RE: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-18 Thread David Chien

Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:45:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

> It sounds like a FAQ is urgently needed.
> David, I saw that you are working on one.

  Thanks for mentioning it.  Guess I'll have to get off my lazy butt and start
working on it again...

> I just can suggest if you accept to ask members to contribute.
  No need for that, yet.  I've got the entire Libretto Mailing List archive
offlined here on my Libretto Information CD, so I've got a whole lot of
information I can add and a long way to go before I run out of material to add
to the FAQ.

  d =)

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RE: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-18 Thread Alexandre Kaoukhov \(??. ????? 2\)

Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 21:54:16 +0200
From: "Alexandre Kaoukhov \(??. ? 2\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

It sounds like a FAQ is urgently needed.
David, I saw that you are working on one. I just can suggest if you accept
to ask members to contribute.

Now, close to the point.
I thought I was about to make a contribution to our collective knowledge but
this was a mistake.
The problem is in DOS Card and Socket Services. It is unlikely that one
could find one for L100/110 on the net. One can try plenty of CSS but they
will not suit.
Technodragon and David may be unaware about my old posts on this problem.
But the latest one is dated as June 16, 2000!!!
To Jim:
Her is my last post
>I have just posted a few files on my page
>startup disk which Victor Gvirtsman kindly offered me a few month ago.
>are Card and Socket Services which worked on my L100 but also on old
>CT4700. Phoenix v3 drivers from CT4700 did not work on L100 as all other
>I downloaded on the net. Indeed if you have time to look at sites from
>different manufacturers you will find almost all CSS available.
>My original disk for French L100. Has just enabler for atapi drive. Change
>extension to .exe. This is an image disk.
>Several libretto icons. You can change My Computer appearance. Thanks to
>Philip Hibbs.

I would just add that W2k install disks has all the drivers needed.
Also it seems that creating an image disk was unnecessary as XCOPY *.* a: /s

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Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-15 Thread Jim Ferguson

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 23:37:19 -0400
From: Jim Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

Thanks to all who have replied so far.

Unfortunately, due to other time demands I have not had the opportunity to get into
my reload yet but I hope to in the next couple days.  I hope I won't run in to many
problems but may have more questions if they arise.

I definitely was planning to use a reload of Win 98 with 98lite on the Libretto.
Having loyalty used Netscape since '94, I am really looking forward to a IE free
machine.  Anybody got any comments about the current version of 98Lite which is the
"Professional". Or should I just load the Win98 and run "IEradicator".  I think I
still have several previous version of the 98lite that I downloaded since 11/98
when I first heard about it.

Thanks for the help so far--I will be back with more questions or stories of
success.  I hope for the latter.


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Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-15 Thread David Chien

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:28:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

> >If they are, simply burn a copy of the entire directory to CD, and you can
>   Not everyone has a CD-rom burner on their libretto. I do, but I'm probably
> only one of a handful of people.

  Well, if nothing else, it's a highly recommended investment.
  You can immediately put it to use by making a complete backup of your
Libretto HD -- if a virus or whatnot hits the HD, simply drop the CD(s) in and
restore in a couple minutes.
  You can use it to backup just about everything you have - data, music, files,
reusmes, photos, etc. - in a cheap (<$0.50 per disc today), reliable format.

  If nothing else, you can at least backup the Win98se files to a desktop HD or
to floppies if you don't have access to a CD-RW drive (borrow, friends, etc.).
  You can transfer the files off the Libretto under windows (use Direct Cable
Connection, or network mounted drive, or ftp/TCP/IP transfers) or under DOS
(Laplink, Interlink, Ghost), before you wipe the HD, then transfer the files
back again to install.

  Or, a boring 1.5 minutes per floppy disk * however many needed for the entire
win98 directory if you ZIP/ARJ/etc. the directory to floppies.

  d =)

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Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-14 Thread Pres Waterman

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:29:32 -0400
From: "Pres Waterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

OK... here's a very simple way. You need a desktop ( or another laptop )
with a CD drive, and the appropriate adapter to temporarily use the Libretto
100's HDD in the desktop. Write down your current serial number with the
x-OEM-xx-x format.

