LL:DDV: public forum on GMOs in the UK

2003-08-06 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
campaigning on genetically engineered farming in the UK
a public forum

Thursday 14 August at 6pm at Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith st,
Collingwood (just near Johnson st, #86 tram from the city)

Jessica Hampson has just returned to Australia after living in the UK 
for the past five years.

She will speak on her experiences in the anti-GE movement over that time.

In 1998 the situation was similar to Australia, with many people unaware
that GE was present in their food. A massive programme of farm scale 
trials was about to take off. In the next 2-3 years consumer opposition 
to GE was so strong that all the major food retailers went GE free, and 
sourced animal products from animals not fed on GE. Large protests took 
place at trial sites, and many were damaged in secret.

Jessica will also show a short video is a series of clips from summer of
2002, including a bicycle tour of Devon by activists, ending in the 
dumping of GM crops at the government department responsible for GM 
pollution in the UK.

All welcome

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:URL: Please make a submission on radioactive waste

2003-07-30 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
[apologies for cross-postings]

dear friends,


If you haven't already done so, Friends of the Earth urges you to go to
http://www.reactnow.org and either use the guide to write your own
submissions or print out the proforma and send it off by July 31st (this

This inquiry is an important opportunity to let the NSW government know
about community concerns about the Federal Government plan for the
transport and storage of nuclear waste.


Loretta O'Brien
Nuclear FreeWays Coordinator
Friends of the Earth
ph 039419 8700
mob 0418 178 053

More information at: http://www.foe.org.au/nuclear

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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LL:DDV: International Financial Institutions campaigner

2003-07-17 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
We are very excited to have Friends of the Earth International's 
Campaign Coordinator for IFIs, Janneke Bruil, in town and giving a short 
info session next week.

Friday 25th July, 6pm-8pm
FoE bookshop, 312 Smith St , Collingwood

IFIs are International Financial Institutions like the World Bank,
International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and Export Credit
Agencies (including our very own EFIC - Export, Finance and Insurance
Corporation.) They continue to be involved in promoting fossil fuel
dependent technologies to developing countries - in the process not only
locking them into fossil fuel dependency, but often concurrently 
increasing their debt levels.

Janneke is based in Amsterdam and has recently been doing field work in
Papua New Guinea. She will speak broadly about IFIs and their 
involvement in fossil fuels and climate change worldwide.

She will be joined by Lee Tan from the Asia Pacific Unit at the 
Australian Conservation Foundation, who will be giving a regional focus.

For further information, contact Cathryn Kriewaldt at FoE:

Details on Janneke's work can be found at: 

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: public forum with ANURADHA MITTAL

2003-03-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
Apologies for cross postings. Please send out through your networks, 
elists or ebulletins.   All welcome.  Thanks.

a public forum:
Food, trade and neoliberalism

International guest ANURADHA MITTAL, co-director of the California-based
'peoples' think tank FOOD FIRST, tackles world trade and the root causes 
of world hunger.

Thursday March 27, 6-8pm
Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
Storey Hall, 344 Swanston Street, City
Wheel chair accessible

Food First (www.foodfirst.org) highlights root causes and value-based
solutions to hunger and poverty, establishing food as a fundamental 
human right. Anuradha Mittal's articles on food and trade have been 
published in numerous national and international newspapers and 
journals, bringing together the links between debt, aid, cash crops, 
genetic engineering and neoliberalism to explain world hunger and 
poverty. She was born in India and is currently based in the United States.

Presented by the Globalism Institute (www.rmit.edu.au/globalism) and the
Friends of the Earth Trade Campaign (www.foe.org.au).
RSVP if possible, by calling Friends of the Earth on 9419 8700 or 


Friends of the Earth's trade campaign is run by a collective of people
using creative and catchy public education and direct action to oppose
corporate globalisation. To get involved come to a meeting (fortnightly 
on Monday evenings), or contact FoE on 9419 8700.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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LL:PR: New WTO 'product' - GATS washes away democracy

2002-09-23 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Friends of the Earth Melbourne Media Release

New WTO 'Product': GATS
Washing Away Democracy

action: Victorian State Parliament Steps
when: 12.30pm Sunday 22nd September

photo opportunity

On the steps of the Victorian State Parliament, Friends of the Earth 
trade activists will launch the WTO's new product: Corporate Strength 
GATS. Dressed as the faceless bureaucrats from the WTO, and assisted by 
the colourful GATS dancing boxes, the activists will 'scrub away democracy'.

Sunday's action is a lead up to the massive 'S11' type protests expected 
in Sydney when the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meets from November 14-15.

Sundays action also coincides with Friends of the Earth Australia's
postcard campaign to raise awareness of WTO's General Agreement on Trade 
in Services (GATS).

FoE Spokesperson Domenica Settle, outlined the importance of the 
campaign." GATS will have crucial implications for the daily lives and 
living environment of people all over the world. The provision of water, 
public health and education are just a few of the essential public 
services threatened by GATS."

"GATS is very similar to the ill-fated Multilateral Agreement on 
Investment (MAI), which was defeated by global community opposition in 
1998. Like the MAI, GATS is being negotiated secretly by national 
governments, and is largely irreversible. Further, big business who are 
lobbying for GATS will be the prime beneficiaries."

Sarah Kenny, FoE Spokesperson, went on, "The MAI taught us that people 
won't put up with government's negotiating away their rights and that of 
the environment, for the benefit of big business."

To contact a FoE spokesperson regarding the protest on Sunday, call:
Domenica Settle: 0421 874 838
Sarah Kenny : 0438 599 192

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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LL:DDV: Protest GATS in cheesy old suits

2002-09-05 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

:: act :: create :: resist :: celebrate :: antagonise ::

Friends of the Earth Trade Collective
Protest Gats: It's washing away democracy

Street Theatre - Wear cheesy old suits, as if we are the faceless
bureaucrats from the WTO, and come and wash, scrub and clean away 
democracy on the steps of State Parliament and in front of the Melbourne 
Town Hall. The action will have a product launch theme, with stickers, 
information sheets and postcards to give away, banners, plus a couple of 
very special dancing GATS boxes!

