places and things 
we thought lost to us forever. GHOSTS takes us to an unholy limbo, 
peopled by wraiths caught between the real and the remembered, searching 
for release.

With trademark courage and passion, the Women's Circus brings together 
over 50 women in a large scale production combining aerials, balance,
dance, music and puppetry.

Composer / Musical Director: Andrea rieniets
Rigging Design: Franca Stadler
Movement: Teresa Blake
Circus: Andrea Ousley, Sarah Gosling
Puppetry: Megan Cameron
Set Design: Trina Parker
Costume Design: Amanda Silk
Lighting Design: Gina Gascoigne
Sound Designer: Dawn Holland

March 14 / 19 - 22 / 26 - 29 / April 2 - 5 2003 @ 8.30pm
Tickets $26.50 / $16.50
Preview Thursday 13th March @8.30pm All tickets $11 No bookings
Special price Wed 19th all tickets $15.50 at the door

Bookings 9685 5111
Disability access enquiries 9687 3665
The Women's Circus respectfully acknowledges the Kulin Nation as the
traditional owners of the land on which we are performing

Emma Heughan
General Manager
Women's Circus

Phone: 9687 3665
Fax: 9689 7886



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Northcote anti-war public meeting

2003-03-24 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Socialist Alliance Public Forum
Wed April 2nd 6:30pm
Ruckers Bar and Grill
250 High St,

"Where to for the US: from Iraq to Nth Korea"
- Allen Jennings who will look at US interests in Latin America and the 
ongoing victories of the people of Veneuzuala against US
- Bill Hartley - long term Middle East peace activists will look at the 
history of the US in Iraq.

Ph) 9486 5472 for more info

All welcome!



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: ** Stop war rally ** please circulate

2003-03-24 Thread Sandra & Mick
Please circulate as widely as possible
S T O P   T H E   W A R R A L L Y

1 pmS A T U R D A Y   2 9   M A R C H

S T A T E   L I B R A R Y

Bring the troops home!
How many more wars?

Bring your friends, family and neighbours.
Show John Howard we are determined to continue
to express our opposition and abhorrence for a
war that we did not want and will not support.

Posters and flyers to download at www.vicpeace.org/downloads.html
Info: VPN 96593582   www.vicpeace.org


*  Books not bombs student strike. 2pm Wed. 26 March, State Library

*  Day of workplace actions. Thurs. 27 March. Trades Hall 96623511

*  Lawyers Against War at Supreme Court entrance, 1.15pm Thurs. 27 March


Victorian Peace Network
54 Victoria Street, Carlton South Vic 3053.
Phone 613 9659 3582



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: public forum with ANURADHA MITTAL

2003-03-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
Apologies for cross postings. Please send out through your networks, 
elists or ebulletins.   All welcome.  Thanks.

a public forum:
Food, trade and neoliberalism

International guest ANURADHA MITTAL, co-director of the California-based
'peoples' think tank FOOD FIRST, tackles world trade and the root causes 
of world hunger.

Thursday March 27, 6-8pm
Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
Storey Hall, 344 Swanston Street, City
Wheel chair accessible

Food First (www.foodfirst.org) highlights root causes and value-based
solutions to hunger and poverty, establishing food as a fundamental 
human right. Anuradha Mittal's articles on food and trade have been 
published in numerous national and international newspapers and 
journals, bringing together the links between debt, aid, cash crops, 
genetic engineering and neoliberalism to explain world hunger and 
poverty. She was born in India and is currently based in the United States.

Presented by the Globalism Institute (www.rmit.edu.au/globalism) and the
Friends of the Earth Trade Campaign (www.foe.org.au).
RSVP if possible, by calling Friends of the Earth on 9419 8700 or 


Friends of the Earth's trade campaign is run by a collective of people
using creative and catchy public education and direct action to oppose
corporate globalisation. To get involved come to a meeting (fortnightly 
on Monday evenings), or contact FoE on 9419 8700.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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2003-03-24 Thread Andy Alcock

22 MARCH 2003

Please support the following actions and activities to promote peace,
social justice & environmental awareness.



TIME:   1 PM
DATE:  23 MARCH 2003

  Gather Victoria Square 1pm
Volunteers Required to help on the day for badge selling, money collecting,
marshalling and collecting contacts.
Ring NOWAR on 8212 4822 or 0438 856 198
Volunteers will need to come to 239 Wright St at 11am on the Sunday.
Palm Sunday Rally - April 13th, 2pm
Endorsed by the Adelaide Heads of Christian Churches in association with

Gathering in Elder Park after rallying at 2pm at Victoria Square or St
Peters Cathedral
Volunteers also needed to assist with this rally.

Please regularly check into our web site at www.nowar-sa.net for



[formerly Campaign for an Independent East Timor (SA) Inc]





TIME:   6 - 7.30 PM
DATE:   22 MARCH 2002

YUNGONDI BUILDING (Near Old Lion's Art Centre)


John is an Australian journalist who wrote the book "East Timor - Dirty
Little War" based on his experiences in East Timor in 1998 - 9.

Last year, he wrote an article "Dissent in Paradise" in Quarterly Essay
which shows how the Indonesian war criminals who organised the genocide in
East Timor are now organising terror in
West Papua.

This will be a very important event and will show why the Bush/Howard plan
to resume military
cooperation with the Indonesian Special Forces/Kopassus is stupid &
criminally negligent because it will increase the terror in our region

More information from:

Dave Arkins
Organiser, AWPA (Adelaide)

Phone:  83454480

Andy Alcock
Chairperson, AETFA (SA) Inc

Phone:  83710480(home)
0417 838 952




Australia Cuba Friendship Society
Australia Vietnam Society
APHEDA - Union Aid Abroad
[Australian People for Health Education & Development Abroad]



TIME:   6.30 PM (DINNER)
7.30 PM


DATE:   28 MARCH 2003

139 Richmond  Rd, Richmond
(North side near South Rd)

(dinner & film) $15  (Concession)

Support APHEDA aid projects in Cambodia, Cuba & Vietnam

For further details:
Phone:  8264 3763
0418 831 873
8363 1322




These are the kits that have cost $15 million to produce, are very glossy
and provide very little
useful information. There are many rude suggestions as to what can be done
with them!

However, a very useful protest is to:

*  return your Terror Kit to Senator Bob Brown (Greens) or Senator Bartlett
(Democrats) asking them to table in Parliament as a protest action.

*  write some comments about:
 - children in detention or detention in general
 - the Sievx tragedy