You need a copy of the Libretto 100 recovery CD, and a boot floppy with
CD-rom drivers. Boot to the floppy, and run the recovery CD which will
format the Libretto HDD ( remember it is now temporarily in the desktop or
laptop as a c: drive ) and do a format and factory install with software,
applications and drivers just like the day it was born. Now, WITHOUT booting
the desktop or laptop to check your work, move the HDD back into the
Libretto, boot, supply your license info, and enjoy the "new" Libretto. I
did this after buying a used L100 with at least 3 different people
registered in the various junk software added. Clean, nice.

I can supply a copy of such a CD if you send me a blank CD, return postage
and good wishes.

Pres Waterman W2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Long Island Ford and Kia Dealer


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Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-14 Thread ·TechnoDragon·

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 17:33:30 -0700
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B7TechnoDragon=B7?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

>First off, look to see if there is a \windows\options\cabs directory where he
>might have placed a copy of the entire \win98 directory off the win98se cd.
>It may also be elsewhere, so search for *.cab to see if they're around.
>If they are, simply burn a copy of the entire directory to CD, and you can
>setup from that.  Also, when windows asks for the cd, simply point it to that

Not everyone has a CD-rom burner on their libretto. I do, but I'm probably
only one of a handful of people.

|   the ·TechnoDragon·   |
| |

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Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-14 Thread ·TechnoDragon·

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 17:31:39 -0700
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B7TechnoDragon=B7?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

>I just purchased a Libretto 100ct.  I want to clean the hard drive and
>be able to do a clean reinstall of Windows 98.  It has a CD-ROM (EXP
>2020).  The previous owner had loaded Win98se on the unit but I did NOT
>receive either the companion disc or the Win98 CD.  I have a Win98 CD.

Ok, there are several ways to do this, here's the way I'd do it if it were
my libretto:

1.) Here's whet to do to create a win98 bootable floppy. Fiorst format a
floppy disk with the "copy system files" option checked. This'll make the
disk bootable.
If you have installed on your desktop computer the exact same copy of
win98 (from the exact same cd) that you're gonna put on the libretto, best
do this floppy setup stuff on the desktop computer itself so that the io.sys and other files are from the same distro of 98. There
/can/ be problems from installing an older version of 98 on a system that
had a newer version without the newer version being expunged first. This
floppy being setup this way will help avoid any possible problems.
Now copy the following files from your C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ folder to the
floppy disk:


Those files should do it. You will only need the config.sys and
autoexec.bat files if you have dos versions of the cd-rom drive.

2.) Now setup the cd-rom drive to boot from the floppy. If the cd-rom drive
is a parallel port model, easier done than said. Find the necessary drivers
for DOS and install them on the floppy to load in the autoexec.bat.
If the cdrom is a pcmcia / pc-card type, this is going to be a problem.
In order to load a pcmcia device driver from dos, you'll need teh socket
services, etc, drivers for dos, and I believe that the libretto never came
with dos drivers, for any model of libretto. If the cd-rom drive is a
pcmcia type, skip to step A below.

3.) Boot from your floppy and make sure that the cd-rom drive works just
fine and can see your win98 cd.
Now, format the hard drive with a "FORMAT.EXE /S /Q". The /s makes the
hard drive bootable (very important) and the /q makes it do a quick format.
your hard drive is probably 100% good, so no need to do a full surface
format on every sector.
With your hard drive blank, copy all of the files in your cd-rom drive's
D:\WIN98 folder (not all of the sub-folders of the win98 folder, just the
files in the win98 folder itself) to the hard drive in a
C:\WINDOWS\WIN98CD\ folder. (it can be given other names, but that's the
folder I use) With all of your cab, setup, and other files needed for
install in a folder on your hard drive, you'll never need to use the win98
cd-rom disc on your libretto ever again.