What to Wear:
In addition to the old suits and wide ties, wear your gumboots, kitchen
gloves, and bring buckets, mops, and scrubbery things.
When: Sunday 22 September
Time: 12 Midday Sharp
Where: Meet at the corner of Spring St and Treasury Place, alongside the 
old Treasury Building.

Additional Information: Creative workshop on Sunday 15 September from 1 
pm to 5 pm to make banners and costumes. Place of workshop to be confirmed.

It's a global movement. Get Involved.

The Friends of the Earth Trade Collective organises campaigns to fight 
the exploitation of the environmental and social commons, targeting 
governments, corporate rule and organisations like the World Trade 
Organisation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The 
Trade Collective is currently campaigning over the WTO's General 
Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). GATS is an agreement currently 
being negotiated by governments around the globe. It aims to increase
multinationals' ability to buy into services and remove 'barriers to 
trade' such as environmental regulations and workers' rights. GATS could 
see the privatisation of public services like health, education and 
water provision.

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots activist based organisation. The 
Trade Collective meets fortnightly on Mondays at 6:30 pm at FoE, 312 
Smith St Collingwood. Ring FoE to find out when the next meeting will be 
on 9419 8700 and visit www.foe.org.au for more information on the Trade 

:: act :: create :: resist :: celebrate :: antagonise ::

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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LL:DDV: The WTO GATS agreement - a FoE briefing

2002-06-07 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

GATS could force the privatisation of education and health and dramatically 
increase the power of corporations.

Friends of the Earth presents:
of the National Tertiary Education Union

For people who know about GATS and for people who want to know about GATS

7pm Wednesday June 19
FoE Bookshop
312 Smith St Collingwood
Ph. 9419 8700

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:REM: another world is possible forum

2002-03-20 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
Robinson Trafilaf and Marisol Salinas.
Flemington Community Centre, 25 Mt Alexander rd, Flemington
$10. Latin American food and drinks available.
The night is in solidarity and support for a Latin American delegation
visiting Australia in June 2002.
Organised by Indigenous Peoples' Support Group, Australia Latin American 
Cultural and Indigenous Association, Chilean Popular and Indigenous
Network. More info: 9481 2273.

Sunday 24th March
Palm Sunday Rally
This years rally will focus on justice for asylum seekers. Sunday 24 
March from 1.30pm. Meet at the Town Hall, Swanston st and walk to the 
Treasury Gardens for music and stalls. Details at: 

or call 9662 3511

Sunday 24th March
Friends of the Earth
Fundraiser for Chain Reaction magazine
Fibrotown, Dan Luscombe (Black Eyed Susans), Brett Poliness (Silver ray),
Lucie Thorne
The Empress Hotel, 8.30 pm, $5

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:DDV: Forum: Climate, Australia and the Pacific 14th March

2002-03-11 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Climate change: Australia's policy and its regional implications

FoE presents a climate justice forum.
Dr Jon Barnett, Lecturer, Dept of Anthropology, Geography & Environmental
Sciences, Melbourne University;
Nic Maclellan, Journalist & researcher specialising in South Pacific issues;
Tristy Fairfield, FoE Australia spokesperson

Thursday 14 March, 6.30pm in the FoE bookshop
312 Smith st, Collingwood. Ph 9419 8700
Donation: $5. Finger food provided, drinks available
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:REM: update on Another world is possible, 23/3/02

2002-03-06 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
strategic thinking and vision development unity with difference: how
different political groupings and tendencies can work together 
effectively contemporary perspectives: lessons from recent mobilisations 
around the world historical perspectives: lessons from earlier struggles 
and movements

Monday 25 March @ 6.00pm
RMIT University, City Campus
$10.00 FULL / $4.00 CONCESSION
Further information from:
Gillian Davy, Community Advocacy Unit, 9925 2910
Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth, 9419 8700

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:DDV: Melbourne social forum update

2002-02-14 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
invited and encouraged to attend. It is being 
promoted in such a way as to be inviting to a wide range of groups. Our 
aim is to move beyond the usual confines of "left activism" and to 
engage a widerange of organisations and individuals who are interested 
in the issues.

Who "owns" the forum:
This draft proposal is being circulated by Friends of the Earth. A 
vatiety of other groups have expressed interest and this will be 
formalised at our next planning meeting (Feb 19). We welcome your 
involvement and endorsement. The only way for this event to be a success 
is for a cross section of groups to take on 'ownership'. Apart from the 
initial proposal and date, nothing else has been determined; please feel 
free to come on board with your ideas.

There will be a planning meeting on February 19 at 6pm at trades hall. 
You can also register interest via this email address and we will keep 
you informed of future planning meetings.

Venue is yet to be determined. Your help with advertising, organising,
suggestions for the plenaries and other key note speakers would all be

For details on planning meetings, contact Cam Walker at FoE  9419 8700.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:URL: immigration, population & environment

2002-02-11 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Dear friends

Attached is a recent letter regarding the current debate on immigration 
and population. The aim had been to get a cross section of environmental 
groups engaging in this debate from a human rights and international 

We have recently established a project on environment and population. It 
is on the FoE Australia website:


and seeks to address issues of:

- population and immigration
- consumption
- ecological debt
- immigration and racism.

We believe that there is a danger that 'concern for the environment' 
will be used as an excuse to oppose further immigration to Australia 
(including asylum seekers currently in detention camps). There has, of 
course, already been some use of this argument. It has been used widely 
in Western Europe and North America. We feel that there is an onus on 
the environment movement to engage in this debate in such a way that 
directly opposes this type of argument. We hope that this project will 
help in some small way in putting attention on the key factors in 
environmental deterioration (consumption levels, including greenhouse 
gases, resource extraction levels and land use patterns) and away from a 
simplistic 'population growth is bad' position.

We would welcome feedback, further articles and links for the website.

Wishing you the best with your campaigns,

Best wishes

Cam Walker
Friends of the Earth Australia

Green groups sign-on letter on asylum seekers and population
Letter to the editor
11 February 2002

The current debate about asylum seekers has served to polarise 
Australian society. It has also renewed debate about what may constitute 
a long term sustainable human population for Australia. Concern for the 
environment has often been used as an argument to limit or even reduce 
immigration, and some within the environment movement have argued for 
lower population levels in order to decrease environmental impacts.

The following organisations recognise that land use patterns, and 
resource extraction, production and consumption (including greenhouse 
gas emissions) are the most significant drivers of environmental 
deterioration in Australia. Therefore, to argue that immigrants are a 
potential source of environmental degradation is simply a form of 
scapegoating, which deflects attention from the real problems - whether 
social or environmental - facing our society.

Further to this, we understand that Australia, as a nation, is part of a 
globalised world, with corresponding responsibilities. The current 
management regimes for asylum seekers are no less than shameful, and 
impact directly on Australia's international reputation. We call on the 
federal government to immediately end its policy of mandatory detention 
of asylum seekers, and to move to community-based systems for hosting 
asylum seekers.

Yours sincerely
Cam Walker, National Liaison Officer, Friends of the Earth Australia

On behalf of:

Matt Skellern, National Environment Officer, National Union of Students
Kirsten Blair and Mark Wakeham, Coordinators, Environment Centre of the
Northern Territory
Geoff Evans, Director, Mineral Policy Institute, NSW
Chris Chaplin, Immigration Spokesperson, Victorian Greens
Gavan McFadzean, campaigns co-ordinator, the Wilderness Society Victoria
Ruth Rosenhek, Rainforest Information Centre, NSW
Dr Martin Mulligan, general editor of Ecopolitics: Thought and Action 
Jacob Grech, Secretary, Earthworker, the union-green caucus, Vic
Carmel Flint, North East Forest Alliance, NSW
Pamela Curr, Victorian Greens
Scott Alderson & Tom Widdup, Red Hot Green Black
Daniel Beaver, Forest Activist Network NSW
Harry van Moorst, Western Region Environment Centre, Vic

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:DDV: WTO meeting in 1 month - time to get active!

2001-10-11 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

The World Trade Organisation will be meeting in Doha, Qatar, on November
9-13. So the Friends of the Earth Trade Campaign's having a meeting to talk
about what we're going to do - information, demos, wacky costumes, direct

If you're interested, come along - we only need you for a month!The meeting 
will be pretty short, very interactive and provide you with the information 
and resources to get more involved in stopping the WTO and ensuring 
real  global justice.

Tuesday October 16, 6:30pm at Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith Street
Collingwood. For more info call FoE on 9419 8700.

In November, the world's richest governments are aiming to expand the WTO 
and push ahead with the GATS negotiations. The beneficiaries will be 
multinational corporations while the losers will be communities and the 
environment, particularly those that at the margins - women in sweatshops, 
indigenous peoples and workers in the South. The tragedy of September 11 
has the potential to spur a rethink of corporate globalisation.

Unfortunately the world's most powerful governments are using the tragedy 
to push ahead with liberalisation through the WTO. More free trade will 
have one effect - increased power to corporations and increased inequality 
in a world where the richest countries have 72 times more wealth than the 
poorest. There is an alternative - and it starts with stopping the WTO. A 
safe world is a fair world. Say no to the wto and no to expanding it's agenda.
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: BLOCK-AID - Somerton Street Party

2001-10-03 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne



Somerton Street Party

Free street party
Friday, October 5th, 2001
Midday onwards

End of O'Hern's Toad, Somerton, near the Dunlop Factory

Bike: catch a train to Upfield Station  15 minute bike ride
Timetables on website

Car: Straight down Sydney Road/ then Hume Hwy, turn right at O'Herns' Road

more info

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:AA: kiss da climate

2001-09-27 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Save the Climate  Stop Somerton
Week 2 Day 4

Respect da climate!
You iz needed at Somerton, to stop da wack gas pipe.

The blockade of the proposed Somerton Power Station is starting to hot up 
(pun intended), with many excavators and other machinery stopped for 
extended periods over the past few days.

So far we have managed to slow the work on the pipeline down, but things 
are now critical. The trench has almost reached the grasslands area. It is 
of paramount importance that we stop them here, as once they get into this 
area their scope for environmental damage increases, and they'll have a 
clear run to the gas station.

As the 15th October approaches (the proponent's cut-off date to have the 
pipeline completed), the pressure upon the construction company to build, 
build,build increases requiring extra vigilance on our part.  To have a 
chance at halting this environmentally disastrous project, we need numbers 
on the ground. Any amount of time that you can spend at Somerton is like a 
kiss to the climate.  Pucker up, bring your loved ones, and join the 
climate campaign.

Bring frisbees, guitars and other fun things=85if you have skills such as
facilitation or non-violent direct action, perhaps you could take a

Somerton is only fifteen minutes by bike from Upfield train station.  The 
Upfield line goes straight through Brunswick - if you don't have a bike 
give us a call the night before you're arriving and we'll arrange a pick-up 
from the station.

Save the Climate  come to Somerton - only eighteen working days to go!!