4.) Now, reboot from the hard drive. (unplug the floppy and cd-rom drives)
Then run the C:\WINDOWS\WIN98CD\SETUP.EXE from the folders you created. Win
98 will now install from teh hard drive to teh hard drive. When it asks
what folder to install to, it'll say "C:\WINDOWS.000" as it's folder,
change that to C:\WINDOWS it'll ask you if you're sure because that folder
allready exists, say yes and install there.
Presto, download and install the Tosghiba Libretto files from Toshiba's
site (forgot teh url, but easy to find yourself) and you're finished.

A.) Ok, you have a pcmcia cd-rom drive.
Boot up the libretto normally into windows. Now create a folder c:\win98cd
and copy all of the files from your d:\win98 folder to it. No need to do
the sub folders, they're unneeded.

B.) Now delete all of the folders on your hard drive except for your
C:\WINDOWS and C:\WIN98CD folders. Plus delete all of the files in your C:\
folder except for:


Remember to view hidden files, or you'll only see COMMABD.COM and
non-hidden files. Those above files are all you'll need.
Now restart and press F8 on startup to boot up with the win98 menu. Select
"command prompt only" as your boot option. You may see some other errors
from missing files, ignore them, everything's gonne get nuked here in a
second anyways. :)
Type in "DELTREE WINDOWS", this'll nuke your windows folder. Now type in
"C:\WIN98CD\SETUP". Setup should now run and install the version of windows
98 that you want to have. And you'll never need your windows cd because all
of the cabs are on your hd.

This is how I'd do it, you yu can tweak the above instructions as you see
And a disclaimer: By following the above instructions, I herby absolve
myself of any errors, locked up hard drive, etc, that you may encounter. 

Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

2000-06-14 Thread David Chien

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:41:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat and reload Libretto 100ct

First off, look to see if there is a \windows\options\cabs directory where he
might have placed a copy of the entire \win98 directory off the win98se cd.

It may also be elsewhere, so search for *.cab to see if they're around.

If they are, simply burn a copy of the entire directory to CD, and you can run
setup from that.  Also, when windows asks for the cd, simply point it to that

works will all versions of win9x.


Beyond that, you can startup a command prompt and type format a: /u /s to
create an empty bootable startup disk.  You then need to copy mscdex.exe and
the required dos cd-rom drivers over, as well as modify the config.sys and
autoexec.bat files to load the cd-rom under dos.

eg. config.sys
device=mycdrom.sys /d:cdrom1

eg. autoexec.bat
mscdex.exe /d:cdrom1

There may be many more lines than above, depending on what your CD-ROM drive
needs under dos.


Easiest way once you've booted from floppy to reinstall windows is to do a full
format (format c: /u /s), then copy the entire \win98 directory from your CD to
the HD.
cd \
md \win98
cd \win98
copy d:\win98 .

(as needed, also copy the TOshiba drivers to a directory on the HD so you can
install them after w98.)

Then, run setup.exe from the HD directory to setup windows w/o having to have
the CD around anymore; this also allows you to add/remove windwos programs
later w/o the CD.

After installing W98 and the TOshiba drivers, you can install your other apps,
and set configurations as desired.  Usually takes a good 4-8 hours for a
complete ground-up setup of any system with all apps and configurations set as


Of course, if you don't use Internet Explorer like me on my home systems
(Netscape), but want the additional features of Win98, you can strip it out
with the handy 98Lite III.  One good whack and poof!, bloated Win98
turns into a tiny 120MB Win98 Lite install with all the IE components removed. 
(amazing how fast win98 runs on a 133Mhz machine & 32MB RAM after it's been
gutted of IE)

Much more stable, too, according to feedback from other 98lite users posted to
the site.  More free RAM, more free HD space, and fewer security problems, too.


d =)

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