WHERE:  End of O'Herns Road (off Hume Hwy), Somerton - across from the 
Dunlop Tyre Factory (Melways 180 E6)

WHEN:   6.30am (come anytime though, if you can't make it early) OR go to 
Upfield Train Station to be shuttled to the site (contact numbers below) OR 
catch the 532 Bus from the train station (timetables on the website below)

Visit the website   www.climatejustice.melb.net

Michelle Braunstein 0402 208 164
Alan Hoban  0407 324 743
Tristy Fairfield0400 220 704
Brad Gill   0400 805 201
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:PR: Media Alert-Police Move in on Climate Protesters

2001-09-27 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Media Alert

Police Move in on Climate Protesters

Police have moved in to shift protesters opposing construction of the 
Somerton gas-fired power generator and pipeline, making way for the fragile 
eco-system of the Merri Creek to be destroyed over the remainder of the day 
and the weekend.

Victorian Trades Hall Council site has green bans on the entire project, 
although the tactics of the contractors undertaking the projects has made 
them difficult to uphold, according Building Industry Group convenor Brian 

"Pumps have been moved down to the creek and excavators are ripping up a 
trench towards it now," said Friends of the Earth campaigner Brad Gill, who 
was moved off the site after preventing the destruction since early this 

A ruling by Federal Environment Minister, Senator Robert Hill states that 
'construction of the pipeline in the vicinity of Merri Creek will not take 
place in the period 15 October to 31 January - this timing is dictated by 
the need to avoid the peak spawning period for the Southern Bell Frog.' 
Campaigners are determined to prevent construction until this time, after 
which the project will be unviable.

"It's been a tough morning for the campaigners here," said Friends of the 
Earth spokesperson Michelle Braunstein, "but it is vital that this 
generator does not proceed.  The UN's own body of scientists have said that 
cuts in CO2 of 60-80% are required now to avoid catastrophic climate 
change.  The community has said that enough is enough and taken matters 
into their own hands to counteract the government's complacency and 
laziness.  The support ofTrades Hall Council shows that this is not a 
fringe issue, but an urgent need to restructure our energy systems and 
conserve energy rather than letting private companies run amok as they are 

Updates from the site:
Michelle Braunstein, Friends of the Earth   0402 208 164
Brad Gill, Friends of the Earth 0400 805 281

Further comment:
Tristy Fairfield, Friends of the Earth  0411 220 704
Brian Boyd, Trades Hall Council 0418 587 461

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: He died with a felafel fundraiser and Starbucks

2001-08-27 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Showing as a Friends of the Earth Fundraiser, Thursday 30 August

"an unruly and unwashed celluloid tribute to the grizzly alternative
reality that is the modern share-house" *

7:20pm at Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon Street Carlton, food and drink available
afterwards, $10/$12, tickets available from the FoE Bookshop.

Friends of the Earth has been running a Starbucks campaign for a month or
two, and it's time we started getting creative. Giant puppets, marches of
people holding coffee cups down Brunswick Street, Starbucks monsters eating
Melbourne... Tuesday 28th, 6:30pm at the Empress Hotel, Nicholson Street,
North Fitzroy.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:INFO: Please send brief on upcoming events

2001-07-25 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Hey folks

If you have a social/environmental event/action/rally/fundraiser that you
would like included in the FoE melbourne what's on section please email to
FoE. DeadlineThursday night.

Only events after the 10th of August will appropriate

Start the Subject line: NEWSLETTER EVENT:
Email address:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What to include:
Title of event
Date / Time
very brief blurb about event

shorter events will be given preference


- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:PR: climate negotiations: no justice

2001-07-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 24/07/01

Thinking Ahead: Moving To Equal Per Capita Emission Rights

While welcoming the breakthrough in the international climate negotiations
yesterday, Friends of the Earth (Australia) expressed disappointment that
the progress of some Annex B countries was being impeded by Australia.

'International negotiators should be thinking beyond the Kyoto commitment
period about moving to equal per capita emission rights,' said Friends of
the Earth Climate Justice spokesperson Allan Nam. 'Instead they are wasting
years establishing rules that ensure the short-term economic interests of a
few industries in Australia are placed before the interests of the rest of
humanity. Simultaneously they have resisted giving generous financial
contributions to help poorer countries adapt to climate change, while some
industrialised nations have made significant commitments in this regard.'

Australia has one of the highest levels of per capita greenhouse gas
emissions in the world, with each Australian emitting ten times the
greenhouse gas pollution of Chinese or Indian citizens. Despite this, the
Australian government continues to cite 'developing country participation'
as an issue impeding its acceptance of the Kyoto Protocol.

Theories such as 'Contraction and Convergence' propose methods of reducing
per capita emissions in developed countries (Annex B) while those in
developing countries (non-Annex B) are able to increase their per capita
emissions in order to develop economically and achieve a fair standard of
living. Eventually per capita emissions will 'converge' at a per capita level.

'Issues of equity and fairness have been considered secondary throughout
this whole process, yet climate change is going to be the biggest social
justice issue ever, as well as the most critical environmental issue', Nam
continued. 'It is time to think ahead to a world where everyone has equal
rights to the earth's atmosphere.

More information/ comment:

Allan Nam, Friends of the Earth Climate Justice spokesperson 0407 324 743

Further details on the Bonn negotiations can be found at: http://www.foei.org

----- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:INFO: Australia wide action on Kyoto

2001-07-20 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne


While the official Australian delegation obstructs progress on the Kyoto
Protocol, environmental and social justice groups will hold a variety of
actions and street theatre events around the country this Sunday, July 22nd
to call attention to Australia's dismal performance.

  From the Climate Ark and flotilla in Melbourne to the "Other Umbrella
Group" meeting in Adelaide, the message will be the same: Australia should
commit to a fair and equitable Kyoto Protocol.

A recent survey showed that 80% of Australians want the Kyoto Protocol
ratified without the United States if necessary, the Australian government
has ignored their wishes, instead giving in to powerful lobby groups in the
fossil-fuel industry.
Meanwhile, the impacts of climate change are one of the biggest threats
facing our nearest neighbours in the South Pacific and other vulnerable
non-industrialised countries around the world.

Adelaide: "Other Umbrella Group" meeting. Unlike their planet-destroying
counterparts this Umbrella Group know nuclear power is no solution to
global warming. Victoria Park, Adelaide 12pm.
Contact: Bruce Thompson, Friends of the Earth, 0417 318 368
Roman Orzanski, Friends of the Earth, 08 8211 6460

Brisbane: Get dressed for the wet. Climate campaigners will cruise the
streets in floaties, flippers and wetsuits handing out information on the
effects of climate change. Australia will be one of the countries worst
affected by climate change yet as a nation we still refuse to take the
issue seriously. King George Square, Brisbane, 11am
Contact: Andree Stark, Friends of the Earth, 0414 745 475

Melbourne: Climate Ark and flotilla will sail through the streets of St
Kilda to the Climate Court, where a judge and jury will hear cases of
crimes against the climate. O'Donnell Gardens, St Kilda, 12pm.
Contact: Tristy Fairfield, Friends of the Earth, 0411 220 704

Sydney: Kirribilli House gets a sandbagging to highlight the Prime
Minister's role in obstructing international negotiations. Kirribilli, 11am.
Contact: Kerry Nettle, The Greens, 0402 436 006
Shane Rattenbury, Greenpeace, 0412 485 975

Further details: www.foe.org.au
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: climate action this sunday

2001-07-17 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne


Without immediate action to halt global warming, tens of millions of people 
will be displaced by rising sea-levels and extreme weather events.

Already, more people are displaced due to environmental catastrophes than 

In March, 2001, the United States, the richest country in the world, 
declared that committing to the Kyoto Protocol* was not in their economic 

The Australian government says the Kyoto Protocol is dead without the 
United States; THEY'RE WRONG.

80% of Australians want the Kyoto Protocol ratified WITHOUT THE UNITED 

The Australian environment minister, Senator Robert Hill and his 
negotiating team will attend the next round of climate talks in Bonn, 
Germany (July 16th-27th) but they have no intention of participating 
constructively unless they think the US will re-join the process.


Melbourne action:
Meet at 11am outside the Palais Theatre, near Luna Park, St Kilda


*The Kyoto Protocol sets legally biding targets for countries to reduce 
their greenhouse gas emissions.  Greenhouse gases cause climate change. The 
reductions are an average of 5%.  The United Nations' own body of 
scientists say cuts of 60-80% are needed to stabilise the climate at a safe 

If you can join, help, assist or co-ordinate an action in your city or 
town, please call or email Friends of the Earth's climate collective: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03 9419 8700, 0411 220 704.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -----

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:PR: Mobil spill

2001-07-05 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Fuel to the Fire: Mobil Spill highlights need for International Day of Action

"The local significance of the International day of Action against 
ExxonMobil this Wednesday (July 11th) has been highlighted by the spillage 
of 4,000 litres of fuel into the Yarra River today" says Friends of the 
Earth spokesperson Tristy Fairfield.

On July 11th thousands of protesters around the world will target 
ExxonMobil service stations and headquarters in more than fifteen countries.

The International Day of Action has been called primarily to highlight 
ExxonMobil's role in the US government's withdrawal from the Kyoto 
Protocol, the international agreement which aims to create legally binding 
targets for countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

"The United States' position has caused outrage in the international 
community," Fairfield said, "but people need to be aware of the role of 
multi-national corporations play in lobbying governments and the influence 
they exert through electoral funding. In that respect, ExxonMobil are the 
worst of the big multi-national oil companies."

"The Yarra spill is not an isolated incident but just one event in a series 
of ongoing abuses of environmental and human rights worldwide" said Greens 
lead Senate Candidate Scott Kinnear. "ExxonMobil have not only been active 
in undermining the Kyoto Protocol. They have been sued for on-going human 
rights abuses in North Aceh, Indonesia, they are lobbying the US government 
to open up the Arctic Refuge for oil drilling and exploration and have 
ignored the opposition of indigenous people to the Chad-Cameroon pipeline."

"The Greens will join environmental and human rights activists on July 11th 
to show ExxonMobil that local and international communities demand respect. 
Consumers need to know ExxonMobil's atrocious record locally and 

For more information:

Tristy Fairfield
Climate Change spokesperson, Friends of the Earth 0411 220 704
Scott Kinnear,
Lead Senate Candidate, The Greens 0419 881 729


----- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: nuke power won't stop global warming - info night

2001-06-14 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Friends of the Earth, Melbourne
winter info night

Nuclear power wont stop global warming
The nuclear industry most recent reinvention is to claim that nuclear power
is greenhouse friendly. Bruce Thompson (FoE National Nuke Campaigner) and
Hamish Downer (FoE Melbourne) will argue the case that nuclear power is
neither green nor friendly and explain how the expansion of the nuclear
industry internationally will have direct impact on Australia
Wednesday 20th June
(Light supper and warm fire provided)

upstairs- use side entrance
Friends of the Earth
312 Smith St Collingwood

ph Loretta 9419 8700 for more info
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: activist workshops: consensus

2001-05-31 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Time to beef up your activist skills! Pt'Chang and Friends of the Earth are
holding three workshops over the next few weeks, on making meetings
effective and enjoyable, or closer to it. $4/$6, 1-4pm, at Friends of the
Earth, 312 Smith St, Collingwood.

Sat 9 June: Consensus decision-making for small groups
A practical workshop on quick, effective methods of making decisions that
builds group trust and respect. Designed for activists working in small
collectives, working groups and action groups.
Sat 16 June: Facilitation skills
Facilitators perform a crucial function in helping groups to function well
and make the best possible decisions. This workshop will teach and improve
facilitation skills for small collectives and groups.
Sat 23 June: Building safe and effective groups
Creating safe, sustainable and empowering groups that work well. Building
group cohesion and trust, dealing with conflict and power dynamics in
healthy ways, and preventing burnout within the group.

For more info or to book (limited places!), call Domenica at Friends of the
Earth, 9419 8700.


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LL:DDV: get on the bus- stop jabiluka

2001-04-23 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

RIO TINTO Annual General Meeting
Sydney - Darling Harbour 27th April

Friends of the Earth are coordinating a bus to Sydney for the AGM... please 
join us and tell Rio, we want more than just talk - we want Jabiluka 
returned to the National Park under control of traditional owners. The bus 
will leave Melbourne - Spencer Street at approximately 7pm on Thursday 26th 
April to arrive in Sydney Friday morning for the meeting. We will be 
joining unions, indigenous representatives as well other Sydney activists 
for a large visual protest outside the AGM. People with shares or proxy 
votes will be able to attend the meeting. The bus will return to Melbourne 
overnight Friday 26th April departing Sydney approx 11pm and arriving Melb 
Saturday morning. There is a benefit concert Stop The Reactor in Sydney 
Friday night which people will be welcome to attend.

We have booked a 40 seater bus, cost approx $60. (call us if in financial 

For More information:
Contact Loretta O'Brien 0418 178 053
or Bruce Thompson 0417 318 368
or Friends of the Earth 9419 8700


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LL:REM: Global Action Conference this Saturday

2001-03-25 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne


Global Action Conference - thinking globally, acting locally

A day of discussion and debate about the new movement against global capital.

Sat 31st March Union House, Melbourne Uni $5 concession/ $10 full, 
registration at the door

Organised by Friends of the Earth, Victorian Greens, Democratic Socialist 
Party, International Socialist Organisation

We can make a difference! Despite widespread opposition to 'free trade', 
the federal government continues to push for new trade negotiations. The 
IMF has also called for another wave of neo-liberal "restructuring" in 
Australia. This will mean stripping awards to further shift industrial 
relations in favour of employers, another round of aggressive cut backs to 
welfare and public expenditure, and further cuts to the taxation 'burden' 
on business! It has even been suggested that Australia may be challenged 
under the WTO for its provision of free and subsidised health care. All of 
this is, and will, have dramatic impacts on our communities and the natural 

Reportedly, meetings between Howard and Costello and IMF officials 
identified the fact that it will be difficult to push the neo-liberal 
agenda further because most people in this country value "social cohesion" 
and won't react to kindly to further attacks on social and environmental 
values. The success of community opposition to these attacks on natural 
ecosystems and our living and working conditions will rely on effective 
alliances and collaboration between divergent sectors of society.

It is IMF style policies worldwide which are causing a growing opposition 
to neo-liberalism internationally, in terms of street-level protest, but 
also through the development of new ideas for economic and political 
governance, and the growth new social movements.

The Global Action Conference hopes to address some of the challenges facing 
the emerging radical opposition to global capital. It has ben called in a 
spirit of hope and collaboration. We welcome your participation.


Opening 9.30pm
10am Main Panel:
WTO, WEF, IMF & World Bank. Fix or nix?
Looking at the role of these international financial
institutions and what should be done about them.
Speakers confirmed so far:
Speaker Jubilee 2000
David Glanz, s11 media spokesperson, Socialist Worker
Pat Ranald, AFTNET

11.30 - 12.45 Workshops A:
see below

2pm Main panel
M1: Can we move beyond summit hopping?
With the M1 protests it is the activists taking the
initiative and taking the movement forward, but where
next for the new anti-corporate
Speakers confirmed so far
Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth
Max Lane, Chairperson, Action in Solidarity with
Indonesia and East
Timor (ASIET), Democratic Socialist Party
Jen Couch Victoria University academic

3.15 - 4.30 Workshops B
see below

4:30pm Final panel
Alternatives to globalisation: Remaking society, left
& green visions.
Looking at the alternatives that we can pose to the
neoliberal globalisation currently impacting on
today's world.
Tristy Fairfield, Friends of the Earth
Sarah Peart, M1 media spokesperson, Democratic
Socialist Party
Jess Whyte, Socialist Worker
Chris Chaplin, Victorian Greens

Workshop A - 11.30-12.45

1. Cancel third world debt
This workshop will take up one of the key demands of
the anti-corporate
movement and explain the impact this debt has on
underdeveloped countries.

2. Taking on the corporate parties
Views on what alternatives to the Liberal-Labor
consensus from the
Greens and the newly formed Socialist Alliance in
Australia. Also looking at the Nader campaign in the
recent US elections.

3. Resistance to the neoliberal agenda in Asia
South east Asia has been the scene of some of the
strongest resistance to neoliberal globalisation.
Speakers will look at the struggles unfolding in
Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.

4. Globalisation; myths and realities
What is really behind the myths of globalisation? This
workshop will discuss what globalisation really means
for people and the environment.

5. No borders - free the refugees
While the elite continue to push for capital to be
able to flow freely throughout the world, refugees are
being denied access to Australia.
Speakers will look at the treatment of refugees in
Australia and where to take the movement to free the

6. Combatting the nuclear cycle
At the peak of the campaign against the Jabiluka mine,
78% of Australia's population said they were against
it. How can we continue to build the movement to
oppose nuclear energy.

Workshops B 3.15 - 4.30

1. Women fighting against corporate globalisation
Looking at the role of women in the new anti-corporate
movement and
some of the campaigns they are leading.

2. Environment under fire: looking at the resistance
against governments and transnational corporations
Speakers will also take up some of the ke

LL:INFO: radiothon for El Salvador

2001-02-08 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
 Salvadore F1o de Tecnologia Apropiada (CESTA)

CESTA was founded in El Salvador in 1980 and joined FoE International in 
1991. Today, CESTA has some 3,100 members spread among 27 local groups. 
Every three months, CESTA publishes a Spanish-language magazine called 
ECONCIENCIA, as well as numerous books and pamphlets on more specialised 
technical subjects. CESTA's core national campaigns focus on solid wastes, 
marine issues, and sustainable transportation. The organisation 
participates in the following FoEI campaigns: Climate Change, Forests, 
Sustainable Societies Program, and Wetlands. CESTA also has four 
"ecocentres" where appropriate technologies are developed and put into 
practice. One centre has an urban focus, another is a permaculture school 
where workshops are given on a permanent basis, while others focus on 
forest and marine issues.

Apartado 3065
33 Calle Poniente 316
Tel: 503 2 200 046/206 480
Fax: 503 2 203 313
E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Spanish only)
Web: www.tao.ca/~cesta or http://www.foei.org/members/Member_El_Salvador.htm


Radiothon in support of El Salvador earthquake victims

Sunday, 11 February, from 9.30am  12 noon on Community Radio 3CR (855AM). 
To donate on the day, please call 3CR during these hours on (03) 9419 8377.

Funds raised will be used by Friends of the Earth El Salvador for immediate 
relief efforts in a number of urban and rural communities. For further 
details, please contact Friends of the Earth Melbourne: 9419 8700.


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LL:INFO: briefing on WEF #1

2001-01-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Media Briefing from Friends of the Earth International
Counter Summit Also Gathers In Alpine Resort to Plan Campaigns

This week, world and business leaders are gathering for one of the biggest 
freebies on the planet, the so-called "World Economic Forum" (WEF).

 From January 25th to 30th 2001, the 30th WEF will take place in Davos in 
the Swiss Alps. The WEF was founded in 1971 by Swiss-based German 
entrepreneur and academic Dr Klaus Schwab. Two thousand specially invited 
"global leaders" - senior politicians and the Chief Executives of large 
companies - will attend. Some of the CEOs will also meet in secretive 
`Governors' Groups' to discuss their common interests. The WEF offers 
multinational companies an unparalleled chance to lobby decision-makers 
from around the world.

This year in Davos, Switzerland, Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) 
and other campaign groups will again expose the WEF to public scrutiny. 
Tony Juniper of the FoEI said:

"Business leaders go to Davos to set out their agenda for neo-liberal 
economic globalisation . Friends of the Earth is going to expose their 
unaccountable dealings. We will also be planning how to change the course 
of the global economy towards a sustainable future. The WEF fat cats might 
have the wealth and the ears of the powerful. But we have public sympathy 
and justice on our side."

FoEI will be taking part in alternative discussions at Davos, to help plan 
the next phase of resistance to the globalisation agenda.

Campaigns in which FoEI is involved have already helped stop the World 
Trade Organisation talks in Seattle, and destroy the international standing 
of biotechnology firms such as Monsanto.

The Davos meeting coincides with a major meeting of Southern NGOs and 
campaigners, including FoE groups, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Here 
discussions will be held on how developing countries can resist pressure 
from international financial institutions and multinational companies to 
impose damaging economic and social policies on their populations. The 
Porto Alegre meeting (the World Social Forum) will feature live web-casts, 
available in Davos.

At the end of the Davos meeting, FoEI and other NGOs will be announcing the 
next steps in their globalisation campaign, and new Government and 
multi-national targets.

Key Alternative Davos Events
* Press briefing at 11am on January 25th. Venue: Dutch Asthmas Clinic, 
Scalettastrasse 19, Davos. A Joint NGO statement on the WEF will be issued.
* Live web-casts from the open and participative World Social Forum in 
Porto Alegre, Brazil - attended by thousands of southern NGOs.
* Expert panels and debates which challenge the agenda and assumptions of 
the WEF - on a range of topics from trade economics to corporate 
* Visual demonstrations of the failings of the WEF and globalisation, 
including interventions by a trio of `World-Eating Fatcats'.
* The launch of new information resources to help citizens learn about the 
impacts of globalisation. Friends of the Earth International will be 
publishing `Towards Sustainable Economies - alternatives to neo-liberal 
economic globalisation', and launching a new Citizen's web-guide to Trade,

Environment and Sustainability.

Ian Willmore (FoE Press, London) +44-20-7566 1649
Tony Juniper (FoEI, Davos) +44-771-284 3207 (mobile)
Duncan McLaren (FoEI, Davos) +44-7941-920 469 (mobile)

Background Information
The World Economic Forum is a association of the biggest and most 
influential transnational corporations worldwide. At its Annual Meeting, 
the WEF members meet representatives of governments and international 
organisations in a private context. More than 90% of the WEF participants 
are men, a large majority of them coming from the USA and Europe. The 
private WEF meeting in Davos reinforces the interests of TNCs and increases 
their influence in international politics. It includes a series of 
secretive sectoral meetings of CEOs from key companies known as the 
`Governors' Group'.

As usual, the WEF is very optimistic: "By almost any measure, the world 
economy has never been stronger" they say and hope that we are now entering 
"a period of unprecedented opportunity". The motto of the annual meeting 
2001 is: "Bridging the Divides: Creating a Roadmap for the Global Future"

According to the WEF, it wants to become even more "committed to improving 
the state of the world" (motto of the WEF). The WEF states that "the 
growing backlash against globalisation, and its various public 
manifestations threaten to derail the entire process".

Participants at Davos will discuss ways to integrate civil society in 
devising appropriate responses to the anxiety and alienations that some 
aspects of globalisation are creating.

Friends of the Earth is a research and advocacy organisation working on 
environmental issues. We support the right of citizens to peaceful and 
democratic protest. We do not supp

WEF update #2

2001-01-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Davos World Economic Forum meeting: FoEI activities, position and contact 
Update #2 January 25, 2001

Dear friends,

The WEF may not be meeting in Melbourne, but that's no excuse to let them 
get out from under the spotlight. The WEF meeting is occurring at the same 
time as the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, a civil society 
response to the policies advocated by the WEF.

Below you will find some information about what will be happening in Davos.

FoEI and its Swiss member organisation, Pro Natura, will be part of a NGO 
coalition called the 'Public Eye on Davos' that aims to challenge the World 
Economic Forum. Members of the coalition are:
- the joint project of the Berne Declaration (coordination),
- the South American Network "Asociacian Lationamericana de Organizaciones 
de Promocian" (ALOP),
- Focus on the Global South,
- Friends of the Earth International (and its Swiss affiliate Pro Natura),
- Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN), the Tebtebba Foundation,
- the World Development Movement and the Network Women in Development 
Europe (WIDE).

In 2001 its main activity will be the organisation of an independent, 
public NGO conference in Davos (25-28 January). NGO representatives from 
all over the world will discuss the following four main topics:
global governance,
corporate control,
international financial relations and
international trade policies.

FoEI's trade/ environment/ sustainability (TES) program has been involved 
in organising the following panels:

1)  Who's in Control?  Making Global Corporations Accountable

This panel will explore the case for binding regulation to make companies 
respect and answer to all those that they affect - especially local 
communities. Speakers include: -Tony Juniper, FoE International, Oronto 
Douglas, Environmental Rights Action / FoE Nigeria, Adam Ma'anit, Corporate 
Europe Observatory, Jessica Woodroffe, World Development Movement.

2)  Breaking the Taboo: Debating Free Trade and Market Failure.

Organised by Friends of the Earth International and the New Economics 
Foundation. Speakers include Ritu Kumar, Economist, Director of the Tata 
Energy Research Institute (TERI) Europe, (Obstacles and opportunities in 
the market for sustainable trade); Andrew Simms, Head of the Global Economy 
Programme, New Economics Foundation. (International trade and climate 
change - free trade s free ride on the global climate), Duncan McLaren, 
Head of Policy and Research, Friends of the Earth. (False assumptions and 
wild claims; a real world critique of the assumptions of neo-classical 
Moderator: Alexandra Wandel, Friends of the Earth, Europe.

On Saturday, a NGO WTO Strategy Meeting will be held in Davos with 
participation of Public Citizen, FoEI, CEO, WDM, the Berne Declaration and 
many others.

In addition, there will be a FoE action on 29 January and a video link to 
Porta Alegre (World Social Forum).

For further information, see www.davos2001.ch, www.weforum.org

FoEI text for WEF meeting

1. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a private foundation of multinationals 
and as such is a legitimate organisation.

2. However, FoEI believes that the companies involved in the WEF are 
abusing their economic power and political influence when they meet with 
politicians and government officials behind closed doors during the annual 
meeting of the WEF in Davos. FoEI believes that existing national and 
international controls over the activities and lobbying of such 
multinational companies are inadequate to protect the environment or meet 
the needs of societies around the world.

3. Furthermore, government and intergovernmental officials should not agree 
to participate in these annual, closed meetings of the WEF. Governments 
should develop their positions on economic issues in democratic and 
transparent fora in conjunction with their own parliaments, policy makers 
and all sectors of civil society.

4. The WEF's and governments' ideological support for neoliberal economic 
globalisation is preventing the development of sustainable and equitable 
economies. Events such as the WEF reinforce these ideological beliefs and 
do not offer the needed opportunities for open and participatory critique 
of economic globalisation.

FoEI position on demonstrations at Davos.

1. FoEI supports peoples' rights to demonstrate and to express their 
opinions freely, including during the WEF in Davos.

2. FoEI opposes violence: not only violence at demonstrations but also the 
violence of multinationals against people and the environment.

3. FoEI is firmly opposed to the use of any form of violence in Davos, 
whether initiated by the police or by demonstrators.

Contacts in Davos

Tony Juniper, FoE England: ++44-771-284 32 07 (24-30 January)
Miriam Behrens, Pro Natura/FoE Switzerland: ++41-792-160 206 (24-30 January)
Duncan McLaren, FoE England: 44-7941-920 469 (25-30 January)
Alexandra Wandel, FoE Europe: 

LL:DDV: FoE films in the pub

2000-11-21 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Films. Sunday Afternoons. Pubs. Friends of the Earth is combining all three
with inspiring films rolling at 2 pm every Sunday at the Rose (406 Napier
St, Fitzroy). Recommended donation $3/$6, to go to the ever-lovely Friends
of the Earth.  Download the poster and stick it on your fridge, mate

Nov. 19th  'Minds and Energy', on the Jabiluka blockade camp
Nov. 26th  The Ben Elton comedy 'Stark'
Dec. 3rd  'Global Insights III'
Dec. 10th  'McLibel: Two Worlds Collide'
No films on Dec. 17th and 24th
Dec. 31st  'Berkeley in the '60s'


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LL:DDV: Jabiluka information night

2000-10-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

World Heritage or World Hazard?
Spectacular Kakadu slides and campaign update
Tuesday November 14th 2000
Australian Volunteers International (AVI)
88 Kerr Street Fitzroy
International attention turns to Australia as the World Heritage Committee 
meets in Cairns (November 27th =96 December 2nd 2000). The Jabiluka uranium 
mine is on Aboriginal land in World Heritage Listed Kakadu National Park. 
Mining company Rio Tinto is the new owner of this unpopular project. There 
has been no work at Jabiluka for over one year. Come along to this 
information session to find out how we can keep it that way.

For more information
Friends of the Earth 03 9419 8700
Australian Conservation Foundation 03 9416 1166


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